Capeshit is about to get even worse
  • booty booty Now 100%

    The difference between an artist and a soulless art salesman

  • Disney responds to fan ire over axing of highly-rated Disney Plus shows and movies, including A Small Light and Togo 'It's less than 2% of our total titles'
  • booty booty Now 100%

    a friend made me watch the first season with him, i thought it was pretty sick but basically had no interest in watching a second season lol

  • Gotta respect the dedication
  • booty booty Now 100%

    mage players be like

  • Videogame development times are getting out of control
  • booty booty Now 100%

    rockstar do like one in 5 years

    yeah rockstar makes games that take so much effort that they probably shouldn't exist at all, so they take a long time to make even under awful crunch conditions

  • International Longshoremen's Association will Maintain Pledge to Handle Military Cargo During Strike
  • booty booty Now 100%

    Remember that when you go on strike, you must be very careful not to actually disrupt your workplace or inconvenience your superiors fedposting

  • Imagine being such a bad writer that even your AI girlfriend doesn't like your novel
  • booty booty Now 100%

    I remember this post from a while back. What he actually did was paste each chapter into chatgpt and ask it to make a summary of that chapter, then fed that ai summary into his ai chatbot girlfriend one chapter at a time.

    I'm amazed he figured out how to arrange letters into words in the first place

  • [Electoral dork shit] Who do you think is the next president of the great Satan?
  • booty booty Now 100%

    Harris is very evil and unlikeable but she just can't lose to Trump. The boy's lost his moisture. He just ain't got it in him anymore. I honestly think Hillary would beat him at this point. He was getting pretty pathetic before the assassination attempt and he can't stop shitting his pants ever since

  • Hila Klein's IDF Crimes: Way Worse Than She & Ethan Now Admit
  • booty booty Now 100%

    IDK what you said since it's not in the modlog for some reason so I'm gonna assume it was one of two things


    how dare you say fascist soldiers would be better off dead

    easily gigachad


    but she had no choice!

    The IDF is not going around shoving guns in people's faces and saying "get in the van, we're going to do genocide" it's a very mundane process and you can just say no. You'll spend some time in jail (time which as far as I'm aware is measured in months, not years) and then you're good to go. And that's if you can't come up with a legit excuse or fabricate some reason that the IDF will accept that you can't join the military

    Furthermore, in her own words as others have pointed out, she had options to get out. She planned to get out if the randomly assigned job she requested to be moved to wasn't more exciting than the desk job she started with.

    Fortunately for her, the job she requested was in fact more exciting, and she got to spend time literally occupying what she called a "terrorist city" and working directly for the top officer in charge of the military base there. But even that wasn't exciting enough for her, so she broke the rules at least once to go attend a raid on this "terrorist city" and personally participate in breaking into random people's homes, brutalizing them, stealing their belongings, and kidnapping them. All straight from her own mouth. She did this voluntarily against the orders given to her by the IDF I will remind you. Brutalizing Palestinians was a fun and exciting extralegal activity for her. According to her herself.

    She forfeited any right to sympathy when she joined the IDF and she forfeited any right to being viewed as a human through her actions thereafter. It is a shame that no one shot her in the head while she was raiding innocent people's homes FOR FUN

  • I am become unemployed, collector of benefits
  • booty booty Now 100%

    Oh nice, I'm glad to hear that! Yeah in my part of the country it's a real fight to get any unemployment.

  • What's the most stepdad car?
  • booty booty Now 100%

    What's the most well-meaning macho man himbo stepdad car

  • I am become unemployed, collector of benefits
  • booty booty Now 88%

    Just be prepared for them to find a way to screw you out of unemployment. Every single person between you and the money is going to do anything and everything in their power not to pay you

    But yes I entirely understand that feeling of relief. It means it was for the best, as long as you can find another job before the savings run out

  • Hila Klein's IDF Crimes: Way Worse Than She & Ethan Now Admit
  • booty booty Now 100%

    Do you genuinely think she should have jumped off a bridge instead of being conscripted?

    I mean yes that would have been preferable to what she actually did, but this is such dishonest framing since she could have literally just not done it. No bridges needed.

