It's 2024 and I'm posting this from a text console.
  • CkrnkFrnchMn CkrnkFrnchMn Now 100%

    What about the Lynx's TTY isn't it..?

  • 'He has made me feel unsafe': Ohio sheriff's Kamala Harris Facebook post draws complaints
  • CkrnkFrnchMn CkrnkFrnchMn Now 100%

    God help us all if the Republicans come in to power...and that's coming from northh of your border :(

  • Huawei's revamped Android competitor is launching with support for 10,000 apps.
  • CkrnkFrnchMn CkrnkFrnchMn Now 75%

    Yessss...even if it takes being proprietary like Apple

  • Mass shooting kills 4, wounds 17 in nightlife district in Birmingham, Alabama.
  • CkrnkFrnchMn CkrnkFrnchMn Now 87%

    Guns are just ONE plague in this country...

  • Horrible Pictures Zenfone 8
  • CkrnkFrnchMn CkrnkFrnchMn Now 66%

    I disagree because it wasn't doing that before...

  • Horrible Pictures Zenfone 8
  • CkrnkFrnchMn CkrnkFrnchMn Now 66%

    Here's the other one

  • Hey there, I'm trying to figure out what is wrong with my phone (Zenfone8). As you can see, the picture is alright but when I use the zoom the picture goes all pixelated (uploaded in a comment) I change the camera module but it still does the same :( Any clue/help please...? **EDIT** I rebooted the phone to stock settings and the camera is acting the way it ought to...very weird. I guess there was some apps the camera didn't like...

    Israeli ministry 'concept paper' proposes transferring Gaza civilians to Egypt's Sinai, with Canada as a possible final destination
  • CkrnkFrnchMn CkrnkFrnchMn Now 30%

    Yes please bring 'em in Canada...need more people in the north. They should tame right down with the cold...

  • Reflecting on Canada's F-35 decision: F-35 fighter jets can only fly 55% of the time
  • CkrnkFrnchMn CkrnkFrnchMn Now 100%

    I still maintain that in order to fullfill our commitment to NATO we should get into transport. A lot more demands for air cargo than there is for fighters...

  • Error Partitioning Void Linux
  • CkrnkFrnchMn CkrnkFrnchMn Now 100%

    That was dumb of me...No wonder the system made that extra dir. Am gonna redo that box and play with it. My next task is to install Openvpn so I can get PIA going because they don't have a runit version.

    Thanks for your time...

  • Error Partitioning Void Linux
  • CkrnkFrnchMn CkrnkFrnchMn Now 100%

    void@VoidLinux ~]$ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS nvme0n1 259:0 0 476.9G 0 disk ├─nvme0n1p1 259:1 0 250M 0 part /boot/efi ├─nvme0n1p2 259:2 0 25G 0 part / ├─nvme0n1p3 259:3 0 100G 0 part /home/moi └─nvme0n1p4 259:4 0 351.7G 0 part /run/media/void/Spare

    And I could only run fdisk -l

    Disk /dev/nvme0n1: 476.94 GiB, 512110190592 bytes, 1000215216 sectors Disk model: PC611 NVMe SK hynix 512GB
    Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disklabel type: gpt Disk identifier: 0CBA5074-381F-434C-B631-017241BA39AE

    Device Start End Sectors Size Type /dev/nvme0n1p1 2048 514047 512000 250M EFI System /dev/nvme0n1p2 514048 52942847 52428800 25G Linux root (x86-64) /dev/nvme0n1p3 52942848 262658047 209715200 100G Linux user's home /dev/nvme0n1p4 262658048 1000214527 737556480 351.7G Linux filesystem

  • Hey, For some reason(s) after I start my Void system I have 2 /Home partitions. One is /Home/Void and the second one is /Home/Moi. Now I suspect the Void one is because I kept Void as a user and the second one is because I changed the name Void User to Moi. Now for the weird part... /Home/Void uses the / allocated space while the /Home/moi uses what I put in while partitioning my drive. Any help on this would b e much not that savvy with Linux so have no idea what's happening


    I must say I am enjoying Void Linux w/xfce so far. May just switch from MXLinux... Anyone else playing/using Void..?

    Chinese distro (OpenKylin) made to provide independence from western technologies releses its first stable version
  • CkrnkFrnchMn CkrnkFrnchMn Now 75%

    Connection is terrible and am not taking down my VPN to d/load that.

  • Hey there, How de-google is Waydroid from UT..? Trying to find info out there but no luck... Thamks

    Tried restoring an antique saw (more pics in body)
  • CkrnkFrnchMn CkrnkFrnchMn Now 100%

    Nice work...I just finished restoring an old panel saw. Good elbow grease with steel wool and WD-40...

  • My first bedside table and first dovetails
  • CkrnkFrnchMn CkrnkFrnchMn Now 100%

    A tad too deep for me but I do like the design...nice.

  • This blame game over Canadian wildfire smoke has got to stop
  • CkrnkFrnchMn CkrnkFrnchMn Now 100% we'll get blame for the cold weather..?

  • Google will pull news links in Canada in response to new law
  • CkrnkFrnchMn CkrnkFrnchMn Now 75%

    The worst thing about Google to me is their grab on Android. Yes granted many software companies will not divulge the coding behind their apps but still. No way should Google have that much monopoly on an OS. You would think we would have learned our lesson with Microsoft but apparently not. I have de-google my life as much as possible and am starting to realize just how big Google Android ecosystem is. So...all that to say that yes...every thing that Google loses I'm all for it.

  • CkrnkFrnchMn Now
    4 17



    Moved all over Canada except NWT and NF from being in CAF.