Why I Support Population Collapse And Antinatalism
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl Now 100%

    In regards to the reports, I will just keep this up to explain what I actually meant since this is getting a lot of backlash and being labelled as reactionary.

  • Why I Support Population Collapse And Antinatalism
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl Now 100%

    just gift cards and things, and education about how anyone born under capitalism will just provide taxes and labor to the regime and have no opportunities.

    Also I was not expecting the entire lemmygrad instance to ban me from my own community over this. I am basically saying population collapse would destroy the United States.

  • Why I Support Population Collapse And Antinatalism
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl Now 100%
    1. Local blood donation centers give twenty dollar gift cards for blood donations, and I think if I was female or trans with functioning ovaries and got pregnant, that would be enough encouragement to get an abortion especially if it makes more sense economically to not have children.
    2. No. But at the same time the reason I would say to do it like this is because coercion or forceful methods of population control would be abusive, reactionary, and ideologically adventurist.
    3. That is a part of it but in that story it was more done to punish the different provinces of the country for rebelling against the capital, so it was never done with benevolence towards the citizens or with the best intentions of humanity in mind.
  • Why I Support Population Collapse And Antinatalism
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl Now 100%

    It would all depend on fundraising and the amount of people getting abortions. We would be able to budget it out based on predictions with high funds translating to better rewards for getting abortions.

  • Why I Support Population Collapse And Antinatalism
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl Now 100%

    I did not say they should be bullied. I said that people should be encouraged not to have children so the population can collapse and the US can fail.

  • Veganism is the idea generally that humans should do their best to live without animal products. Some may ideologically believe animals deserve complete autonomy and separation from humans, while some may believe that in the society we currently live in, there is no ethical way to consume animal products because modern factory farming is egregiously brutal. In the United States, animals are sadistically tortured in the name of science or animal products. They are cut open, have parts amputated while alive, or are force fed to the point they are obese and their legs break. Many comrades would agree that animals are an exploited form of life, even if they cannot be called a class since they are unable to articulate their experiences or a class identity. One of the largest issues with veganism is the extremist mentalities of some participants on the internet. There are stories of vegans being put into positions where they have nothing to eat but eggs, such as in a hospital setting. They receive death threats or harassment, which is more likely to make them leave the lifestyle. It also seems to reflect neoliberal ideas where everything is blamed on the individual regardless of material conditions that caused them to go against their diet such as lack of availability or economic reasons out of their control. In the third world where people do not have the privilege to always choose vegan or vegetarian meals, they need to eat meat to meet their food requirements. This is rejected by vegans in the first world and a person would be demonized by some people for not having a completely pure diet, making them less likely to become vegan and continue down the path of reducing animal harm. As an Ecomaoist, I do not personally believe that humans and animals must be segregated and exist completely independently of each other. Animals such as sheep or cows are actually good for the environment, make good companions, neighbors, and can be shepherded around to maintain the environment through their grazing and manure patterns. Secondary products such as their milk or their fur could also be harvested humanely in such a situation, which would fix the ethical dilemma associated with such products. Modern factory farming is not only wrong for the torture animals are put through, but the animals in factories are not able to help improve their local environment through grazing and spreading of manure. This contributes to desertification and the loss of minerals from the environment over time. In a situation where animal cruelty is not a problem, a vegan lifestyle can still be beneficial for the planet and efficiency of the world’s resources for feeding the population.


    Veganism is the idea generally that humans should do their best to live without animal products. Some may ideologically believe animals deserve complete autonomy and separation from humans, while some may believe that in the society we currently live in, there is no ethical way to consume animal products because modern factory farming is egregiously brutal. In the United States, animals are sadistically tortured in the name of science or animal products. They are cut open, have parts amputated while alive, or are force fed to the point they are obese and their legs break. Many comrades would agree that animals are an exploited form of life, even if they cannot be called a class since they are unable to articulate their experiences or a class identity. One of the largest issues with veganism is the extremist mentalities of some participants on the internet. There are stories of vegans being put into positions where they have nothing to eat but eggs, such as in a hospital setting. They receive death threats or harassment, which is more likely to make them leave the lifestyle. It also seems to reflect neoliberal ideas where everything is blamed on the individual regardless of material conditions that caused them to go against their diet such as lack of availability or economic reasons out of their control. In the third world where people do not have the privilege to always choose vegan or vegetarian meals, they need to eat meat to meet their food requirements. This is rejected by vegans in the first world and a person would be demonized by some people for not having a completely pure diet, making them less likely to become vegan and continue down the path of reducing animal harm. As an Ecomaoist, I do not personally believe that humans and animals must be segregated and exist completely independently of each other. Animals such as sheep or cows are actually good for the environment, make good companions, neighbors, and can be shepherded around to maintain the environment through their grazing and manure patterns. Secondary products such as their milk or their fur could also be harvested humanely in such a situation, which would fix the ethical dilemma associated with such products. Modern factory farming is not only wrong for the torture animals are put through, but the animals in factories are not able to help improve their local environment through grazing and spreading of manure. This contributes to desertification and the loss of minerals from the environment over time. In a situation where animal cruelty is not a problem, a vegan lifestyle can still be beneficial for the planet and efficiency of the world’s resources for feeding the population.


