
i've been trying to figure out this site for a couple of months, so i have the fundamentals down. once you figure out the right path that doesn't lead to the bad gateways its a lot easier. one thing i wasn't prepared for when i started off my posting career is how treacherous the posting can be. there really is danger around every corner. 1 minute you are relaxing with a few (3) benzos of your choice, making some comments on posts, and then here comes some wild behavior from the unhinged denizens of some of the more unsavory boards ("communities") on this site. since i've racked up a few tips and tricks i wanted to share them with all of the other newbies. maybe if enough of us survive we can start a special club (or support group) # №1 worst posters i am in kind of a tough spot because i want to write this cool guide to help newbies survive some of hex bear's worst characters, but i'm probably going to get scoped by the mods for this one (unfair). apparently you're not supposed to target bears because there isn't a permitted hunting season for endangerous animals. here i go anyway goddamn []( watch out, this person has no chill. you insult g*mers one time and they go nuclear. don't mess with that stuff or you'll get reported []( don't get me freaking started... this guy is obsessed with elon musk, but doesn't even like him or think he's revolutionary? even i can see musk has got a natural ability to disrupt -- how else do we get this many dead chimps? this UlyssesT guy gets so worked up about posting he has to go on a ten month break to build some kind of commune about it (we'll talk about communists later..). does any of this sound like normal behavior?? the posting style is the worst too--- you're just about to go F5 the main page (to find a 1 second-old thread to spam garbage comments into) then WHAMMO, you see the UlyssesT comment at the bottom of the thread. don't think you're going anywhere anytime soon. this stuff pulls you in with the hypnotic quality of a well-produced Beckett. Samuel Beckett didn't have the foresight to use punctuative emotes tho. the next time your boss complains you haven't learned enough PERL functions or whatever you need for your professional development just tell him you've been too distracted by UlyssesT posts and you'll probably get off. throw in some other stuff about how you haven't even had time to shower so that you dial in how deep you are in these posts []( i gotta take a break from talking about posters for a second to talk about what its like posting on this freaking web site. its encouraged you sort by "New" (the default is "Active" but changing this is the first skill check). now when you do this you're gonna get all these empty posts, and you gotta rush in there. initially my strategy was commenting "First!" on each one, because it works pretty well on youtube, but I got my first seven accounts banned this way. I later learned you have to use all sorts of different words when you comment, which makes getting the first comment much harder. anyways, SorosFootSoldier is always this guy who is in there getting your first comment even when you deserve it more. this guy is like a sniper of posting. the most insidious part is that after a while, you start to view this SorosFootSoldier as some kind of "comrade" (sickens me to say it). when you go into a thread and you see this guys little posts you find yourself smiling and saying messed up crap like "its my compatriot on the posting front". watch out for this sick psychological game []( useless poster does not even read posts before commenting on them, seems like they're on some chemical in half their comments. just like his favorite designer drugs, he should be banned from the site. he probably wouldnt learn anything from it and wouldnt even use the spare time brushing up on PERL functions or whatever # №2 things to watch out for punctuation: people might get mad at you if you dont use enough of these things. if you think you didnt use enough, add twelve, fifteen exclamation marks at the end of your sentence. the moderation bot that confirms every comment has enough punctuation will get fooled and will not delete your post if you do this religiously homework: every time you click on one of these "link" posts you risk it opening up a bunch of words instead of a picture. sometimes you gotta open up the link, read all the words in there, and then the post is more words!! and you have to read ALL of it in order to make your joke, otherwise you get bad grades. me personally i usually just look at the other comments and copy whatever they got so i dont have to read the links communists: lots of these freaks on this web site, and one of the best examples of how poorly moderated it is. i could close my eyes and throw a dart and probably hit two communists. i was thinking about sending a big list of all the communists to the admins to help them ban them all, but at this point i'm thinking it would be easier to send a list of posters that ARENT communists. its