House GOP memo blasts Whitmer’s paid family leave proposal as ‘summer break for adults’
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 100%

    Do they think that birthing & taking care of a newborn is like "summer break"???

    For the billionth time: get fucked, GOP.

  • More of them
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 90%

    "Just act like us, and it wouldn't be such a problem (for us)!" 🤡

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 93%

    After my crime of calling some of them "obnoxious", I'm over it.

    Go ahead and read it over.

    Very little good can come from interacting, as the majority are not at all interested in civility or good-faith discussion.

    It is a troll instance! That's not a joke!

  • Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 87%

    Also: the fact that Hexbear users are making a point to go tone-policing after calling anyone who makes even the slightest criticism against them "racist" and "ableist" should tip y'all off that Hexbear is almost purely a troll instance.

  • Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 90%

    You present needing tone indicators as a negative.

    I understand that this is bait and definitely not good-faith, but I'll bite anyway.

    Because I know that a lot of Lemmy users are ND, and, being ND myself, I wanted to emphasize the need for my tone to be understood by everyone.

    Didn't realize it could even be viewed as a "negative" until you said something.

  • Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 80%

    I think this is just a matter of imageboard culture that just can't / won't mesh with general internet civility.

    Leave Hexbear users to their spaces. My hands are washed.

  • Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 95%

    Yeah, mate. That's the in-joke I'm referring to. [sarcasm tone indicator, cuz some of y'all need it]

    A reasonable person can infer that's not where my issues stem from.

    All this tells me is that Hexbear folks get their jollies from trying to provoke people with weird stretches.

    "You don't like some of our users?? Wow, you're pro-rascism and ablelist!"

    It's not cute.

  • Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 95%

    Hey, Hexbear users? Can y'all send in a better representative to do damage control?

    I really want to like y'all, but damn.

  • Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 94%

    Have you browsed Hexbear? This ain't trolling. It's very much genuine.

    If it is trolling, then it's just an entire instance posting an inside joke and then pointing and laughing at the people not in-the-know who don't "get it."

    It's not clever.

  • Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 98%

    Mate. That's not the obnoxious part. Posts like this are the obnoxious part.

  • Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 97%

    I don't mind the general hexbear ideology in itself. Sure. You do you.

    But, damn, I see more than a few of its members just being obnoxious.

  • Peak mankind
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 100%

    If you want to entice a cat to come closer, don't look at it! Direct eye contact is seen as threatening.

    Put out your hand, point your face away from the cat, and put your hand out while gently calling it over. Your success rate will be much higher!

    Also, a good cat-noise to attract them is a light trill with an upward inflection. It's my go-to when assuring nervous/unsure cats.

  • What was the best gift you have ever received?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 100%

    Thank you!

    Think about writing a lot, but writing seems like a hard gig these days. Plus, most of my writing is rambling thoughts, so I'm not sure I could find the right audience for it.

    Appreciate it, though. (:

  • What was the best gift you have ever received?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 100%

    I have to make a conscious effort to drink water, and my health requires that I do so. In order to not be dehydrated and sick, I carry a water bottle wherever I go.

    I had a really cool NES water bottle that I loved because it had a push-button flip top. The less effort it takes for me to get to the water, the better! But eventually, the top broke and I begrudgingly had to get another water bottle.

    Got one off Amazon (during lockdowns), and I just always had issues with it. Too big, flip top would come open in my bag sometimes, hard to clean, etc. I finally asked for a water bottle for Christmas as the one thing I wanted, and my SIL came through.

    The flip top is SO easy to clean, the button is great, it has a handle that can flip up & down and doubles as a safety that covers up the button (so no more accidental openings!!), it has a pour spout AND a clever af straw-less sip option built into the top and it is just.... so good. She got me a bright orange one, because that was the only color they had in the store at the time, and she was worried I would have preferred a darker, more neutral color. Nope! Turns out, it's perfect for making sure I don't constantly lose my water bottle anymore!

    As you can see, I will ramble to anyone who asks about it, because it's just so damn good.

