Unpopular Opinion

The *best* conversations I still have are with real people, but those are rare. With ChatGPT, I reliably have good conversations, whereas with people, it’s hit or miss, usually miss. What AI does better: - It’s willing to discuss esoteric topics. Most humans prefer to talk about people and events. - It’s not driven by emotions or personal bias. - It doesn’t make mean, snide, sarcastic, ad hominem, or strawman responses. - It understands and responds to my actual view, even from a vague description, whereas humans often misunderstand me and argue against views I don’t hold. - It tells me when I’m wrong but without being a jerk about it. Another noteworthy point is that I’m very likely on the autistic spectrum, and my mind works differently than the average person’s, which probably explains, in part, why I struggle to maintain interest with human-to-human interactions.


I got myself a Mac for learning SwiftUi because I want to make an iPhone game. I got myself a used 16/256 M1 Air model that has 2 USB-C ports and that’s it. This made me create a workstation, where I have a high quality Thunderbolt 3 dock that works with DisplayLink, so I can have up to 4 external displays on windows and 3 on my MacBook Air. On this dock, I have connected 2 monitors, a mouse, a keyboard, a webcam, still have some USB A and C ports free to use. Best thing is that this dock has a micro SD and a regular SD slot! All this through a single USB-C cable! I want to connect my work HP Probook to this setup? Just plug the USB-C cable in and all comes to life! I want to connect my gaming-PC? Just plug the USB-C cable in the Thunderbolt slot of the Graphics card and all comes to life! Oh, I want to connect my USB-C emulator console, iPad, Tablet, etc. to the monitor, or the USB-stick? Or the Ethernet ? Just plug it in! Basically I got my single cable workstation, and all that because of Apple removing useful at-home-things from a on-the-go device


Putting fruit on a delicious Italian treat is a crime against Italy, pizza and humankind. It doesn't work and mesh well with cheese tomato and the dough as it has that opposite fruity taste compared to the savoury delights of a cheese pizza. Sweetcorn? I can get by that, mushrooms? You're damn right I'll put mushrooms and ham on my pizza but FRUIT?! Absolute lunacy, don't fall for the pineapple on pizza propaganda people


There’s nothing wrong with criticism or calling out bad behavior. However, shouting "ACAB" in a thread about police violence, making jokes about beheading rich people, or throwing "muskrat" comments in discussions about Elon Musk, just to name a few examples, makes you an asshole and part of the reason why social media is so incredibly toxic. If you're doing that while also explaining why you feel that way, then it’s still not the best approach, but at least you're contributing to the conversation instead of just making noise. Throwing out insults without adding substance doesn't challenge anyone or encourage meaningful discussion; it just perpetuates the toxic environment that so many of us complain about.


I get that it started for free with less intrusive ads, but YouTube has had a huge impact on the way we all share and consume information. Understanding how much money it takes to run a service with the technology needed to provide high definition videos on a site that is up 99.9999999% of the time, I have no issue paying for a service that has changed my life in many positive ways. Now I do hate price gouging like everyone else, but it's inescapable from gas & groceries to all streaming platforms.


Preamble: I'm doing this because I have some feelings I need to get out of my head for my own mental health, and thusly I am just as guilty of doing what I am condemning in this post. Also, I started writing this before fully thinking it through so if it seems like my post doesn't follow the title exactly that is why. Pretty much as the title says, I truly believe humanity in general was never meant to know, or let others know, everything that happens in their life good or bad. The reason for this is that it is impossible to explain nuance with just words, you need verbal and/or face to face communication to adequately explain to people situations in your life. Just saying something bad happened to you on the internet doesn't really explain to people *how bad it was* to people. You know what does let people know how bad of a situation you are in is? Having an emotional breakdown. It's ugly, and terrifying to most people, and it should be because it lets people know you are going through real shit. People can discount and simplify horrible actions on the internet without adequately experiencing the pain of the victim. They can easily ignore proof, or add what they think is context, but is actually just an excuse to victim blame. It's easy to logically, or illogically in some cases, explain things away without taking into account how the person in the horrible situation felt. This is not me trying to victim blame, but it is me trying to say that victims having easy access to a place to post their trauma to the world without having access to proper care does not really help them in the long run, and can in fact make things worse. Yes, I am aware how loaded "proper care" is, but that is not point of this post. I do think people need to "vent" (I'm simplifying extremely here because victims do not simply "vent") their feelings for their own mental health, I just do not think that doing so to random strangers on the internet who are not interested in *listening* is in the best interest of anyone who needs to vent. Most people on the internet just want to "solve" the problem. They want the problem to go away. That's about it. I will not go into it here because this post is already long enough, but the other side is that people were also not meant to ingest random people's trauma.