  • You know what really guilts my gears
  • booty booty Now 100%

    this is a brain virus that you've now passed on jokah

  • Hila Klein's IDF Crimes: Way Worse Than She & Ethan Now Admit
  • booty booty Now 100%

    Idgaf about h3h3 or badempanada so this isn't normally the kind of thing I'd watch, but I had some time to kill at work here and that shit was way more disgusting than I expected

    These fuckers are so much dumber and more evil than I could have imagined

  • China has been vaccinating their bird populations for 20 years, so why aren't we?
  • booty booty Now 100%

    Because Americans don't believe in disease until they are literally witnessing it firsthand at which point they become absolutely certain that there was never anything they could have done about it

    And then after the disease's host is cured or dead, they go back to not believing in disease at all

    If it's not happening right in front of them right at this exact moment it isn't real.

  • This is Beleth. According to Christians, this is a demon
  • booty booty Now 100%

    Lilith is a demon of independence to a fault and you grovel at her like an abused dog. That is hilarious. You would disgust her if she existed.

    Holy shit I thought that comment was cringe but you didn't have to go that hard, they'll never recover

  • Just something I was kinda curious about for collection / novelty reasons and I'm not sure where I would start. I know there's not really a practical reason for it, but I think it would be kinda neat to have a DPRK-made pistol or something. Something I can be quite sure no one else I meet will have, ya know?


    It is now the year 23NF, counting by the Never Forget calendar. On that fateful day the whole world changed, and we entered a truly new era. Never forget, fellow patriots, how fuckin AWESOME that shit was wooooooo ![susie-dance]( "emoji susie-dance")


    # Previous years: —[Year 1]( —[Year 2]( —[Year 3]( —[Year 4]( # TL;DR: Population: 163 -Fortress is now a barony under Baroness Meng Lalturdeduk -Baroness Meng Lalturdeduk demands stuff like an office and a dining room. So far her demands have been met with laughter. -Child menace Zulban Mountaindances in a months-long depression after a half year of wanton murder. -Military crumbling under the light pressure of occasional Forgotten Beast attacks from the caves -Necessities still seem to be stable -Read the year 4 post if you want to hear someone who knows how the fortress works talk about it. I barely found my way around lmao [File here]( # Fluff: To Queen Olin Estilaban The dwarves of Roomtheaters have had a harrowing year. I arrived with a group of migrants in the spring, and found that the fortress had been taken over by a strange dwarf calling himself Emperor Edzul. When I arrived, he was overseeing an operation to locate gold in the depths of the earth. When gold was finally located, it was within a deep cave teeming with vicious monstrosities. The military was sent ill-equipped, and it is only thanks to the fragility of these flying cave pests that no one was seriously harmed. The gold plundered from this dangerous cave was then promptly mixed with copper, and from the resulting alloy this so-called Emperor minted coins. He proclaimed these rose gold pieces to be the official currency of Roomtheaters. I later learned that he had upset an Elven caravan by offering them goods made from animal bones. Perhaps his obsession with currency stems from this? Edzul (I will no longer be using his assumed title), now satisfied with our stockpile of rose gold coins, turned his attention to another unusual endeavor. It was on the 9th of Hematite that he began to erect a wooden building--like the ones humans live in!--on the northern hill in some misguided attempt to promote positive relationships with other peoples. Every day that eyesore grew taller, The Ochre Tower he called it, and now it teems with foreign visitors. Edzul (if that is his real name) claimed that its genius would be acknowledged by future generations and that the tower will only grow taller, that some day a dwarf shall stand atop it and see no higher point in any direction. I say any fool who tries that is going to start a useless war with elves after cutting down all the available trees. On the 20th of Malachite, the true danger of the deep cave in which Edzul found his precious gold became apparent. A horrific beast called Geb Gemeshikthag, an evil creature made of snow, emerged from the depths of the caves. Though it was soon slain by a troglodyte, it was a sign of what was to come. Ever since that day, we have been plagued by regular incursions of evil primordial beasts. Our already minimal military has been steadily chipped away, and as I now write to you it is in a dire state. On the 18th of Limestone, a Dwarven caravan arrived, and Edzul purchased everything they had with stacks of those coins. This was the caravan which accompanied your liaison, the one who offered to turn Roomtheaters into a proper barony. Edzul must have thought it was amusing to designate the nearest newly-arrived stoneworker as baroness. Nevertheless her fellow dwarves accepted her appointment, so you may be displeased to know that Edzul never ordered proper noble accommodations for her. She still eats and sleeps in the same conditions as the rest of us. On the 20th of Limestone, another ongoing issue with this fortress became apparent. A child named Zulban Onolmatul, the ten year old daughter of the Captain of the Guard, went on a rampage. After toppling a workstation, she murdered a siege engineer in blind rage. On the 22nd of Sandstone, a brawl broke out in the crowded temples near the surface. Several people were killed, mostly dwarves. No one can give a straight answer regarding why the brawl began. I suspect the same child's wanton violence may have been the spark that set it off. On the 6th of Timber, the child's rampages were finally acknowledged and she was convicted of nineteen counts of disorderly conduct and one count of vandalism. And yet, still she roamed free, with no plan to prevent this from happening in the future. Of course it did, on the 22nd of Timber, when she beat the engraver Ineth Loloklid to death. I believe this event (and the truly grisly state of the corpse) may have finally affected the child, because ever since she has been in a deep depression. There have been no further outbursts. Maybe it's just the winter cooling her temper. In the final days of winter, this Edzul announced his sudden departure. So I write to you in the hopes that you can send a better overseer by the time spring arrives. We need a strong administrator, who can revitalize our military. We need a skilled engineer and architect to design expansions to the fortress, including proper quarters for our baroness and defenses in the caves below. We need a dwarf who can keep our people safe from threats internal and external, who can resolve a child's murderous urges without allowing her simply to remain in a deep depression. I have no doubt that such a dwarf can be found, and where are they needed more than here? *—An anonymous letter from a concerned citizen of Roomtheaters* # Other comments: —The two southern guildhalls on elevation 40 are requesting upgrades to grand guildhall. —If you're as silly as I am, you should add a few floors to The Ochre Tower on the hill to the north. It doesn't have to all be inn, go wild. —Of course it is expected that the new standard Roomtheaters rose gold currency be respected. —**Seriously focus on the military things could get bad quick** Unaddressed comments from previous player: —We are getting more artifacts, and I haven't done anything to secure them. A vault or something might be good, especially since we're letting all these visitors in more or less unimpeded. —Bedrooms have been addressed, at least for now. I've not been putting cabinets in, hoping that that clears out old clothes rather than letting these guys hoard them in a very egoist way. Further expansion, or plans to do so, is probably warranted though. —The entry footbridges have cage traps but need weapon traps to really do damage. —We may want to tap the stream for a water reservoir we can contain in the fort. —Choose a dwarf to nickname for yourself! —Dig! What could possibly go wrong?


