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Totemic Personas

Totemic personas are not the same as Native American totems or the new age spirit animals. A Totemic Persona is different from spirit guides because just like the old definition for a persona, it is a mask put on by your soul to develop specific traits that you want to portray. Actors would use these masks to portray characters in theater, and when you have a persona in Lavenderism, it is a mask you put on in the astral planes to attune to that animal. Because your persona is a deliberate decision by you to decide what animal you want the characteristics of, ideas from Native American totemism or New Age totemism don’t necessarily apply.

It would still be technically correct to refer to your spirit name as a totemic one because it is symbolic, although this may give some people the misconception that it is a Native American practice. However, in order to better understand a certain persona, you can seek information from sources that resonate with you, even cultural associations such as owls with wisdom or foxes with cunning will work. Whatever your idea is about adopting a Persona, it should fit with your higher purpose and true will and not be about a short term goal such as adopting a spider persona to shoplift or becoming a bunny mask to seduce a person.

Because your totemic persona is a deliberate choice you make in your spirituality, you can actually change it as much as you would like. However, keep in mind that changing your persona too quickly is like switching schools too quickly, because then you learn nothing from each one before going to the next.

The more you learn from your totemic persona, the more you will connect to that animal spiritually. As an owl persona myself, hearing the owl in stores or in forests is a spiritual experience. When I was in the deer persona due to possession from the god of smoke, I had similar experiences from seeing deer and doe. It all comes down to connecting to the animal you choose as your mask. If you desire it, you may also get changes in your astral body that make you more similar to your persona such as antlers, feathers, webbed feet, or whatever else you desire.

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