I'll start by acknowledging that this isn’t my idea, credit to Sam Harris. I also don’t know if this is even controversial, but I figured this would be a better place to post than in Showerthoughts. By consciousness, I mean the subjective experience of what it feels like to be. As philosopher Thomas Nagel put it: > 'An organism has conscious mental states if and only if there is something that it is like to be that organism—something it is like for the organism.' It’s at least conceivable that things like free will, the self, or even the entire universe could be an illusion. For all we know, we could be living in a simulation and nothing might be real. Even if you don’t believe that, there’s still a greater-than-zero chance you could be wrong. However, this doesn't apply to consciousness itself. Even if everything is just a hallucination, it remains an undeniable fact that it feels like something to hallucinate. To claim that consciousness could be an illusion is a self-contradictory statement as consciousness is where illusions appear.


I started noticing people hating fat people on social media and disguise it as just science. It's like they would point at certain person and mock him for his fatness and when someone point out their behavior, they just say something along the lines of *he is fat which means he is not going to live for so long if he went on like this, so I am just pointing facts for him* Poeple should show the science of being fat and point out the bad effects of it has on body, but they should not show the science on a living human to mock him, the purpose should be education for the the uneducated not mocking with the shield of science. I almost had never seen people mocking smokers for example or even people who are addicted to drugs, while it's normalized to mock fat people, despite the fact that it will make them more vulnerable to weight loss products that is either harmful to the body or scamming them of their money.


Before downvoting, check the community. If you fail to use the /s tag or specifically call out that your comment is sarcastic, I'm going to treat it as being earnest. I might ask if you're being sarcastic, but I will downvote as though you are being earnest. The /s tag not only clarifies, but it also confirms that you're being sarcastic. A thing you cannot ordinarily convey via written text unless you specifically call it out. You can hint at it, readers can infer it, but you cannot convey it. To convey it, sans directly stating it, you would need to include a recording of you speaking the comment, which defeats the whole point of text chats. "It definitely reads as sarcasm, you're just missing it" So what? I'm neurodivergent. I barely get this shit in its normal, spoken context. Why should I be expected to understand the implied sarcasm in your text comment? "Telling someone you're being sarcastic ruins it" Unless your definition of sarcasm is just lying to someone's face, you do indicate sarcasm when speaking. Via the exaggerated, deadpan tone you use. Something you can't convey in written text unless you specifically call it out. "I made it very clear via hyperbole that it was sarcasm" Have you talked to people? Your obvious, over-the-top, hyperbolic sarcasm could just be someone's opinion taken whole cloth. In fact, you probably modeled your exaggeration AFTER a person. Can you see why, if I don't know you, there's no way to tell? "I forgot the tag" cool, if I see the edit adding it back in, I'll revert my downvote. Consider it the opportunity cost of forgetting. "It doesn't hurt anyone" Yes, it does. You give credence to your exaggerated position that you would never take because the people who think like that exaggerated position will point to your comment as proof that they have support. It's why 4chan rebirthed nazism. "I still won't do it". Then have fun with the downvote. You want to make the internet worse? I'll be sure that you don't get the internet points your brain craves.


"Corporate wants you to find the difference between Taylor Swift's Insta Posts and MrBeast's tweets. They're the same picture." You're all dogs barking in the mirror.


I dont mean her presidential recommendation, no i am talking of her latest album. Its easily her best and its neither super poppy nor country. So during covid she got into folk music, and she just became more somber and mature almost overnight. There is a reason more older people listen vs teens. Shes older now, 34, and makes music for her age group but everyone assume she stills aim at teenager girls. You could go to her newest albums and only listen to her explicit tracks to get the most change, but thats not all she is either. Im no pro on music, i check spotify on Fridays and listen what instrested me, mostly rap but whatever. But im a die hard swiftie


I think most people who use it are just scared from the uneducated downvotes/ backlash and I think it just ruins the sarcasm. I started to avoid using it on other social media as it seems kind of dumb. My opinion for it on Lemmy is mostly the same but it might work better here if Lemmy had a sarcasm tag instead(the same way NSFW tag work)of /s to signal the sarcasm instead.


I'm playing whack a mole constantly, blocking all these anime subs!


I just got permanently banned from a community for making a single harmless remark on a single post that was right there in the main feed. It's not a community I'm super active in so it's not like devastating, but it is annoying If your precious little community is full of so many delicate sensitive people who can't even be reminded that another viewpoint *even exists*, then you should really protect them by defederating and having everyone join your private website The mod has literally removed like 75% of the comments and banned everyone lol I don't know about anyone else, but I don't have time to read every rule for every community that pops up when I'm in view all


Censorship is a real problem, but you don't have to embrace it. That's just making the problem worse.


