[Question] Which shell prompt do you use and why?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearIO
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    I use budspencer theme on fish. https://github.com/oh-my-fish/oh-my-fish/blob/master/docs/Themes.md#budspencer-theme It looks cool and yellow, which I like. I prints the path on the far right and parent folders are printed only with initial letter, so it doesn't take 2 lines in the shell and it ends up pretty short. It also has git integration and some budspencer exclusive commands to perform some cools actions, I don't care about and I have never used. Also, I like that command errors are displayed as ✔ or ✘ on the next prompt. It also prints the time the last command has been running. I use vi keybidings, so prompt color changes when I change the mode feel cool. I would also like to have the execution time for every command, but I have another theme for that I don't remember the name of on my work machine.

  • PSA: When people ask you "What distro should I use?", try pointing them here
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearIO
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    I like your solution! Thank you.

    About my computers: I have 2 1GB RAM laptops. One has 20-25 years the other one 10-15. I have tried Puppy and antiX in these. And I personally prefer antix on them. Another 4GB laptop that might be around 8 but is pretty trash as it was a gift from our bank (it was able to run Elementary OS, it was fine). A kind of old computer but with 4GB RAM (Think I have XFCE or Cinnamon Mint on it). And a big boy with 16GB and a pretty good CPU. And the oldest computers are used the least often (maybe once a year) while the middle computer might be used 20 times a year and the last one maybe once every week.

    So I believe something like antix would work, but I'm not sure if the USB way would. Seems like they would lose their pendrives the second day.

  • PSA: When people ask you "What distro should I use?", try pointing them here
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearIO
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    I have lately experienced a problem with my family. We have good computers, kind of bad computers and really bad and old computers. I can install a really cool distro on good computers, but not on the bad ones. I need a lighter DE on bad computers and a distro ready for old computers. But my family can't afford to learn how to use the 3 of them. So what is the solution here?

    I'm thinking about installing the same distribution on all of them so that they don't have to get used to a new one every time they jump from one to another computer. I think that will be antiX.

  • Is anyone else having trouble giving up Reddit due to content?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearIO
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    I used to use libreddit or teddit. But they are unviable now because of the amount of requests. So I sometimes try to check if there is something interesting about SSBM, which is the only subreddit that is not on lemmy which I'm kind of interested in, but I get the same error many of the times. But it doesn't really matter, if you ignore reddit's existence, you will feel no attachment to it.

  • Which project(s) made you go “I can't believe this is open-source”?😎
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearIO
    Now 90%

    You will get already many responses to your question. Let me answer you the opposite.

    I concluded after starting using FOSS software, that it was much easier to find high quality programs searching by "open source [feature I want]" or "[program] alternative open source" and I have lost hours and hours searching, installing and cleaning my PC because of malware I downloaded.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLE
    BBS.Darkwitch.net – A Chinese Lemmy instance
    what is your life's philosophy?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearIO
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    Aim for something. Have that in mind. Until it goes away, because you achieved it or you got bored of it (try no to do this). Then, aim for something else and repeat. Meanwhile, try to be sociable.

  • Groups support for Pixelfed funded
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearIO
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    Edit: Just an offtopic comment about why it disgusts me to donate more than I already do to pixelfed.

    I started making them donations 3 years ago because they said they were about to release the android app, so I felt obligation to show them my gratitude.

    The app was published under a "beta" flag some months ago and it is pretty pretty bad for the time is should have been in development. Not to talk about that it is not free software either... I've been giving money for the development of a proprietary software... I'm disgusted. I guess that is why it is a pretty bad app. He had to do it all alone, while also moving forward pixelfed and fedidb. I'm sticking with pixeldroid for now.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLE
    PSA: The Perils of an .xyz Domain
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearIO
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    I think it is related to this. I also have a really high trust value an email tester and I use a .com. It doesn't really matter. The email service we have on our company must have some kind of whitelist of "trustworthy" mail servers. I have sent emails to my company address and they go to SPAM. I'm pretty sure the whitelist is pretty small, or at least it doesn't include email services provided by non big companies. I use Migadu, btw.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLE
    PSA: The Perils of an .xyz Domain
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearIO
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    I'm not sure about how much it is penalized .xyz for being .xyz, but if the domain is new or you don't have DMARC, DKIM and all of those perfectly set, you will still keep having problems.