ok though, everybody keeps talking about how reddit is leaking so pretty soon we'll get enough patriots to report them all tankies: the horse's shoe theory indicates that when communists finish reading all of their books ("theory") they evolve into nazis. i havent figured out why yet but when this happen they are called "tankies" (something about slavoj jeezek). i cant DEFINE what makes them tankies is but im really PISSED about them don't bother posting: i thought this site would be different from the real world where moving from "renter" to "homeowner" seems so impossible. trying to move up in the world from being a "commenter" into being a "poster" turns out to be very hard as well. i spent like 3 hours writing this post last night and couldn't even keep myself awake while i did it. i dont think im even going to do this again but ive sunk so much cost into this fallacy i cant bear to not post this no matter how bad it is and how quick they ban me for posting it emote loading: figure out all the emotes by inspecting posts left by earlier civilizations and write them down on a notepad by your computer. if you instead open the emote popup (i call it "pandora's box"), you will probably use up all your alotted bandwidth for the month. if you are gonna open up this little trap, you should do it at work on your boss's T1 connection/possibly the satellite uplink at the university. even if someone in IT notices the weird traffic the ones that know hex bear will know not to mess with you because they'll probably think you're one of the antifa that keep crawling out of this god forsaken web site. stickies: sometimes these prankster mods make a post "sticky" so you think you're making a sweet comment on the hottest new thread but its actually the OLDEST thread. unbelievable that admins allow mods to embarass innocent users like m- just innocent users # №3 other issues i hope the site owner works on ("letters to the president") podcasts: people keep telling me to listen to chapo trap house. i cant even find this thing. i think when i listen to this podcast this site will probably make a lot more sense, but i recommend you skip it, because grinding up hex bear knowledge the hard way will make you a much better poster. at least thats what im hoping + cant afford to be wrong about. anyways, if this site is supposed to be about podcasts or something, i think they should pick one thats easier to find, like joe rogan. the joe rogan podcast has (approx.) 11 billion monthly downloads, which is a MUCH higher number personal growth: this is one of those web sites where being on it makes you realize you could do a bit better at being considerate. sometimes you wanna make really terrible jokes nonstop but you realize maybe you gotta make one less joke or maybe not make a joke about being addicted to turps in every second thread because it'll make somebody feel uncomfortable. that sucks. i did all my personal growing when i lived with my meemaw and she put little dents in the living room wall to show how much i grew in the year and also dents from throwing turps bottles at me telling me to stfu. anyways what i was saying is it feels really bad to have a community of people be so goodhearted that you realize you could be more considerate so i think the admins should make the site meaner inconsistent performance: sometimes i wanna make a joke about the site being really unstable because it would work for my bit but actually the website was working pretty good - this is why i think the site should have Temperamental Tuesdays where every second GET completely skips the css and image embeds. instead of just happening randomly every day disrespectful to elders: this has died down a bit since the communist kabala harris got made the leader but this web site and the people that post here have been absolutely disgusting to president JOE BIDEN. he has done so much for this country (was FORCED to ask some DIFFICULT QUESTIONS during the Anita Hill interrogation, & make some very DIFFICULT DECISIONS like- voting to invade Iraq, supporting settler colonial projects, pretending that he is powerless to stop settler colonial projects he's been supporting, singlehandedly arming settler colonial projects he's been supporting, siring Hunter Biden, being "tough on crime" (someones got to be), and calling the desegregation of school busing a "liberal train wreck". Speaking of train wrecks, he also didn't do anything about all those horrific train wrecks that have killed innocents and polluted our environment, and to me thats got his name written all over it.) In conclusion, Hex Bear should be more respectful to Joe Biden. # ABOUT THE AUTHOR (contractually required for c/howdy posts) ![]( 12022081631 is a multiple counts lurker who has escaped conviction for said crimes in communities like Something Awful, Twitter formally known as X, and a sea of 2000s phpBB forums forgotten from memory and lost to the historical record. He hopes to make posters smile. His achievements include


