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I have decided that would be the more appropriate platform for the Lavenderism community and this kind of spiritual content. I will post here for the next couple of days just until everyone is able to migrate over to Lemmy. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns as well. Here is the location of our new community:


Hechun is the name of the king of heaven. Unlike other titles like Allah, God, that is actually his first name given to him by a parent. The story of Hechun comes from his teenage years. Hechun was dating a goddess of magic and fertility. Her father disapproved though, and began scheming to kill him. He waited one day until Hechun snuck into the home with the goddess, and once he went to her bedroom he grabbed a bow and shot him as if he was a burglar. He jumped out of the window of the house to flee, but the goddess loved Hechun and transferred the injury to her father to save him. Her father began bleeding heavily and his blood stained the home and caused his life energy to drain from him. The goddess used the life energies from her dying father to save Hechun, because he was the younger brother of the king of heaven. They kept their affair a secret so his image would not be damaged, and their bastard child was named Biachar. Biachar is the god of the moon, who has not revealed his name before. His relation to the king of heaven allowed him to become the moon when it was time for the Earth and the planets to be formed. Before then, he lived a life of secrecy in the land of the gods and in Theocra. He was believed to be the leader of a secret society or some group of ancient magicians.


In various places around the world, the first menstruation of a girl marks their transition to womanhood. It typically lasts one week after the god of the moon shows his entire face, and ends when he begins to cover it with his mask. The goddess of the sun also plays a part in transition to womanhood because those assigned female at birth become aligned with the feminine energies of the dawn. Those who are not AFAB but desire to be female can affirm their gender through a simple ritual. Take some red liquid such as wine, cranberry juice, or some animal blood from the store and put it into a small syringe or tincture. Bring it with you into the forest while wearing a white dress or some other garment representing innocence or femininity for you. It can also be any clothing that represents transition like travel clothes or hiking gear. Find a secluded spot with good energies and leave seven drops in front of you to represent the seven days of a menstrual cycle. When you leave the forest or natural area, you will feel pubescent again and for a time, you will feel bubbly and desire relationships like a high school girl. Those who wish to be male but are not AMAB, can do a similar ritual. The logic behind this one is that the first time a male realizes they are growing up they tend to realize their own fertility, and are surprised by it the first time. For this ritual, a white liquid (usually sticky) such as milk, egg whites, or glue is used to represent the life energy fluids of men. Take a tincture of this and take it into the forest while wearing masculine clothing or expressing masculinity in any way that resonates with you. In a positive secluded spot in the forest, throw the white fluid underhand but never let your hand reach above your pelvis for this. throw is as hard as possible to represent a burst of pent up life energy. After this ritual you are a dude and you will gain increased libido, possibility to gain muscles, and those who are attracted to males will pursue you. These rites may seem distasteful or strange to those who are not pagan or who are shy about the topic, but nonetheless the rites are correct because traditionally the genders are about how a person reproduces. The social expectations and roles only come after that primitive function.


There is a lot in the news regarding children and the books that are being banned due to not being suitable for them. When you hear these class enemies screaming about “The children are being indoctrinated.” what they really mean is “You are exposing the future generation to ideas that go against the worldview I want them to have.” If we divorced gender from the issues at hand, the banned books, movies, and other content it never would have been opposed and maybe even encouraged. Much of the content that is banned would not elicit a strong reaction from anyone except a member of a modern fascist or extremist group such as the Republican party of America or those associated with neo-nazism. The reason these people are fighting so hard to stop information from flowing, is because deep down they know their ideologies will die out once the people have access to information. Unlike Nazi Germany modern rightists cannot burn books to stop people from reading them due to the internet. When the people have knowledge and education, they inevitably realize that rightism is a sick joke, and any fascist regime is an insane death cult with no redeeming qualities. They try to portray the LGBT community in various ways to make it socially acceptable to engage in hate crimes or systematically oppress their right to wardrobe and self expression. With children being exposed to an actual person from that community and understanding that they are the same as everyone else, they take away the effectiveness of alt-right propaganda in making them appear as dangerous. Once the children realize that trans people do not have horns and are not monsters, they will eventually grow up to know that the real wrong is from the majority of society which directs hatred towards those who do not line up with their social expectations regardless of whether it causes any harm to another person. And if you really cannot have the kids interact with an LGBT representative, have them sit down and talk with a landlord or a bourgeois parasite. Once they get him to talk about how he wants to make people work as hard as possible while paying them as little as he can, they will grow up to be socialists forever!