  • I'm sorry for all the Rust fans out there reading the title, but it is true. I can't stop feeling fear whenever there is news about Rust spreading more around free software I have looked at the project and it is fun! I have known people that loved Rust and I wish I did too. I think the results the programming language is getting around performance and security are great! But I can't help feel fearful of its trademark. I have already accepted myself Firefox trademark. I kind of think it is *fine*. But being Rust a programming language, the foundation for software, I can only feel fear when I think how much software will be affected by trademark concerns. I think the discussion about this was reopened with a Debian bug that was then summarized on this [LWN article](https://lwn.net/Articles/901816/). I can't stop thinking that this trademark that, I think, was made to protect the users (?), is in violation of freedom 3 (*The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others*), which make compilers that compile Rust code with the Rust name on it non-free software. Maybe, it is not specifically the freedom 3 which is being violated, it might be another license clause. It's basically that the software with the trademark is at mercy of its trademark owner, so it could sent a cease and desist whenever it feels preferable, then not being completely free as in freedom. I thought the other day, "I think I read there is a new rust compiler with a gcc backend. That's so cool!! maybe that will fix trademark issues and I will be able to use Rust without any concern!". But seems like they are keeping the Rust name, which also keeps the Trademark. Moreover, I think gcc rust is going to gcc itself? (this is when I got stressed). We could all assume nothing bad is going to happen with Rust and that it is going to be a wonderful programming language and compiler for free software. But wouldn't we be going against the very principles of free software by making this whole community trust a single organization? Now I think called Rust foundation, but pretty sure under control by Mozilla. What if everything goes fine the first 5, 10, 15 years, but then the trademark goes against us and we cannot do anything because Rust is everywhere? I have always tried to ignore the trademark issue (because you know, it stresses me :), but back then I thought it would be better in order to protect Rust having a good specification (I think currently there is only an incomplete "reference") with a compiler that doesn't update and add so many features so often, so that alternative Rust compilers could be built and catch up the main implementation, instead of having a single ever-changing one as today. I would like to know how you manage to suppress these fearful feelings or at least how you feel about this philosophically nonfree software/trademark issue. Thank you for reading about my concerns :^)


    Jellyfin: `Jellyfin is a free and open-source multimedia application suite designed to organize, manage, and share digital media files to networked devices.` Ez dakit zergatik gertatzen zaidan baina nolabait bideoek kargatzeko denbora gehiegi behar dute. Jatorrizko kalitatean nahi dut erreproduzitu, horrek esan nahi du ez dudala transcoding eta ffmpeg behar. Eta hala da, makinan htop eginda CPUa ondo dagoelako. Baina orduan zergatik gelditzen zait bideoa blokeatuta puntu batean? Hau normalean hasieratik zuzenean ikusten ez dudanean gertatzen da, erdiko puntu batera mugitzean. ![](https://lemmy.eus/pictrs/image/KkUAw7SguT.png) Baina ez dakit, lehen bazebilen eta orain bai... Oso arraroa. Norbaitek Jellyfin erabiltzen badu...


    I'm not able to find that font. I have found some websites that work for text, but they don't seem to work for emoji. I'm using Firefox on Void Linux (old install) and Linux Mint (1 week old install, I didn't almost do anything). I have already tried to change fonts from settings, to check if emojis change, but I had no luck. I get these emojis on firefox, but not on Brave, for example. Here is a sample image of some of my emojis: ![](https://lemmy.eus/pictrs/image/HaIjdWrpaq.png) I have to note that I only get these emojis on firefox. And I know should know which fonts I have installed on my system. But I have never understood fonts on linux. Edit: I think it is Twemoji.


    KONTUZ. Gida ez da formala. #### Osagaiak * Domeinu bat. Merkeenak _.party_ uste dut direla. * Beti piztuta egongo den ordenagailu bat (1GB RAMekin soberan eta biltegiratzerako zenbait giga hartu, nik 20GB). * (Aukeran eta idealki) Beti piztuta eta konektatuta egongo den "mugikor" bat. #### Laburpena/Baliabideak 1. Matrix zerbitzaria, dendrite ([docker gabe](https://github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/blob/master/docs/INSTALL.md), [dockerrekin](https://github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/tree/master/build/docker)). Synapse erabili daiteke, baina gida honetatik kanpo dago. 2. Mautrix zubia ([docker gabe](https://docs.mau.fi/bridges/go/whatsapp/setup/index.html), [dockerrekin](https://docs.mau.fi/bridges/go/whatsapp/setup/docker.html)) 3. Android bat behar duzu. Zuk ikusi nola. Makina birtual bidez, munduan ahaztuta dauden milioika mugikorretako bat edota raspberry pi batean android instalatuta. Ondoren dagokion [autentikazioa](https://docs.mau.fi/bridges/go/whatsapp/authentication.html) eginda. 3 pauso horiekin instalatzeko gai ez bazara, ondorengo gida sortu dut: https://wiki.iortegam.com/hypha/guides/eus/dendrite-mautrix


