Merry 9/11 and Happy Holidays - New General Megathread for the 11th-13th of September 2024
  • YuccaMan YuccaMan Now 100%

    Yeah, I've never seen anybody else talking or complaining about yet. Very peculiar, and I haven't got a clue what could be up with my phone specifically that could be causing that.

  • Merry 9/11 and Happy Holidays - New General Megathread for the 11th-13th of September 2024
  • YuccaMan YuccaMan Now 100%

    Android, and as far as I know, everything's up to date. It's really bizarre.

  • Merry 9/11 and Happy Holidays - New General Megathread for the 11th-13th of September 2024
  • YuccaMan YuccaMan Now 100%

    Does the site just straight up not work on mobile for anyone else? I can only sign in when using an adblock browser, I can't filter posts or communities, search doesn't work, and hitting next keeps me on the same page.

  • My brother in suffering you are a relic of a fallen feudal slave state who is kept relevant as an anti-communist propaganda icon by the American state.
  • YuccaMan YuccaMan Now 100%

    (if I recall correctly, wikipedia even has a page just for Tibetan torture methods)

    Would you happen to have a link handy? A cursory google search yields nothing but the expected anti-Maoist trash

  • I saw an operating steam train on the weekend and I get why autistic people like them so much now
  • YuccaMan YuccaMan Now 100%

    It's always a head trip being reminded that the engines from Thomas the Tank Engine are all real

  • I saw an operating steam train on the weekend and I get why autistic people like them so much now
  • YuccaMan YuccaMan Now 100%

    I might be going to see Santa Fe 3751 next month, and I'm so jazzed about it

  • The NYT has an article about moms who stateboard with their kids. There are lots of photos.
  • YuccaMan YuccaMan Now 100%

    Jesus Christ, how embarrassing. This kind of behavior is so baffling to me. I've been verging on poor for a good bit of my life, and I've earned money by working with my hands more often than not (and thank fucking god I'm not doing that anymore for the foreseeable future.) If I had Tim Pool's money, nobody would ever see my happy ass again.

    At any rate, yeah, I never could get a grip on it. Never got a handle on roller blades either. Got pretty good with four-wheelers though lol

    I've always been crap at sports in general, even things that I should've logically been good at, like wrestling (I'm a large lad.) I don't know if it's the ADHD or what, but not being able to get good at something right away often leads me to quit from sheer embarrassment.

  • The NYT has an article about moms who stateboard with their kids. There are lots of photos.
  • YuccaMan YuccaMan Now 100%

    That all sounds utterly fascinating, and also cause for me to once again bemoan my utter lack of coordination and balance

    I never could get a grip on skateboarding as a kid. Alas

  • Poorly trained recruits contribute to loss of Ukrainian territory on eastern front, commanders say
  • YuccaMan YuccaMan Now 100%

    Exactly, no accountability, no citation, no critical analysis, not even basic questions like "How in shit's name would the MOD be able to derive anything like an accurate casualty projection in this situation."

    Like I get that articles like these aren't meant for people who tend to actually think about what they're reading, but goddamn, it's just gossamer thin.

  • Poorly trained recruits contribute to loss of Ukrainian territory on eastern front, commanders say
  • YuccaMan YuccaMan Now 100%

    Adding to Ukraine’s woes are Russia’s huge advantage in manpower and its willingness to accept staggering losses in return for capturing small objectives

    Do we even have reliable casualty numbers for the Russians (i.e. that don't come from Ukrainian reports) or is this just the usual 'Russians have no regard for human life and rely on human wave tactics' trope


    The offensive has also come at a huge cost to Moscow, with an estimated 70,000 troops lost in two months, according to the U.K. Defense Ministry which posted the projection last month on X

    That explains that I guess

  • Wearing a rancher’s hat in a major city
  • YuccaMan YuccaMan Now 100%

    Makes sense. Kinda wish I'd had a pair at my last job. Digging boric acid out of a hole in the ground in the middle of the desert. Doesn't compare to coal mining, but I'd come out of there absolutely covered in the shit. Dries your skin out something awful as well.

  • Wearing a rancher’s hat in a major city
  • YuccaMan YuccaMan Now 100%

    How'd you know that side-eye-1

  • Wearing a rancher’s hat in a major city
  • YuccaMan YuccaMan Now 100%

    My thoughts exactly. Plus gatekeepers are pests no matter what's at issue.

  • Wearing a rancher’s hat in a major city
  • YuccaMan YuccaMan Now 100%

    Hey, please, be pedantic, it's just one more way for me to learn (And I'm definitely not also saying that because I'm habitually pedantic myself.) I do recall reading something like that though, in a book I've got on jeans in the old west. Clearly it's been a while since I've opened it lol

  • Wearing a rancher’s hat in a major city
  • YuccaMan YuccaMan Now 100%

    I know what you meant, my bad, I should've phrased that differently. I'm asking that of these guys, and what I really mean to ask is where they got the idea that only working cowboys can dress that way when there's so few of them to begin with, and when that manner of dress has so long ago transcended its original purpose.

    Like what's next, you can't wear blue jeans if you don't work in a coal mine?

