This Yo Dawg meme isn't funny plus it destroys the planet.
  • xj9 xj9 Now 100%

    rapidly losing access to the biome that supports the enormous increase in humans that gave us the brain power to innovate our way out of the last dark age.

    the last dark age only happened in europe. most of the world was actually thriving at this time. sad it didn't last a little longer actually. would have been really interesting to see a globalized world where europe is left out until late in the game. i would suggest that western culture causes dark ages, that's what we've been living for the last 500 years or so. almost everything has been erased. for a lot of us, the collapse of empire is a light at the end of the tunnel. it'll be horrible, for certain, and was completely avoidable, but you know white people. crawl out to the fallout baby, when they drop that bomb

  • xj9 xj9 Now 100%

    I'm not about to train myself to feel good about other people suffering, even evil people. I'd rather figure out how to make them irrelevant and dismantle the systems that produce them. We live in a world molded by trauma, inflicting trauma on abusers doesn't change them, its just more of the same old thing.

    I don't feel bad, I just don't see the point in celebrating misfortune.

  • I'm searching for people interested in creation of remote, horizontal game dev worker cooperative
  • xj9 xj9 Now 100%

    idk how productive I'm going to be atm, but I'd be down

  • xj9 xj9 Now 100%

    I don't feel great about laughing at the misfortune of others, but its pretty ironic that this family preferred to throw their own children into the literal gutter rather than surrender their property and privilege to the people.

  • Are there any non-profit type dating apps that don't have "premium" features trying to get you to spend money in some gamified fucked up way like most of them do?
  • xj9 xj9 Now 100%

    that's what we call "t h e F e d i v e r s e" though it could be cool to build something more specific

  • Americans are fucking psychos [cw: murder fantasies]
  • xj9 xj9 Now 100%

    calling the police

    never in my life.

  • Why does America need to stop existing in a communist world? Why can't it simply have it's inner power structures replaced with communism while remaining in existence?
  • xj9 xj9 Now 100%

    If you change everything about a system, is it the same system? even if it has the same name? can you imagine reforming the CIA, like what would a communist CIA even be?

  • Are latin@/latinx actually favored by the communities they intend to protect?
  • xj9 xj9 Now 100%

    in spanish, you pronounce every letter. la-teen-eh, for the anglophones.

  • I have a friend who recently fell into a far right rabbithole
  • xj9 xj9 Now 100%

    I don't want to see your friend's racist comments.

  • Twitter API leak that clearly shows Twitter has special protections for right wing accounts is 100% confirmed real
  • xj9 xj9 Now 100%

    the format kinda looks like toml to me, but why okta has anything to do with content filtering is a mystery to me.

  • Thought gained: "Precious Bodily Fluids"
  • xj9 xj9 Now 100%

    To correctly practice this magick (at least according to the random gnostic books I've read), you can never finish during sex either.

  • Democrats: You have to vote for democrats to stop Trump from round up people and shipping them to concentration camps for slave labor.
  • xj9 xj9 Now 100%

    no point in pretending there's any actual potential for progress from a center-right liberal party that regularly collaborates with the far right. pretending like they can be fixed is delusional. what makes you think this pressure tactic can work? what makes you think that DNC will not work to turn left candidates into collaborators? i hardly think that political parties are "the answer", but limiting ourselves to only organizing within the liberal establishment is silly.

  • Democrats: You have to vote for democrats to stop Trump from round up people and shipping them to concentration camps for slave labor.
  • xj9 xj9 Now 100%

    the states that are predominantly controlled by the DNC definitely do. i know they don't want to though, these places all have a bunch of laws in place that can be more forcefully enforced now.

    we aren't going to get anywhere bargaining with capitalists. i'm aware of the methods that they use to suppress alternative parties, but at this point we just have to figure out how to defeat them in a way that opens the door to move the overton window left. things have been moving right for a while, no point in pretending there's any actual potential for progress from a center-right liberal party that regularly collaborates with the far right.

  • Community mesh networking
  • xj9 xj9 Now 100%

    We've decided to try organizing the mesh project using briar. Here's my address: briar://adkjcwpltwvnqsjyn3shg3qeytrxxerlsmgl6pk2uw5o3tm3rxuhi

    DM me ur ID so I can add u back and then I'll invite you to the forum.