    Badirudi lotsagabe batzuk dabiltzala internetetik bueltaka Countinuous Integration eskaintzen duten doako zerbitzuak esplotatzen bertan kriptomonetak minatzen. Baita ere hemen irakurri dut: https://teddit.net/r/StallmanWasRight/comments/mz00fm/crypto_miners_are_killing_free_ci/ Jendea Ethereum eta antzerakoak dago minatzen... gaur egun gauzak dauden moduan proof of work ia debekatuta egon beharko litzateke, honelako egoeretara eramaten gaituelako eta gainera asko kutsatzen duelako. Proof of Stake askoz ere alternativa hobeagoa da, baina nola Bitcoin alde horretatik atzeratuta dagoenez... ikusi ethereum, aldatzear daude. Bitcoinek oso gaizki eragingo dio kriptomoneten ekosistemari eta aldatzen ez bada, bi aukera bakarrik ikusten ditut, edo proof of work motakoak desagertu egiten dira edo denak desagertzen dira. Ez dut uste proof of work ordezkatzeko gai izango direnik moneta gehienak kontuan izanda zenbat kostatu zaion hori egitea ethereumi. Europatik, goi goitik etorriko da agindu bat, Bitcoin erabiltzea debekatuta ekologia arrazoiengatik, eta baliteke eskusa hori erabilita ya de paso kriptomoneta guztiak debekatuko dituztela, denak ekologiarekiko kaltegarriak izan ez arren.


