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Principles Of Body Integrity

Body integrity is the basic idea that every person has the right to autonomy to their physical body as well as keeping it in its natural state, and free of harm, maiming or pain. This means that any inhumane punishment such as torture, removal of organs, or any other body modification must be done with the consent of a person and never through coercion or as punishment for any crime, real or imagined. It also means that any crime against another person that is done to harm, maim, or damage them physically is against the principle of body integrity. Body integrity does not necessarily mean immunity to the death penalty, but rather that the death penalty is the only form of legal punishment a person can face as opposed to anything which would be cruel or extreme.

In modern countries there are various violations of body integrity. The US has circumcision of their youth, and in parts of Africa and the middle east there are unspeakable violations of body integrity against the women. Under the principles of body integrity, any crime should be punished with established methods and not in ways that violate a person’s right to their own body. Violence against children and corporal punishment are also things that violate the principles of body integrity as it constitutes striking another person physically in an attempt to deliberately cause them pain and suffering. The worst offenders would be nations practicing sharia law as well as Singapore with caning.

Taking this a step further, those who lose limbs or are disabled and require wheelchairs should have them provided to them by the state. If someone requires a wheelchair to be mobile due to their legs not functioning, their wheelchair should be considered a part of their body for legal purposes and any attempt to damage a wheelchair, cane, or prosthetic limb should be considered assault of a person’s physical body. These articles should also not be privately for sale as this would create a disparity between the disabled people who can afford them and those who cannot.

Organ donations and similar issues relating to the medical problems they would cause are difficult topics for body integrity. However, body integrity should be considered as something meant to benefit those who are alive. Prisoners who are executed and those who have become braindead should be able to have their organs donated as well as voluntary organ donors who die of other causes. This ensures that there are no shortages of organs for those who have treatable diseases or failure of their organs. Per principles of bodily integrity, healthcare and other necessary health interventions to keep yourself alive and healthy should be covered under a universal healthcare provided by the state at no cost to the consumer. Shelter and other necessities should also be provided to prevent starvation or other treatable deaths.

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