People need a new modern looking XMPP client, and I want to develop it
  • Porru Porru Now 100%

    You're totally right, the problem is with e2ee, and it is so by design. Great answer, thanks a lot

  • People need a new modern looking XMPP client, and I want to develop it
  • Porru Porru Now 100%

    Oh, many people around me have them! I didn't consider the server could be the problem. Using Dino on the computer and Conversations on the phone, the are usually problems either with sync or more frequently with de-encrypting

  • People need a new modern looking XMPP client, and I want to develop it
  • Porru Porru Now 100%

    Wow, this looks great! Thank you!! I didn't know Conversations was getting an UI overhaul, lets see it

    The client-sync issue, also with encryption, wouldn't get solved with these news, right??

  • Belarrei buruzko apunteak ite ditut Zettelkasten metodoa erabiltzen. Zettlr programa erabiltze det horretarako, MD formatuko fitxategiekin. Nahiko nukena da apunte guzti hoiek webgune batera pasatzea ta bertan gauza hauek in ahal izatea: + MD fitxategiak errendatuta bistaratu, irudi eta guzti + Zettlr-en "[[....]]" markekin markatutako barne-estekak webgunean ere hala izatea. Barne-esteka hoiek beste fitxategita bideratze dute. + Zettlr-en "#..." markakin markatutako etiketak webgunean ere ikusi ahal izatea. Etiketek fitxategiak taldekatze dituzte. + Fitxategiak bilatu ahal izatea, ta baita ausaz bat bistaratu ahal izatea ere Eztakit aproposena litzaken Hugo edo SimpleMD bezelako MD bistaratzeko programa bat moldatzea edo hutsetik eraikitzea. Edonola, laguntza beharko nuke ta ilusioz ekingo nioke lanai


    1. Instalatu AURetik inprimagailuaren modeloari dagokion kontrolatzailea. Gure kasuan `brother-dcpl2520dw` izan da. **Baliteke urrats hau beharrezkoa ez izatea** 2. Ireki "Inprimagailuak" 3. Sakatu "Desblokeatu" eta sartu pasahitza 4. Sakatu "Gehitu inprimagailua" 5. Agertuko dan leihoan sartu (Ctrl+F) inprimagailuaren IP helbidea^1^ 6. Bertan aukera batzuk agertuko zaizkizu. Sakatu birritan "JetDirect-inprimagailua" deiturikoa ![]( 7. Bertan hautatu marka eta modeloa ![]( 8. Martxan beharko zenuke jada inprimagailua, sare bitartez ere! ^1^ Bere IP helbidea jakiteko, sare berberan konektatuta dagon beste gailu batetik ikusi daiteke. Androiderako badaude aplikazioak F-Droiden. Ez det hontan sakonduko hemen, galdetu behar izanez gero.


    Duela urte batzuk Manjaro MATE instalatu nun ordenagailu batean eta geroago, beste batean, Manjaro GNOME. Orain MATEkoa GNOME bihurtu nahiko nuke, baina sistema hutsetik berrinstalatu behar izan gabe. Hau egin daiteke? Norbaitek lagunduko?

    Audacityk alsamixerren jarritako konfigurazioa aldatzen du, laguntzarik?
  • Porru Porru Now 100%

    Ah ados, ulertzet planteatzezun arazoa. Kontu hau sakonagoa danez, SoftwareLibreZalantzak txatean emangoet honen berri, ea norbaitek eman diezazuken hemen erantzuna. Bestela zuk zeuk galdetu dezakezu bertan (eta irtenbidea lortu ezkero, beti primeran dago foro hontan jartzea, errexago baita hola beste baterako erantzuna aurkitzen)

    Matrix gela:
    Telegram gela:

  • Audacityk alsamixerren jarritako konfigurazioa aldatzen du, laguntzarik?
  • Porru Porru Now 100%

    Joe, a ze soluzioa txukun ta garatua. Ta beste kontuaz, ez al da errexago ordenagailu bakoitzean berdiña itea? Edo eztet ondo ulertu?

