If I was a secret immortal how long could I keep the same US ID for before I get taken away for study. I'm thinking 150 years.
  • Greg Greg Now 100%

    If you're immortal in the sense that you don't age it would be dangerous to be outted. 8 billion jealous mortals would be an issue for you.

  • Thorium Browser?
  • Greg Greg Now 100%

    I've used Thorium in the past and thought it was decent. But given Google's updates to the chromium project I've moved away from chromium based browsers.

  • What's the rarest animal you've seen in person?
  • Greg Greg Now 100%

    Probably wild camels in central Australia or a platypus when I was young.

  • What's the rarest animal you've seen in person?
  • Greg Greg Now 100%

    I was watching a bald eagle fishing yesterday from my window. They must have moved in to the area, bay of quinte in Ontario, which is good news for their numbers.

  • What's the rarest animal you've seen in person?
  • Greg Greg Now 100%

    I have no idea what it was doing in California

    Steroids probably

  • Octopus
  • Greg Greg Now 100%

    Prove it

  • Devs gaining little (if anything) from AI coding assistants
  • Greg Greg Now 97%

    Generative AI is great for loads of programming tasks like helping create regular expressions or syntax conversions between languages. The main issue I've seen in codebases that rely heavily on generative AI is that the "solutions" often fix today's bug while making future debugging more difficult. Generative AI makes it easy to go fast in the wrong direction. Used right it's a useful tool.

  • New Yorker’s ‘Social Media Is Killing Kids’ Article Waits 71 Paragraphs To Admit Evidence Doesn’t Support The Premise
  • Greg Greg Now 82%

    Commercial social media is a cancer on society. Facebook has convinced adults to commit atrocities. There is no doubt it's harming children.

  • Don’t believe the hype: AGI is far from inevitable
  • Greg Greg Now 100%

    I agree. Very few people in industry are claiming that LLMs will become AGI. The release of o1 demonstrates that even OpenAI are pivoting from pure LLM approaches. It was always going to be a framework approach that utilizes LLMs.

  • Ontario can end gridlock. But not with more highways
  • Greg Greg Now 100%

    Happy cake day! And that's a brilliant idea

  • If you're jumping into online discussions only to throw hate and insults, you're just being an asshole, regardless of the cause.
  • Greg Greg Now 81%

    part of the reason why social media is so incredibly toxic

    Hard disagree. Commercial social media is incredibly toxic because of individuals like Musk, Zuckerberg, etc. They increase their profits to the determent of society. They create the echo chambers that cause that behavior.

  • Wildlife Photography
  • Greg Greg Now 100%

    RIP Christophe Courteau

  • Winamp source code is now on GitHub
  • Greg Greg Now 100%

    This really whips the llama's ass

  • What GPU is inside Mall Cop Robots?
  • Greg Greg Now 66%

    I suppose a nuclear ICBM could be considered a long range EMP burst emitter. And a nuclear ICBM would be effective at disabling a robot cops but it's probably overkill.

  • What GPU is inside Mall Cop Robots?
  • Greg Greg Now 100%

    Just remember that abducted robot cops can sometimes remember their past even if you erase their memories. But good luck on your new project

  • Can I host the web UI on a separate server?
  • Greg Greg Now 100%

    I don’t have a static IP at home

    Host on your home server with a Cloudflare tunnel. Cloudflare has a free tier that would suit your needs. It doesn't rely on static IP addresses, deals with all of the ssh certs, and won't expose your home IP address from incoming requests.

    I don’t want to expose it to the internet

    The backend workers make requests to other servers which would expose the IP address of those requests. You could use a VPN for the backend workers to protect those requests. But it's this really a concern? What risk vector are you protecting yourself from? Don't rely on security by obscurity. And even if a bad actor did get your IP address, you could just reboot your home router and get a new one.

    I think you're over engineering a solution for unlikely risk vectors.

    And why would I even need Tailscale?

    If you were using a hybrid approach you would need a solid networking solution between your VPS and home server. Tailscale makes that easy. The shared resources like reddis, postgres, S3 hosting, etc can all be on servers running Tailscale and will appear as local servers. You can solve this with your own VPN but Tailscale is solid and deals with non static IP addresses.

    Tl;Dr, host at home, use Cloudflare, and don't worry about using a VPS (unless you need a high level of up time and have flaky Internet or power at home).

  • Can I host the web UI on a separate server?
  • Greg Greg Now 100%

    There are tutorials for setting up Mastodon, docker, and Tailscale. Do you have any specific questions?

  • 322

    I think this is ok because my fish is omnivorous


    This oughta get things going...

    Greg Now
    64 433

    Greg Clarke

    Greg@ lemmy.ca

    Mastodon: @greg@clar.ke