    I've been having this issue for a few days now. Roughly twice a day, for 10-15 mins, my internet just suddenly goes out without any warning. Then it comes back and is totally fine again. ISP says that there's nothing going on on their end (and most of the time when I have an internet outage they do say they're having an issue) Is the router just fucked? Are there web goblins stealing my interwebs? Is there any way to tell?


    Just one more election please bro I promise just one more and we'll beat the bad guys and we can finally start doing good things just vote bro just one more vote it doesn't even take that long I promise bro just one more vote to beat fascism


    Where things like "freedom" are a sincere part of governmental decision-making, and not just an excuse for a few rich old fucks to hoard more wealth. Where there exists a temporarily flawed but fundamentally good organization in every single city in the country devoted only to keeping the community safe and in harmony. Where the people in charge are truly doing their best to make the lives of the common person better. If the world worked the way liberals think it does I'd have become a cop straight out of high school, I swear. I still harbor thoughts of trying to become a firefighter, but I'm not sure I've got the discipline for it. I don't really have a point, I've just been chilling and drinking tea and thinking about this. I think this line of thought stemmed from having been mistaken for a cop once or twice and trying to think of exactly the best way to word exactly why I would never in a million years consider it regardless of what you paid me, and thinking about how that concept is kind of hard to understand from a liberal's point of view. To them, saying "cops are fundamentally bad" is like saying "firefighters are fundamentally bad" or "farmers are fundamentally bad." In liberal propaganda, cops are just as necessary (and as enduring) as either of those jobs.


    Well-- "There ain't no covid no more--there never was no covid!" It protects me from a wide variety of things. "What, you believe in aliens too?" Sure, why not? ------------- An actual conversation I had with a trucker the other day.