Hi all! Just wanted to make a post to get any feedback you might have regarding how the comm is doing so far. Is there anything you'd change or any ideas you have to boost engagement? I was also thinking it might be good to put together some resources for new users here. Is there anything you think should be included in that? Please leave any ideas/feedback you have below. Also, since it's just me here at the moment, I'm gonna open up requests for mods. It would be pretty low maintenance I think, and I'd basically be looking for anyone who's been here a little while who is friendly and welcoming to newcomers. If you're interested, leave a comment or shoot me a DM. Thanks!


You're big, beautiful geniuses with the best brains ![a-little-trolling]( "emoji a-little-trolling") and you're very smart, very good at the electoral ![i-voted]( "emoji i-voted") so I would like your help to get my friend into county government ![take-a-xiat]( "emoji take-a-xiat") I'm from [Athens County, Ohio.](,_Ohio) I was born and raised here, and I've lived here most of my adult life. Our famous exports include [Jackie O's beer](, [Joe Burrow]( (who is very good at sports), and [Sarah Jessica Parker]( (who was born in Nelsonville, but wasn't lucky enough to grow up there 💅). We're also the home of [Ohio University.]( My friend [Jon Rose is running for Athens County Commissioner.]( He's a fashionable af devoted partner and dad in an 80s cover band ![kim-drip-too-hard]( "emoji kim-drip-too-hard") and a real "never met a stranger" kind of genuinely friendly person. He is biconic and vegan. Look at him! ![]( I think you would really like him. I met Jon through a group organizing a caravan of Athens County residents to go to the National Equality March in 2009, when we were both members of a local LGBTQ org. Since we marched in DC, he has become a paramedic, [helped unionize his fellow workers]( and developed a [safe, physically active recreational area]( on his own property to help give the kids and adults in our area something inexpensive and fun to do in a sober environment. (Like many poor, rural areas, alcoholism and substance abuse disorder are rampant here.) Yes, yes, I know how we feel about federal electoralism ![brainworms]( "emoji brainworms") but local office is something that can actually have an impact on people's lives, and Jon is a popular, charming, well-spoken dude who is coming straight out of the ranks of our working class. Maybe this is worth a shot? [Athens County has always been a blue spot amongst the rural red in the southeastern part of Ohio,](,_Ohio#Politics) and it isn't uncommon for Democrats to run for local office unopposed in the primary, general, or both. My (extremely inexpert) analysis is that this is because the local business elite realized decades ago that it was easier to run Democrats in college towns, and it is difficult for anyone outside this entrenched group of favor-traders to run for office. The number of landlords in local government is too damn high. The poverty and shitty internet availability makes it hard for anyone without means to even know where to start. How do you do any research on this when you know absolutely nothing, barely have time to think or enough to eat, and you have to walk up the ridge a little bit to get enough cell signal to use the internet? In February, [a clerical error kept Chauncey Mayor Andrea Renner off the primary ballot.]( She had _one_ minor inaccuracy on her paperwork – the start date of the office she was hoping to win was off by _one day_ – and tried to withdraw and resubmit, but the courts say there's not a process in our election law to correct your paperwork or withdraw and resubmit candidacy for a primary, so she's SOL. My friend [Jon Rose entered the race as an Independent in May.]( His opponent lived up to his asshole reputation by immediately filling Jon's neighborhood with his campaign yard signs; meanwhile, Jon is still struggling to come up with the money to buy any signs at all. [Donate here]( after you're done blessing everyone at /c/mutual_aid. I'm not officially associated with the campaign at all, I just really like Jon and have been dying for someone to bring this kind of energy to public office here. I'll post more about Jon's campaign and the history of Athens County (Mound Builders! The Underground Railroad! Labor Battles!) in relevant comms. Meanwhile, I'm here to say hello, do my best to answer your questions about Athens County, Ohio, and Jon, and thank you in advance for your encouragement, advice, and assistance. Thank You. ![Care-Comrade]( "emoji Care-Comrade")


The allure of the best emoji game in the Lemmyverse and very cool pronoun tags has caused me to return from a slumber in some filthy Pokéball, probably. I just can’t stop myself from shouting about Covid, too. Wear a mask, you lowlifes. Hello!