    I recently realized that it comes in different sizes, too!!

    So anyone in the market for a damn good water bottle, check out the "owala"-brand. It's extremely inexpensive, great quality, lots of color & size choices, and it's just great. I swear I'm not a company shill– just a passionate hydro homie.

    Here's a photo of mine. Yours will not come with stickers. Gotta supply your own. Sorry!

  • India erects life-size cutouts of langurs to deter monkeys before G20
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 100%

    Train & pay me to scare away monkeys.

    I want that job title on my resumé.

  • Yeah, no.
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 0%

    You're absolutely right.

    I like the movement, stretching, and "connecting with your body"-feel of yoga.

    But meditation can fuck right off. I can't pair the two. My therapist keeps trying to push me into it, but it makes my anxiety skyrocket.

    Also: OP, why are you being so hostile?

  • Lemmy Safety now supports cleaning local pict-rs storage from CSAM
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 100%

    In order to get the answers you're looking for, put out the question "what exactly does this statement mean?" instead of "sounds like this means ___" and waiting for a confirmation/rejection of your assumption.

  • Yet again: I'll add the source once my brain is fully booted


    I'll add the source once my brain is fully booted


    Hey, so.. I may be in this situation soon, and I may just be in over my head here, but I'm a sucker who really couldn't say no to this. This kid took care of his grandmother as she deteriorated and finally died. He was there when it happened. She had a degenerative disease and the kid's mom left him with her so she could "babysit" him, when in reality, this kid was the only one looking after her. His parent is a working single mom, so it's really not her fault, but, like.. damn. The kid is 8 years old. Kid's dad is just gone. Disappeared. Has been since he was tiny. He sometimes is watched over by his aunt, but she & the nieces just literally ignore him. He says that he just sat quietly on the couch for days. They fed him and whatever, but that family has their own batshit fuckery going on. Not mentally stable, tbh. The aunt is very hostile and I think he is scared of her. He's one of my in-law's kids (whom I don't even know well), but, like.. holy shit. He and his mom now live in the deceased grandmother's house, but she now has no one to watch over him. He has been going to work with her and being told to sit quietly and do not much else. They're now almost an hour away from his school, so he may lose that part of his stability, too. Again.. he's 8. And holy shit, kid barely talks. He's so well-behaved and meek, it actually alarms me greatly. He used to hang out with my brother's kids, but my brother moved out of state. He came back this week and was asked to watch over the kid while he and his kids were in town. This is when I've most recently reconnected with the kid, but I've met him before when my brother was still in town. I have room in my home. I'm a single parent, too, but I'm fortunate to work from home and have a kid who's 12 who could hang out, play video games with him, take him to the park, and whatever. I'm close to his school. I don't have much right now, but, like.. fuck, I want to give this kid a good, loving space, stability, and get him into therapy, for fucks sake. I don't give a shit about what your opinion of the mom is. I met her like twice. I also don't plan to adopt this kid or anything (unless it really comes to that but that's not a thing right now since he obviously has a parent), but I just need advice on how I should navigate this. Medical needs? Can I get him into therapy without trouble? Will I need the parent's permission? What should I ask her for? I'm not sure she'd be okay giving me his documents if this is temporary, but FUCK there's a lot to do. I want to do something right for this kid. Help? Please?


    **TEXT:** [Title] Foxy Misery by LimDim [Frame 1] *[Foxy Luckily put his arm around Foxy Misery and leans in, one arm extended holding a camera phone, ready to take a photo of both of them]* Luckily: "Hey Foxy! Let's take a picture!" Foxy: "Err, I don't really photograph well..." [Sound effect] *Click!* [Frame 2] *[Foxy Luckily is surrounded by rainbows and butterflies and looks happy and wonderful. Foxy Misery is surrounded by darkness and gloom and looks very unflattering.]* [Frame 3] *[Foxy Luckily looks shocked]* Both: "..." [Frame 4] *[Foxy looks Luckily in the eye and presses a button on the phone]* TEXT: "DELETED"

    SharkEatingBreakfast Now
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