Hope you like socialism
  • oce oce Now 100%

    He says that because the creators are tankies and so were the first communities built around them like .ml administrated by the creators. Last year's Redditors migration after the API change moved the political center more towards social democracy and the people center towards .world.

  • Hope you like socialism
  • oce oce Now 40%

    I'm part of these people, I think most of them are social democrat and don't have any illusion about supposedly socialist countries.
    Yes, they are a minority since .world became the biggest player, but they are still very visible if you mention those subjects and countries, they are going to pop up.

  • Bath Vader
  • oce oce Now 100%

    Killing flies

  • Hope you like socialism
  • oce oce Now 42%

    I agree, but I believe they don't like being called like that and they think they are defending socialism.

  • Are you serious right now
  • oce oce Now 100%

    Proteins with 0 effort, evolutionary win.

  • Hope you like socialism
  • oce oce Now 33%

    About 50, it seems to stabilize from there.

  • Hope you like socialism
  • oce oce Now 54%

    No, he's not. He's talking about supposedly-socialist people in the USA who idealize vaguely socialism related countries like Russia or China, and think they would have a better life in these countries.

  • Hope you like socialism
  • oce oce Now 45%

    Save your mental health, just block them once they are clearly identified, it's not worth the effort at all.

  • Hope you like socialism
  • oce oce Now 66%

    There's also the part that is into crushing with a tank people who don't hate the USA more than anything in the universe.

  • US govt hiding top hurricane forecast model sparks outrage
  • oce oce Now 33%

    It worked for the people of this time, yes.

  • US govt hiding top hurricane forecast model sparks outrage
  • oce oce Now 26%

    It worked in high growth economy 50-70', and boomers are stuck there.

  • en.wikipedia.org

    Boustrophedon is a style of writing in which alternate lines of writing are reversed, with letters also written in reverse, mirror-style. ![](https://jlai.lu/pictrs/image/70cd68fc-1b52-4475-9c31-f010985620dd.png) The original term comes from Ancient Greek: "like the ox turns [while plowing]". It is mostly seen in ancient manuscripts and other inscriptions. It was a common way of writing on stone in Ancient Greece. A fun variation is the reverse boustrophedon: the text in alternate lines is rotated 180 degrees rather than mirrored. The reader begins at the bottom left-hand corner of a tablet, reads a line from left to right, then rotates the tablet 180 degrees to continue on the next line from left to right again. When reading one line, the lines above and below it appear upside down. ![](https://jlai.lu/pictrs/image/71898e7b-80f6-48a4-a823-5024793dbb13.png) I heard about it on a podcast about the Rapa Nui people of Easter Island. They use used the reverse boustrophedon style for their system of glyphs called Rongorongo, which remains undeciphered. ![](https://jlai.lu/pictrs/image/62c20b1e-9541-4825-88da-c5728a52b74f.png) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rongorongo

    Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible
  • oce oce Now 100%

    I am confused, every statistic of .world seems bigger. What am I missing?

  • Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible
  • oce oce Now 100%

    a diluted version of communism,

    Is there still something communist in their economy? Are the people working 9 am to 9 pm 6 days a week, owning their means of production?

  • Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible
  • oce oce Now 80%

    I'm not from .world and also complain about it sometimes. In my opinion, it's a legitimate reason that makes Lemmy less attractive, as a consequence, you have to set up blockers to keep your sanity which is a hassle for the average user.

  • France's Le Pen denies wrongdoing as she and her party go on trial accused of embezzling EU funds
  • oce oce Now 100%

    Her argument is that "Parliamentary assistants do not work for the Parliament. They are political assistants to elected officials, political by definition", so basically she says they can do whatever they want with the EU Parliament money if it is the decision of an elected person, which is clearly not the rules for this fund and she knows it.
    To make it juicer, they found records of her party members explicitly estimating that they should not do that because it is embezzlement.
    For context, this comes from a time when her party wanted Frexit similarly to the Brexit party in the UK, which the same irrational arguments. So misusing EU money was completely aligned with their idea to damage the relation. Turns out, Frexit was very unpopular even within right wing French people, so they pivoted to some kind of small EU now.

