Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • shreddingitlater shreddingitlater Now 100%

    Big march for the October 7th anniversary in Tokyo today (made more sense to do it on a weekend) turnout was slightly lower because of the rain, but more than expected still. Ran into a few raging zionists out on their vacations, but mostly positive responses (or just apathetic ones ig).

  • Not sure what to do now
  • shreddingitlater shreddingitlater Now 100%

    Yes, this answers a lot for me, thank you so much

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • shreddingitlater shreddingitlater Now 100%

    Ive had it up to here, here's another 60 gorjillian dollars, take it and think about what you've done

  • Not sure what to do now
  • shreddingitlater shreddingitlater Now 100%

    I see, I've been focusing on traps/delts when it comes to auxiliaries because my pull-ups/OHP are still weak. But I'll try changing what I do more often.

    For some routines on 5/3/1, the rep/set scheme is just written as 531 and I'm not sure what that is (I think it's 5/3/1 reps with increasing weights, but idk).

    The base plan with 5/3/1 also has too much volume (I'm trying to avoid high reps because it's given me rhabdomylosis before) and I'm not sure where to find routines for variations on it.

    I'm also not certain what a "cycle" is with 5/3/1 - there's a 4 week cycle described where I think weights are increased until you deload on the 4th week, but I've also seen that 4th week deloading is unnecessary.

    Finally, I'm not sure how you go about increasing the training max since the cycles described earlier only increase weight based on a percentage of your TM.

  • Not sure what to do now
  • shreddingitlater shreddingitlater Now 100%

    When did you change your routine? And what actually prompted changing it?

    I think I'm eating enough, but I've been a little lazy about it recently. Idk, I'll re-evaluate that.

  • Been working out consistently for about 3 months now using a beginner plan (Grey skulls lp) and I think I'm hitting plateaus just using linear progression. I'm up to: DL: 120kg Squat: 120kg Bench: 75kg OHP: 55kg And I've had to deload all those weights twice, so I think now is a good time to find a different routine. I was looking at 5/3/1, but I'm not really sure I understand it well and there's a lot of variations (reddit also seems vague on details cause they want you to buy the books or something, idk). The volume also looks kinda ridiculous and I don't wanna spend more than an hour and a half at the gym everytime. So yeah, sorta progress update, sorta asking where to go next.


    I'd say wrong answers only, but Marx never considered this so there are no wrong answers.


    Seriously, who's doing it?


    It's a series of progressively smaller concentric rings all connected together on an inverted cone plane and we are following the path from biggest to smallest until we reach the terminus and finally get flushed down the drain

    How do we get Lenin to read Hexbear?
  • shreddingitlater shreddingitlater Now 100%

    Do a seance with Lenin's corpse then aimlessly walk around with some picture from hexbear out on your phone (it's ppb of course) asking if he can see it and snickering.

  • How do we get people on hexbear to read Lenin
  • shreddingitlater shreddingitlater Now 100%

    Look, there's a very simple answer here - standardized testing. The hordes of people yearning to post on hexbear will not be discouraged by a volume of text or two which they must read and then pass a test on in order to create an account (entrance exams).

    In order to maintain an account in good standing, all accounts must regularly undergo testing on some randomly chosen Marxist text from a list determined The People's School Board (it will be all Marxists texts of course, all of them).

    Failure to pass bimonthly testing will put your account in bad standing and you will become unable to post to or see "fun" coms (badposting, the_dunk_tank, shrekland) until your standing improves. Only theory comms will be viewable and only questions or commentary on theory will not be removed. Failure to pass even one test within a year will result in a ban.

    It's really that easy!

  • Digimon Adventure - New General Megathread for the 25th-27th of September 2024
  • shreddingitlater shreddingitlater Now 100%

    Good news folks, I don't actually have to collect my own stool sample for tomorrow, there was some misunderstanding due to my Japanese sucking. They just want my piss, much easier and less unpleasant to collect.

  • Digimon Adventure - New General Megathread for the 25th-27th of September 2024
  • shreddingitlater shreddingitlater Now 100%

    Gonna have to take my own stool sample tomorrow 🫠

  • Yea
  • shreddingitlater shreddingitlater Now 100%

    You've said you don't ride or drive elsewhere, you know absolutely nothing about this, so telling you to go get some experience and that you're a dumb fuck are both justified

  • Look at current active posts (5 min if I look at comments), look at news mega (10 min if I haven't looked at it in about 12 hours), sort posts by top 6 hours, see nothing new, sort by top 12 hours, see maybe 1 new post in my slop (2 min), sort by new and look at new posts (2 min), call someone a liberal (30 sec), sort by active again and then repeat