The future of people is under attack. Those who are biased towards being alive, having a future, or generally not dying in climate change, war, or genocide naturally become biased towards left wing ideas. Despite having the advantage of an accurate understanding of the facts and reality, bourgeois media creates a society of those indoctrinated into becoming class enemies or even worse, to serve in a military to actively participate in western colonialism and plundering of the world. Besides those of privilege who only support the regime through inaction or willful ignorance in a misguided attempt to survive the oppression put on them in society, there are those even more extreme reactionaries that seek to stab their own people in the back. They are mostly parasites such as landlords, banks, or large corporations that have taken control of society through corruption which is legal in bourgeois dictatorship. The preservation of the bourgeois dictatorship comes in various flavors such as liberalism, fascism, monarchy, theocracy, or whatever heinous and oppressive system they can dream up like the caste system of India or the continued existence of the United States. They continue an active genocide of those who dare to speak up against the systems that have entire populations living lives of no meaning and with none of the value they could otherwise produce for themselves. Those in the left who are true comrades understand this, but there is a subsection of non-authoritarian leftists who genuinely believe that voting in rigged elections and peacefully protesting will somehow end a brutal regime of forced labor and economic deprivation to everyone except the privileged in society. This is beyond delusion, this is ludicrous. Even besides the economic aspects of leftism, pride displays are being threatened by fascists, and the culture of LGBT and minorities are systematically destroyed through ethnocide and physical force. The left is under attack by bourgeois ideologies of society. None of us are safe from the regime and its modern equivalent of the Gestapo which operates around the word making sure that people starve and backing regimes that extract all of their resources and give them to the western world. There is no solution to capitalist exploitation except running away to a free territory, becoming a revolutionary, or overthrowing the state!


The Cube Of The Depths is an artifact of great power, and it stops the person who controls it from ever going insane (Which is useful in modern times.) but because of the difficulty of obtaining the cube of the depths, there are various other sacred cubes that deities can provide you with. They all also tend to have certain kinds of unique benefits and attributes. For example, an energy cube from the god of the moon helps your spiritual side. One from The Jade Chairman makes you more able to radicalize others, and one from The Rose Bunny helps you in your love life. Energy cubes can be formed by any deity, and if the deity you work with is unfamiliar with the concept of energy cubes, you can meditate on their energy and create one with their energies. It will appear as a normal energy cube at first, but over time you will see what attributes, colors, patterns, or symbology it ends up with. If you notice that some new gods or ancestor spirits give you energy cubes that are not overtly distinct or not as elaborate as the higher gods, it is because their energy is not unique from others. For this reason the sigil of the new gods is nine repeated squares. They’re not identical cubes, but you can tell the energy is not as distinctive as ascended gods or higher gods. The King of heaven can provide you with a celestial energy cube, but it may not be for everyone as it can be overwhelming. If you want a cube that is the most similar to the actual Cube Of The Depths, you can channel it from the energies of The God Of Fear And Hunger. Ascetic Lavenderists can also benefit from energy cubes even if they are not given by deities. Besides Nui’s energy cube, there are cubes for the energies of meditation, asceticism, mastery, moksha, and even nirvana. The energy of chakras can also be used to make energy cubes but these are only useful for adjusting or clearing your own chakras. It is redundant otherwise because you already have those energies. Reiki energies are very good for the purpose of energy cubes. To make an energy cube, simply put out your hand and envision a floating cube in it. Charge it with any mantra, meditation, or chant that you want. You can also direct the energy of a deity towards it. Absorb it back into your aura and let it sit. It is now part of you and will begin influencing your life from energy.