Grandparents I never met, every one raised by wolves, never seeing another human in their lives. I was raised by MOON ROCKS on the dark side of the MOON. I did not know the Earth or any other living being existed before this very moon-morning. ![kamala-coconut-tree]( "emoji kamala-coconut-tree") Independently, I invented language, the iPhone, WiFi, and 5G. I built my very own rocket ship and launched my very own satellite. Imagine my surprise when my iPhone connected to this network, the "internet", where I found this site hexbear.net¹ I exist outside of any context, and I now understand my true purpose, and the power that I wield. I can end the neoliberal world order with 5 words. ![dio-walk]( "emoji dio-walk") ![xi-button]( "emoji xi-button") 1: Which I also independently invented my own version of, where I wrote comments to myself to keep myself entertained and to practice language.


Hi Tseiran! ![ralsei-wave]( "emoji ralsei-wave")


I've been away long enough that I noticed this "howdy" side to the site and decided there was no better place to visit first. ![ralsei-wave]( "emoji ralsei-wave") I've lived just about all of my life in California and have worked as an educator, along with numerous and varied proletarian jobs with varying amounts of precarity. While some seemed to have liked it there, even thrived there, I hated it there. Just being in the teachers' lounge, or for that matter existing in public, seemed to be an open invitation to be involuntarily exposed to the worst of "hustlegrind" and "startup" culture. It may have been because of the specific area I was in (if you know Mountain View to Palo Alto to maybe Sacramento, you'll get what I mean), but these intrusive interactions, where a stranger could and would (if you look passably ![us-foreign-policy]( "emoji us-foreign-policy") perhaps) get propositioned to "get in on the ground floor" with some grift or another, were bleakly common. Similarly, because of the sort of painfully privileged yet socially malnourished environment, just about nothing was discussed by my fellow faculty or other people I associated with except the pop cultural monoliths of the time, which I had to absorb via cultural osmosis in the worst way. Anticipating grading papers for the next few hours didn't get any easier when "DAE LE RED WEDDING?!" and "DAE LE SHAME, SHAME?!" was all anyone around me wanted to talk about, unless they were discussing some investment or how "epic" (yes, that old stale word remained in vogue way after its expiration date) someone's new Tesla was. ![soypoint-1]( "emoji soypoint-1") ![my-hero]( "emoji my-hero") ![awooga]( "emoji awooga") ![libertarian-alert]( "emoji libertarian-alert") ![hypersus]( "emoji hypersus") ![soypoint-2]( "emoji soypoint-2") ![debord-tired]( "emoji debord-tired") That's why I risked everything, cashed in my retirement fund early, and with eyes forward to becoming a father and finding a better place for my family, I moved to the Atlantic northeast to start an agricultural project that I intend to expand beyond sustainability into a communal project ![curry-space]( "emoji curry-space") . It's hard work, and of course it's hard work, and it's still a work in progress. For OpSec reasions I don't want to get into too many details there except to say that it's all a work in progress and it's difficult, but rewarding. ![touch-grass]( "emoji touch-grass") . I like it here. I like it here quite a bit. There's funny people, weird people, even scary people here and there around me, but I haven't had a *single* conversation that I would qualify as "bazinga" since I arrived. I haven't seen a single ZYBERTRUKKK either, except pictures of them getting mocked on the internet. ![billionaire-tears]( "emoji billionaire-tears") . I don't know if it's just the area I now live in or if it's a larger cultural shift, but as far as I can tell there's no more pop cultural monoliths that I had to be force-fed just by being around hogs gobbling up the hog slop, being it "historically accurate" or "satirical" or whatever. ![morshupls]( "emoji morshupls") I bring that up because I have no great interest in waddling into the slop anymore, to argue about it or against it for that matter, largely because *I have not had to* for almost a year now, and that makes a huge difference. ![sweat]( "emoji sweat") I still set aside time to write when I can, and my next novel project is nearing the completion of its first draft. For those curious about that, there's no mecha this time (THIS TIME ![cyber-lenin]( "emoji cyber-lenin") ), and it's a more contemporary setting with only some slight background science fiction elements. I may share more details about that in an upcoming post if there's interest. I hope you and yours are well, comrades. ![avoheart]( "emoji avoheart") EDIT: I accidentally said "there's mecha this time" instead of "there's no mecha this time" and corrected that immediately. ![sicko-wistful]( "emoji sicko-wistful")


