
Economic principles from a Marxist/socialist point view?

Economic principles from a Marxist/socialist point view?

Economic principles from a Marxist/socialist point view?

Marx wrote about the political economy and its relationship between boss and worker.

I heard sometimes from leftists that the current academic economic courses are deeply influencied by the logic of liberalism and financial capitalism and thus it got very abtract concepts from a bourgeois perspective.

I wonder if there are some economic principles irrespective of political ideologies that exist because it's inherent of any social human group (from tribal groups untill metropolitan people)?

I find an important question for we discuss and try to understand how the society works and how we could adjust it to a possible future socialist society and economy.

Do you guys know any principle or principles which don't depend on political ideologies and it are inherent to any social human group with more than some tens of people?

I would like see what many people would say about it from a socialist base.

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