For this spell, visualize your aura and how far it extends. Envision a box made of energy and form something to put inside that you would like to bring into your life. It can also be something representative such as seashells, a gold nugget, or gemstones. release the box and allow it to hover around you in circles following the edge of your aura. For the next part, imagine the box multiplying itself exponentially. The item you put inside of it as well as the box itself exponentially multiply around it. Get ready for some serious shifts in your life, because there is no stopping all of these boxes from working. Eventually all of these boxes will come back together and form a comet-like light that travels around your aura, and this can be extremely overwhelming depending on how experienced you are and your power at manifesting. Once it reaches the point of a huge energy floating around you, release the energy and imagine it staying at its current position. Don’t think about it any more and do your best to get used to the huge energy shifts you will be going through. Charge this new energy with meditation, subliminals, and deity work if you feel so inclined. Reiki is good as well because it charges the energy construct that is formed from the boxes. You can allow this energy construct to keep growing once you are adjusted to its current strength. If you find yourself thinking things that contradict what you are attempting to make happen through this, allow it to grow bigger or charge it some more. If you are ever satisfied with your manifestations or want to start over, release it or bring the energy construct back into your center so it will deconstruct itself.


Modern China is a communist society and despite having completely contradictory ideology and policies to the US, which is obsessed with money and billionaire worship, the people of China have more of it and they have a population that can actually benefit from the wealth they produce instead of the single person who owns the property. A wealthy society is created through good administration and care for the masses which will allow them to achieve their potential which makes their labor even more valuable through things such as education and skills. Every person who is homeless or in prison is one less person who could be participating in the economy. Despite this, the bourgeois regime here in the US throws people in jail to profit off of their forced labor and leaves people homeless to inflate the prices of homes. It is impossible for a society to genuinely say it is wealthy when it is under a poor corrupt administration and the majority of the people are put into desperation by deliberate social policies that prevent them from being able to survive and makes them into serfs through debt and landlordism. What we see in China is the wealth that can be brought through good administration. This would be present in the DPRK and Cuba as well, but keep in mind those nations are literally war zones being genocided by the US and other imperialists. Marxism-Leninism to this day is the most advanced political ideology in the world. The difference between Marxism-Leninism and modern capitalism is the difference between feudalism and a modern republic. Marxism-Leninism is the next stage that is inevitable. It is a more futuristic and modern ideology than what the US has. For this reason when you talk to liberals who support the regime you will literally hear similar arguments as those living in modern monarchies and theocracies. “It’s always been like this.” “Monarchy isn’t going anywhere.” “Not having a king is idealist.” These people genuinely cannot imagine advancing to the next system of government and the increased freedom, opportunities, and development that would come with that because they’ve been conditioned to love their oppressor and try to advance under a caste system rather than resist it. The reason I bring this up is because so many communists see wealth or money as incomparable with communism. When you are associating wealth with capitalism, you are actually falling for the propaganda that capitalist society produces wealth and communism does not. The entire bourgeois dictatorship world is a slum for anyone who is not a bourgeois. In reality, the corruption and poverty we see in the United States are the direct product of private ownership and decades of corruption, poor administration, and in many cases even direct genocide of certain groups of people. When you think of money or wealth, we should all be thinking of Yuan. I bring this up because I notice when the topic comes up about wealth, so many communists think it’s evil or immoral. Wealth is not inherently good or bad, but the absence of wealth is an issue that is deliberately made to get people in bourgeois regimes to work for pennies. When you understand that socialists and communists who take the time to plan economies and care for the citizenry of their nations, the wealth of China can also become yours. It was never a competition of money that one person can hoard, it was a competition of the functioning of society and the standard of living for every member of that society. For this reason those under bourgeois dictatorships know nothing except poverty, homelessness, and the very idea of becoming wealthy is associated in their minds of becoming those class enemies that look over society and use their wealth to oppress the masses.