I am a regular from way back, I have been around since some time, but I keep deleting my accounts whenever I think I need a break. I have autism and adhd, I am trans and genderfluid, I like animals, I speak a bunch of languages to the point of it being identifiable information. Somwhere from the accursed contintent of Europe


Hello, finally made an account after finding the will and motivation to get off my ass and uni's out for the summer so more free time! I'm in my early 20s and you can guess a few things about me due to my username (currently living in europe tho but trying to get tf out). I wanna learn more and talk to other comrades since most people I'm surrounded by are either libs or chuds. Just trynna get by while helping spread communism globally and merking imperealism so my children and all other future gens inherent a better world. I play some instruments, draw, do sports to name a few things and am interested in getting into pottery in the near future. Hope to interact more with the community!


It’s been a bit since I joined, and this is not my first post. But howdayy 🥴 My interests are cooking and plants! I also like yapping…. It’s nice to be able to find my community!!! Pic is a big bird I saw few weeks ago. I think it’s a crane (not sure)


Hi I'm radiofreeval but I didn't know how to delete all posts from an account without purging the whole account.


I had to do some digital hygiene. It was easier to scrub my profile than go through individual posts. Sorry for messing up posts.


Hi everybody! I've been lurking all the way back since the Chapo subreddit and never made an account there or here. I don't know why not or what changed in my weird brain to make me decide to finally do it last night, but I did and then the site almost immediately went down lmao, so sorry about that. ![monke-beepboop]( "emoji monke-beepboop") (Btw, does anyone know how to clear the second set of pronouns on your profile? I don't know how to deselect it. Not that I don't consider myself a comrade, it just looks a little redundant having double thems there.)


Howdy, I'm Beetle_O_Rourke My radicalization journey started with reading the 2017 IPCC report, realizing nothing would be done, and then having my best friend send me a link to "Imperialism: The highest stage of capitalism". Since then I've began the process of slowly de-brainworming myself. I discovered /CTH like a week or two before the ban, and somehow stayed through the hourly struggle sessions of early ChaCha Ideologically I am a marxist of some sort, I don't have much interest in narrowing down which particular tradition best resonates with me. I am a huge soccer fan with about 2600 hours in the Football Manager series.


Thanks to [](, I realize I've never properly said howdy here either. I have an account on Lemmygrad as well, I bounce between both occasionally (sometimes I want to just look at Lemmygrad local and see what's going on there). I have a comm over there [!](, which currently I don't use much, except for testing functionality of the Lemmy UI. Furthermore, I'm very much a tech enthusiast, and will probably use that comm to play around with the Lemmy API, maybe test a LemmyBot. Likewise, I also mod the [!]( community, and try to be active there. It's a slow comm, and it might be difficult for folks to use, since it almost requires some exposing of personal information to participate. Being a parent really absorbs a lot of time, so while growing the comm and building its activity is something I think about, I often have no time to actually do it. 😅 Covid and my kids are definitely the cornerstone that defines my engagement with Marxism and Socialism in general. They both arrived at similar times, and this compounding pressure really accelerated my exposure to how things *actually worked*. Being ADHD also grants me this tendency to see the forest for the trees, and also be keenly aware of injustice and contradictions between actions and words. Also, love him or hate him, shoutout to Hasan Piker for being the tip of the slippery slope that eventually got me *here*. I'm also deeply into TTRPGs, but as noted above, never have time to engage with them in the capacity I want. World building is fun and exciting, building a setting and letting others explore it is unlike any gaming experience I've had before. Playing the role of Game Master and hamming it up for the people I love is a real joy for me. I feel like I'm truly my weird and fun self, mask fully off, when running a game of D&D. It's very freeing. The pendulum of time will eventually swing back into my favor, and I hold no grudges about where my time goes now. Kids are dope, and they're worth ever second (even when they refuse to go to sleep). Anyway, I might delete this later. Who knows? For now, however, just wanted to say 👋 Howdy!


