Unionized Google workers learned their jobs were over while testifying to Austin City Council about why they need higher pay
  • assa123 assa123 Now 100%

    Rather than meeting employees at the bargaining table, Google decided to do what could be described as the equivalent of hucking the table into the sky. This week, YouTube Music workers who were recently locked in a tense union fight with Google were laid off while in the middle of testifying before Austin City Council.

    this is the exact moment our coworkers found out we had been laid off while speaking in front of city council pic.twitter.com/IcsCszGe3Z
    — jacob (@peepaw_) March 1, 2024

    In a video of the testimony, Jack Benedict spoke of their unionization efforts, explaining that a group of less than 50 was determined to fight two of the largest corporations in the world (Google and its subcontractor Cognizant). During the speech, another employee approaches and says “They just laid us all off. Our jobs are ended today, effective immediately.” Benedict, visibly shocked, responds “wow,” and they leave the podium as they’re told their time is up. Related Video

    This all comes in light of a year-long fight, after a group of 58 employees on the YouTube Music Content Operations Team unanimously voted to unionize as part of the Alphabet Workers Union last spring, in an election overseen by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), per a press release by Austin City Council Members. Employes spoke of the need for better pay, benefits, and a more flexible return-to-office policy.

    The news of Google laying off the YouTube Music team broke before the results of an Austin City Council vote on a resolution calling for Google and Cognizant to negotiate with the YouTube Music Content Operations Team. The resolution passed 9-1.

    “While workers were at city hall testifying, they received word that their team had been laid off. Instead of getting the chance to stay and celebrate the passage of their resolution they instead needed to leave to go retrieve their personal belongings from their office,” according to an Austin City Council press release. “Many of the workers feel they could lose their homes due to the sudden and unexpected layoff, which some of them believe could be retaliation for standing up today.” The dark side of tech

    Employees unionized as part of the larger fight for better pay and benefits and petitioned Google to come to the table for negotiations, but the software company had refused. The company has claimed that because the employees are contractors, Google is not responsible for bargaining; instead, the contractor, Cognizant, is. But the NLRB has said otherwise, ruling Google and Cognizant as joint employers of YouTube Music workers.

    The NLRB has ruled that Google’s refusal to bargain with YouTube Music workers is illegal. The board also introduced a new rule this December that would “make it even harder for companies like Google to argue they aren’t responsible for dealing with unionization efforts by third-party contractors,” according to the Verge.

    Indeed, in a statement to Fortune, a Google spokesperson says that the Austin-based unionized workers are “not Google employees. Cognizant is responsible for these workers’ employment terms, including staffing.” They add that they “have no objections to Cognizant employees electing to form a union. We simply believe it’s only appropriate for Cognizant, as their employer, to engage in collective bargaining,” and say that Google will be appealing the NLRB’s ruling that stated otherwise.

    Google also denied that it fired the YouTube Music workers, saying this was a routine end of contract “which was agreed to with Cognizant.”

    After this story’s publication, a Cognizant spokeperson told Fortune, “ramp-downs and ramp-ups of projects are a normal part of Cognizant’s business operations. This contract ended at its planned expiration date. “

    The spokesperson added that the former YouTube Music workers “will become part of Cognizant’s deployable talent pool, better known as our ‘bench,’ where they are given seven (7) weeks of dedicated, paid time to explore other roles within the organization and build new skills through our training ecosystem. ”

    Still, the Alphabet Workers Union said that the contract end had come as a surprise, with no notice to affected workers.

    As a former employee noted, the NLRB has twice ruled that Google and Cognizant are joint employers of these contractors and that Google has illegally changed working conditions without contacting the union.

    Alphabet Workers Union directed Fortune to its public statement on the issue, which mentioned how many employees were forced to work multiple gigs to make ends meet and were unable to meet the mandate to work in person as they were “not paid enough to afford the associated expenses with in-person work, like gas and childcare costs.” They also highlighted a quote from the regional director of the NLRB in Fort Worth, Texas, from last year’s ruling that found the contractors were employed by both Alphabet and Cognizant. “Google exercises direct and immediate control over benefits, hours of work, supervision and direction of work,” said the regional director.

