FluxTube | Flutter/Dart YouTube Client! | This could be the new Newpipe
  • Shady_Shiroe Shady_Shiroe Now 80%

    Agreed, I like flutter, but that AI image just turns me away from this project so much

  • Wait... Naw I can see this...
  • Shady_Shiroe Shady_Shiroe Now 100%

    Now I'm curious if the user is the same as this guy https://youtube.com/@jaubrey

  • mf'ing 8K banana PNGs
  • Shady_Shiroe Shady_Shiroe Now 100%

    We like our apps to match our waists xD

  • Make this thread look like it's your first day on the internet
  • Shady_Shiroe Shady_Shiroe Now 100%

    Sammy over here listening to death metal

  • Forbidden cheese
  • Shady_Shiroe Shady_Shiroe Now 100%

    They should have just took a video, wouldn't break the sacred rule

  • [Unpopular opinion] Linux is not a good choice for regular users
  • Shady_Shiroe Shady_Shiroe Now 88%

    '28008 3434', can share memes on those things too, you just need to hold it upside down

  • Activate Linux
  • Shady_Shiroe Shady_Shiroe Now 100%

    The installation media you're attempting to install on this hardware is not supported and does not follow our privacy protection policy, please contact our support team for further assistance

    EDIT: damn I feel like I should get hired by Microsoft or some other sh#t company because I'm getting good at this anti consumer crap

  • Activate Linux
  • Shady_Shiroe Shady_Shiroe Now 100%

    Root account unavailable, you have not activated the premium account for this Linux installation, please activate by purchasing it for a $5 monthly subscription

  • Activate Linux
  • Shady_Shiroe Shady_Shiroe Now 100%

    Backups are important, especially passwords stored on images which is leagues more secure than plain text

  • Costs Less? When That Happened?
  • Shady_Shiroe Shady_Shiroe Now 93%

    They meant that it costs less for apple, not the customer

  • Ain't no way
  • Shady_Shiroe Shady_Shiroe Now 100%

    I didn't understand this meme till I turned brain into dad mode

  • Instagram app no longer lets you post stories without allowing camera and mic access on ios
  • Shady_Shiroe Shady_Shiroe Now 100%

    I only use Instagram to look at the reels my family sends me, I don't allow myself to use it for anything else because you can easily waste 2 hours and feel miserable afterwards. What I like about Lemmy is I can get through all new posts for the day in at most 20 mins and maybe learn about some interesting while I'm at it.

  • Summer Giveaway because why not - Steam Codes! - Giveaway Ends Aug 31!
  • Shady_Shiroe Shady_Shiroe Now 100%

    I wanna give Nier automata a try and I guess I will share something interesting.

    Slowly for the past month I have been trying to make a markdown notes app which is inspired by Google Keep and Obsidian, last week I finally decided to add it to github. The fun part is that it is written in dart/flutter, but I started learning flutter like 3 months ago cuz it was a cool language that can easily be compiled to all devices from Linux to Windows to iOS and Android. Regardless, this project has consumed all consious thought in my brain, but I still suck at it and not many libraries I can use that achieve what I need, a struggle for sure.

    Currently I am trying to figure out how to make it sync with Nextcloud first, then I plan to add other services like rsync, dropbox, gdrive, etc. Sorry if this sounds more like an advertisement for my app, I just never put my heart and soul into something so much before.

  • No thanks. I'm good.
  • Shady_Shiroe Shady_Shiroe Now 100%

    What I want to know is, what was someone smoking when they decided they should try making coffee out of literal sh#t. I want the details on how it was discovered.

  • what's your favorite thing to put ketchup on that isn't fries?
  • Shady_Shiroe Shady_Shiroe Now 100%

    Mix ketchup with either sour cream or mayo and put it on my eggs

  • After an update I noticed discover was this weird yellow color, I opened settings and noticed it too was yellow, thinking it was some bug, I restarted PC, now everything is yellow. I tried inverting colors but that is something completely different. I'm not even sure what was updated to cause this. I'm running mint 21.3 with plasma 5.27.11


    I recently learned about a product called a Zimaboard, which to my understanding is like a raspberry pi, and the default OS on the listing says that it comes with CasaOs. Doing a quick search, I found the website and tried their demo, which had a very modern look with many popular apps available and so I got curious as to why this wasn't as popular as other server os. I want to know if any of you had a go with any of these things and if you have some experiences or opinions regarding it. It's very modern looking UI gives of "Apple" vibes which makes me trust things less, but that's just my caveman brain acting up, hence the reason I'm asking.