I just kinda realized I'ven't introduced myself before on this site Also, tis my cake day so I guess it's time to make things right and tell my origin story: My account came into major use around here, before Hexbears federation with Lemmyverse, because I was getting frustrated getting into Lemmygrad, which was federated and thus had some understandable but somewhat strict anti-brigading measures around here to register.... Hence, my name... (Lemmygrad allows me now, at least, in federation, and with current account, that I actually forgot existed) Other than that, I feel if you met me in real life, I'd be too normie to interact with... especially for my age... so I don't have anything to bring to the table... especially cuz I got stuff to do...


Not just Mao as in Zedong but Meow as in cat sounds. I'm a Maoist (please don't crucify me) who's been lurking around Lemmygrad and Hexbear since I was a baby ML. As you can probably tell from my name, I'm probably a little too passionate about the environment, and want to add that ![im-vegan]( "emoji im-vegan") even though nobody asked. I am also a big Free Software user and advocate, and am looking into a pair of programmer socks even though I can not, and do not, know how to code. If you want to read more: I used to live for the struggle sessions in the comments, but I will probably be garbage when it comes to actually contributing to them and other converstations. I can seem to develop my own thinking but I have a hard time putting that thinking into words (probably something to do with autism or ADHD or both, working on it). CW: References Objectification, Language (feel free to let me know if I miss a CW or add too many): ::: spoiler spoiler *Used to be an anime fan, stopped watching as I haven't had the time nor the interest. Image and profile pic are Tohru from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. It's a particularly weird one for me because while about 60% of it (as far as I remember, could be less) is really wholesome, cute, colorful, and enjoyable, the other 40% goes from male-gazey objectifying garbage (this is sometimes literally entire characters) to "Wait what the fuck that's illegal". Probably couldn't go back and watch it now without experiencing more brain damage, to be honest. Tohru's still cute though so there she is.* ::: **TL;DR I'm new here and I'm not good at either IRL socializing or social media, so please *bear* (forgive me) with me if I Badpost outside of Badposting. If you got through the first part, thank you, and if you read the other parts, I just want to know how.** EDIT: Just want to that you all for coming and welcoming me to the platform! It has felt really great to finally have a voice, and I feel like more of an active participant than an observer with people who actually have good politics. Much love (I would add the hugging cat but I'm on Jerboa right now) to you all ❤️.


Hello, everyone! I'm a Marxist-Leninist from North America, who enjoys learning new languages. I'm also super into free software and Chinese animation.


Hi, everyone. I'm a 20-year-old boy ("man" doesn't fit my vibe honestly) from the Netherlands. I'm autistic, AroAce, a little naive, a little innocent, and a bit all over the place. My mood can vary by a lot and I'll sometimes post about it when things get tough. Some may know me from the r/TheDeprogram Discord (*and its Weenie spinoff, teehee*) I have visited the site for over a year now, but now I've decided to create an account. Part of it is because I have questions about myself and personal feelings, and the neurodiverse comm seemed like a place where I could ask them. The people there seem kind and supportive. Politically, while I tend to favour Marxist-Leninists, I have barely read any theory (sorry) and don't want to box myself in with a label, so I tell myself that I'm a "non-specified Marxist". My interests are video games (usually more retro or relaxed, and not modern/mature AAA stuff), urbanism, space, tech, and I also gander at the anime comm usually, despite me not consuming the medium firsthand, with a few exceptions. One thing you'll notice about me is that I have a fixation with Mega Man, and specifically the Mega Man Star Force series. I started playing the first game a year ago, when I was in my first year of university, and became depressed and hopeless about my life. The main character, Geo Stelar (hence my username), felt like a reflection of myself in many cases and of who I want to be. The game's themes of space, technology and hope combined with the retro aesthetic made me very attached to it, and the music has made me cry on many occasions. I never felt so understood and spoken to in my life, and it comforted me when I felt so lonely. It made me believe in myself again, and now I feel like I'm truly changing as a person, in no small part thanks to this game. I could talk for hours about it, I might make some effortposts about all my feelings about it one day. That's all I have to say today. I hope you may enjoy my presence here. *"Pulse Out."*


I like grilling... my wife, and drinking a cold one with the boys..... peace...