If you have ever worn glasses, you have probably dealt with shady and untrustworthy optometrists. Besides all glasses in the US being owned by a simple monopoly in Italy that makes you have to pay to see, most of the time people in the US are given glasses when they do not need to have them. These are people like me who are born with perfect vision but have it degrade over time due to excess screen time and time spent mostly indoors. I am not claiming to have a magical solution to computer-induced nearsightedness, but the science suggests that the only issue in this case is that your eyes are tense from constantly focusing on close objects, and the muscles in your eye that control your pupil are not able to relax, so the pupil can become thinner and direct light to the back of your eye which is what happens for people with perfect vision. The problem is muscles in your eye, and if you use subliminals for vision or spend time outdoors in places with sunlight, you will realize that you begin seeing clearer and clearer. If you were born with myopia, it is possible you have an elongated eyeball and in that case you would really need glasses. In places like Russia they will not even prescribe glasses for people who do not have a certain threshold of vision, because they will cause your problem to get worse. When you are looking for glasses, keep in mind the extreme bias provided to everyone involved in the process due to material gains from getting everyone prescribed glasses.


The Black Fox was a fox, or sometimes a wolf that was domesticated by humanity. When the time came for his family to die, he was ordered as their guardian spirit to guide them to the land of the dead by the celestial bureaucracy. However, he refused and instead guided his family to the land of paradise. This angered the celestial judges who decided the fate of souls upon their death, but the great spirit noticed that the black fox could notice things that observing celestial people could not. He was able to smell the karma of people and hand out judgements with impressive accuracy than the judgment department could. The celestial bureaucracy called on the king of heaven to punish The Black Fox for what he had done, but instead he thought the fox was better suited for their job than the entire department which clogged up the celestial bureaucracy with countless paperwork and made biased decisions. He immediately fired the entire department of celestial judgment, and their building was expelled from the sky realm down to the underworld, where they were sent to be retired. The Black Fox was chosen as the new judge of souls, and people who were born were assigned with a shadow that could provide a clear image of their karma for when it was time to make a judgment, and those with good karma would be born into better lives or ascend further, while those with bad karma would be sent to correct it either through cleansing or punishment if their negative karma exceeded the threshold of what could be overlooked. When the owls of the celestial realm looked through the department’s files, the celestial accountants were able to deduce that bribery and unreported income was rampant in the celestial bureaucracy. This caused the other gods to finally accept the actions of The Black Fox, and it was shown to them why the King of Heaven had decided to put him in charge of death.


In the beginning of time, the sun and the moon shared the sky. The people lived in a perpetual state of eclipse where the sun and the moon looked down on them side by side, and never rotated. However, the god of the moon became frustrated with the sun goddess as he was not able to shine as brightly as her, and many looked at the god of the moon as just an accessory to the sky during the day, and not acknowledging him as a grand celestial body. He became very jealous of the maiden made of light in the sky, and decided to play a joke on her. The god of the moon came down to Earth and picked up all the stray animals he could carry, and called upon Shiawase-no-kami to bring him cats. He called upon the god of death to bring him stray dogs, and he called upon other spirits to set up his elaborate scheme to scare away the goddess of the sun. When the time came that the moon planned to execute his scheme, he pulled a lever to allow all of the dogs and cats he had gathered to fall on top of the sun while she stood in the sky over the Earth. However, he was surprised to see that the stray animals had been replaced with bunnies. Shiawase-no-kami had informed the sun goddess about what was happening, and she was able to turn the moon’s scheme against him. The bunnies were drawn to the energy of the moon, and in running away he fled to the other side of the cosmos to try and outrun them. For this reason there are bunnies on the moon, and the polarity caused the planets to sky to begin spinning, with alternating cycles of day and night for the god that was currently in charge of the sky.


