It's apparently impossible to order something from the Belgian Amazon site to have it shipped to the US. Is this true, and is it true for every non-US Amazon site?
  • th3dogcow th3dogcow Now 100%

    Does the aftershave contain alcohol? There are usually shipping restrictions on things like perfume because of this.

  • Deuces
  • th3dogcow th3dogcow Now 100%

    I’ve had companies write clauses in their employee manual which states you must apply and get approval for using your paid vacation days a month in advance. When you sign the contract, you agree to these rules.

    The thing is, where I live, there is no requirement to receive approval, and you really only need to give one day of notice (which has precedent in court). The use of these days off if the employee’s legal right.

    The really shitty thing is that companies can legally write illegal clauses in their contracts, they just can’t enforce them. However, if an employee is young and doesn’t know their rights, they will just follow the rules blindly (I know I did).

    Also, leave only accumulated for two years here, so you have to use it or lose it.

    So the moral of the story is to educate yourself on your local labor laws.

  • Has anyone ever seen a "10A" USB-C cable and can tell what their purpose is?
  • th3dogcow th3dogcow Now 100%

    I’ll save you guys from watching. It was just a bog standard crappy USB C cable. This video reeks of advertising to me. The tool which was used to identify the cable (which tbh I thought was pretty cool, so I searched it using the obvious hints in the video) is a kickstarter which is starting sometime today. Awfully sus!

  • Healthcare: How Long Do Patients Have To Wait?
  • th3dogcow th3dogcow Now 100%

    They should include more countries for this to be a fair comparison.

    Here in Japan you have to wait zero days to see the equivalent of a GP (a doctor of internal medicine is what would be considered the closest) unless it is a weekend or holiday. But even then, there are some clinics open on those days (they share the responsibility on a rotating basis).

    You simply rock up and wait to be seen. Generally you won’t be waiting too long. Maybe 30 to 60 minutes. With pharmacies conveniently located next door, you’ll be in and out in no time when you’re feeling crook.

  • Thanks for making this app. The bar at the bottom seems to scroll up before being hidden when scrolling. I’ll attach a video in a moment to illustrate this. [Video]( Also I only noticed this after upgrading to ios18 last night.

    Arctic beta has expired
  • th3dogcow th3dogcow Now 100%

    Thanks. I’ve already got it!

  • Arctic beta has expired
  • th3dogcow th3dogcow Now 100%

    Great to hear, thanks! I’ll keep my eyes peeled.

  • Arctic beta has expired
  • th3dogcow th3dogcow Now 100%

    Thanks. I’ll do that then!

  • Thanks for. All the hard work which you’re putting into the app. It is my favorite! I was greeted with a beta expired message today. Should I just start using the AppStore version? Will I lose any settings if I install it over the beta? Thanks in advance

    What's the most irresponsible purchase you made that you don't regret?
  • th3dogcow th3dogcow Now 100%

    The world needs more people like you!

  • Te Papa to charge $35 entry fee for international visitors from September
  • th3dogcow th3dogcow Now 100%

    With nearly 600,000 international visitors in the 2023/2024 financial year, Te Papa is expected to earn an additional $5-$10 million per year from the move. That figure takes into account free entry for under 16s and group discounts, along with some visitors slipping through the cracks.

    It also accounts for children who don’t have to pay.

  • I remember a time where you would get multiple results from a search with no scrolling
  • th3dogcow th3dogcow Now 100%

    It sucks, yes. But, if you select the “web” tab instead of the “all” tab at the top of the page, you’ll get something more akin to what you’re looking for. There’s probably even a way to script it so that it defaults to that view.

  • Couple charges wedding guests $333 each in effort to save money
  • th3dogcow th3dogcow Now 100%

    At least half the money is used for the guest’s experience (food, open bar and so on) including return gifts (as is the norm in Japan). This is generally a gift catalog which guests can choose an item from. It is surprisingly fun as it feels like you’re not the one spending more way. They have catalogs of different values to need individuals’ needs.

    Close friends will often plan surprise acts to be performed during the wedding (singing or dancing and so on). So it is not entirely up to the host.

    It is still customary to invite one’s boss and co-workers too. So yeah, it is culturally different from western countries I guess.

  • Couple charges wedding guests $333 each in effort to save money
  • th3dogcow th3dogcow Now 100%

    Sounds practical. Who wants to go into debt for a wedding?!

  • Couple charges wedding guests $333 each in effort to save money
  • th3dogcow th3dogcow Now 100%

    That’s true. If you just want to get married without a ceremony, you can do it for free here. It’s also common to get married on paper months before the actual party/ceremony which is great for getting name changes and other affairs in order before the actual wedding ceremony, which can reduce stress.

  • Couple charges wedding guests $333 each in effort to save money
  • th3dogcow th3dogcow Now 91%

    Meh it’s normal in Japan. Although rather than actually setting a price, it is just a cultural norm to gift money. ¥30,000 (about 200 USD right now) is the basic minimum, but it goes up based on relationship. If you plan and negotiate with venues well, you can end up paying nothing out of pocket.

  • Fried chicken help?
  • th3dogcow th3dogcow Now 100%

    If you’re open to something a little different, Japanese fried chicken is awesome and very simple to make. This recipe works well for me.

  • Cuba foils plot to sneak arms onto island from U.S., official says
  • th3dogcow th3dogcow Now 100%

    Oh yeah, you got me there. Didn’t consider that you were implying that. Whoops! My bad. I’ll leave the above comment though in case others find it useful somehow. Thanks!