  • Anon takes the welding pill
  • oce oce Now 100%

    I finished Outlast recently, and it made me think about The Groom who mutilates male patients' sexual attributes to turn them into his ideal wife, but keeps failing and trying again.

  • Anon takes the welding pill
  • oce oce Now 100%

    It reads as the background story of the enemy "The Welder" in a horror video game that you would find through scattered notes.

  • California governor vetoes bill to create first-in-nation AI safety measures.
  • oce oce Now 100%

    I think I heard about it before, but instead of having to remember that, I could just ask an uncensored LLM.

  • California governor vetoes bill to create first-in-nation AI safety measures.
  • oce oce Now 50%

    No, but I think it could make the knowledge more easily available which increases the risk that it may happen.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearPH
    Photography oce Now 98%
    Donglin Zhou (China) witnesses the drama of a snow leopard hunting a Pallas’s cat

    >When the snow leopard sprang into action, Donglin assumed it was in pursuit of a marmot, not seeing, at first, the Pallas’s cat that ‘blended in so well with the rocks’. The little cat fled, but its short legs were no match for the muscular snow leopard, its long, thick tail helping it balance as it ran down the slope. In less than a minute, the snow leopard had its prey in its jaws, and proceeded to carry it back to its den. > >Both species are very well camouflaged and extremely hard to spot. While large birds of prey and wolves are known to hunt Pallas’s cats, it’s rare to see them hunted by snow leopards. > >Donglin understood the young leopard’s need to hunt but was heartbroken at the loss of the Pallas’s cat. She explains, ‘the cat had three two-month-old kittens, not yet independent, hidden in an empty marmot’s burrow nearby’. > >After discussions with the guide and forest rangers, Donglin obtained permission from the local government for road-killed pikas to be left near the den. Three weeks later, the kittens were hunting by themselves, and not long after, two of them were seen with their aunt and its litter of five. https://www.nhm.ac.uk/wpy/gallery/2023-race-for-life


    > In order to encourage all the athletes from all over the world attending to Paris, tonight’s light up shines in the “Tricolore” colors that represents the national flag of France. https://en.tokyotower.co.jp/lightup/


    >### Résumé exécutif > >Le projet Politoscope observe depuis 2016 le militantisme politique sur X/feu-Twitter. Nous avons développé des méthodes pour analyser les dynamiques sociales et de débats, ainsi que les manipulations d’opinions. > >Permettant de passer en accéléré ces dynamiques sociales, il est possible de caractériser un processus d’affaiblissement puis d’inversion du front républicain à l’approche des législatives de 2024 et d’identifier les stratégies de subversion qui l’ont favorisé. Ces stratégies de basse intensité, pilotées ou influencées pour la plupart par le Kremlin, se déploient sur des échelles de temps trop longues pour que les acteurs du débat en aient conscience. Elles visent à déstructurer la société française de manière systémique pour provoquer une transition vers une société fermée ou une démocratie illibérale. > >Dans un contexte de reconfiguration brutale de l’espace politique suite à la dissolution de l’Assemblée nationale, les efforts du Kremlin sont sur le point de payer. Cette étude identifie une convergence d’intérêts entre le régime de Poutine et l’extrême-droite française. Elle explicite certaines mesures actives mises en place par le Kremlin depuis au moins 2016 pour déstabiliser la société française et montre comment certaines d’entre-elles entrent en synergie ces jours-ci pour faire tomber voire s’inverser le front républicain. Ceci est la dernière étape avant la prise de contrôle de la France par des personnalités politiques moins hostiles au régime de Poutine. > >Dans ce dispositif, les communautés politiques préoccupées par le conflit israélo-palestinien et la montée de l’antisémitisme ou de l’islamophobie sont instrumentalisées afin de compromettre tout barrage contre une extrême-droite banalisée au second tour des législatives. "Minuit moins dix à l’horloge de Poutine Jusque-là, tout se passe comme prévu" David Chavalarias, CNRS, EHESS/CAMS & ISC-PIF Pre-print de l’Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Île-de-France V3 - 3 Juillet 2024 https://nextcloud.iscpif.fr/index.php/s/eY5YqtbdbAKsiWe


    There's a Samurai and a Joker. The joker says he wants to legalize cannabis and rename the Shibuya district to "drug-addict" district. As far as I understand, Japanese people are fairly politically apathetic and abstention is very high. Edit: governor, not mayor.