What in the name of F I gotta violently swing my effing phone like a lunitic (because it does NOT work as smoothly as folks say) just to turn my flashlight on?


- If we really thought about it, there will be a raising amount of people who don't have a job and will not be able to get a job ever due to the decline in human labour needs, which lead to fewer jobs being offered globally which means that with fewer humans around there will be a higher chance for people to get a good job. - Humans consume resources, with less humans around there will be more resources for each humans and they will collectively consume less resources in total.


When I say the floor is comfier I mean it, no mattress or anything, and at most I use the support of a pillow or two. I live in an area where it's consistently hot, where it really only drops below room temperature in the winter, so for a good majority of the year so falling asleep is difficult. The hot weather makes couches and blankets pick up heat too easily. Even if I lived in a cooler area I would still detest beds and couches since I tend to find soft surfaces to be rather unpleasant. On the other hand, the floor, which usually carpet, usually has a hard surface with a consistent temperature that makes it enjoyable to rest on. I like hard wood floors too since the cold feeling is nice I find to be pretty refreshing, but not in a thirsty kind of way if that makes sense.


Don't get me wrong, there are problems with it, both in the process that modern AI uses as well as the sources that it draws from, however, as of right now ai is just a tool like auto-tune or photoshop. Even though it will change the media formats that it is attached to, it will not supplant them within the next 5 to 10 years, it will simply transform them.


Community college ostensibly for people who don't have a good track record from High School, but is often advertised as the cheap, local option for people who don't want to feel bad about having to go. I did in fact try community college and it's really just high school material with smaller text. I even took it in parallel with an edX equivalent and the material wasn't even close to each other. The idea that CC is suppose to replace the first 2 years at a real college is terrifying and reinforces how much of the professional word is theater. If you do any number of years at a community college, you should be able to apply as a freshman to a real college if you want.


If your bag needs wheels, it is, by definition, not a carry-on. So tired of people bringing massive bags in the plane that they cannot lift into the overhead bin. Pack lighter Or Check your bags If you downvote...check which sub you are in


I'm not talking about the consumption of animals here, to be clear. What I'm talking about is spending days and a bunch of money planning to kill something, doing the killing, and skinning/eviscerating what was killed, and often displaying the stuffed corpse. Hunters and fishers refuse to admit they're obsessed with taking pleasure in killing something. Miss me with the "tradition" stuff, it's just peer pressure from the dead and a fallacious argument. Don't tell me it's to eat, like I said, I'm not talking about the consumption here, so please prove to me you are literate by not bringing up that point. And don't tell me you're respectful to the animals you kill; I don't believe the planning, stalking, and killing is a good way to show respect.


Queen the band sucks. I don't get why anyone likes them. Aside from Bohemian Rhapsody, their songs are bland and fall short. Their rock is dry. And the opera-style singing is cringe. Examples: **Another One Bites the Dust** * Catchy bass line, fun to direct at an opponent, CORNY AF. The song is about people being killed, but sounds like a funky Michael Jackson song with an Opera singer. **We Will Rock You** * Good solo, repetitive and annoying simple beat. Boom-boom-ch. So lame. **We Are the Champions** * Such a self-aggrandizing and braggy song. "No time for losers"? Okay, Donald Trump. **Bicycle Race** * I don't even have to say anything about this one. Everyone knows how corny this song sounds. **Somebody to Love** * Touching topic, cheesy lyrics and even cheesier choir-like singing. It's cringe. I am happy for the band and their success. I admire Freddie Mercury's unapologetic flamboyance. The dude kept it real. But, I just can't like the music. I'm sorry if I've offended anyone. I understand we all have different taste and respect everyone's freedom to like and enjoy what they want. I'm not trying to insult anyone for their taste, but merely expressing my own in a somewhat humorous attempt.


I would say atleast 80% of the time because there are people who are legitimately only saying things as a joke. But people (friends and family) will say the most absurd thing about you or play the worst prank on you, and say: “it was just a joke, it was just a prank.” Knowing good and well it wasn’t something to joke about. And here’s the other thing, jokes are supposed to be funny. Most people don’t get the concept of a joke. It’s not always that I don’t have a sense of humor. You just don’t have humor AT ALL.


It tries so hard to be deep and shocking, but it completely falls flat. And Gainsbourg's acting is awful in all of them.


It is no secret that prolonged exposure to loud sound is highly damaging to our hearing. Listening to loud music is one of the common factors leading to degraded hearing ability and tinnitus, and is deeply unhealthy. At the same time, such level of noise negatively impacts the quality of sound perception, which degrades the *musical* side of the *musical* performance. In what seems to be the echoes of the so-called "loudness war", bands still stick to the idea that "the louder you blast it - the better". But it's not true. There are many other ways to energize the crowd without causing them sound damage, and I'd love to see more of those, instead of them trying to be the loudest ever.