  • Cuba foils plot to sneak arms onto island from U.S., official says
  • th3dogcow th3dogcow Now 83%

    Articles (a/an/the) are supposed to be omitted from news headlines, so nothing to fix here. You can check the rules for writing headlines here have a great day!

  • Modern online banking
  • th3dogcow th3dogcow Now 75%

    That’s totally true. I do see where they have posted. I personally disagree that it is mildly infuriating though. We’re all allowed our own opinions. If I was working in tech support and had the OP call up, their actions would come across as mildly infuriating.

  • Has anyone else noticed that alarms and timers don’t reduce in volume if you are using the device, or when you pick up the device and it recognises you with Face ID anymore? It’s really annoying to get a full volume alarm when you’re using the device. iPhone 13 if it matters. Toggled attention aware on and off and also restarted the phone without luck.


    Hi there, thanks for the great software. Currently on 0.4.1 (4), but I’ve noticed the bug on a few previous versions. When viewing saved comments under the user profile, everything appears fine. However, if you try to scroll it instantly crashes back to the springboard. I have a suspicion that it is something to do with the fact that I have saved many comments which include YouTube links. Has anyone else noticed this? Edit: switched to another account to play around, and I could replicate the crash just by saving a comment which contained an embedded picture.


    cross-posted from: A Japanese high court ruled Thursday that denying same-sex marriage is unconstitutional and called for urgent government action to address the lack of any law allowing for such unions. The court does not have the power to overturn the current marriage law, which has been interpreted to restrict marriage as between a man and a woman. Government offices may continue to deny marriage status to same-sex couples unless the existing law is revised to include LGBTQ+ couples, or a new law is enacted that allows for other types of unions.


    First, thank you for building this wonderful app. This is my favorite feature of the app: the ability to return to the previous post by swiping from right to left. With the latest TestFlight version, I noticed a new bug: the text size on the returning post is set to the system size, and once complete open, switches to the user’s choice of text size. The result is a little jarring. To replicate, set the text time to something other than the system size. View a post, go back. And then swipe across to return to the post. You should be able to see the effect.


    cross-posted from: A group of Japanese citizens, including a man of Pakistani descent, is suing the country’s police, accusing authorities of racial profiling and discrimination.


    On TestFlight. iPhone 8. Cancel buttons (ie on comment screen) and (x) buttons (ie share as image screen) don’t work. Can only dismiss by swiping down.


    I love this app, and keep coming back to it after testing other apps, too. However, I find myself tapping thumbnails which I think are images, which instead open another site. Maybe it is my way of browsing, but I have noticed that other apps I display the content type, which makes for a more desirable browsing experience for me at least. Is this something that is in the works?


    On iPhone 8. Create post looks like ![this](


    Amazon announced monthly prices will increase by ¥100, and yearly prices by ¥1,000. What do you think? Personally, if it helps drivers get a better wage I am all for it.


    I have a hardware device which allows me to stream live free to air tv over my wifi network. The manufacturer has decided to retire to product and has removed the app from the AppStore!? So, next time I get a new phone I’ll be screwed. I am not jailbroken, and the last time I was was a while ago. I have a windows pc, iPhone 8, and iPad Air 2 at my disposal. Both devices have the app in question installed. Ideally, I would be able to download the IPA and move it to a new device without having to side load it. At this point in my life I don’t really have the time and patience to jailbreak. Do you guys have any ideas?


    I’ve got a bug that I haven’t been able to pin down. Set the default feed to subscriptions but sometimes upon launch (after killing the app) it is set to all. I haven’t been able to figure out what is causing it as it seems random. Has anyone else noticed this?


    It’s summer festival time. Just ate yakisoba at my local festival. It’s ¥400 but the noodles always seems thicker than what the supermarket sells. What gives? Anyway, what are your go to festival foods?


    Thanks for the awesome update just now. I’m sorry, I haven’t gotten around to figuring out how to use GitHub. I hope this will get seen. When not using the system font size, some parts are rendered in an odd size compared to before. Also, I can’t find the sort by new option anymore. Also, long post titles are making the compact view less compact (maybe due to the font issue). On an unrelated note, my .world account still cannot enable notifications but my other ones can. It just hangs on the spinning progress wheel. I am not sure how to go about fixing it anymore. I really appreciate all you have done. Also, there was no reason to apologise for taking a hiatus. This should be a project of passion not a job. I hope I have not come across as demanding. I am loving what you guys are doing. I’ll try to learn GitHub so I can post bugs in your preferred manner. Thank again!


    When you open a new post which doesn’t contain any comments, you latest comment from whatever post is displayed ever so briefly before the “no comments” message is shown. I managed to screen record it but I’m not sure how to attach a video.


    Inflation sucks! In the last year, shredded “natural cheese” had almost doubled in price. The cheap alternatives branded as “97% cholesterol cut shred” are complete ass, and cannot even be legally called cheese. I was used to paying ¥1,000/kg then ¥1,000/700g for shredded gouda (max value store brand), but now it is ¥1,000/600g cheddar/mozzarella mix. I have a variety of supermarkets nearby. Also kaldi, Gyomu super, a-price etc. I just don’t want to have to keep buying 1kg bags when it is hit or miss. If you have any solid recommendations please post them here. Im in Kyushu, but location isn’t important. Any leads are appreciated.

    th3dogcow Now
    31 224