    When the tigers used to smoke, there was a small tribe deep in the forests of what is now the United Kingdom. They were extremely remote and had no neighbors except for some fairies. They lived peacefully alongside them for decades, until one day some malicious fairies realized they had become a lot stronger than the humans, and began kidnapping them as well as inflicting other cruelties on the human tribe. They called upon the god of the moon, and he sang a song that caused a flaming meteor of iron to fall from the sky and in the forest near the tribe. They found the meteor and turned it into iron. They used the iron to make armor, and this protected them from evil fairies although it was not enough. The God of Fear And Hunger noticed what was going on, and told them the secret of iron. Iron was able to kill the fairies, and when told this they made metal rods they used to beat down the evil fairies that came to kidnap them or kill them. They bashed the heads of countless evil fairies. Most were out of defense, but some were in anger which caused the fairies to move to another dimension away from humanity.


    El ritual empieza con una baile y llamadas por el espíritu en que la gente quiere peticionar. Se dice el enn de el demonio para llamarle la atención si tienen uno, y se llaman a venir desde Pandemonium, El Infierno, o de donde sea. Cuando los demonios vienen, ellos poseen el cuerpo de un exorcista, y usan el cuerpo de la persona para interactuar con los participantes. En este momento pueden dar ofrendas al espíritu o peticionar para ayuda o bendiciones. Cuando el ritual se termina, el espíritu se va del cuerpo del exorcista y regresa al infierno. The ritual starts with a dance and calling for the spirit the people want to petition. The enn of the demon is said to call their attention if they have one, and they are called to come from Pandemonium, Hell, Or wherever else. They possess the body of the exorcist, and use their body to interact with the other participants in the ritual. This is when they can be given offerings or petitions for help or blessings. When the ritual is over, the spirit leaves the body of the exorcist and returns to hell.


    Many loans, especially student loans, are annoying and will not resolve themselves until a certificate of death is acquired. Unless you have a near-death experience where you are dead for a few minutes before coming back to life, you would most likely be considered to be engaging in fraud if you claimed to be dead to escape debt. However, the god of death has a lot of lawyers and can provide us a solution to this. You would be considered “Spiritually Dead” by those of us who practice Lavenderism which means you are considered otherworldly and a ghost with a physical body, which is not technically alive in the official paperwork of the gods. The difference between being legally dead and spiritually dead, is that being spiritually dead means paperwork in the spiritual world considers you to be dead as opposed to paperwork here by the governments of the land of the living. Being considered spiritually dead also allows you to practice necromancy and perform certain rituals easier, at the cost of feeling out of place in the land of the living, thinking about your own death more often, and maybe having higher dark triad traits or psychopathic symptoms. For this ritual, call upon any deity that is associated with death. The Black Fox is the obvious choice, but you can call upon The White Fox, Baron Blackjack, Maman Meche, The Drowned God, or The God Of Fear And Hunger. You say the following; “Oh gods of death I want to be considered spiritually dead by the governments of the underworld. I will be allowed through the gates of hell by the border guards easily, I will be able to speak to the dead, and I will be immune to any kind of debt from the land of the living! I am spiritually dead, but what is dead may never die!” This ritual is associated with The Black Fox but is made possible due to influence from The Drowned God.

    Why Is Everyone Trying To Assassinate Certain Politicians?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl Now 100%

    I think that could be a part of it. Project 2025 and the things he is planning are so heinous, it's not surprising everyone wants to kill him especially with that kind of question in their minds.

  • Why Is Everyone Trying To Assassinate Certain Politicians?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl Now 100%

    I'm saying they know they are oppressed, but they cannot articulate the details and understand all the complexities behind it because they are not using Marxist analysis or dialectical materialism.

  • How Vietnam teaches Palestine to Fight Invaders
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl Now 50%

    I really wish China was helping out militarily these days. If the US comrades had 320K Chinese fighting alongside us we would not be in such a mess today.

