home-manager to install gui applications on non nix-os distros
  • tr1x tr1x Now 66%

    Thanks for the recommendation. I was looking through the packages that are available and it looks like some of the packages I use just aren't available yet (leftwm, wezterm etc). Still looks like a very good alternative to nix if the packages you want are supported

  • home-manager to install gui applications on non nix-os distros
  • tr1x tr1x Now 100%

    Cheers. I think I can get that working for pulling up alacritty or wezterm with awesome or leftwm with keybinds ( just changing what's being executed when using keybinds).

    Is there a way to get this running through the applications symlink? I know I could symlink the location from nix-profile to applications using
    ln -s /home/$USER/.nix-profile/share/applications/* /home/$USER/.local/share/applications/
    But, is there a way to run nixGL from the symlink without running the command through the terminal first?

    Credit: Chris Titus Tech for his intro to the nix package manager. That's where I found the symlink command https://christitus.com/nix-package-manager/

    I use rofi as my app launcher where I could use drun to execute alacritty or wezterm using nixGL but would really appreciate if I could just select the app from the rofi menu to execute directly without specifying the extra config param each time

  • I'm trying to use home-manager to install software on tumbleweed so that if I ever move to a new machine, I'd be able to install all of my software again by just running home-manager switch. For my terminal applications like zellij, zoxide, eza etc they installed and work fine. My problem is gui applications that I've tried to install. I tried to install alacritty and awesome as I already have configs for them and wanted to move them over to being managed by nix. For alacritty, I ran into a "failed to find suitable GL configuration" error where I found this link to a github issue but beyond this, not sure how to really fix this: [https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/230660](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/230660) For both packages, I saw that alacritty was installed in nix-profile/share/application and awesome was installed in nix-profile/bin. To make awesome appear in sddm, im assuming I would need to make a custom entry in /usr/share/xsessions with exec pointing to its nix-profile location but I'm not entirely sure how to get alacritty running correctly. I'd appreciate any help on this. Thanks in advance Edit: Tried out making a custom entry in usr/share/xsession and pointed it at awesome in the nix-profile/share directory but no luck getting that to be picked up by sddm

    Asking for guidance on managing dotfiles in a declarative and 'immutable'(/read-only) way across multiple systems
  • tr1x tr1x Now 100%

    With chezmoi it will kind of be read only/immutable with templates no? You could use templates in your dotfiles then on local you can specify the data you want to be templated. So your templates would be read only but the actual content in them could be different per machine. And you could have some dotfiles not be templated at all if you don't use certain configs on different machines.

    Reference documentation: https://www.chezmoi.io/user-guide/templating/#using-chezmoitemplates

  • Asking for guidance on managing dotfiles in a declarative and 'immutable'(/read-only) way across multiple systems
  • tr1x tr1x Now 100%

    Chezmoi has templates and an ignore if you want it to be different on different machines. You can also specify the data you want templated so its kind of dynamic on your other machines. The automatic bit won't really be automatic but you could run a cron job or systemd service that runs in the background to automatically pull, update and overwrite your dotfiles on a machine but it might be better to just do that manually whenever you log on to the other machine so you know what will get overwritten

  • yas-bdsm: Yet Another Stow-Based Dotfiles System Manager
  • tr1x tr1x Now 100%

    Looks like it works just like chezmoi but without having jinja syntax for exclusions. Honestly don't know which I would prefer more as feels like you'll have lots of repeated files to overwrite the base directory with this one instead of just having templates. Still very cool project

  • IEM Reccomendations / Suggestions
  • tr1x tr1x Now 100%

    Truthears zero or truthears zero red (the red edition is $5 more taking it to $55). Both are great choices. If you haven't used IEMs before then they are a way safer bet than the etymotic er2s

  • Long term OpenSuSE users, how has your experience been?
  • tr1x tr1x Now 100%

    Any LTS is good for reliability. RHEL clones are pretty good just depends on what someone is looking for.

    For an actual reason, mainly for the length of the LTS as rocky and alma I believe have a 10 year LTS while Debian have a 5/6 year LTS (sorry if that's wrong, haven't checked the length of the LTS in a while)

  • Cable management on (wired) In-Ears
  • tr1x tr1x Now 100%

    Vid from super* reviews on roadie wrapping cables: https://piped.video/watch?v=_fsvANAT3yg&t=0

  • Long term OpenSuSE users, how has your experience been?
  • tr1x tr1x Now 85%

    I've currently been running tumbleweed for the past 2 years, has been pretty solid.

    I've tried out a couple distros and my takeaways are if you want stability, go with an LTS (leap, rocky, alma, devuan etc) and if you want newer packages on top of that you could use something like nixpkgs or build from source for the packages that aren't there yet.

    If you want the latest packages/you do gaming or your hardware is pretty new, a rolling release like arch/artix is probably your best bet.

    I just prefer tumbleweed as it comes with some useful stuff preinstalled out of the box. For instance, if I've ever had a bad update I've always used snapper to roll back as its preconfigured when you use btrfs

  • I was wondering if there were any BDD/TDD projects or tutorials that anyone could recommend? I'm currently learning elixir and when I was learning rust, I really enjoyed a tutorial called pngme. It has test cases and a specification but left you to implement everything else. Link to pngme: [https://picklenerd.github.io/pngme\_book/introduction.html](https://picklenerd.github.io/pngme_book/introduction.html) Does anyone know of any similar projects but for elixir? Thanks in advance


    Pngme is a tutorial where besides having a spec and unit tests, there is no real hand holding for figuring out how to implement something except for links to locations in the rust docs that might be useful. Has anyone come across similar tutorials/projects? Edit: I found this Rusty CS curriculum on github that has a ton of projects that seem very similar to the pngme book. I'm probably going to go through it/follow through it to see how it holds up as its currently incomplete but looks very promising: [https://github.com/AbdesamedBendjeddou/Rusty-CS](https://github.com/AbdesamedBendjeddou/Rusty-CS) I had a look at the ray tracer challenge book, and it seems language agnostic, so I'm thinking of saving that for the language that I finally settle on.

    tr1x Now
    3 9


    tr1x@ kbin.social