Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible
  • Gloomy Gloomy Now 80%

    Yeah, but try saying something slightly to nuanced about the Israel - Palestine situation almost anywhere here and you get nuked.

  • Elon Musk’s X is now worth less than a quarter of its $44 billion purchase price
  • Gloomy Gloomy Now 100%

    Masnick gives 20 levels of development. Elon stopped here:

    Level Two: “We’re the free speech platform! But no CSAM!”

    And that's about it. Ex-Twitter has copyright infringement, hate speech and doesn't give a fuck about local laws unless the law actually has teeth (Brasil, anybody?).

  • What?
  • Gloomy Gloomy Now 100%

    It's such a shame. Children have so much curiosity for the world.

    Adults should realy nourish that, not kill it.

    I've worked with children in that age range (6 and older) and it's realy crazy what they come up if you give them a bit of room to experiment with their ideas.

  • In killing Nasrallah, Israel chose to open the gates of hell. We'll all pay the price
  • Gloomy Gloomy Now 54%

    I agree completely.

    It comes down to wanting the best for yourself and only for yourself. There can't be any other motivation for destroying a whole planet in order to get a live with vastly more money than you could ever spend.

  • Despite all my rage I'm still just a cat and a mage
  • Gloomy Gloomy Now 100%

    I do this for all my character as a dm and I think it is gear to add that visual layer for player who like it.

    Before it would be image search and take what a er is closest to the character. I think wonky Ai pictures, despite all their downfall, are a real improvement in this usecase .

  • A sorcerer appears and states that they will erase any one song from existence - which song would you choose?
  • Gloomy Gloomy Now 100%

    Good point. If the wizard did this you also would never know that such a song existed. Hence your "worst song in the world" spot would be filled with a different song the instant the spell hits.

    It shows how such categories as "the worst" and "the best" are only constructions of our mind.

  • Science Journalism
  • Gloomy Gloomy Now 100%

    Just that they are actively recruiting people from STEM.

    Not only that, we have a couple of social science people around too :-)

  • What if Everyone Did Something to Slow Climate Change? Researchers are looking at the impact that individuals’ actions can have on reducing carbon emissions — and the best ways to get people to adopt
  • Gloomy Gloomy Now 40%

    I could tell you the facts, like how stopping eating meat is one of the easiest ways to make a huge change. I could give you some studies, show you how almost every report on climate change in the last 15 years has listet going more plant based is part of their recommendations. But you know what? I'm just fucking over with people that aren't grown up enoth to even do the slightest little change in their lives.

    We deserve the future that awaits us.

  • What if Everyone Did Something to Slow Climate Change? Researchers are looking at the impact that individuals’ actions can have on reducing carbon emissions — and the best ways to get people to adopt
  • Gloomy Gloomy Now 100%

    Your plan is to require every individual on the planet to make sacrifices that could kill them and their loved ones? You think that’s actually achievable?

    No. I complete not registered the second half of your sentence while quoting it. No fucking idea how that happend. Complete brain fart on my end.

  • Durchschnittlich 8 Tote und 1 004 Verletzte pro Tag im Straßenverkehr im Jahr 2023
  • Gloomy Gloomy Now 100%

    Autofahrer strömen aus den Dörfern in die reichen Städte und nehmen uns Städtern die Arbeitsplätze weg. Das ist doch Wohlstandsmigration. Die sollen lieber schauen das sie ihre Dörfer attraktiver machen, statt unsere Städte mit ihren Autokollonen zu fluten.

  • Josie's Guide to Vegan Friendly Instruments
  • Gloomy Gloomy Now 100%

    I bought a hangdrum some years ago and while I do love it it came in a case lined with wool and a (possibly fake) leather ring to cover the joining of the two parts.

    Nothing of was disclosed anywhere before hand if course. And to be honest I just didn't think of asking before hand. It's a huge metal bowl after all...

  • What if Everyone Did Something to Slow Climate Change? Researchers are looking at the impact that individuals’ actions can have on reducing carbon emissions — and the best ways to get people to adopt
  • Gloomy Gloomy Now 33%

    So what’s a realistic approach to the problem:

    Getting billions of individuals to change across the planet? Which requires most of them and their families to die?


    Changing a few dozen companies.

    Changes like this don't happen in an empty space. If you have an Eco aware consumer base it help a lot.

  • Poggers
  • Gloomy Gloomy Now 100%

    Let's say it's a postmodern interpretation of the meme idea.

  • This week I predict there will be a lot of f**ked off astrologers
  • Gloomy Gloomy Now 100%

    Are you fucked off about the title? 😉

  • Die Partei des kleinen Mannes
  • Gloomy Gloomy Now 75%

    Also ich bin jetzt keins von beidem sondern sehe mich eher als linksgrün versiffter Öko. Trotzdem holt Volt mich, vor allem mit dem was zu Klima vertreten zu 100 % ab, mehr als die Grünen. Nur mal so angemerkt.

  • Wahlparty der AfD: fremdenfeindliche Lieder und Rufe nach Abschiebung
  • Gloomy Gloomy Now 100%


    Westdeutschland hat seit den 60ern zunehmend eine Liberalisierung erfahren, in dem Sinn das die immer noch prägenden Weltbilder (Auch Familienbilder) aus dem dritten Reich sich langsam öffnen konnten. Das hat in Westdeutschland zwar auch Subkultirell angefangen (Punk, Frauenbeweging, etc), ist aber zunehmend auch in den Mainstream aufgenommen worden. In der DDR sind solche Bewegungen in Subkultirell geblieben, der Mainstream war stärker Staatlich geprägt. In den 90ern, nach der Wende, hat man da wenig getan um die Bürger der ehemaligen DDR kulturell einzubinden. Es fand keine Aufarbeitung statt.

    Entsprechend konnte rechtes Gedankengut weiter existieren und wurde an die folgenden Generationen weitergegeben. Das fällt uns jetzt auf die Füße.

    Ich denke mal das ist insgesamt sehr Unterkomplex dargestellt, aber ich hoffe man sieht wo ich damit hin will. Das ist zumindest Möglicherweise ein Faktor unter vielen.


    This is a (slightly older) article about Nuclear Energy and climate change. It's a hottly debated topic in climate communities, so I thought some of you would enjoy to read it. Another article that brings up some more points against nuclear power can be found [here]( I'd be interested what you ppl think of the matter.

    Gloomy Now
    2 326



    A buddhist vegan goth with questionable humour.