  • Audacityk alsamixerren jarritako konfigurazioa aldatzen du, laguntzarik?
  • Porru Porru Now 0%

    Egunon! Pulseaudio, JACK, Pipewire... zein soinu-morroi ari zarete erabiltzen? Eta zein linux banaketa?

    Audacity erabili ostean eta alsamixer bere horretara bueltatzeko, terminalean alsamixer exekutatuta Alsamixerreko ezarpenak aldatu daitezke.

    Jarraitu dezagun arazoa konpontzen!

  • Prosody 0.11.12 released
  • Porru Porru Now 100%

    Which are those improvements?

  • # Arazoa "2. izenburu" estiloa etzana baldin bada ere, eskuz hala eguneratu dudalako estiloa, aurkibidea eguneratuta ere ez dira etzanak agertzen bertan. # Konponbidea 1. Alboko barra ireki (Ctrl+F5) eta estiloen ataza bistaratu ![]( 2. Aurkibidean, kurtsorea dagokion kategorian kokatu (kasu honetan edozein "2. izenburu"tan) eta estiloen tokian, _Indizea_ atala zabalduta, lerro horri dagokion kategoria nabarmenduko da. Estiloen atazako kategoria horretan eskuin klika eta _aldatu_ ![]( 3. Agertuko den leihoan: *Letra tipoa* fitxa, eta *Estiloa* atalean, hautatu *Etzana* (edo nahi duzuna)


    # Arazoa Aurkibidea osatzean, izenburu estilo gabe dauden lerro batzuk ere gehitu zaizkit bertan, nahiz ta beharko ez luketen. Ikus dezazuen, honelakoak dira lerro hoiek: ![]( # Irtenbidea Lerro hauen **formatua garbitu** eta berriz eman ondoren, aurkibidea eguneratuta ez dira bertan agertu. Auskalo zergaitia, baina horrela konpondu da.


    Gaur zalantza sortu zait, berriro, ea ordenagailu eramangarria etxean daukadan bitartean argindarrera konektatuta egoteak, haren bateriaren osasuna hobetuko duen. Galdera da: hobe da bateria beteta mantentzea edo bete-agortuka ibiltzea?

    People need a new modern looking XMPP client, and I want to develop it
  • Porru Porru Now 100%

    Thanks for the great answer, I'll take all that into account :)

  • People need a new modern looking XMPP client, and I want to develop it
  • Porru Porru Now 100%

    Very good point. Anyway, I believe it's worth making more comfortable the clients, even if it's for us; but as well being aware of the point that having a modern client would make it easier that people trying XMPP out keeps there for more time.

  • People need a new modern looking XMPP client, and I want to develop it
  • Porru Porru Now 100%

    That already exists in Conversations! Settings>Expert>Connection

  • People need a new modern looking XMPP client, and I want to develop it
  • Porru Porru Now 100%

    It's not fediverse, but yes a federated network

  • People need a new modern looking XMPP client, and I want to develop it
  • Porru Porru Now 100%

    Anyway, I see that it only can be used for their servers, and not a self one.

  • People need a new modern looking XMPP client, and I want to develop it
  • Porru Porru Now 100%

    I know, but what can I do if I have needs and ideas as user, but cannot currently develop them? Maybe after some time learning (I have not much time for that) I could, but it's always good asking for help!

  • People need a new modern looking XMPP client, and I want to develop it
  • Porru Porru Now 100%

    Yeah, I thought that the people who renewed K9 Mail's interface could make that too for Conversations, that would be great!

  • People need a new modern looking XMPP client, and I want to develop it
  • Porru Porru Now 100%

    Yeah, I first (months ago) tried to contribute to some such projects as Blabber, but they didn't go into implementing my proposal, whether because they didn't want to focus their project in that way, whether because it was actually difficult implementing my proposals due to the current code-structure their projects have

    I didn't know about the new UI for Gajim, and I really like it, thanks for telling about it!