    An employee who had worked at YouTube Music for three years opened up about how the tech job was not as cushy as it’s often stereotyped to be. “Truth of the matter is, we get paid $19 an hour here with awful benefits that come out of our paycheck and [we had] a restrictive PTO policy,” they said in an Instagram post. “This is simply not enough to live with any kind of comfortability in this city which is, across the board, significantly increasing its average cost of living year by year.” Adding that the group unionized to change these conditions and pay, the employee notes that the gig was easier when working remotely as they could save money by skipping a commute and making food at home.

    “Google and Cognizant have profited immensely off of our labor and consequently -for lack of a better word- fucked us,” says the employee.

    Update, Mar. 1, 2024: This story has been updated with a response from Cognizant.

  • Hate when it happens
  • assa123 assa123 Now 100%

    Hey, no need to be sarcastic! /s

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  • assa123 assa123 Now 60%

    I would go even further and say that we should have it until we can be sure it will respect others' rights. All kind of rights, not only Copyright. Unlike Bing at the beginning, with all it's bullying and menaces, or Chatgpt regurgitating private information gathered from God knows where.

    The problem with waiting is the arms race with other governments. I feel it's similar to fossil fuels, but all governments need to take the risk of being disadvantaged. Damned prisoner's dilemma.

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    Isn't that exactly what roofuskit said? Sorry to ask but, where's the lie?

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  • assa123 assa123 Now 100%

    After watching other comments I wonder why some people don't get that this was a bug or at the very least, undocumented behavior outside of the Settings GUI. I had to deal many times with file (4).pdf on my Downloads dir. A BIG thank you, OP.

  • Feature request: share link using currently logged in instance URL
  • assa123 assa123 Now 100%

    Sure! For me it would be ideal to have something analogous to the webUI where all posts and comments point to the same domain. Also this is important for security, since individual users might trust their own instance more than others, and any instance can go rogue and serve malicious scripts.

  • Accurate?
  • assa123 assa123 Now 100%

    This is the comment I was looking for. I am very paranoid of technology and live in a constant fear of 0-day exploits and encryption backdoors.

  • PlayStation To Delete A Ton Of TV Shows Users Already Paid For
  • assa123 assa123 Now 100%

    and that's why it should be illegal, the big "buy" button ahould have higher precedence over any "renting" claims in the ToS and any attempt of misrepresentation should be fined.

  • linux
    Linux Now
    My experience with Linux Day 2
  • assa123 assa123 Now 100%

    Glad to see that you're handling well. Accessing a SMBv1 drive is not an easy task. I had an asus router with a USB port to serve via SMBv1, in the end I chose to set up a raspberry pi with sftp to mitigate the EternalBlue exploit.

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  • assa123 assa123 Now 100%

    You're right, I just wish it was unambiguously meant to be base e :(. There are many notations in math that are context dependant, for instance the volatility or variance in Gaussian distributions or the scale or location parameter in Poisson and exponential ones, or the integration symbol and "dx" order.

  • My partner said y'all would find this funny [OC]
  • assa123 assa123 Now 100%

    For me it's the other way around. Log should always be the natural logarithm, other bases can be made explicit with an underscore.

  • Programming questions for beginners
  • assa123 assa123 Now 100%

    stack overflow has a lot of R knowledge, in questions already asked and in an active community. Try looking if your question has been asked there before, and if not, ask it. Many beginner questions are not about a particular language but about logic and math, maybe you can give a look at math.stackexchange also. For more simple questions, language models are very good (Chatgpt/bing, Bard)

  • I had no idea that you could download movies from the 90ies from archive.org
  • assa123 assa123 Now 100%

    I hope that's the case here. The sad thing is that not having the rights to something doesn't stops you from filling a claim, even scammers fill DMCA claims over original content, the movie is already down from archive.

  • Just fuck me up fam
  • assa123 assa123 Now 50%

    upvoted, but, wouldn't it be really cold days? as in, contrary to the trend of warming.

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    edit: Una llamada a la civilidad. La política es importante pero los debates deben ser automoderados en primer lugar y moderados en segundo. original: Sólo una petición a los moderadores para que esta comunidad sea lo más apolítica posible, o al menos no tan sesgada...

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