  • shreddingitlater shreddingitlater Now 100%

    Go ahead, try riding a bike in the city dumb fuck

  • Johnny Storm exploring new horizons
  • shreddingitlater shreddingitlater Now 100%

    I'm gonna fuck the aliens

  • This nerd probably goes to the boogiest texmex and orders beanis on a flour tortilla with a slice of American cheese and absolutely no sauce (too spicy), those wraps he's eating gotta be terrible

    is this good
  • shreddingitlater shreddingitlater Now 100%

    Ah fuck, that blows, thanks for letting me know ig

  • is this good
  • shreddingitlater shreddingitlater Now 100%

    Ah, congratulations on the new baby or sorry that happened to your mom

  • Forsooth! Mine lament that none would rid of me that turbulent priest was but a jest! Thou must needs be in mine Royale Court Du Le Epic X to reckon mine humor! Alas, mine jesting scroll hath burned.
  • shreddingitlater shreddingitlater Now 100%

    In what world is "hmm no one's trying to assassinate Harris or Biden thinking emoji" a joke or even indicative of a joke? Even if I was an Elonglazer, I have no cue in that sentence telling me I should laugh at m'lords jesting

  • Ok, but the twist is, ok get this *snickers* he's *laughs obnoxiously* oh god, instead of fire, he's writing but its a poop pen *dies of laughter* and and and there's just really sloppy ink flying everywhere *wheezes* and and and he's hahahahaha he's drawing a fucking beanis


    ![malcolm-checks](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/0aab274f-49f3-41f8-a3ed-05c12bfbd37d.png "emoji malcolm-checks")


    "Damn, maybe Mao was onto something with the cultural revolution"

    Inside a Nuclear Power Plant
  • shreddingitlater shreddingitlater Now 100%

    Umm you've made a huge mistake if your fissil material is in the condenser for your secondary coolant heh

  • What up fart-nation, it's your boy Lil log here with some frankly fat and stanky updates First, really shouldn't have trusted that fart earlier today, things started really getting dank at work after that. Most people would call that a bad day, but in the fart-nation we only have one word for that: content. Second, I'd like to pay my respect to all the shitters and farters today, a solemn day where some of the biggest shitters and farters to ever do it in the greatest shit-nation on earth lost it all, the stink wifting around ain't the same without you guys. Because of the occasion and the aforementioned not-fart, I'll have a moment of silence where I'll be holding it in and sucking 'em back down, all for - oh wait fellas, a second movement has hit my bowels. Later stink-nation 😎


    I took one class in college and didn't end up really liking Russian - didn't know it was a gendered language beforehand and I really dislike that, mostly because I'm lazy. Before taking the class, Russian cursive seemed absolutely illegible, but I got pretty good at reading and writing it afterwards. However, I always thought it was weird we were only allowed to write in cursive in the class, where in English or other languages it's more of stylistic option. Our teacher told us everyone wrote like that and it was considered childish to write block letters instead, but she also told us everyone should read Gulag Archipelgo and that Solzhenitsyn was a great author. Was she right about the writing in cursive part though? (Don't think this is appropriate for language learning since I'm not really asking for the sake of learning the language, so I posted in chat instead)


    BBC reports on WTC 7 falling before it actually falls - mistake in reporting or not, it continues to serve as titillation for the conspiracy brain.


    問題 = もんだい = mondai ![garf-chan](https://hexbear.net/pictrs/image/8a806540-7b67-4b8a-96f1-187413876dfd.png "emoji garf-chan")


    What's up, didn't think I'd see that? I'm always watching my upbear count and you think it's cool to just upbear and then say "oh nevermind"? The nerve, and you thought no one would call you out. You know we all accidentally press the upbear button while scrolling or what not, but what kind of demented person doesn't say "ah woops, well can't take it back and it's not a cringe post, so whateve" and instead thinks, with your unlimited supply of upbears, "umm no, none for you". I bet you're head of a HoA or something you nerd, how could you be so petty.


    Hey all, I really like drinking healthy, but I don't like just drinking water all the time. What are some of your favorite healthy beverages? I'll start: I take some ripe avocados, cut them up, and then freeze them. Whenever I need them, I throw them in some lukewarm water over night. In the morning, I have a delicious iced avocado drink! It's so delicious 😋 I call it Shrek-goo If I'm low on time, I'll boil some water, throw these avocado ice cubes into a French press, and then poor the water into the press. Filter after five minutes and voila, some instant shrek-goo!


    *fart* Thank you for the great idea [@PointAndClique@hexbear.net](https://hexbear.net/u/PointAndClique)


    Actually living with someone: farting, farting together, farting hysterically

    shreddingitlater Now
    97 260

    shreddingitlater [he/him, comrade/them]

    shreddingitlater@ hexbear.net