    When you click on an image and double tap to zoom, it zooms to the microscopic level or is it just me?


    I got a dualshock 4 controller for $10 that had pretty bad joystick shaking that I just opened up and cleaned really well, which (mostly) fixed it. I tried playing some games on PC, but I want to try some stuff on my phone now, couldn't find an app that wasn't crashing or that didn't require a mac/windows pc to work, so I want to see if someone out there knows of an app like that. My phone is a OnePlus 9 running android 14. If there is nothing good out there then it's cool, just wanted to try for fun and I know asking on forums is better than whatever some search optimized article or a 5-year-old reddit post can offer.


    I am trying to slowly de-Google-ify myself by moving to open source apps, I wanna ditch google notes and evernote. I tried obsidian, standard notes, and joplin, I liked using obsidian on PC and standard notes looks nice on android but obsidian you need to pay to have sync and standard notes doesn't do markdown unless you pay (are plugins only on PC???). Joplin has most features I need but I don't like how it looks/feels on android (haven't tried in PC yet) Basically what I want the most in a notes app is offline with sync capability for phone and PC, would be nice to make folders for notes like notepads on evernote, and md is a big plus but I can live without it. I would love if I could use something like proton drive for cloud sync and wouldn't mind paying for obsidian if it was cheaper cuz $8 per month is too much for my minimum pay and I didnt see any cheaper plans. EDIT: If no one has any better suggestions, I am thinking of trying to setup obsidian with syncthing.


    I am part of a team that runs a small wiki for a game 99% of the population never heard of (don't ask me what it is), so I wanted to make a discord bot that used our API to pull info quickly, how it works is you do /search name:[enter name of item] and you get a list of, at most, the top 5 search results with emojis at the bottom to react with, then the bot should spit out another embed message with item description and stats, etc. The issue is that for the life of me, I can't seem to make the bot recognize what emoji the user has selected, as it always just returns '0' emojis selected. I am noob at JS, plz help Here is what I got: ` async execute(interaction) { const query = interaction.options.getString("name"); let itemData; try { // Get data from api const itemAPIList = await fetch( `the link for our api, not important q=${query}` ).then((res) => res.json()); itemData = itemAPIList.data; const emojis = ["1️⃣", "2️⃣", "3️⃣", "4️⃣", "5️⃣"]; // Check if itemData from api is not empty if (itemData.length > 0) { // Create the embed message const itemEmbed = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor(0x00ff80) .setDescription( "React with the corresponding emoji to select an item" ); // List out the top 5 results from api with an emoji next to it for (let i = 0; i < 5 && i < itemData.length; i++) { itemEmbed.addFields({ name: `${emojis[i]}: ${itemData[i].name}`, value: " ", }); } // Sends the embedded message const sentItemList = await interaction .reply({ embeds: [itemEmbed], fetchReply: true, }) .then(async (itemListMsg) => { // Reacts to the message with correct number of emoji numbers for ( let i = 0; i < emojis.length && i < itemData.length; i++ ) { await itemListMsg.react(emojis[i]); } // Filter for checking if emoji and user are correct const collectorFilter = (reaction, user) => { return ( emojis.includes(reaction.emoji.name) && user.id === interaction.user.id ); }; const collector = await itemListMsg.createReactionCollector({ filter: collectorFilter, time: 5000, }); collector.on("collect", (reaction, user) => { console.log( `Collected ${reaction.emoji.name} from ${user.tag}` ); }); collector.on("end", (collected) => { console.log(`Collected ${collected.size} items`); }); }); } `

    Shady_Shiroe Now
    89 337



    I'm not based or up to date with times, an ignorant fool who lives on a tiny planet.