Introductions goog Now 100%
im goog
Introductions hmmm Now 100%

hey, i'm hmmm. I've been lurking for maybe a year now. I'm currently figuring out my queerness (hexbear helped me a lot already). I like ttrpgs and video games. I feel kind of lost atm, so I thought I post.


This com is criminally underutilized. I'm Wake. I've been using this name for months on vrchat/elsewhere, and it felt appropriate to use it here. I guess I've been here since the subreddit. I have a bunch of hobbies, most of which have been ADHD hyper fixations at some time. I like video games, movies, and I really like to listen to music. I especially enjoy finding new music. I work in an industrial setting where I diagnose, and repair industrial machines and automatic systems. So I really like to figure things out. I've been taking things apart to see how they work since I was a little kid. Most of the video games I play now are casual co-op games I can play with my friends like lethal company, valheim, phasmophobia. I also play a lot of driving and racing sims. But more than anything, the game I enjoy the most is vrchat. I have a weekly vrchat adventure with one of my best friends. I guess you can say I'm an honorary furry at this point, since all my vrchat avatars are furry. I really enjoy editing and tweaking my avatar until it's exactly how I want it. I changed accounts because about a week ago I realized I was much more trans than I thought I could ever be. That I'd been lying to, and hiding from myself for a decade. It's incredible how much transphobia you can absorb and internalize while also being gay and extremely lgbtq positive. So I wanted to make a new account to grow into. A nice delineation so to speak. I guess at this point I'm just rambling so howdy, it's been so nice to have you all in my life. And wherever you are, know I love you and you're appreciated. ![meow-hug]( "emoji meow-hug")


I've lurked on here for a long time, all the way back to when r/chapotraphouse was still a thing in 2019. I have serious posting anxiety, since I suck at it anyways, so I have never done anything until now. I want to try get over that, so I figured I would start here, since a ton of you are cool people. I am neurodivergent, love cats (obviously), and am trying to figure my life out now after my crappy college experience. I have always loved the posts and people here, and many of them have made me laugh, so maybe I can get to know y'all more. Have a good one!


I call myself Diputs, I came across this site one day while searching for some extremely obscure information about Vladimir Lenin on google. After observing it for about 3 months I came to the conclusion that I might have found the best website on the planet, so I decided to finally make an account to participate. My main hobby is drawing, my main wish is to keep improving at it, but I am still unsure if I should pursue the goal of eventually being skilled enough to commodify it for the sake of income. In a general sense I am interested in all art forms, be they stories, paintings, music, architecture and so on. Ever since Marxism gave me a holistic framework for understanding the world around me this interest only grew, although now I feel like I am forever cursed to be overly analytic of things that others would find uninteresting. I have a particular soft spot for socialist and socialist-adjacent music, art from the Soviet Union, particular video games and Steins;Gate. My eternal wish would be to find a time-machine to transport me to the timeline where the USSR successfully united the whole planet. ![ussr-cry]( "emoji ussr-cry") I've got 2 questions, firstly, is there an unspoken agreement as to how frequently one can post in a given community? Secondly, are posters allowed to post their own drawings in the art community? If so, is there an unspoken agreement as to how skilled one must be to do so?


I am a Marxist Leninist trans woman. I am thus always in the right. I try to have a positive outlook on things but I will beat your ass if you rage-bait me. I also really like talking about myself. I lived *removed*. I have experience with environmentalism, organizing, and theory. I hope to further develop it with time. I have a deep love of Sovietwave, soviet pop, and really all things from the Soviet Union. Space holds a dear place in my heart, and my biggest wish is to live to see us begin to travel it in earnest. Hawaii will be free!


