The server on which our Movim, XMPP server and the Wiki runs will be down for 1 hour this weekend as I am swapping out the CPU and cooler for a stronger one. SLRPNK Lemmy, the alternative frontends and the Etherpad will not be effected. There will also be a few other short disruptions in the coming days as I am switching around a few other things with the hardware, but those should be only a few seconds to minutes at most. Edit: Double-checking the specs I just now realized that I have to do it in a different way. Edit2: Will still do a short maintenance to replace the CPU cooler, but not the CPU as the new one needs a different type of memory.

SLRPNK Community Discussion - October 2024
  • poVoq poVoq Now 100%

    On another technical note: I finally got around installing the solar-panels on the roof of the place that acts as the "datacenter" for the SLRPNK servers. The servers were already running on battery charged at night since March of this year (mostly wind and geothermal grid power then) and now I will try to run them fully on solar-power.

    It's not a complete off-grid system, so if there is a power shortage it will still pull from the grid (which at peak times is sadly still 60% fossil fuel here), but I am reasonably confident that most of the time this will not be necessary as the battery has sufficient capacity.

  • Looking for a step-by-step or ELI5-type guide on how to disconnect from the power grid and go full solar on a 4-bedroom house.
  • poVoq poVoq Now 100%

    You might want to first identify your main power consumption and at what time this occurs. 300$ seems very high in general, but if that is for example mostly AC usage during the day, you might be able to not have to buy as large of a battery since peak consumption coincidences with peak production.

  • How did we move from forums to Reddit, Facebook groups, and Discord?
  • poVoq poVoq Now 100%

    While your post does mention notifications which really helps with engagement and was lacking from most forums, the main issue was IMHO lack of good mobile support of all the main forum platforms until as you said Discourse came along, but by then it was too late.

  • College students used Meta’s smart glasses to dox people in real time
  • poVoq poVoq Now 90%

    It would be also really useful to have a database of oil company executives and other shitty people that aren't easy to recognize but worth refusing service etc.

  • SLRPNK Community Discussion - October 2024
  • poVoq poVoq Now 100%

    The Photon dev also made a greenish theme that is quite nice:

  • Mechanical engineering uni project
  • poVoq poVoq Now 100%

    What kind of material and size limitations are there?

  • [Theme] Emerald theme for Photon
  • poVoq poVoq Now 100%

    Indeed pretty nice.

  • ### October 2024 meta post October is upon us! And with it, a new Monthly Meta Post! Us admins check the comments to this post frequently, so in addition to having some of the latest news and announcements, it also acts as a sort of community square to discuss anything and everything related to the instance. Onto the news of the month. #### Communities in need of new mods We regularly prune abandoned communities, but sometimes there are those that have been quite active in the past and would benefit from someone new taking the over and doing moderation. For example, these communities have seemingly inactive moderators: - [/c/composting]( - [/c/food]( - [/c/offgrid]( - [/c/birding]( - [/c/bootstrappable]( So speak up if you would like to take over these communities as a mod, or maybe you are one of the mods of these communities and have just been lurking for several months? In both cases please let us know below, or otherwise we will consider pruning these communities next month. #### Language specific Solarpunk communities Since SLRPNK is primarily English speaking, we would like to take this opportunity to highlight some non-english Solarpunk communities on other Lemmy instances: - [Solarpunk francophone]( on - Polish speaking [Solarpunk community]( on - [Solarpunk Lusófona]( on - Defunct [German speaking Solarpunk community]( on If you know any others, please let us know in the comments. If you are interested in opening a language specific Solarpunk community here on SLRPNK (and are willing to moderate it well, given we admins are likely unable to support in languages we don't speak), let us know and we can discuss the details. Some Asian language communities for example would probably cover an interesting niche that is currently not served at all. #### Photon as primary frontend for SLRPNK? (Update) As mentioned in last month's update, we are considering to move our [Photon frontend]( to the domain root to replace the current frontend. @punkisundead was so kind to develop a [custom color scheme]( for it, emulating our current theming. So far there seem to be no blockers for this switch and neither were there any objections, so we will probably go ahead in the coming weeks and do the switch. The current frontend will be moved to a sub-domain most likely, and remain accessible there for those who prefer it. #### Technical Updates The previous issues with the NVMe drives and the wiki have been resolved, and currently the server is running without issues. This leaves us with the opportunity to play around with some new stuff and maybe fix the remaining smaller login issues with the [wiki]( One plan is to improve the audio/video call features of our [Movim]( instance. We currently don't run our own STUN/TURN infrastructure, making it fail to connect sometimes, but that should be a relatively simple addition. Furthermore, it would be a nice preparation for the peer-to-peer group-call feature that is likely to land in Movim before the end of the year. There is also a [new Matrix to XMPP gateway]( that might be worth exploring. It would allow contacting Matrix users in 1:1 chats and for Matrix users to enter our XMPP group-chats. Due to technical issues with the Matrix network, we will probably disable the reverse to prevent overloading the resources of our server. The support for incoming 1:1 messages might be interesting as Lemmy currently only has built in support for Matrix accounts/addresses in the profile (although we would love if that would change). On a side note: is the first additional Lemmy instance that implemented [our XMPP account linking script]( and now also offers XMPP accounts to all of their approximately 2000 members. If you know a Lemmy instance admin that might be also interested in this, please let us know and we are happy to help set it up. The needed Ejabberd server is very low resource use, so it can be run next to Lemmy without problems. #### Open Discussion It’s now your turn to tell us what’s new! Any topic related to this community, our infrastructure, or the Fediverse at large is fair game. If you’ve created a new community, this is a great thread to tell us about it. All comments will get extra visibility up until the beginning of next month. Got questions? Ask’em!