    Conversations and all its forks are good in fact, but they lack a modern/comfortable user interface and functionalities:

    • how to quote messages
    • jumping to quoted messages when taping the quotes
    • treating quotes as unmodifiable elements (currently user can change the quote's content)
    • render/format the quote while writing message (instead of showing "> ")
    • emoji access
    • unique emoji pack, not system's
    • when searching for messages, showing the results in chat-context
    • let adding more accounts (only for
    • the way multiple accounts are managed (currently all chats from different accounts are put together)
    • an introductory explanation about what is XMPP, comparing it to email
    • giving as secondary option creating an account on their project server and as first using any instance (currently the order is inverse)
    • playing audio recordings having the device stuck to the ear (currently this is not possible)
    • having message option pop-up dialogs on short tap, instead of long press
    • navigating into chat multimedia jumping from archive to archive, without needing to go back and forward
    • ability to select and copy text, not whole message, from a message
    • some internationalization problems
    • ...

    I believe that some clients have implemented them, and I don't know them. I didn't use Movim until now because it doesn't work to me well (I can't still add a node of my choice).

    The reason I thought about creating a client from scratch is to avoid problems that appear when you use another's base: they limit what can you do.

  • People need a new modern looking XMPP client, and I want to develop it
  • Porru Porru Now 75%

    hahah, that's good! Still, I'm not proposing a new protocol, just another way that will fit someones' needs to use the same protocols, while others will keep using the same clients as now.

  • People need a new modern looking XMPP client, and I want to develop it
  • Porru Porru Now 100%

    Oh, do you think that they will listen to my proposals there? :)

  • People need a new modern looking XMPP client, and I want to develop it
  • Porru Porru Now 100%

    Most complete yes, but not very BigTech-like looking. I have nothing against them, in fact I do use them, but for many other people they don't fit.

  • hemendik modu gurutzatuan argitaratua, **ingelesez**: ________ I believe that XMPP is one of the best protocols for chat communications there is, and I stand up for it. However, the clients that there are, are not comfortable for most people out there used to apps like Telegram, Whatsapp or whatever. One can defend current XMPP clients saying that quoting with "> " is the traditional way, or that swiping to quote a message is not worth developing; I have plenty more examples like this. Well, if you think so, OK, use those clients for yourself, but become aware that many people won't use XMPP for just this reason. After saying all this, I want to tell that **I am willing to develop a new, modern looking and _comfortable_ client for XMPP**. I think of a client for Android in first instance, but I would have no problem on going further. However, I don't know programming, so **I'm searching programmers** who would like to get involved in this. Although I'm not programmer, I have experience developing software projects, from internationalization to documentation, including ideas about features, testing and all other work there can be. > Will you help me spreading the word? :)


    crossposted from here: ________ I believe that XMPP is one of the best protocols for chat communications there is, and I stand up for it. However, the clients that there are, are not comfortable for most people out there used to apps like Telegram, Whatsapp or whatever. One can defend current XMPP clients saying that quoting with "> " is the traditional way, or that swiping to quote a message is not worth developing; I have plenty more examples like this. Well, if you think so, OK, use those clients for yourself, but become aware that many people won't use XMPP for just this reason. After saying all this, I want to tell that **I am willing to develop a new, modern looking and _comfortable_ client for XMPP**. I think of a client for Android in first instance, but I would have no problem on going further. However, I don't know programming, so **I'm searching programmers** who would like to get involved in this. Although I'm not programmer, I have experience developing software projects, from internationalization to documentation, including ideas about features, testing and all other work there can be. > Will you help me spreading the word? :)


    crossposted from here: ________ I believe that XMPP is one of the best protocols for chat communications there is, and I stand up for it. However, the clients that there are, are not comfortable for most people out there used to apps like Telegram, Whatsapp or whatever. One can defend current XMPP clients saying that quoting with "> " is the traditional way, or that swiping to quote a message is not worth developing; I have plenty more examples like this. Well, if you think so, OK, use those clients for yourself, but become aware that many people won't use XMPP for just this reason. After saying all this, I want to tell that **I am willing to develop a new, modern looking and _comfortable_ client for XMPP**. I think of a client for Android in first instance, but I would have no problem on going further. However, I don't know programming, so **I'm searching programmers** who would like to get involved in this. Although I'm not programmer, I have experience developing software projects, from internationalization to documentation, including ideas about features, testing and all other work there can be. > Will you help me spreading the word? :)


