ERA Romans
  • nuke nuke Now 100%

    We're doing ERA skirts right? PLEASE tell me we're doing ERA skirts

  • It's Happening 💥🚢
  • nuke nuke Now 100%

    Rule 2: Explain incorrect articles and takes

    As much as I want this to be real it's not. Just enjoy the shitpost folks 👍

  • Last time I accidentally made a credible water-post. To compensate here's an extremely noncredible water-post
  • nuke nuke Now 100%

    Love it. Here's $5 billion dollars and a years supply of cocaine. I need these operational stat! Question, will more cocaine speed up or slow down the production? Fuck it, here's more cocaine.

  • What is the USMC putting in the Crayolas these days?!?!
  • nuke nuke Now 100%

    its photoed shop theres no cuntry callt Erbia you fucking idiut

  • What is the USMC putting in the Crayolas these days?!?!
  • nuke nuke Now 85%

    Red wunz go fasta
    Blues iz lucky
    Yellow for da booms
    Black iz tuff
    Greenz da best!!1!
    Whites fer da skully bitz
    Ya eva seen a purple Ork? Dats cuz purple iz sneaky!

  • "Did you know you can just shoot the French?"
  • nuke nuke Now 100%

    If you set it as the post link it should embed automatically without needing to put anything in the post body

    If that doesn't work, you could also put it in the body like you're trying by using this format: ![](https://your/link/here) It's also the same way to embed in comments

  • Ike is coming to pay a visit to the Houtis or is i just blue balling?
  • nuke nuke Now 100%

    Leaked image of USS Carney intercepting Houthi drones

  • The most credible death battle humanly possible
  • nuke nuke Now 100%

    The Patriot missile system watching it all go down

  • Virgin AK Clone vs Chad Western Firearm
  • nuke nuke Now 96%

    Motherfucker this is NCD. Of course superior guns make you superior. Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit

  • World Politics in a Nutshell
  • nuke nuke Now 100%

    Is that a missile under your skirt or are you just happy to see me?

  • vote for your favorite or suggest your own candidates
  • nuke nuke Now 100%

    Once you pop you can't stop. Everyone knows that!

  • Montana Esequiba
  • nuke nuke Now 100%

    This is hilarious. Maduro would be proud





    **Operation NCD SITREP #1 - 25 Nov 2023** --- **CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//OPNCD//PLANEFUCKER//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY** --- **I. SITUATION UPDATE** 1. **Disciplinary Actions:** - Recent engagements have seen a few bad actors neutralized. Our mod team, equipped with state-of-the-art Genital Vaporizing Lasers (GVLs), has effectively deterred rule-breakers, ensuring a safe and respectful community atmosphere. 2. **Community Morale:** - Despite the occasional need for GVL deployment, the overall spirit remains sky-high. Comrades have been exemplary in their conduct, with an impressive array of top-tier shitposts lighting up the community. It's a privilege to moderate such an outstanding battalion of enthusiasts. --- **II. OPERATIONS BRIEF** 1. **New Communications Channel:** - **Matrix Channel Deployment:** We've established a new base of operations on Matrix []( Your presence is requested. 2. **Recruitment and Growth:** - The ranks of Operation NCD continue to swell. A warm salute to our new members! Your enthusiasm fortifies our collective strength. 3. **Engagement Levels:** - Community engagement is high. Reports indicate robust activity across all sectors. This is a clear sign of a healthy and thriving unit. --- **III. INTELLIGENCE REPORT** - No updates in this section for this report. --- **IV. LOGISTICS** - **Community Branding:** - Our banner [link]( is unfortunately pretty old and outdated as it still refers to the subreddit. The generous and talented []( from over at [!]( offered to make us a new one. [Take a look]( What do you think, should we make the switch? --- **VI. COMMUNICATION CHECK** - "I'm doing my part!" Are you? Let's hear your feedback and suggestions. --- **VII. SIGN-OFF** - Remember, "Service guarantees citizenship." Thank you for being a vital part of Operation NCD. Keep up the great work, troopers! *End of Report. Dismissed! Stay alert, stay alive.* --- **CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//OPNCD//PLANEFUCKER//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY** ---


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