    Kaixo. Iñigo naiz eta beste tokiren batean komentatu dudanez, programazio lenguaia perfektuaren bila nabil. Programazio lenguaia bat perfektoa izateko ondorengo baldintzak ipintzen ditut: - Ikasteko erraza - Erabiltzeko erraza - Kode ulergarria - Konpilazio azkarra - Exekuzio azkarra - Eramangarritasuna (portability) - Bateragarritasuna mantentzea bertsiotik bertsiora - Komunitate osasuntsua izatea - Software askea errespetatzea - Segurtasun arazoak ez izatea - Eta oso garrantzitsua ez den arren, hirugarrengoen paketeen banaketa egitea errazten duten tresna egokiak izatea (package manager) Baldintza gehiago gogoratzen baditut, hau aldatuko dut. Beno, ba nahi dudana da goi mailako lenguaia bat, behe mailako baten abiadura izan nahi duena eta bueno, bestek gauza guztiak. Lenguaia mota honen bila ibili naiz denbora luze batean zehar eta hona hemen nire aurkikuntzak: - **Java** (IcedTea) eta **JVM** lenguaiak: Beno, lenguaia ez dago gaizki nire ustez. JVM erabiltzen du, edozein plataforman funtzionatzea ahalbidetzen duena honetarako euskarria badago. Arazoa: Ez dut JVM erabili nahi. Javako programak ez dira nahikoa azkarrak. Memoria asko erabiltzen dute. Lizentziarekin arazoak daude. Eta argumentu gehiago daude hemen: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Java - **Kotlin**: Javak uzten duen hutsunea betetzeko, Kotlin sortu zuen Googlek. Javaren oso antzekoa dena, baina badirudi antzera funtzionatzen duela eta mugikorretarako dagoela gehienbat eginda. Googlena izateaz gain, ez zait gehiegi gustatzen hala ere. - **C**: Hona hemen jokalari zahar bat. Bai, dexente gogoko dut, eta baldintzetatik asko betetzen ditu. Ordea, beste zenbait ere ez ditu betetzen. Azkarra, kode sinplea (kodeak berak erakusten baitu ordenagailuak egiten duena nahiko modu argian), eramangarritasuna, bateragarritasuna... Beno, baina ez da oso erraza programatzen, ikasteko pixkat zaila, segurtasuna ondo inplementatzea zaila da eta beno ba ez dago pakete kudeatzailerik. Alde oso on bat da, GCC existitzen dela GPL dena eta gogoko dudana. - **C++**: Hau baita ere GCCn dago. Ez dago asko esateko. Ez ditu baldintza asko betetzen. Bakarrik "Exekuzio azkarra" eta lizentziena (GCCgatik). Baliteke ere eramangarritasuna, baina ez dakit. A, eta gorroto dudala ere argumentu bat da? - **Go**: Hau gogoko dut. C++ ekiko alderantziz, honek ia puntu guztiak betetzen ditu. Arazo bakarra, oso azkarra ez dela lizentziekin... ai ai ai, eske googlerena da eta GCCko inplementazioa nahiko atzeratuta dau. Pena bat. Hala ere, asko gustuko dut lenguaia hau. Seguruenik hau erabiliko nuke aukera hobeagoak ez banitu. A bai, eta paketeak github eta horrelako forge-etan banatzea eta izatea pakete kudeatzaile egokiago bat erabili gabe... a ze txapuza. - **GCC**ko beste lenguaiak: Fortran, Ada, Objective-C, Objective-C++, D, Pascal, Modula. Ada unibertsitatean ikasia eta hasieran gorrotatutakoa baina denborarekin zergatik ikasi genuen ulertua eta eskertua. Beste guztiak, egia esan ez ditut ezer egiteko prest ikusten. Gainera hortik Applen lenguaiaren bat dago... Ikusi dezakedan bakarra, D. Baina hau ondoren azalduko da. - **Rust**: Programazio lenguaia hau erabili nahiko nuke seguruenik. Ordea, zenbait arazo dauzka oso azkarra izan arren, C bezain beste (ia). Azkarregi ari da hazten, orduan ezin da modu egoki batean mantendu, bertsio batean egokia den kodea beste batean balitekeelako ez izatea. Esaten dute oso portablea dela, ya... klaro... LLVM onartzen den plataforma guztietan bai (teorikoki?). Kriston kode piloa dauka. C++ kodea!. Miloika C++ lerro. Eta gainera, C++ ezin da esan ere lenguaia arina denik... Ez dakit konturatzen diren, baina Rust konpilatzeak kostatzen du eta asko. Cko konpilatzaile sinple bat konpilatzeak eta garatzeak nahiko gutxi kostatzen duen bitartean, Rust konpilatzaile bat konpilatzeko eta sortzeko... Beno gehiegizkoa da. Bena eta konpilatzaile bat sortzeari dagokionez, ezin duzu hori egin edozein kasurako ze bai Cargok (Rusten pakete kudeatzailea) bai Rust berak Mozillaren trademark bat dute. Trademark honek komertzialak ez diren kasuetarako baimen esplizitua eskatu behar duzula programa hauetan aldaketak egiteko eta hauetan oinarritutako eta hauen izena erabiltzen duten beste inplementazio batzuk egiteko. Hau da, nik ezin dudala nahi dudalako Rusteko konpilatzaile bat sortu eta Rust deitu Mozillakoek onartzen ez badute. Ez hori bakarrik, adibidez Cargo programan aldaketa bat egin nahi badut, adibidez %100ko GPL kodea bakarrik onartzeko nire banaketan, Mozillari baimena eskatu beharko nioke partxe hori aplikatzeko nire bertsioari. Beno, eta hau kasu esplizitu bat da non Mozillakoek dagoeneko esan duten ez luketela onartuko zerbait "astakeri" bat delako. Hau da, "freedom 3" izeneko azken funtsezko askatasunaren kontra dijoa (ingelesez: "he freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others ([freedom 3](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.en.html)). By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this."), ondorioz, software