    crossposted from here: ________ I believe that XMPP is one of the best protocols for chat communications there is, and I stand up for it. However, the clients that there are, are not comfortable for most people out there used to apps like Telegram, Whatsapp or whatever. One can defend current XMPP clients saying that quoting with "> " is the traditional way, or that swiping to quote a message is not worth developing; I have plenty more examples like this. Well, if you think so, OK, use those clients for yourself, but become aware that many people won't use XMPP for just this reason. After saying all this, I want to tell that **I am willing to develop a new, modern looking and _comfortable_ client for XMPP**. I think of a client for Android in first instance, but I would have no problem on going further. However, I don't know programming, so **I'm searching programmers** who would like to get involved in this. Although I'm not programmer, I have experience developing software projects, from internationalization to documentation, including ideas about features, testing and all other work there can be. > Will you help me spreading the word? :)


    I believe that XMPP is one of the best protocols for chat communications there is, and I stand up for it. However, the clients that there are, are not comfortable for most people out there used to apps like Telegram, Whatsapp or whatever. One can defend current XMPP clients saying that quoting with "> " is the traditional way, or that swiping to quote a message is not worth developing; I have plenty more examples like this. Well, if you think so, OK, use those clients for yourself, but become aware that many people won't use XMPP for just this reason. After saying all this, I want to tell that **I am willing to develop a new, modern looking and _comfortable_ client for XMPP**. I think of a client for Android in first instance, but I would have no problem on going further. However, I don't know programming, so **I'm searching programmers** who would like to get involved in this. Although I'm not programmer, I have experience developing software projects, from internationalization to documentation, including ideas about features, testing and all other work there can be. > Will you help me spreading the word? :)


    `Empty Bash`, `Empty Desktop File.desktop` eta `Empty File` fitxategiak agertzen bazaizkizu zure erabiltzailearen karpetaren erroan, Txantiloiak karpeta ezabatzearen ondorioa da. GNOMEn, edo behintzat Manjaroko bere aldaeran, badago [XDG protokoloa]( zehazten duen fitxategi bat: `~/.config/user-dirs.dirs`. Protokolo eta fitxategi hoien bitartez zein fitxategi mota automatikoki nun agertu edo gorde behar dan zehazten da. Hala, aipatutako fitxategi hoiek `~/Txantiloiak` karpetan agertzen dira *bere kabuz*, kontestu-menuetan erabili ahal izateko. `Txantiloiak` karpeta ezabatzean, aipatutako XDGrako fitxategian txantiloi-fitxategi hoiek lekuz aldatzen dira, erabiltzailearen `home` karpetaren errora. Beraz, bi aukera dituzu: 1. Txantiloiak karpeta berriro ere sortu eta `~/.config/user-dirs.dirs` fitxategian lerroa honela osatu: `XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR="$HOME/Txantiloiak"` 2. Txantiloiak karpeta ikusi nahi ez badezu, baño ezta ere txantiloi-fitxategiak erabiltzailearen karpeta erroan, zehaztu beste direktorio bat fitxategi berdineko aipatutako lerroan eta berrabiarazi sistema. *Direktorio berri bat zehaztu aurretik, ziurtatu direktorioa (karpeta) existitzen dala.*


    Tresna hau YAY deitze da (Yet Another Yogurt) ta terminal bitartez paketeak kudeatzeko balio du, beste tresna batzuk baina errexago; gainera euskeraz erabili daiteke. AURetik (ArchLinux User Repository) instalatzeko aukera du, beraz pakete gehiago lortu daitezke honela. Komando honekin lortu daiteke tresna hau(ek) bere kabuz funtzionatzea: `sudo pacman -S yay base-devel` Gero, idatzi `yay bilatzeko-paketea` eta zerrenda bat aterako zaizu, zein biltegitatik datorren zehaztuz. Zenbakiz aukeratu instalatu nahi dituzunak eta aurrera. Horrez gain `pacman`ek dituen azpikomanduak ere erabili daitezke YAYekin, adibidez `yay -S paketea` zuzenean instalatzeko, `yay -Syu` sistema eguneratzeko edo `yay -Rsn paketea`, paketea bere dependentzia guztiekin batera ezabatzeko. > **Adi!** YAYek ez du `sudo` aurrekomandoa behar!

