This plus amnesty int'l (an imperial NGO) turning on Zelensky makes me think we are nearing a turning point in Ukraine.


I like that I can socialize (being an online forum is not ideal but not bad) with people who I know are coming from the same ideological starting point as me. Like I don't need to give mountains of background info on "human nature being irredeemably bad is just a propaganda narrative" I can just dive into the topic at hand. That means you can get right to the meat of the discussion. It is also been a great place online for me to not feel like I have to be on the defensive at all times, I can make a claim based partially on data and partially my gut feeling and not be torn to shreds, i.e. the critique is in good faith. It can be tiring to only engage in discussions where it feels like you are trying to convince the other person the whole time and they always request you "consider the other side" even when the other side is reactionary, riddled with conflicts of interest, provides no evidence, and is totally without merit🤢 It is a decent source of news but primarily a place for me to learn about how other people who have the same mindset as me but different lived experiences and who have read different things can see the same data that I see. Two heads are better than one. In particular I really feel like my understanding of how gender and sexuality are tied to oppression has exploded from my time on here.


My zucchini have been a great source of greens over the summer but i am having a problem with them. Their base is rotting and when I was picking dead leaves off of one of the plants the whole stem split in half. From waht I can tell this is due to the extensive rain and humidity of the recent weeks and it really seems like the problem is the Squash vine borer so I don't need a diagnosis I just wonder if anyone has a solution or if my zucchinis are fucked.


I feel like a broken record but I think it is really important to reinforce the fact that the online/mainstream prevalence of reactionary thought is a smokescreen for the fact that in the real world most people are at worst centrist and at best left-leaning. The right leaning commentators and astroturfers are disproportionately given political and media platforms This is true in the US as much as it is in the global south. A good example is that when Roe v Wade was overturned Fox and CNN played the same 30 second clip of a handful of anti-abortion protesters (which somehow knew to be there the exact morning of the decision being announced... suspicious) celebrating on the steps of the supreme court and barely showed the MASSIVE pro-abortion protest at all.


He's not a leftist but he has a consistently great analysis of the Islamic world []( you might find this interesting


I made some baguettes and they were good but the effort was too high for me to want to use the whole bags in that way, plus they kind of weren't very filling for how calorie dense they were. I kindly request your best simple loaf of bread recipe.


I don't really care about super niche comedians who are based, I just think that generally speaking comedy is an insanely weaponized form of entertainment. From my perspective this is pretty self-evident, just wondering if any of y'all have dug into this or disagree for whatever reason.


Pretty sure she's a liberal or a demsoc, but that is a pretty good materialist analysis.


I think of this whenever people talk about Elon Musk and lithium... we live in a world where fascism won and slavery still exists.


Shifting chip manufacturing to the west in short order… either Taiwan is about to become a longterm battleground (economic or military) or they think the PRC is going to take Taiwan. (let me know if you see another angle here)


I would subtitle this : the mystification of culture


This is a massive drop in profits but I don't see what really explains them. Honestly sounds like cooking the books/creative accounting designed to create a talking point about taiwan and chip manufacturing. I'll be interested to see what the MSM does with this : "China destroying toyota by preventing the export of sand to taiwan and their zero covid policy". Toyota employs over 370,000 workers worldwide. This kind of stuff will be used to harm the rights of labor.

witlessworm Now
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