    ![bunny-vibe]( "emoji bunny-vibe") bnuuy ![bunny-vibe]( "emoji bunny-vibe") ![reisen-dance]( "emoji reisen-dance") It's like if Touhou had a baby with FF14 raid mechanics. Everything is adorable. It'll make you hate your friends for coming near you when they were supposed to stay away, and it'll make you hate them 5 seconds later for running away from you when they were supposed to stack. I highly recommend it. It might even be a fun game to try to get some people from here to play together, since it's pretty low time investment, intuitive, and doesn't necessarily require voice chat. (It's better with voice chat, funnier without it) ![bunny-cop]( "emoji bunny-cop") ![all-ears]( "emoji all-ears") ![reisen-dance]( "emoji reisen-dance") ![bugs-stalin]( "emoji bugs-stalin")


    [Vintage Story]( is what happens when one of those people who make the ridiculous complicated Minecraft modpacks gets tired of working with jank ass Minecraft and decides to go make their own engine and do whatever they want with it. It's a beautifully complex, (optionally) brutally unforgiving, wonderful little game that I love immensely. You start out by banging rocks together to make stone tools and foraging for berries and wild carrots and trying not to get murdered by weirdly aggressive wolves and completely normally aggressive pigs. But it quickly opens up into a whole world of making pottery, learning the right ratios of copper and tin to make bronze, accidentally collapsing mines on yourself or accidentally setting entire hillsides on fire because you forgot the hill was made of peat, farming (don't forget to rotate your crops!) and facing evil hordes of eldritch monstrosities. Also, I just love the mindset of the devs. Check out the "held to high standards" header on that main page I linked. Anyway, getting to the point: I've already bought the game for myself and a friend, paid for the optional account upgrade that just gives me a different color name and a forum badge, and paid for the "pay what you want" soundtrack. So, the only thing left I can do to give money to this great game is to give it away to some of you guys, if anybody's interested in trying it out! So, I have three giftable game account key things. First three people to say they want one will get one. So if you're a fan of this sort of silly Minecraft modpack, try it out!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    languagelearning booty Now 100%
    I want to take a Chinese class, but none exist in my area

    Is there any good way to find like an online class or something that could recreate that experience? I do not want to try to self-teach a language, that sounds awful lol


    Hey there comrades, I'm so tired of trying to find toothpaste that seemingly doesn't exist. It really doesn't feel like I'm asking all that much. All I want is: 1. Vegan 2. Contains fluoride (is toothpaste, in other words) 3. Not "whitening" (abrasive) I don't care what flavor, how much it costs, what other horrific cancer-causing compounds it might contain. I literally just want vegan toothpaste that doesn't contain hydrated silica or other abrasives and isn't pretend-toothpaste. Why is that so hard?


    I just got an email from Hirbawi which reads as follows: >Dear [Name] >We are delighted to announce that all pre-orders prior to the 16th October will now be shipped, and those who ordered will be emailed today with their tracking details. >It was an adventure to say the least. >After many pickups and dropoffs, our drivers were eventually able to pass through the valleys around Hebron by using dirt roads. >Despite being blocked at four different Israeli checkpoints, we kept trying, and eventually succeeded in passing through the fifth checkpoint. With another section down below: >Next Shipment? >We are now working on getting our next shipment across the West Bank border and past the Israeli blockade. >The factory is working flat out to resupply Black & White Kufiyas as these have been the most popular choice for wearing in support and solidarity for Palestine. >We are forever grateful that so many of you were willing to pre-order a Hirbawi Kufiya, despite the uncertainty due to the ongoing blockade. In other words: They're making it work somehow. Get yourself a fancy handmade scarf for way cheaper than you'd expect, and directly support Palestinians. If you're a white devil like me and concerned about the optics of wearing traditional middle-eastern clothing, maybe take a look at [this]( article for the opinion of the Palestinians in question themselves. In short: It's a good opportunity to start conversations about Palestine and normalize visible support for their struggle. Go nuts. [Any of the ones that don't say preorder are available for the next shipment they can get out there.](

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    hexbear booty Now 100%
    What's the deal with the buddhism comm creation and removal?

    I was pretty excited to see where that comm went and learn some stuff about cultures and philosophies I'm not familiar with. Just curious about two things I guess: Why was it created in the first place, and what changed to cause it to be deleted?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Winter Sleet impulse for Air/Water kineticist

    Might be an oddly specific post, but I've seen this recommended, and I'm just not sure I understand how it would be used effectively. Surely an air/water kineticist should be acting as a ranged spellcaster most of the time, in other words, not being within 10 feet of an enemy and especially not of multiple enemies. Furthermore, this impulse doesn't discriminate, so even if you were within 10 feet of all your enemies, you'd probably be within 10 feet of your allies too, subjecting them to a bunch of slippery bullshit as well. Am I missing something about what makes this useful / not a detriment?

    booty Now
    16 2.4K

    booty [he/him]