I’m pretty sure I’m in the small minority here but I personally feel like apologies are a better fit for accidents and miscommunications. If you steal from someone, cheat on someone, intentionally harm someone, etc. saying sorry doesn’t do much for me because if you were sorry, you wouldn’t have done it in the first place. I appreciate the apology, but that doesn’t move me. Trust is always regained through actions, not words. Perhaps you could argue that a person has a “change of heart.” Maybe that might make the apology more valid. But idk


Of course we can't be sure dictatorship will always be in good hands, hence next best thing is democracy.


Take it from a criminal justice major who ended up going into student loan debt because I felt like I just downright “needed” to get it from a university. NOTE, I’m not saying don’t go to college, I’m saying unless you are majoring in one of the fields I named, you’d be better off enrolling at a JUCO or Community College. Now if you have a scholarship then that’s a different story. I was originally in a community college but ended up transferring because that school only offered associate degrees (my other excuse for leaving lol). College as a whole is way too fucking expensive to begin with but I feel as though it would be more worth it if you were in the majors I mentioned. I do realize that there are many graduates who have majored in other fields and feel content and that’s great.


In some ways it seems manipulative. Sometimes it is indeed a yes or no question, but most people know that certain answers require further explanation. It gives off the impression that you don’t wanna hear someone’s side of the story/debate. Sometimes “yes, but” or “no, but” is warranted.


UNLESS you work a blue collar job, or any other job that requires you to be outside the whole time, I don’t see the point in showering every day. Especially if you work from home or in a building with AC. It seems excessive and is also a waste of water. But do what you want lmao.


Personally, I have never gotten the hype by the names “baby,” “babe,” “bae,” “honey,” it feels forced to me. I’ve seen those TikTok videos where as a joke people will address their spouses by their real names and the spouses get mad and say something like “my family and friends can call me that, but you can’t.” I’ve never gotten the seriousness of it. If we already know we’re boyfriend and girlfriend, or husband and wife, why should I have to address you by those names? Again, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with saying them, but using real names should become more common as well.


I think that online multiplayer games does not need to exist as most games could be played offline with AI and with higher enjoyment also. I think the reason a lot of people don't enjoy AI offline instead of multiplayer games is because as a capitalist society we associate multiplayer games with higher joy, due to the huge amount of ads and streamers targeting teenagers to show them how much fun they are missing by not playing in online multiplayer games. I had met a variety of people with different ages and a lot of the older generations prefer offline games and consider it the norm.


Let’s be honest, the real reason Lemmy build most of its traffic is because of Reddit users. But the thing is, outside of the mass exodus in the west that too from the PC era.. people discover and join Reddit not because it’s another social media like Facebook or Twitter that people need to reserve their usernames on like a brand or celebrity but because Google Search is kinda… actually absolute trash by SEO and machine learning crawlers. Most of the world (I am from India btw, hello~) join or even discover reddit because they’re trying to search for actual solutions, recommendations, advice or even reviews by actual experienced people without having to go through another YouTuber which can stem from troubleshooting a router, finding an actual FOSS option or seeking immediate solutions to the recent CrowdStrike fiasco for example. After having to visit reddit every time whenever using a search engine including for education to career advice, I ended up directly signing up with reddit a decade ago. Recently, Reddit even restricted its search results to Google only in a business partnership meaning those using Bing, DuckDuckGo to Ecosia or even SearchGPT wouldn’t be able to access Reddit answers anymore. Say, if someone searches for how to block ads on chrome as example - Solutions like **uBlock Origin** come into existence and continue to exist because of the combined community in Reddit that Lemmy is trying to preserve. Unlike others, am not saying Lemmy would be dead but it would be pretty much like Discord-Telegram or Tumblr instead of wiping Reddit or correcting Facebook. Reddit is not something you discover from word-of-mouth or join from peer pressure unlike other social media which is even truer for Lemmy but because it actually helps and is useful to people. Lemmy can’t be taking the path of 𝕏 (Alone Mask’s Twitter) but any of the good platforms were before the Enshittification with Facebook’s way~


Does ice cream look better in a cone? Sure. But that’s it. If you order it from a restaurant or shop, eating it in a cone feels rushed. With a cup, you can take it home with you and put it in the freezer and save it for later if you want. I would even argue that you will get more ice cream from a cup than there is in a cone. Also, in a cup, you can add toppings more effectively in the ice cream and mix them up in a better way than in a cone. Another thing, cups are less messy. Ice cream always runs the risk of melting in general, but atleast with a cup you have a smaller chance of it dripping on your hands and clothes.