ez askea bezala dago kontsideratu beharra. Ez barkatu, ez da "bezala" kontsideratu behar. Software pribatiboa da, bere erabiltzaileei askatasunak kentzen dizkielako. Beno, ondorengoa. - **Mono**/Dotnet: C# basikamente. Microsoften produktu baten bertsio librea. Barkatu baina badakit lan handia egin dutela batzuk Mono exisitu dadin, baina nik ezin dut onartu. - **Haskell**: Kode elegantea. Nahiko azkarra baina ez nahikoa. Pakete kudeatzaile nahiko ona. Beno, asko disfrutatzen dudala hemen programatzen. ASKO. Gertatzen dena da, programazio lenguaia honek geroz eta kode gehiago erabilita arazoak hasten dela izaten: Dependentziak daude denbora guztian erabili beharra eta hauek asko asko pixatzen dute (dependentziak behar izatea berez ez izan arren oso ona ere). Gainera, kodeak karaktere eta itxura arraroak hasten da hartzen konplexutasuna handitzen den bitartean. Gainera, badirudi bere ebaluazioa edo funtzionamenduaren ondorioz ezin da ondo aurreikusi nolako exekuzioa izango duen (azkarra, geldoa, debuggeatzeko zaila...) beno. Pena bat baita ere. Badirudi GHC konpilatzailearen sortzaileak konponbideen bila dabiltzala dependentzien arazoa konpontzeko. Ea zer lortzen duten. Hala ere, nire ustez hala ere abiaduraren arazoa beti egongo da hor, abiadura hobetzeko teknikak egon arren, baina kodetik Haskellek duen elegantzia guztia kentzen diote. Bakarrik begira ezazue Quicksearch-en kasua (bere inplementazio elegantea eta inplementazio efizientea). - **OCaml**: Haskellen antzeko abiadura. Ez dakit, ez dut ikusten ezer asko konpontzen duenik haskelletik abiatuta. Behintzat izena guapo dau. - **JavaScript**: barkatu baina ez. - **NodeJS**: Barkatu. JSn dago oinarrituta eta gainera Chromen zati batzuk erabiltzen ditu, batzuk libreak eta beste batzuk ez. Jendeak badirudi ez dakila, baina hala da. Berdina Electron aplikazioekin. Software libre bezala kontsideratzen dira askotan, baina ez da hala, software pribatiboan dutela dependentziaren bat. - **Julia**: Ondo dago, baina zientziarako dago gehiago prestatuta, ez beno, ez da arrazista edo izateagatik, baina ni ez nago horretan interesatuta, baizik eta orokorragoa den zerbaitetan. Eta uste dut ez naizela zientzialaria. Zientzialari bihurtzen banaiz, seriotasun gehiagorekin kontsideratuko dut. - **Lua**: meh. Ez dut gehigarriak egiteko programazio lenguaia bat nahi. - **Guile**: gainekoaren berdina. Baina funtzionalagoa denez, nahiago dut. - **Lisp** eta antzekoak: Guapo legoke, baina ez dute efizientzia handirik. Bai, komun lisp gogoko dut baina nik ezin dut perfektua kontsideratu azkarra ez den lenguaia bat. Oso oso garrantzitsua iruditzen zait. Nahiko azkarra da baina ez nahikoa. Azkarragoak daude. - **Python**: Nola sartu da hau exekuzio abiadura garrantzitsua kontsideratzen den toki batean? atera hemendik orain. - **Ruby**: Beste bat? - **Perl**: Hau broma bat da. - **Smalltalk**: Esaten dute irakurgarriena dela, baina ezin dut onartu. Ez omen da oso azkarra. - **Zig**: Ondo dago baina gustatuko litzaidake ez balu Rusten insperazioa jaso. Gainera, iruditzen zait ez dela nahikoa goi mailakoa. Seguruenik Rust erabili ordez, Zig erabiliko nuke. Rust bezalakoa da, baina hobeagoa, sinmas eta lizentzia egokiarekin. Dexente errespetatzen dut. Proba dezakezue. LLVM gainean dabil gainera, bere abantaila eta disabantailekin. - **Vala**: GNOME - **R**: Estadistikarako eta motela. - **Crystal**: Hau oso ondo dau. Rubyren antzekoa baina oso azkarra. Oker ez banago baldintza guztiak betetzen ditu. Ez dakit zenbateraino eramangarria den, baina bestela, lenguaia hau ikaragarria da. Oso azkarra da eta gainera goi mailakoa. Rubyren alde on gehienak dauzka, dagoeneko oso oso ondo dagoena. Go gainetik jartzen dudan lehen lenguaia da hau. Beno, baina gustatzen ez zaidana da ez dirudiela gehiegi errespetatzen dutenik software askea. Beraien webguneak software pribatiboa dauka eta ez dabil oso ondo javascript gabe. - **Switft**: haHAA - **Dark**: Aplikazioak egiteko Googleren beste leng - **Nim**: Hau izan da aurkitu dudan programazio lenguaiarik perfektuena. Beste bidalketa bat egingo dut honi buruz gehiago hitz egiten. Bidalketa hau aldatuko dut bere helbidea jartzeko. Hau da nire lenguaien "ranking"-a: 1. Nim https://nim-lang.org/ 2. Crystal https://crystal-lang.org/ 3. Go https://golang.org 4. Zig https://ziglang.org/ Hona hemen "top"-ean ez daudenak baina ordena bat duteanak:\ a) Julia\ b) Rust\ c) Haskell\ d.1) JVM-eko lenguaia batzuk badaude interesgarriak: Clojure, Scala. Eta baita ere badirudi ETA izeneko programazio lenguaia bat ere existitzen dela JVM gainean haskell inplementatzen duena.\ d.2) JVM-eko lenguaia batzuk badaude interesgarriak: Clojure, Scala. Eta baita ere badirudi ETA izeneko programazio lenguaia bat ere existitzen dela JVM gainean haskell inplementatzen duena.\ ...\ ...\ x.1) C++\ x.2) JavaScript\ ...\ ...\ z) NodeJS\ ...\ 0x4b4a) Askeak ez diren lenguaiak + C# + .NET kksoft

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearIO
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