Netanyahu publicly rejects US push for Palestinian state
  • Travalanche Travalanche Now 80%

    And how would you even be able to tell that it's Israeli snipers shooting Israeli civilians?

  • Switzerland to host Ukraine peace summit at Zelenskyy's request
  • Travalanche Travalanche Now 86%

    Yeah, they may not be taking much ground back, but they're also not in danger of losing much external support yet, which is probably the only scenario where Zelenskiy would cave to Putin. From his comments, I'm guessing this is just a stalling tactic to help win back some eyes and ears.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Travalanche Travalanche Now 100%

    Thank you!

  • Hackers can infect network-connected wrenches to install ransomware
  • Travalanche Travalanche Now 100%

    This is some British sci-fi/comedy shit.

  • HBO - Taxi Cab Confessions 3 (1996)
  • Travalanche Travalanche Now 100%

    Had a friend who's dad sold hacked cable boxes. We watched so much HBO and Cinemax there. I'm not even sure how many times we watched Boogie Nights when it came out. That friend also introduced me to Fallout and LAN parties. Good times.

  • How do you strike a balance between being present in the moment and planning for the future?
  • Travalanche Travalanche Now 100%

    Thanks to my crippling ADHD, I'm completely the opposite of that, and still manage to fuck up my budget.

  • Ukraine war: Kyiv forced to cut military operations as foreign aid dries up
  • Travalanche Travalanche Now 96%

    Either Russia pays better or they're just holding out hope that being contrarian to Democrats, regardless of the issue, will win them another term.

  • Dear Lemmy, **why** Star Trek??
  • Travalanche Travalanche Now 96%

    Eh, more like Trekkies are techies. I would consider myself somewhat of a techie, definitely nerdy, and very much into sci-fi, but I really don't give a shit about Star Trek. I've seen a lot of it, just because I've had a couple girlfriends that really enjoyed it, but otherwise I probably wouldn't have watched any after my childhood.
    Now, if HBO were to do a hard R version, I'd probably get into it.

  • What's the deal with buying single cans out of a multipack at a bottle shop? (Australia)
  • Travalanche Travalanche Now 95%

    Dude. This is 2023. I'm sure they've already got a translator app that flips the words for them.

  • Getting API error: temporarily_disabled whenever I try to view comments.
  • Travalanche Travalanche Now 100%

    All instances, as far as I can tell.
    I tried logging out, exiting the app completely, then I opened it back up, went on All, and clicked the first 20 or so posts with >3 comments. It didn't display any of the comments. I'd say 85ish% returned the error above, while the rest returned "No comments" (even though the post card showed comments were made).

  • I haven't been able to find any information about this error anywhere, so I'm hoping to find some help here. I'm using version .150 The problem persists after a phone restart. I haven't tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but that's what I'm going to try now. *UPDATE: Nope, that didn't work. *UPDATE #2: I got frustrated with this issue and decided to install another app instead of waiting for someone to come along with the magic answer. Welp, the issue followed me to the Thunder app. This leads me to believe that it's either an issue with my phone (possible, but I haven't changed anything on it, either shortly before, or since this problem started) or an issue with Lemmy itself (of which I know absolutely nothing about how it works internally). I did, however, see a big block of code pop up a couple times when Connect was trying and failing to load the comments, but both times it disappeared as soon as I touched the screen. I'm not a programmer, by any stretch if the imagination, so I didn't notice if it looked weird or anything (other than appearing where it shouldn't). I'll keep poking at Connect and Thunder to see if I can get it to do it again so I can try to grab a screenshot. UPDATE #3: I was able to get the block of code to pop up again. This time it stuck around and, even though it wouldn't let me select and copy the text, let me take pictures. It's a pretty long chunk of (what I'm guessing is) HTML, which starts with "Error: < ! DOCTYPE html >"(minus some spaces) I took screenshots of the whole thing, but it's like 60 screens long so, I can edit the pics into one and post it if that helps, but it will take me a while. UPDATE 4: This only seems to happen when I'm logged in. If I'm logged out while using the apps, I can still see the comments.

    Rainbow Bridge crash
  • Travalanche Travalanche Now 100%

    Ah, so that's why it exploded. 😬

  • 'Biggest Ever Global Strike Against Amazon' Kicks Off on Black Friday
  • Travalanche Travalanche Now 100%

    Seriously. What a dick of a human being.

  • A little background on me: I just started playing a few days ago. I don't have any friends that play and my headset died a while back, so I'm always going in solo. I've been enjoying the difficulty of completing missions and searching for good loot. The hardest part for me is dealing with other players. I've personally just been ignoring anyone that I come across (aside from a couple mistaken identity incidents), because I know they're trying to get some shit done themselves, but most, if not all, will turn around and kill me as I continue to go about my business. So, I guess I'm just wondering if any of you feel the same as me, or if you like it more with the PvP? Is it your expectation that players will compete and kill each other or do you prefer co-op? Before you start slinging shit at me, I'm not complaining here. I get a little frustrated when I have some good stuff and some other squad shoots me in the back, but I'm still leveling up and having a good time playing. I also realize that some of you enjoy hunting each other, and that's totally fine, I like PvP games too. My personal opinion is just that, in this game mode, it seems like a waste of time and effort (and, for the loser, _loot_) with everything else that we have to contend with in the game, especially for solo players.


    My 3.5mm headset died. I have a nice USB-A gaming headset, but I haven't been able to find any way to connect it to the controller. Do any of you know of a way to do this?


    Kickstarter for a horror RPG where you perform occult rituals in real life. I wonder if we'll see any wierdness come from the people who play this game. Seems like a good way to get a bunch of unknowing participants to test your spells and do the work for you though. 😆


    My son has some vision issues that I think should be checked out. Do any of you have a recommendation for a pediatric opthalmologist by chance?

    Travalanche Now
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