Trans megathread for the week of September 30th to October 3rd - Sacred Echoes posting!
  • HelltakerHomosexual HelltakerHomosexual Now 100%

    ive got prescriptions for 2mg of estro and 100mg spiro but ive heard specifically that 2mg estro is not enough. Is this true? whats the proper dose and a way for me to get that? like do i just double dunk the pills?

    should i ask for an injection? what the fuck is an injection and how is that different?


  • Fuck this place indeed
  • HelltakerHomosexual HelltakerHomosexual Now 98%

    wehrmacht walz is fucking brilliant tho

  • Trans megathread for the week of September 30th to October 3rd - Sacred Echoes posting!
  • HelltakerHomosexual HelltakerHomosexual Now 100%

    hahahahahaha yeah uh not us nooooo

    Josephine is definitely not a name ive called myself no no no its not pretty im just saying it would be funny for the memes yknow haha funny memes skibidi biden-

  • Trans megathread for the week of September 30th to October 3rd - Sacred Echoes posting!
  • HelltakerHomosexual HelltakerHomosexual Now 100%


    Car girl car girl hot girls drive cars ur gonna drive car so ur hot girl you cant say no its fact

  • Ukraine’s east buckling under improved Russian tactics, superior firepower
  • HelltakerHomosexual HelltakerHomosexual Now 100%

    i remember arguing by i think your side in lemmy news posts with libs all those years ago, who insisted with every fiber of their being that we were brainwashed stupid bots. Ukraine was gonna be back in Crimea any day now, Russia was gonna collapse, Russia was incapable of victory...

    but again, we have been proved right, as always. Ukraine killed itself as a nation to fight as a proxy for the west and now they face complete and utter loss. We were right, Russia wins.

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • HelltakerHomosexual HelltakerHomosexual Now 100%

    Putin please join the war on the zionist menace the help would be appreciated

    yes ukraine is important but think of how many chad face memes would be made about you if you bombed israel!

  • Trans megathread for the week of September 30th to October 3rd - Sacred Echoes posting!
  • HelltakerHomosexual HelltakerHomosexual Now 100%
    Transgender Stalinism drabble

    Im sorry dad, Stalin is my father now

    If god was real and loved us, they would reincarnate Stalin. Whenever someone makes a bad criticism of the USSR I get 1% more stalinist

    When you get in that stalinist mood and jokingly play with naming yourself after feminized version of stalin's name. Transgender Stalinism.

    Tranistion 5 year plan to build gender socialism

    I am a proud trans woman and scientist of Marxism Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought ! Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao can anyone have better leaders? Who has changed history more than the 5 heads of Marxism Leninism Mao Zedong Thought? Can anyone but us brag to have such great leaders? Father Stalin belongs to us and us alone! The Nationalists and revisionists will weep in fear and frustration as the inevitable return of the great banner of Lenin and Stalin return to wipe them from history! They slander us out of fear, because they know with Stalin by our side and Marxism Leninism as our worldview the working class will be unstoppable! Long live Lenin! Long Live Stalin! Long live Marxism Leninism! Long live Communism!

    I am eepy out of my mind and idk why my brain decided tonight was SLAVA STALIN night but im chillin with it

  • Been reading about different voting mechanisms
  • HelltakerHomosexual HelltakerHomosexual Now 100%

    Liberal ideology, universal suffrage is a terrible way to run a real country. Council systems are superior in every way. Democracies based on population count specifically targets and dis-empowers minorities. It also doesn't properly take into account specific needs of specific groups. direct democracy is primitive and unsuited to delegating authority and politics in countries with millions of people with vastly different ideas and interests between them.

    You cannot please everyone, there is no utopia, you're always going to be stepping on someones toes just a bit when making decisions, especially big ones. Decentralization does not always equal democracy.

  • Been reading about different voting mechanisms
  • HelltakerHomosexual HelltakerHomosexual Now 100%

    famously empty party: the Communist Party of China

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • HelltakerHomosexual HelltakerHomosexual Now 100%

    why the heck is Luka meeting with a far right reactionary Eurasianist of all people? Would be better if luka had him shot


    Nina Andreyeva is a name all should know and be educated. She was at the front of the true communists agitating against perestroika and glasnost, and for the restoration of socialism in the USSR. This essay divided the Soviet Union when it was published, and heightened the communist resistance to the perestroika reforms as half the soviet union cried for socialism! This should be read by every Marxist Leninist as a source of hope and inspiration. The Soviet Union did not go down without a fight! They were fighting until the very end. Advocate for Restalinization, a return to socialist economics, and a against opportunism and subversion. She is an inspiration to all for standing against revisionism and socialist deconstruction. The last Chairman of the CPSU(B), and die hard communist until she died in 2020. Nina Andreyeva, Grigory Romanov, Boris Pugo, Gennady Yannayev, and other true communists who fought for the preservation of soviet socialism should be honored for all time.


    I want to learn more about the resistance to gorbachev and what sectors enabled the right's rise to power. betrayal from within the party is disastrous and learning from this is necessary to help make sure we dont repeat their mistakes.


    Since insight into how the eastern bloc actually functioned and existed is quite rare even among communist circles, it is important we learn all we can about them. We should imitate its successes and solve its issues, not discard something so important.


    Im doing an alternate history scenario with a friend and this is my map for 1980. I wanted some fresh eyes to look at this and give some history changes. the only relavent alteration of history i have here is that I changed the result of the Ecuadorian elections which made it less dependent on the USA.


    Like whats its whole deal? it was western backed but doesn't it work with the syrian government? Are they communists?