    Python jakin gabe erabiltzen nazkatuta nao
  • Porru Porru Now 100%

    Milesker Txopi! Pentsatukot holako programazio ikastaro batian parte hartzea, ta aurrez aurre bada askoz hobe. Programatzen dakiten lagunen bati eskatukoiot lehenengo ta bestela ikastaro formal bat. Bestela-bestela, -ek esandakoakin

  • Ze zaila ite zaiten programatzen ikastea, beti frustratzen naizelako eztetelako lortzen naetena, eztakitelako programatzen. Lagun batek esan zian ikasteko ta esforzatzeko ta azken egunetan script zehatz bat sortu nahian nabil. Lagunai jun natzaio laguntza eske ta pista bat eman ta nik iteko esan dit. Gogotsu, jarri ta porrot: betiko frustrazioa. Ze in dezaket? Ilusio gabe frustratu ta nazkatu ite naiz ta beraz eztakat ikasteko diziplina. Nei pazientzia haundiz erakutsiko zian norbait eukitzea gustatuko zitzaiten, beak iteko ariketak jartzea ta nik pixkanaka in, errexetik zailera ez frustratzeko. Zuek gomendio o bizipenik dakazute?

    Programa bat, interfaze eta guzti, HTTP(S) atakara bideratu daiteke?
  • Porru Porru Now 100%

    Obsidian instantzia bera o ezberdiñak ere, bakoitzeko bat

  • Obsidian programa HTTP(S) atakara (80 edo 443) bideratu nahiko nuke, internet bidez ikusi ahal izateko bere interfaze eta guzti. Hau egingarria da teknikoki?


    Iruitze zait `pull`-ek commitak banan-banan jeixte ditula ta `merge`-ek, denak bakar berri batian. Eta `fetch`?


    **Fruit Radar** mapa birtual batean landareak, fruita arbolak eta sendabelarrak kokatu ta partekatzeko tresna bat da. **Fruit Radar** Androiderako **bezeroa** da, F-Droiden eskuragarri: Aldiz, bezeroa **zerbitzari** batzuta konektatzen da ta hoietan arazo bat dao, ezin baita daturik gorde bertan ta beraz tresna hau guztiz deuseztatzen dulako. Hemen salatu genun []( ta nik: Garatzaileak dio ez daukala horri eskeintzeko denbora. Norbaitek beidatu lezake? Are gehio... **norbait gogoz ta prest** ikuste da **Euskalerrirako zerbitzari bat sortzeko**, datuak bertan gordetzeko ta hemengo landare zehatzak gehitu ahal izateko?


    Senide batek MIUI Android erabiltzeu ta dakarren FM irratia entzuteko aplikazioa ez dabil behar bezela. Horreatik konpilatu naet AOSPekoa, baño ez dakit nola in. Norbaitek launduko?


    Windows XPko solitarioan jolasten hasita, mahai jolas klasiko birtualizatuak programatu nahi ditut, estetika amankomunakin ta Manjaro Linuxen lehenetsita sartzeko proposatu. **Python ulertzen det baño edozein lenguaiekin moldatuko nintzake. Norbaitek parte hartu nahi?** > Badakit badaudela tankerako joku libreak, baño nik programatu nahitut.


    Nere Whatsappeko erabiltzaileekin bezero ofiziala erabili gabe txateatzeko bilaketa desesperatuan, holako bitxikerikin itet topo. XMPP zerbitzari propio bat behar da, baño bereziki zaila ez du ematen:

    Porru Now
    24 34


    GNU/Linux erabiltzailea, musikaria, soinu teknikaria, itzultzailea, esperantista, antiespezista, anarkista ta holako etiketa gehio