Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • MemesAreTheory MemesAreTheory Now 100%

    So glad the Democrats are in their "cancel the Dixie chicks" stage of becoming the new Republicans

  • Michigan held an “I voted” sticker contest and this is one of the winners
  • MemesAreTheory MemesAreTheory Now 100%

    "How'd you get such big forearms, jackin it?"

    "No, i-voted "

  • Kamala plans to get rid of FTC chairs
  • MemesAreTheory MemesAreTheory Now 100%

    Going to start telling liberals I'm a single issue voter but in regards to the post office. They get my vote only after they shitcan DeJoy and fund it properly. We all know this will never happen, so I'm safely allowed to not vote for Democrats for the foreseeable future.

  • You know what? You're right; we should be teaching people that beating their boss to within an inch of thier life is much more effective than goverment sanctioned methods.
  • MemesAreTheory MemesAreTheory Now 100%

    punished-bernie See folks, I'm the compromise candidate. There are those who say bosses should fear for their lives, but I can reach across the aisle and make that happen without actually killing them. My plan would simply break their legs and burn down their homes as a warning without the need for such extremism from the left.

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • MemesAreTheory MemesAreTheory Now 100%

    smuglord um excuse me Iran haven't you heard of a little thing called "statute of limitations"? it's very serious and real and pertains to the rules of war and you have to follow it! lenin-dont-laugh

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • MemesAreTheory MemesAreTheory Now 100%

    We've got billions for bombing the middle east, but we can't afford or simply choose not to help American citizens following a catastrophic hurricane.


    Is this 2005 again? How the fuck am I rewatching this same story line play out?

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • MemesAreTheory MemesAreTheory Now 100%

    Where's the accountability?

    gui-better the ghouls running the show have forgotten the meaning of the word.

  • Rep Elissa Slotkin warns Harris Campaign is "Underwater" in Michigan
  • MemesAreTheory MemesAreTheory Now 100%

    Pretty much. Why bother polling California or Alabama? Waste of money.

    Edit: and I really just mean this in the context of the presidential race. State parties and candidates likely poll for their own district or informational purposes, but the extent and intensity will differ dramatically.

  • Out of the frying pan and into the broaster
  • MemesAreTheory MemesAreTheory Now 100%

    hesitation-2 we have to put him down folks, he's Br*tish ukkk

  • Are they seriously complaining about Lego now..?
  • MemesAreTheory MemesAreTheory Now 100%

    thicc-trump we all got one comrade, it's okay to talk about butt's here

  • We self-selected 34/200 countries and got a generally favorable result! Woah!
  • MemesAreTheory MemesAreTheory Now 100%

    Lol they picked Israel, Turkey, and Tunisia as their representative sample of the middle east. First, one of these things is not like the others. Second, I can only imagine how fucking funny it would look if they actually had a representative sample of Arabic/Islamic countries.

  • What happened to Jake Paul?
  • MemesAreTheory MemesAreTheory Now 100%

    These people need to be sent to work on the farm xi-peel

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • MemesAreTheory MemesAreTheory Now 100%

    Every photo of this man looks like a wax sculpture parody

  • Is it improper to do "Disengage" too early in a discussion?
  • MemesAreTheory MemesAreTheory Now 100%

    You know I tried something like that recently, but the people who need a disengage aren't the ones to take a hint. It's a command because the people who's hobby that day is to argue with you aren't going to respect polite boundaries.

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • MemesAreTheory MemesAreTheory Now 100%

    Even just saying that is more useful than immediate belittlement and toxicity. Put this as a response to the top level comment. This thread got real stupid real fast so I'd like the next general to be posted and everyone to be more helpful and less dickish to one another.

  • Cats belong on one side of the door or another. They can go *through* doors and that's fine, but if you force a cat into a door that's likely to hurt the animal and that's not cool my dude. Please do not put your cats in doors. Let them safely pass through, beside, or between door and door frame. You may play with them near doors, but exercise extreme caution. Thank you for your time have a nice day


    I hope they're well ![bean](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/5b00a978-2178-493c-8d5f-829cb0a46b54.png "emoji bean")


    Send help for the love of God. I've killed thousands and had to restart my Republic so many times making mistakes that it feels like there should be easier ways to avoid. I'm playing realistic mode for reference. As a general problem, I keep on failing to resist the temptation to build an ugly little 400x400 meter box cram packed with spaghetti walkways and utilities wherever they fit in order to min/max walking and infrastructure range. After 70 hours of the game my first city is actually surviving to the point of net gain and I'm trying to make the next jump. I've carefully prepared before allowing any growth beyond 3000 (I learned my lesson when everyone froze to death... And starved... And ran out of water... And died at 45 due to pollution...) but now I don't know what to do lmao. My people are happy, healthy, and well enough employed by a clothing industry with a food factory and distillery ready to go into production, but I hate trying to do anything in the city because it's so so so cramped. Do I try to make the shitbox less shit? Should I just build a new better city some ways off, or keep new development close to old development so I can still make good use of the infrastructure? Whatever my decision, I can't make a larger city work on buses and trucks alone. The fuel costs and traffic are a pain and I wish I could use all those cool trains or even just trolleys, but I can't figure out how to make it happen lmao. I have learned to save before trying a project only for it to fail miserably and kill everyone or bankrupt me when it completes in 6 months to a year, and I just had to revert because it turns out trolleys can't interact with fuel bus platforms, and my ENTIRE city depends on its platform, so that's not going anywhere. Where is a quality source for guides on how to build industries, make rail work, and so on and so forth? I've been watching bballjo's videos as well as reading the wiki, and honestly, they're not so good. It's unironically been making me wish I was better at the game so that I could make the kinds of guides I wish I had right now; well scripted and on topic, edited well with pre-recorded clips to clearly show what's going on, and not just saying "this" or "here" or "there" or "that" and using specific names so people less familiar with the game don't lose the thread. Also, digestible. Each guide feels like it should only be 10-15 minutes MAXIMUM, with shorter being better. The longer 'guides' just become too much to absorb at once and harder to sort through to find the bit you actually need. Does anything like what I'm describing actually exist? Or is it all streamers style some guy in a gaming chair rambling more or less on topic for an hour? Credit where credit is due, I was able to claw a surviving city together by pulling out the main lessons from jo and other ramblers content, but it's getting worse as I get to more complicated systems. This is a long post that has become more complaining than I wanted it to be. I'm really enjoying the game and I want to progress out of the "early" game, but I don't know how to make train run good or scale up. Please send me good written or video sources for how to city good. Also, don't make me an urban planner after the revolution, at leastv not until I have a couple more hundred hours in this game lmao.