  • Why I Would Personally Drive A Tank Through Tiananmen Square
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl Now 100%

    I am a hierarchist, because I know it's possible to put the working class on the top, and I'm not scared to do whatever it takes to put us there.

  • What is it like to be dead?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl Now 100%

    That would be interesting. I imagine that if humans respawned after death it would feel like being knocked out with some people having amnesia or dreams between, unless it was so instant that there would be no experience between.

  • If You Are Truly Revolutionary, The CIA Wants To Kill You
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl Now 66%

    Do you believe that the systems we have are for the benefit of anyone besides the ruling classes of the US? Are you comfortable enough that you do not actually care about the systemic injustices people experience under such a system? Regardless, Xi and Putin are not going to bring us liberation or they would be supplying free weapons and training to revolutionaries. The only countries that still do that these days are Cuba and the DPRK, and they only do that if you go to them and seek it out on your own, since they are ideologically anti-imperialist.

    And if you really do want an example of Russia wanting to cause chaos in the west, look up Black Hammer, that group that was infamous for claiming to be socialist while hating Anne Frank.

  • What is it like to be dead?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl Now 50%

    That seems surreal because bananas have so much fiber. I guess the experience is just beyond what we would expect.

  • What is it like to be dead?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl Now 50%

    That sounds very unpleasant, but I think due to rigor mortis and the gas that a corpse produces some ghosts may feel bloated or stiff if they are still connected to their old bodies. It probably feels like constipation all over their body.

  • What is it like to be dead?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl Now 17%

    I feel that I have a vague idea about what that was like but I wish it was possible to have pictures or videos from that time so people can have a clear idea.

  • What is it like to be dead?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl Now 30%

    I see what you mean. I guess I've experienced similar while blacking out or being knocked out and not remembering so this helps to understand it.

  • Where Can US Citizens Get Refugee Status In 2024?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl Now 100%

    I see socialism the same way people living under monarchies or feudalism saw modern republics. They might not be perfect and they might change a lot about how society operates, but they seem to be a lot more advanced and progressive than the systems the world currently has. Songbun sounds rough for some but I don't see a socialist nation having anything resembling an actual caste system. Even if Songbun is replaced with goodness as a measure of how privileged you are in life, the society has to come to reasonable ideas about what is good and what is bad.

  • Where Can US Citizens Get Refugee Status In 2024?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl Now 100%

    Kim Jong Un may have more money than the average DPRK citizen, but their economic and political systems would be very alien to us and I don't think we could apply the same ideas to their country that develop here. If we're talking about strictly Marxism then the DPRK does not have a bourgeois class because the means of production are owned by the state.

    People that do not support socialism argue that the state becomes a new elite, but their leadership can be revoked at any time and their leaders would not get away with the nonsense that they can here in occupied turtle island.

    I looked into Songbun and I guess this is what you wanted me to see? It says that there is no way for an individual to know their own songbun, so I am not sure exactly how such a system would be known to exist. The sources are literally the CIA and human rights organizations based in the United States, a country wants to destroy and enslave Korea. I don't think DPRK is perfect, but the information we get from Korean sources gives a lot less of an unhinged idea of what that place is like.

  • Where Can US Citizens Get Refugee Status In 2024?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl Now 100%

    The social classes in Marxism Leninism are the proletariat who work and the bourgeoisie who parasitically gain wealth by owning property where the proletariat must work. You move between them by owning property or losing it.

    The privilege of the bourgeoisie in America is immense. They control the news, the government, elections, and even get to change or make laws if they have enough money to legally bribe the politicians AKA lobbying. The proletariat are not granted privileges.

  • Where Can US Citizens Get Refugee Status In 2024?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl Now 100%

    In a socialist society, it is believed that the working class is already in control of society, and they look at America with police violence towards ethnic minorities and homelessness. They are too kind to say this to American tourists, but they find the whole of choosing to live under American systems as opposed to theirs just completely insane. Many defectors even go back after seeing the hellish conditions of capitalist Korea. The people of Korea understand that their system is designed for their social class, and the fact that all of these elections and voting doesn't change anything anyway does not help the case for liberalism.

    There is discussion in the DPRK and people are allowed to think whatever they want, but in a system where the people already control the economy, why would they advocate ayn-rand style tyranny by corporations like we have In the US? No logical person would even conceive of supporting rightism or privatizing the country's economy in a democratic society where they are educated on class struggle and their class positions.

  • CharmingOwl Now
    1.3K 102

    Charming Owl

    CharmingOwl@ lemmy.ml