The Wikipedia definition of Science (loosely) is a system that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the world. Science itself is good and is the root of human progress. However we must contextualize everything. In the modern US, the regime desires to sell products and defend the class interests of their corporations, so products that cause disease or harm the environment have studies biased to show whatever they wish to make the population believe. Scientific studies may be routinely done in ways that are credible, but what happens is that those same studies are run over and over until the results shown match whatever lines up with the bias of the contracting entity that commissioned the studies. If you study alternative medicine, you will see that there is a kind of logic behind what they are practicing, although admittedly this logic is not secular science. Even within this religious group some things are difficult to verify through methods of secular science like the third eye or the ability to see spirits and gods. For that same reason arguing it is not productive and completely based on theological arguments. This puts it into a weird position like, believe it if you want to. However, I wouldn’t put these kinds of things into the same category of anti-science such as flat earth or reactionary ideas such as what evil people use to justify their crimes. It’s kind of like folk remedies that we can’t really explain but for some reason are sometimes effective. Modern people are in a strange position where science exists only to benefit the interests of the working class. We might get a cure for cancer but most would not be able to afford it. We might get a cure for HIV and other terminal illnesses, but the cost of the healthcare system will already have people in debt before they benefit from them. How are we supposed to base our entire worldview on information that comes from a regime that won’t cure your cancer unless you are a millionaire? That is if you even got a decent education, as many people can’t in this country. What they receive instead is mental conditioning. I would write a paragraph about how socialism is a science but you guys are comrades so you already know that. Most of the crazy things people believe these days come from social media. It is why misinformation disproportionately affects those who use the internet. Those who use it too little only get mainstream ideas from news, and those who use it too much are flooded with more information than can be checked, then they end up in communities like the flat earth society or HIV denialism. Once their identity is formed around believing in a delusion, forget about ever bringing them to reality.


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Your wallet has a physical weight that may or may not correlate to how much wealth it is actually carrying. However, stuffing your wallet with many small bills, cards, coins, or even non-money items such as mints or filling the secret compartments with protection can cause it to become heavy and signal wealth to your unconscious mind. Put anything inside of your wallet you want to manifest, and then charge it with the energies of Mammon to cause it to manifest whatever you put inside of it. While you are at home or in a space conducive, grab your wallet and say “I charge this wallet with the energies of Lord Mammon, and it will manifest the same of whatever I put inside of it.” Say his enn (Tasa Mammon On Ca Lirach) afterwards to call on his energy and allow the energies to flow into the physical wallet. Reiki and mantras for charging also help. This will cause it to manifest passively but you can always go back and charge your wallet some more. It helps to put bay leaves or other magic boosting items like gemstones, cards, or lottery tickets in your wallet in order to boost the power of the ritual. If you do not feel that you want to use the energies of Mammon, use the energies of Lucifuge, Clauneck, or if you don’t want a demon involved you can use a manifest wealth reiki to charge your wallet. You can boost this with similar energies that you used to charge your wallet or reiki in general. You can recharge it as often as you wish. You can attune yourself to wealth energies outside of this as well to improve your situation.