    France oce Now 100%
    C'est bibi



    Le lien pour voter se trouve à la fin de la liste des circulaires des candidats de la circonscription : https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/services-aux-francais/voter-a-l-etranger/elections-legislatives-2024/consulter-les-circulaires-des-candidats-et-voter-par-internet/article/consulter-les-circulaires-des-candidats-11eme-circonscription Pour se connecter, un identifiant envoyé par courriel, un mot de passe envoyé par SMS. Un troisième code envoyé par courriel pour confirmer le vote. Interface simple et efficace, un peu lente depuis Tokyo. Le code de confirmation a mis quelques minutes à arriver, j'ai rafraichi trop tôt par impatience, ce qui a annulé le code précédant. Au bout du 3ᵉ coup, ça a fonctionné. Au final ça m'a pris environ 15 min, tranquillement depuis chez moi.


    Appât facile pour Lemmy ! Plus sérieusement, je trouve l'idée intéressante de dire que LFI n'est pas d'extrême gauche quand on compare au NPA ou au programme de Mitterrand. Mais j'ai l'impression qu'on peut appliquer le même raisonnement pour dire que le RN n'est pas aussi extrême que son origine, je ne suis pas convaincu par les arguments de l'article. > Selon la définition de Jean-Etienne Dubois, dans son ouvrage l’Extrême droite française, les partis d'« extrême droite » sont « les organisations qui contestent le système politique républicain et démocratique (anti-électoralisme, antiparlementarisme, aspirations autoritaires, etc.) et/ou le caractère universel des valeurs républicaines de liberté et d’égalité (antisémitisme, racisme, xénophobie, etc.) ». Qu'est-ce qui dans les programmes du RN de ces dernières années match avec cette définition de l'extrême droite ? > Ainsi, « l’origine [du Front national, devenu Rassemblement national], son noyau de militants et les références idéologiques diverses qui s’y côtoient inscrivent indubitablement l’histoire de ce parti dans la filiation de l’extrême droite française ». Il y a des origines puantes dans à peu près tous les partis (ex : Mitterrand et Vichy, communistes et Staline, les partis gaulliste et la décolonisation, etc.), est-ce qu'on peut essentialiser un groupe politique à son origine pour toujours ? Est-ce que les nouveaux votants que le RN a gagnés aux élections de ces dernières années sont des racistes anti-démocrates ? Ou est-ce qu'ils sont simplement séduits par le savant mélange de populisme de droite (anti-immigration) et de gauche (anti-élite) que le RN cuisine depuis le début de son entreprise de dédiabolisation ? Jlecteurs très à gauche, merci d'essayer d'avoir une discussion rationnelle. Je suis là pour essayer d'analyser la situation avec tout le monde. Édith : Merci pour les réponses détaillées, je prendrai le temps de répondre.


    > I think it's much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong. I have approximate answers, and possible beliefs, and different degrees of uncertainty about different things, but I am not absolutely sure of anything. There are many things I don't know anything about, such as whether it means anything to ask "Why are we here?" I might think about it a little bit, and if I can't figure it out then I go on to something else. But I don't have to know an answer. I don't feel frightened by not knowing things, by being lost in the mysterious universe without having any purpose - which is the way it really is, as far as I can tell.


    cross-posted from: https://jlai.lu/post/6354297 > They contain a sweet honey that you can taste by sucking the bottom, a friend made me taste. I just did some research about it for this post. It appears some are actually toxic, and it's very hard to tell the difference.

    oce Now
    41 1.5K

    oce 🐆

    oce@ jlai.lu

    I try to contribute to things getting better, sometimes through polite rational skepticism.
    Disagreeing with your comment ≠ supporting the opposite side, I support rationality.
    Let's discuss to refine the arguments that make things better sustainably.
    Always happy to question our beliefs.