Compulsion to help others
  • randomdeadguy randomdeadguy Now 100%

    I struggle with these feelings too. I'm always on the lookout for someone expressing distress and I tend to attend to their needs at the expense of my own work. It is important for me to recognize when someone actually wants assistance or if I'm just "mansplaining," which would be annoying and demeaning.

    Sometimes, if I don't understand the problem myself, I find it very interesting to learn how to solve it, and the experience is usually mutually beneficial.

  • War never changes
  • randomdeadguy randomdeadguy Now 50%

    😭 It was in the Operating Room too, which means it had no laugh track. I loved the versatility of this show, but the OR was dead serious. The optimism of Mulcahey against the emphatic cynicism of Hawk is a great character moment. I'm dead inside.

  • I love children's sense of humour
  • randomdeadguy randomdeadguy Now 94%

    Makes too much sense, probably the victim's fault instead /s

  • War never changes
  • randomdeadguy randomdeadguy Now 100%

    Yes! We! Can!

  • Burp
  • randomdeadguy randomdeadguy Now 100%

    I can see it as both blue/black or white/gold, just blink a few times!

  • It'll be really funny when Mike Lindell goes back to smoking crack after he goes broke from lawsuits
  • randomdeadguy randomdeadguy Now 100%

    I agree, I wish things worked that way. If he loses, he can just pay to play again until he wins. People are confused and exploited in every place that has people, and someone else will come along to prey upon folks, because it is always personally advantageous.

  • "Make no mistake, the United States is fully, fully, fully supportive of Israel" President Joe Biden
  • randomdeadguy randomdeadguy Now 100%

    Why do the representatives of this place not reflect the wishes of their constituents?

  • Won't someone please think of the boomers?!
  • randomdeadguy randomdeadguy Now 83%

    So the share that has grandkids is the share that can afford them, right?

  • A short, wholesome story
  • randomdeadguy randomdeadguy Now 0%

    An alternative for what? Never heard of it.

  • A short, wholesome story
  • randomdeadguy randomdeadguy Now 100%

    I could only recall the incest brand off the top of my head 😭

  • A short, wholesome story
  • randomdeadguy randomdeadguy Now 61%

    This is because we have a Google home which is linked to my Spotify account.

    Cute story... this is an advertisement, even if it was not the author's intent. I enjoy human connection and mawwiage as much as the next guy, but we can have a better story with post-google open source alternatives.

    "Will you be my Spotify Duo... til death do us part?" I texted her, over my Google Pixel 3 Watch

    sniffle "Of course my love. Nike, Just Do It™" she said, between sips of her new Folger's dark mountain blend with new hazelnut flavor.

    "Based, fam" And then they Uber off into the sunset.

  • History of Australia
  • randomdeadguy randomdeadguy Now 100%

    I am intrigued by your views and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

  • I'm curious to know which Spell Learning mods our illustrious community of degenerates prefers! Personally, I am partial to the seldom-endorsed DM's Spell Learning Overhaul. Not only does it have a great system based on DEST, it is totally configurable via mcm and is out-of-the-box compatible with all mods that add spell tomes. I'm glad to have found it after failing to run Spell Tutor on my 1.5.97 setup. There are a plethora of options, but what do you like?

    randomdeadguy Now
    1 254