    Remember to follow the Traaa com rules or else you are liable for any action that mods deem necessary IMPORTANT SITE REMINDERS ARE LISTED AFTER THIS RANT (so please read all of it in order to find the rules >:3) On this mega I shall take the opportunity to rant about one of my favorite things: the Webnovel UNJUST DEPTHS! Do you love transgenders? Do you love communism? Do you love queer romance? Do you love killing fascists in a giant fucking mech? Would a plotline with all of these things happening in a underwater retro-futuristic gundam setting intrigue you? Especially if its actually really well written with good characters, rich worldbuilding, and a marxist leninist transfem author? All of the answers should be: YES I DO ~~or else I WILL BAN YOU~~ Since you obviously love all of those things then Unjust Depths is perfect for YOU yes YOU! It is **DESTINY** The Imbrian Ocean is at a time of severe instability. The monarch of the vast Empire that spans its *unjust depths* (:3) is sick and nearing death, every territory of the ocean now vying to carve their own Destiny out of the chaos. From the Volk fascists ![pigmask-off]( "emoji pigmask-off") , Zionists ![hamas-base]( "emoji hamas-base") (they literally will not die why are they still here oh my god), The 'Anarchists' (social chauvanists) ![lenin-dont-laugh]( "emoji lenin-dont-laugh") in Bosporus, and the monarchs ![gui-trans]( "emoji gui-trans") of each vast noble domain, each vies for power and prestige no matter who they crush underfoot, but it would be a pretty depressing story without a bright light in the dark. On the edge of the Empire sits the glorious Union! The (Soviet) Union ![soviet-chad]( "emoji soviet-chad") is a socialist federation of three states (and one anarchist mountain ![left-unity-4]( "emoji left-unity-4") )that were formerly slave colonies under the Imbrian Empire until they broke away in a fierce liberation war. They have spent the last 20 years since then building themselves up. Whether they be Human ![bridget-disco]( "emoji bridget-disco") , Shimmi ![kbity-how]( "emoji kbity-how") (Catgirls who usually follow a religion closely related to modern Islam), and Kattaran ![transshork-happy]( "emoji transshork-happy") (a hybrid humanoid species with characteristics of sea life ranging from sharks to cuttlefish)building socialism side by side. First lead under the revolutionary leader Dashka Kansal, then the Idealist Ahwalia who lead the country to near ruin in pursuit of building a utopia on pillars of sand, then under the scientific socialist ![three-heads-thinking]( "emoji three-heads-thinking") leadership of the Grand Marshall of the Union, Bhavani Jayanskar (I love Jayanskar so much shes basically as if Stalin, Lenin, and Zhukov were rolled into the same person but was a black lesbian badass who wore the uniform REALLY WELL)(she aint the main character at all tho shes only in very few scenes i just love her so much). Under Jayanskar, the Union has been growing their economy to both eliminate hunger and give everyone a home ![chad-stalin]( "emoji chad-stalin") , but also growing their military capabilities for the inevitable return of the Empire. The Union is alone, but with the people by its side nothing, not even **Destiny**, can snuff out true freedoms light. ![specter]( "emoji specter") As war wages between the Empire and Republic (basically underwater USA) once more over the lands between them, the facade begins to finally crack... And a border conflict between the Empire and Union escalate, and the dreaded reconquest begins. Amidst this turmoil, lives our main characters (yes there are multiple and all of them are lovely). Each of whom I personally love dearly, and are very well characterized. Many are soldiers of the Union, some are scientists, some are divers (mech pilots), some are lost strands finding new meaning after joining this band of Brigands All are Communists ![steban]( "emoji steban") All serve the Union ![USSR]( "emoji USSR") All would gladly give their lives to defending socialism ![comrade-stoic]( "emoji comrade-stoic") but even they would have little inkling of the adventure set in store for them as the lands beneath the waves erupt in fire, fury, and revolt Can these transgender badasses kick fascist ass? Can they kiss? (oh my god please kiss ISTG THERE IS SO MUCH SHIPPING AHHHH ITS GLORIOUS) FIND OUT HERE: please do or else I will pout incessantly just try it pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase i need to talk to someone about it after Cromalin went AFK (I miss her, she was a real one) REALLY IMPORTANT RULES BELOW, MUST READ Join our public Matrix server! As a reminder, be sure to properly give content warnings and put sensitive subjects behind proper spoiler tags. It's for the mental health of not just your comrades, but yourself as well. Here is a screenshot of where to find the spoiler button. ![](


    I've gotten two completely different narratives on the issue 1. its a genocide that the Ethiopian and Eritrean government is doing against peoples. - CNN and whatnot 2. Ethiopia and Eritrea are fighting an ethnofascist group that ruled the government from the fall of the Communist Derg government till 2018 and they're trying to take back power after a mass movement cut them out and tried to establish an independent foreign policy. -Ethiopia I just don't know whats going on, obviously i don't fuckin trust the west and separatists backed by the USA, but I want more information.


    nah hes a maga dude but fuck is this man hilarious hes anti israel, pro palestine, anti ukraine war this man is legit a harm reduction candidate and he thinks satanist gangs are an issue to deal with


    especially with the new update, it seems completely impossible. I've tried the macao strategy, but now portugal wants me to cede the entire fucking state of guangdong! yeah i banned opium but now i have to get that whole fucking state back! is there another way?


    i have no evidence but just believe me i got insider evidence capish?

    HelltakerHomosexual Now
    28 1.4K

    HelltakerHomosexual [she/her, comrade/them]
