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Avoid Losing Class Consciousness As You Make Money

Many hippies who protested the Vietnam war and supported many progressive ideas ended up becoming obsessed with money, and became a part of the same war machine they probably once hated even if they retain the style, attitudes, and beliefs associated with counterculture. Obviously some people are already lost like those operating on liberal values or who support any reformism of the US which makes their activism and ideology self-limiting. The fall of the soviet union was a great blow to the socialist movement and those that remained were ideologically hijacked by capital.Despite these people experiencing persecution and infiltration by the liberal establishment, they were integrated into society. They are referred to as bourgeois bohemian or corporate hippies now.

There are of course similar factors in the socialist movement now that led to the downfall of the hippie movement such as infighting, revisionism, and infiltration by the regime. Their movement was idealistic, non-dialectical and even pushed their members to leave it once they hit a certain age. While modern comrades are (hopefully) not as shallow and pseudo-revolutionary as the people that would sabotage their own movement, outside propaganda does pose a threat to the viability of the current socialist movement. As a comrade, you must understand that regardless of your personal situation, the theories of Marx and Lenin still apply. A person who is a socialist while they are struggling and a liberal when they are doing well financially is operating from their class interests, but is not a true revolutionary and is likely motivated by short-term greed and personal gain more than long-term prosperity, as even the currency they sold out for will become worthless over time with poor governance from a liberal regime.

Because I understand the Marxist analysis of society, I know that even if I am offered a six figure job tomorrow, I can still understand that the society I am living in is a class society and therefore primitive and outdated, comparable to a feudal society. I may have more money and be more comfortable, but I can understand that from a socialist perspective, having a bunch of money does not obligate me to conform to US society and ideology. In some ways, being financially secure would allow a person to participate less in the labor market and therefore contribute less to capital. The same way that struggling liberals can support reactionary ideas, a comfortable comrade can support revolutionary ideas because they know a society of Marx is preferable to being wealthy under feudal corporate capitalism. Modern China shows us that socialism can achieve more and create an economy even better for the working class than what is possible otherwise, and because of this it is even more preferable for a person with wealth to live in such a society than a failed state such as the US.

Additionally, it must be stated that the process by which a person is stripped of revolutionary ideas and assimilated into society is subtle and often comes from multiple sources. The local community may be liberals promoting ideas that appear to be progressive but do nothing to change the systems we live under, such as voting. You may also be exposed to liberalism through social media or government propaganda such as mainstream news which is controlled by billionaires. Even some more extreme and overt propaganda displays such as American flags everywhere or the national anthem in places where it is unnecessary like sporting events causes psychological effects like developing an affinity for the regime or nationalism towards the regime. As a person trying not to lose your mind to liberalism, you must stay in contact with revolutionary media, revolutionary theory, and revolutionary ideology.

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