  • Wearing a rancher’s hat in a major city
  • YuccaMan YuccaMan Now 100%

    You sound so much like my drinking husband lol

    That's exactly what he would do in that situation, and it's what anybody should do. He looks better in that getup than most anyway, and I'll bet you do too

  • Wearing a rancher’s hat in a major city
  • YuccaMan YuccaMan Now 100%

    That, and what does it even mean to be a "real" cowboy? There's only like a half million working cowboys left in this country, and even that seems like a high estimate. These guys must get awfully exasperated in the crowd at a rodeo or a country show.

    But again, most people either dig it or pay me as little mind as they would any other stranger. It's been years since I've had one of those conversations.

  • Got my kufiya in the mail today
  • YuccaMan YuccaMan Now 100%

    Hirbawi is fantastic, I bought mine in the same pattern ages ago, and it comes with me on every desert camping trip I take (back when I wasn't too lazy to do that)

  • Wearing a rancher’s hat in a major city
  • YuccaMan YuccaMan Now 100%

    Wear whatever you want, who cares.

    I've got a beautiful 10X Stetson that looks just like the one Tim Olyphant wore in Justified. I used to go drinking with a guy who also liked to dress western, and we'd go out in boots, hats, and buckles most of the time. He worked as a ranch hand very briefly years before I met him, but other than that, neither of us knows shit about being a cowboy (not firsthand anyway.) Didn't stop men, women, and everyone in between from checking us out everywhere we went.

    There'd be the occasional guy from Texas or wherever interrogating us to see if we were "real" cowboys, which is idiotic on so many levels. Pay no mind to any of that, and dress how you like. We'll all be dead someday, live it up while you can and yee some haws with me.

  • If you think this game is just about player choice and not making a statement on the military idk what to tell you
  • YuccaMan YuccaMan Now 100%

    Spec Ops: The Line, beyond being a pretty good game with a lot to say about the average gamer's enjoyment of military shooter power fantasies, also introduced me to my favorite band, the Black Angels, and I'll be forever grateful to it for that.

  • Hey all. I don't know if it's a faux pas to put help requests here, but I've got an issue with a basically brand new AIO cooler in the PC I just put together, and since I'd rather die than ask this on reddit, I figured I'd take a shot and ask my favorite people before throwing up my hands and sending it in for warranty service (again). So long story short, it was briefly functional when I got it, then crapped out, so I sent it in to be "fixed". I got it back the other day, and reinstalled it and booted up the system today. Pump came on after a minute or so, CPU was running at a good temp, and I was all ready to install my OS. But, I dicked up the BIOS settings and had to reset CMOS to fix it. After that, the pump and the radiator fans wouldn't come on and weren't detected by the motherboard (I should note that this is exactly what happened the first time). Tried it on every fan header on the board, nothing. No amount of fiddling with the fan settings in BIOS could get it working. Would anybody who's inclined to help my silly ass have any advice, or should I just insist that the clowns who sold it to me just replace it this time? Edit: Forgot to note, the pump appears to be functioning, but none of the three fans are spinning


    I recently picked up Uberti clones of an 1873 Winchester short carbine and a 5.5" Single Action Army, and I was thinking about getting into CAS to sharpen my skills and make friends. Though the average age of the local CAS scene appears borderline geriatric, which is a pity. Terrible shame that the closest SRA branch is like 90 minutes away.


    I'm in a bit of a crossroads in my life right now. I've been in junior college for a while now, with the intention of transferring to a university and eventually getting a masters in history. It's my intention to become a professor at the junior college level, but I have my doubts. I know what the job market in academia is like, though it isn't quite as bleak where I live. My grandfather is also offering me an opportunity to work for him and learn from him. He's incredibly skilled in a very esoteric trade, and he pays pretty well. My uncle and brother already work for him, and they seem to enjoy it. Thing is, it's a big commitment. 80-100 hour weeks at times, sometimes out working in extreme heat, and it would keep me away from home and away from my girlfriend. All of that I can live with, but I know it would nag at me, the thought that I could've done what I'm really passionate about (i.e. teach history), which it must be said is probably an easier life than trade work. What on earth should I do? I'm at the point in my life that I should be making some real money, though I'm not hurting for it right this moment. If I can't get the degrees without a mountain of debt, I likely just won't do it, but even if I can manage that, I'd like to know that it won't be impossible to find a job that doesn't involve treading water as an adjunct. Edit: Wow, I did not expect this many responses. Thank you all so much for your kind words and insight. If nothing else, you've all reassured me that I'll probably be alright either way. I've at least got a fair few options to choose from, and I know many would gladly trade places with me. I'll do my best not to waste it.


    So I'm taking the last of my undergrad history courses right now, and one of the books that my professor assigned us is Adam Hochschild's Bury the Chains. We're six chapters in, and so far, Hochschild has centered British abolitionists (primarily Thomas Clarkson) in his accounting of the outlawing of the slave trade in England (I phrase it that way because we all, I assume, know that slavery itself didn't go anywhere after 1833). Now, I might not be the best read Marxist, but I know enough to be skeptical of any claims of significant historical events being driven by the energy and moral force of "great" individuals rather than the ebb and flow of material reality, a claim Hochschild is definitely making here. He even quotes Emerson in saying "An institution is the lengthened shadow of one man." Well! I couldn't let that nonsense go unargued, and since lambasting my professor would do no good, I'm here to ask if anybody happens to know the actual reasons the slave trade was outlawed, beyond vagaries about the industrial revolution and wage slavery. Gimme the real nuts and bolts.

    YuccaMan Now
    4 197

    YuccaMan [he/him]