    Thoughts on HumHub?
  • poVoq poVoq Now 100%

    Since Snikket is just an XMPP server, it can be used with desktop apps like Dino as well.

    All the corporate gamification feature are probably quite annoying.

  • Thoughts on HumHub?
  • poVoq poVoq Now 100%

    It really is an enterprise solution and I doubt your family will be happy with it.

    Why not just set up a Snikket server and use that? You can easily create group-chats and share pictures and videos there and the interface is similar to WhatsApp.

  • Opensource BundesOffice "openDesk Version" 1.0 mit Element, Nextcloud, Collaboraoffice und mehr. Als SaaS und Selfhostbar
  • poVoq poVoq Now 100%

    AFAIK waren die schon immer in Riga und es wird nicht in Russland entwickelt. Aber ja, die Gründer gehöhren zu der relativ großen russischsprachigen Minderheit in Lettland und es gibt Firmenbeziehungen nach Russland, aber das war bis vor kurzem ziemlich normal in den baltischen Staaten.

  • Kennt ihr pay per use Internetverträge fürs Handy?
  • poVoq poVoq Now 100%

    Wenn dein Handy eSIM Unterstützung hat gibt es ganz gute ausländische Angebote. z.B. hab ich von BNE eSIM einen Datenvertrag der in ganz Europa gültig ist (nicht nur das zeitlich limitierte EU roaming) und mir nie ablaufende 20GB Daten gibt. Hab ich jetzt c.a. ein Jahr und insgesammt 3GB verbraucht (Ich nutze es fast nur für XMPP mobil), d.h. ein paar Jahre sollten die 20GB reichen, und sonst kann man auch einfach nachbuchen.

  • Other kinds of indigenous forms of meat alternatives like tempeh?
  • poVoq poVoq Now 100%

    You can grow oyster mushrooms at home, there are nice ready made kits to buy.

  • Keine Geburtsurkunde wegen Nachnamen: Mutter fühlt sich diskriminiert
  • poVoq poVoq Now 100%

    "Das haben wir schon immer so gemacht, und da könnte ja jeder kommen" /s

    Edit: alternativ natürlich auch nicht unwahrscheinlich heuzutage: ”Der Computer sagt nein".

  • 3sat soll in Arte aufgehen – Auf Wiedersehen, Bildungssender!
  • poVoq poVoq Now 100%

    Mir würde es schon reichen wenn die aufhöhren würden den scheiß Fußball mit Millionen zu subventionieren und fast eben so große Beträge an private Produktionfirmen für blöde Polittalkshows zu verplempern.

  • 3sat soll in Arte aufgehen – Auf Wiedersehen, Bildungssender!
  • poVoq poVoq Now 83%

    Böhmermann vielleicht, aber das kann man auch besser im Streaming schauen.

  • Hives
  • poVoq poVoq Now 100%

    Badly insulated and huge open spaces that waste a lot of power if heated or cooled. In addition the entire concept of car dependent suburbs and sprawling development into the country side is an environmental disaster all on its own.

  • Deutschland schiebt Hunderte Asylbewerber in die Türkei ab
  • poVoq poVoq Now 100%

    Die meines wissens größte kurdische politische Partei in der Türkei, die HDP wird allgemein als PKK nah bzw. sogar als der politische Arm der PKK bezeichnet.

    Es ist ein gewaltiger Unterschied ob jemand "PKK nah" oder ein aktives Mitglied ist. Reine PKK nähe ist meines Wissens nach kein automatischer Asyl Ablehnungsgrund, aber sicher wird das nun bei der Abschiebung gerne als Grund genannt werden.

    Ich finde es erlich gesagt sehr anmaßend von dir was du hier über mich annimmst basierend auf wenigen und noch dazu völlig fehlinterpretierten Sätzen.

  • Hives
  • poVoq poVoq Now 100%

    Drywall is pretty much the same, so yes, you can, and the typical US McMasion is pretty menacing in its environmental impact (and looks shit as well).

  • Deutschland schiebt Hunderte Asylbewerber in die Türkei ab
  • poVoq poVoq Now 50%

    Gehts noch? Was interpretierst du bitte hier in meine Nachricht hinein was ich weder geschrieben noch gemeint habe?

    Um Asyl zu bekommen muss man nachweisen das man konkret im Herkunftsland aus politischen oder ähnlichen Gründen verfolgt wird. Das trifft bei der Türkei vor allem bei politisch aktiven Kurden zu.

  • static website generator
  • poVoq poVoq Now 100%


    But Hugo is fine, no need to use all the advanced features.

  • cross-posted from: > Contas XMPP para todos! []( > > O downtime foi mais longo do que o esperado (4h). To cansadão mas feliz de anunciar que a migração foi um sucesso e agora todos os usuários do têm uma conta [#XMPP]( com o mesmo nome de usuário e senha do Lemmy :) > > Use um cliente XMPP (recomendo Conversations no Android e Gajim no PC), com seu usuário e sua senha. > > O [@daltux]( fez um ótimo post com dicas: []( > > Link [#LemmyBR]( []( > > [\#IM]( [#Fediverso]( [#FOSS](

    poVoq Now
    1.4K 4.4K



    Admin on the Lemmy instance.

    He/Him or what ever you feel like.


    Avatar is an image of a baby octopus.