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Newsletter 05/15/2023 - Understanding How Modern People Relate To Science

The Wikipedia definition of Science (loosely) is a system that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the world. Science itself is good and is the root of human progress. However we must contextualize everything. In the modern US, the regime desires to sell products and defend the class interests of their corporations, so products that cause disease or harm the environment have studies biased to show whatever they wish to make the population believe. Scientific studies may be routinely done in ways that are credible, but what happens is that those same studies are run over and over until the results shown match whatever lines up with the bias of the contracting entity that commissioned the studies.

If you study alternative medicine, you will see that there is a kind of logic behind what they are practicing, although admittedly this logic is not secular science. Even within this religious group some things are difficult to verify through methods of secular science like the third eye or the ability to see spirits and gods. For that same reason arguing it is not productive and completely based on theological arguments. This puts it into a weird position like, believe it if you want to.

However, I wouldn’t put these kinds of things into the same category of anti-science such as flat earth or reactionary ideas such as what evil people use to justify their crimes. It’s kind of like folk remedies that we can’t really explain but for some reason are sometimes effective.

Modern people are in a strange position where science exists only to benefit the interests of the working class. We might get a cure for cancer but most would not be able to afford it. We might get a cure for HIV and other terminal illnesses, but the cost of the healthcare system will already have people in debt before they benefit from them. How are we supposed to base our entire worldview on information that comes from a regime that won’t cure your cancer unless you are a millionaire? That is if you even got a decent education, as many people can’t in this country. What they receive instead is mental conditioning.

I would write a paragraph about how socialism is a science but you guys are comrades so you already know that.

Most of the crazy things people believe these days come from social media. It is why misinformation disproportionately affects those who use the internet. Those who use it too little only get mainstream ideas from news, and those who use it too much are flooded with more information than can be checked, then they end up in communities like the flat earth society or HIV denialism. Once their identity is formed around believing in a delusion, forget about ever bringing them to reality.

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