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Newsletter 05/28/2022 - Why People Want To Control The Minds Of Children

There is a lot in the news regarding children and the books that are being banned due to not being suitable for them. When you hear these class enemies screaming about “The children are being indoctrinated.” what they really mean is “You are exposing the future generation to ideas that go against the worldview I want them to have.” If we divorced gender from the issues at hand, the banned books, movies, and other content it never would have been opposed and maybe even encouraged. Much of the content that is banned would not elicit a strong reaction from anyone except a member of a modern fascist or extremist group such as the Republican party of America or those associated with neo-nazism.

The reason these people are fighting so hard to stop information from flowing, is because deep down they know their ideologies will die out once the people have access to information. Unlike Nazi Germany modern rightists cannot burn books to stop people from reading them due to the internet. When the people have knowledge and education, they inevitably realize that rightism is a sick joke, and any fascist regime is an insane death cult with no redeeming qualities. They try to portray the LGBT community in various ways to make it socially acceptable to engage in hate crimes or systematically oppress their right to wardrobe and self expression. With children being exposed to an actual person from that community and understanding that they are the same as everyone else, they take away the effectiveness of alt-right propaganda in making them appear as dangerous. Once the children realize that trans people do not have horns and are not monsters, they will eventually grow up to know that the real wrong is from the majority of society which directs hatred towards those who do not line up with their social expectations regardless of whether it causes any harm to another person.

And if you really cannot have the kids interact with an LGBT representative, have them sit down and talk with a landlord or a bourgeois parasite. Once they get him to talk about how he wants to make people work as hard as possible while paying them as little as he can, they will grow up to be socialists forever!

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