Body integrity is the basic idea that every person has the right to autonomy to their physical body as well as keeping it in its natural state, and free of harm, maiming or pain. This means that any inhumane punishment such as torture, removal of organs, or any other body modification must be done with the consent of a person and never through coercion or as punishment for any crime, real or imagined. It also means that any crime against another person that is done to harm, maim, or damage them physically is against the principle of body integrity. Body integrity does not necessarily mean immunity to the death penalty, but rather that the death penalty is the only form of legal punishment a person can face as opposed to anything which would be cruel or extreme. In modern countries there are various violations of body integrity. The US has circumcision of their youth, and in parts of Africa and the middle east there are unspeakable violations of body integrity against the women. Under the principles of body integrity, any crime should be punished with established methods and not in ways that violate a person’s right to their own body. Violence against children and corporal punishment are also things that violate the principles of body integrity as it constitutes striking another person physically in an attempt to deliberately cause them pain and suffering. The worst offenders would be nations practicing sharia law as well as Singapore with caning. Taking this a step further, those who lose limbs or are disabled and require wheelchairs should have them provided to them by the state. If someone requires a wheelchair to be mobile due to their legs not functioning, their wheelchair should be considered a part of their body for legal purposes and any attempt to damage a wheelchair, cane, or prosthetic limb should be considered assault of a person’s physical body. These articles should also not be privately for sale as this would create a disparity between the disabled people who can afford them and those who cannot. Organ donations and similar issues relating to the medical problems they would cause are difficult topics for body integrity. However, body integrity should be considered as something meant to benefit those who are alive. Prisoners who are executed and those who have become braindead should be able to have their organs donated as well as voluntary organ donors who die of other causes. This ensures that there are no shortages of organs for those who have treatable diseases or failure of their organs. Per principles of bodily integrity, healthcare and other necessary health interventions to keep yourself alive and healthy should be covered under a universal healthcare provided by the state at no cost to the consumer. Shelter and other necessities should also be provided to prevent starvation or other treatable deaths.


The Cobalt Sun is rarely spoken about and only has a single mention in all of Lavenderism, but she actually originates in the ancient city of Theocra. Before the current king of heaven was the king of Theocra, his older brother was the ruler of Theocra and therefore all of existence. We cannot know how much time passed before existence, because the Theocraese lived for an eternity with no hunger or needs, and therefore had no interest in concepts such as time or days. The king of Theocra before the current ruler of tian was an old man who married a young woman by the name of Darlanna. Darlanna was ambitious as she was a goddess of lust and thought she would be able to control the king if she broke through his celibate and ascetic nature. She had three children with him, but eventually she realized none would ascend to the throne of Theocra because the king was immortal. She began plotting to murder the king of Theocra and eventually injected him with toxic energy from an astral parasite she illegally smuggled into the city of Theocra. The first king of Theocra died when he was killed by Darlanna, and his soul ascended up from the city to become the essence of Moksha at the highest level of existence. Without his energies to maintain the city, the glass dome broke and the water filled the infinite void outside of the city of light. For the first time ever, water fell into the cosmos after the big bang. His older brother ascended the throne after Darlanna’s eldest daughter refused, and he became the king of Tian. Because the city fell to the bottom of existence, he created a new plane made of light energy for the people to live. Those that stayed on his level became celestial people. Those that did not make it were put into a great slumber until the city of Theocra was re-awakened by The Mushroom God in 2023. Darlanna had been banished to the land of dead spirits, and the Theocraese language was taken from her so she could no longer use it to manifest her desires into reality. She leaped into the dark oceans of hell to hide herself in shame, but the king of heaven turned her into the blue sun of hell so she would have to be put into the spotlight of all who visit the land of dead spirits. The dead people, dogs, and cats would all look up to the blue sun of hell, and she would feel them looking at her to remind her of the high treason she had committed against the ruler of all of existence.


Dr. Phil recently had an episode of microdosing where no insightful opinions or historical information was presented. It was basically an hour of nothing. No mention of how Nixon criminalized it just to persecute dissidents, or how it has religious significance in many societies that are indigenous to the US. The discussion around psilocybin came from a boomer perspective and ultimately failed to say anything knowledgeable. It made me question why Oprah even made this man a doctor. They kept speaking about psilocybin as if it fell down from an alien spaceship yesterday and was completely unknown to humanity, despite the history we have about it going back thousands of years. And of course they brought in an agent from the DEA to give the obligatory statements about it being a slippery slope to the dangerous drugs. I get annoyed because before you get on television to talk about something, you should understand it. When the mainstream media speaks about something, they bring in people with various opinions rather than those who are knowledgeable about the subject. They find people who are biased in obvious ways and give them a platform over those who have actual knowledge and experience. This is very liberal in the way they do not question who should be given a platform regardless of knowledge or expertise on a subject. This is not intentional, and the reason they bring anyone on television except for people who know what they are actually talking about is just to make the viewer feel that they are being informed on issues while not allowing them the actual capacity to make informed decisions. It is meant to promote reactionary worldviews and keep the masses ignorant.