  • How many of you have high paying jobs, and how have you prevented your material means and social circles from eroding your leftist convictions?
  • xj9 xj9 Now 100%

    Make sure you've actually changed and aren't embracing communism rhetorically. No matter how wealthy I could possibly become, I've seen how the sausage is made. I can't not see the horror and exploitation endemic to every aspect of society. I always want to learn and uncover more. Money has limited utility in resisting the capitalist order so I'm not really chasing it, but I do have to survive because I know I'll get eaten up if I lag for too long.

    IMO its good that you're worried at this stage, you might be a little less liberal than you think.

  • Americans are so treat brained they think minimum wage fast food workers control all prices
  • xj9 xj9 Now 100%

    yeah the CCP owl-wink, which honestly if the (Gay) California Communist Party was real we'd all be a lot happier.

  • Community mesh networking
  • xj9 xj9 Now 100%

    I'm currently chatting with some folks in a discord server, but idk if I'm able to invite others. I'm planning to spin up a lemmy instance to facilitate more project discussion. Pretty informal at this stage, but our current draft configs are mirrored here and I have some of my other projects on there as well.

    I originally wanted to have a cute little cluster of fossil repos, but the forum is text only and that's pretty limiting.

  • Community mesh networking
  • xj9 xj9 Now 100%

    I've had a couple of false starts, but I've been getting more into community mesh stuff recently. I think the tech is really interesting by itself and I have some ideas for mobile adhoc mesh protocols, but finding people to build something with is hard.

  • i've seen this phrase used around here in a few variations and it rarely gets called out as problematic. i really don't think its ok so i thought i'd ask: does hexbear think its ok? i can understand and support the use of violence against fascists and colonizers, but genocide is really their thing. i don't see why it makes sense to use it even as a rhetorical device. why doesn't this get called out? is genocide so normalized in casual conversation that it doesn't register or what? edit: ~~i have all the [he/him]s on the website telling me that this is actually a very funny joke. i still don't like it or get it, but i've had my fill of arguing with y'all so thanks for the info. i can see why nobody calls this one out. it kinda fucking sucks. i'll just go ahead and block people who post this type of joke and go on my merry way.~~ now that everyone has had a chance to chime in, i'm just going to add some context for y'all 1. ~~most of the responses i got at first were from [he/him]s which is why i said the above. nothing against any gender, just what i saw.~~ it wasn't my intention to misgender anyone sorry if it came across that way. i really meant it as an observation of who was jumping in to reply at the start of the thread, but i didn't realize how it could be perceived in other contexts. 2. i'm not american. i'm technically a US citizen, but i have much more significant cultural ties to SV, MX, and separately and to a lesser extent NA indigenous community. i don't always get where western people are coming from. i like the overall tone of hexbear maybe i just don't how imaginary genocide is supposed to be cathartic. i apologize if it came across like i'm trying to tone police y'all. that's really not my jam, but y'all do seem a little pre-disposed to getting offended when your little jokes are questioned. 3. i still don't like the joke, so i'm going to remove them from my feed. if y'all don't have an issue with it that's fine. i was just trying to get a feel for what y'all think. the push back was a little upsetting after the day i had yesterday, but i'm over it now. i can live with curating my own experience based on my personal taste. 4. i haven't been that articulate, but i think my feelings are best summarized by [this reply]( > As someone that does find the joke funny, upon some reflection i have realised that it is an inapropiate joke, genocide is a horrific thing and to make light of it by making it a subject of a joke is in bad taste the same way that jokes about sexual assault are in bad taste, we rightfuly look down on redditors for the latter but allow the former


    according to this study hexbears are anarcho socialist, but I thought this was a based tankie website. note the advanced capabilities such as posting memes, creating graphics, and uploading images online. very impressive stuff. a networked mob even.


    i've been a bit obsessed with this song lately. i started learning it on guitar the other day. maybe i'll share a cover at some point.

    science xj9 Now 100%
    Muon Detecting

    there's a ton of useful information for building a homebrew muon detector in this video wow! a [similar project]( for detecting gamma rays provides a starting point for building a bill of materials to replicate the work in the video. it would be fun to try to replicate this on a shoestring budget.

    xj9 Now
    5 242

    xj9 [they/them, she/her]


    en la sombra de un bolillo