    ![shrek-blob](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/550ea5f4-0697-462b-b027-4ccaf5215f66.png "emoji shrek-blob")


    They don't trust voters not to choose a succdem and offend pwecious widdle capital, and they're worried they couldn't fix a second election after 2020 almost went to Bernie despite their best efforts. So now they're just propping up the old man strategically until it's too late and they can put whatever blob priest into office they like without the unwashed masses messing it up with their "democratic will" or whatever. Technocrats must sit the eternal throne whether the people want it or not.


    Schroedinger's post: do I mean what I say? Or is this an intentionally bad post because it's posted in the bad-posting com? ![sicko-spin](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/6dae38a0-f03a-420f-8231-43976c5c95cd.gif "emoji sicko-spin") ::: spoiler spoiler There's no answers for you here only further mockery ![sicko-speeeeen](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/73d60061-cfa9-4271-9713-8dde2a426f86.gif "emoji sicko-speeeeen") :::


    I know Trump's word is worth less than dogshit, but hypothetically, he's now the harm reduction candidate when it comes to Ukraine. Of course the liberals of reddit are hand-wringing about Putin and "tHe FrEe WoRlD"


    ![train-shining](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/fb23fadf-93d8-497e-9033-d2bcfd37ee53.png "emoji train-shining") ![train-shining](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/fb23fadf-93d8-497e-9033-d2bcfd37ee53.png "emoji train-shining") ![train-shining](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/fb23fadf-93d8-497e-9033-d2bcfd37ee53.png "emoji train-shining")


    ![hex-crab](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/d7e65035-a86a-44c0-a0ab-ed79cec3b9b0.png "emoji hex-crab")


    Posting IS praxis and this is a solidarity thread with the freedom fighters of New Caledonia


    This is part of my culture. ![pigpoop](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/4c081b2f-52d9-4e9c-b0de-a92d2e4030bb.png "emoji pigpoop") ![PIGPOOPBALLS](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/57e302c5-6368-4884-abb1-40ed173fc0be.png "emoji PIGPOOPBALLS") ![horsepoo-theory](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/10dbd2ef-40c3-497e-a98f-63662235f497.png "emoji horsepoo-theory") ![countdown](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/343bfc9f-6fd1-49b4-a69c-3c3c67242d86.gif "emoji countdown") ![ppb-gigachad](https://hexbear.net/pictrs/image/e0560c71-3896-4b73-acde-574d9efcfffa.png "emoji ppb-gigachad")


    *typed a comment, decided it was worth it's own post It gives them cover for all the other ways Biden is garbage too. They get to pretend it's just that ***ONE*** issue (which mustn't be named because ~~genocide~~ sounds bad), and they align with the left on everything else. Grossly inadequate action on climate change all but certainly dooming millions to death by climate disaster, white supremest border policies and foreign policy more broadly, failure to increase the minimum wage, failure to control cost of living, failure to protect reproductive rights, failure to protect LGBTQ+ rights, massive infrastructure failures like train derailments and Boeing and bridges, funding a corrupt military industrial complex grift in Ukraine, stoking a world war with China while simultaneously denying us affordable electric vehicles, robustly funding the police while discrediting and neutering BLM movement and then siccing their paid piggies on us first chance they get, expansion of domestic surveillance, failure to meaningfully address the rise of mask off fascism in America, healthcare please, no college debt relief, the list goes on and on. But no, they just have to pretend we're all holdouts and unreasonable for caring about ***ONE*** issue. It's the only one they can't rationalize away because ~~genocide~~ is truly a bridge too far, so they retreat behind rhetoric and flatten the magnitude of that issue by pretending it somehow has to be considered in the larger picture while simultaneously refusing to give the larger picture any kind of sober analysis. These people are truly the smoothest of brains. I'm fully convinced of the criticism of the "white moderate" by MLK and, more pointedly, Malcom X. These polite Toadies of bourgeoisie democracy and capitalism are just as if not more complicit in these crimes by insisting there is no solution to our problems, all we can do is politely pull the blue lever so they can politely administer our misery instead of the rude red guy. They reduce all politics to civility and norms and crush whatever imagination or genuine action might spring up for a better future. Disgusting worms worth less than the dirt on the boots they lick.


    Avert your gaze! He's shy! ![crush](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/328825a8-3d08-4c6d-b58a-7d175c3662e6.png "emoji crush")



    MemesAreTheory Now
    70 961

    MemesAreTheory [he/him, any]

    MemesAreTheory@ hexbear.net