::: spoiler (generic buttrock playing) The year is (current year+200). Humanity has (changed in some ways, mostly negative). Giant corporations rule neo-(US-american city). Food has been completely replaced with cheap (thing the author disagrees with). Humans are losing touch with themselves by (inserting) (tech) into their (orifice). You are a (synonym for danger or shadows)-(locomotion). You do all the dirty work the (intellectually confused stand-in for capitalists) can't have their pretty names attached to. (currently overhyped technology) is running amok. You are a deniable asset. You are (material)-punk! ::: I am a recurring user and lost PW to my old acc. Currently trying to beat video games addiction. I speak Arabic, some Hebrew and English. I am trans femme.


Hey, I'm Gwen (they/them). My hobbies include music, game dev, TTRPGs, and reading. Currently learning to live with long covid. I'm hoping to post and join in on conversations, but I might get anxious and not do that.


Given the nature of this comm, it's not always going to be super active of course, but I thought I'd make a post for visibility just to let people know it exists.


Hey y'all, poster of yore here in a shiny new avatar (the old account wasn't anon enough imo). Started lurking here again after deciding to abandon reddit for good after the whole API thing (honestly wanted to de-reddit sooner, this was just a convenient excuse). Nothing remarkable about me, I'm a relatively well-off third-worlder currently exercising my privilege to shut myself off from the general dreadfulness of modern life, but feeling a need for community even if it's just one's and zero's on a screen.


In this video I'm going to play a new game called Hexbear. This one looks pretty spooky. Like, comment and subscribe for more content.


art's not mine hey hey


Anyone with good taste should be able to tell what thats from. Been lurking here for a while without a hexbear account, but finally decided it was time to be able to use the cool emojis. ![heart-sickle]( "emoji heart-sickle")


Don't mind me, I just drifted in harmlessly


Hi, I make games under this name. I saw you have a gamedev community, so I'll go over there and answer arcane questions. Things I made that I'm proud of include [this earthbound randomizer]( and this [physics-based roguelite]( I also made a game about trains in space, but the process of getting it ready for Steam caused me so much psychic damage that I started to hate it, so I'm not going to recommend that right now. I also like gardening. Also, a friend insisted that it'd be funny if I signed up for this website, but they didn't tell me why. So if you could let me know, that'd be great.


Despite being constantly disproven by like every book y'all will have to keep hearing from and about me forever because what if you only had strings and I only had beads... we'd have to work out a bead-to-string ratio in such a way that we could make friendship bracelets through some kinda market-based exchange... Anyway, yeah, I used to post a little, but then I stopped and now I'm back at it.


I am called Leah (She/They/It). Half woman, half clown, all cock and no balls. I was once user CumradeLeah but I forgot my password. I am a long time lurker because I have a lot of anxiety about participating in any community with more than 6 people and I fear making a fool of myself. I like beans, drawing, embroidery, sculpting, progressive rock, and tinkering with lots of things. Sometimes I try to make silly little movies but I never finish what I start. I have thought if making a long movie of haphazardly stitched together unfinished projects and calling it "The Bin". I have no real friends or life really. I feel terminally isolated from any sense of community or belonging and I don't really know who or what I am most of the time. I don't know how to end this so here is a lovely clip from an public access tv show from the 90s I have recently fallen in love with [here](


Hello all, After hearing so much shit about this community on the more "mainstream" lemmy servers I decided to take a look and after some lurking I was already convinced that this is probably the coolest place with the best people ![heart-sickle]( "emoji heart-sickle") I like computers, growing vegetables and flowers, hiking, my doggy and cat, anime and socialist revolutions ![cat-com]( "emoji cat-com") and a bunch of other stuff Hope I can get myself a bit integrated in this place, lockdowns really made my social anxieties go in to overdrive (I'm working on it). Also I live in France but I'm not like that I swear ![ohnoes]( "emoji ohnoes")