Totemic personas are not the same as Native American totems or the new age spirit animals. A Totemic Persona is different from spirit guides because just like the old definition for a persona, it is a mask put on by your soul to develop specific traits that you want to portray. Actors would use these masks to portray characters in theater, and when you have a persona in Lavenderism, it is a mask you put on in the astral planes to attune to that animal. Because your persona is a deliberate decision by you to decide what animal you want the characteristics of, ideas from Native American totemism or New Age totemism don’t necessarily apply. It would still be technically correct to refer to your spirit name as a totemic one because it is symbolic, although this may give some people the misconception that it is a Native American practice. However, in order to better understand a certain persona, you can seek information from sources that resonate with you, even cultural associations such as owls with wisdom or foxes with cunning will work. Whatever your idea is about adopting a Persona, it should fit with your higher purpose and true will and not be about a short term goal such as adopting a spider persona to shoplift or becoming a bunny mask to seduce a person. Because your totemic persona is a deliberate choice you make in your spirituality, you can actually change it as much as you would like. However, keep in mind that changing your persona too quickly is like switching schools too quickly, because then you learn nothing from each one before going to the next. The more you learn from your totemic persona, the more you will connect to that animal spiritually. As an owl persona myself, hearing the owl in stores or in forests is a spiritual experience. When I was in the deer persona due to possession from the god of smoke, I had similar experiences from seeing deer and doe. It all comes down to connecting to the animal you choose as your mask. If you desire it, you may also get changes in your astral body that make you more similar to your persona such as antlers, feathers, webbed feet, or whatever else you desire.


A shadow partner is not really a partner, because that would mean you have created a Tulpa that acts independently from you and may decide to harm you or leave you. A shadow partner is a construct you attach to yourself, usually from behind that repeats any actions you do on the spiritual level. The benefit of a shadow partner is that when manifesting, praying, or interacting with others your actions will be more profound since they are all done twice. With a shadow partner, link it to both your astral body and higher self. Do not form it too much to the point where it becomes sentient. Ideally, you would want to tap into the shadow self and create one from those energies so the shadow partner cannot become separate from you. However you will need to deal with the whispering from your shadow partner about the repressed desires you have such as murder or other acts which are not acceptable in modern society. For best results in forming a shadow self, listen to a mantra or call upon your own shadow self while doing it. You do not need to attach your chakras to a shadow partner, but your third eye is what keeps it attached to you from behind. This trains your third eye which is good, but you may also have trouble maintaining it on some days. You will feel as if you have another body or a mirror image behind you, and that means your shadow partner is successfully operating. The feeling goes away and you get used to it in about an hour or so, but the shadow continues doubling your actions so long as it serves your higher purpose (Assuming you linked the shadow partner to the higher self)


The Rose Bunny was a concubine in the kingdom of Tungning. She was a concubine of Zheng Kezang who is not documented extensively through history and a very valued concubine in the ruler’s harem. Her true lover was a boy working in the stable named Wang, who she had known ever since they were children. The emperor was too young for her and she could not bring herself to develop emotions for him like she did his father. She would eventually become impregnated by Wang and began making plans to pass off the baby as that of the emperor, but she was caught by one of his admirals who had been practicing strange rituals. He outed her scheme to superiors who would allow him to make her disappear without questions, and then threw her into a pit of silkworms where various deities were sealed away. Her yearning to see her lover directed the energies inside of the pit towards love energies that transformed her into the goddess we know today. When The Rose Bunny became a goddess, what she regretted most was not being able to grow old with Wang or show him his child. His child was born to her in the form of a goddess and therefore was invisible to him until his death. Her lover had broken free from the cycles of life which was bittersweet because she could not go with him.