Zorin OS 17 Has Arrived
  • lukas lukas Now 100%

    Definitely count these other DEs into my criticism. They're part of the problem.

  • Redox OS - an OS built entirely out of Rust
  • lukas lukas Now 60%

    I love the free software ideals, but I think we've got a different understanding about what constitutes a good and a bad license. What many people seem to forget about software licenses is that there are these other countries besides America. They couldn't care less about whatever judges rule over there. A good license is a dumb simple license that anyone can enforce in court with ease. A bad license is a convoluted license that crumbles like a house of cards in court. I read the GPL. It's convoluted. It's an opaque terms of service agreement riddled with legal boilerplate disguised as software license. A poor execution of the ideals I hold. I only use the GPL as a formality to say that I support the free software ideals, but I have zero confidence in enforcing the GPL.

  • Redox OS - an OS built entirely out of Rust
  • lukas lukas Now 100%

    Shame that we don't have a proper copyleft license tho? GPL, as nice as the intentions are, is a license so convoluted that I'm not sure whether it'd hold up in court in my country.

  • Debian Likely Moving Away From i386 In The Near Future
  • lukas lukas Now 33%

    None of the above. 64-bit, 64 bit, x86-64, 1000000 bit, amd or i772.

  • Zorin OS 17 Has Arrived
  • lukas lukas Now 50%

    Let's use Ubuntu for comparison.

    • Ubuntu is more up-to-date than its spin-offs.
    • Ubuntu will outlive Ubuntu spin-offs, including Zorin.
    • Ubuntu offers paid support, whereas Zorin doesn't.
    • Ubuntu community is bigger than Zorin. More resources, tutorials, etc.

    Zorin adds only the following value:

    • More themes, primarily lookalikes, which is arguably a bad thing.

    When people see Windows, they expect Windows. Installers, package managers, peripherals like printers, etc. are different from Windows. Pretending to be Windows makes people feel at ease for a moment at the expense of fundamentally misunderstanding what operating system their computer runs on, and it'll trip them up eventually, probably sooner rather than later.

    See macOS: It looks and feels different. People don't mistake macOS for Windows. People who use Windows don't expect macOS to behave like Windows, and vice-versa. But hey, let's make macOS look and feel like Windows at first glance. Why can't I run that .exe? What do you mean, I must use an app store? What is HDCP, and why does it prevent me from connecting this laptop to the projector?

    For iOS that'd be questions like: Where is the Play Store? Why can't I install that (Android-only) app? I think you get my point.

    This is one of the reasons why branding exists. Yet many Linux distros would like to believe they can replicate the Windows experience through a miracle, and fool themselves into thinking that's a good thing for Linux newcomers. It's especially bad for people who don't know they use Linux, like when they use computers at the office, library, etc. with a distro like Zorin.

  • I absolutely love VideoLAN's stance regarding patents
  • lukas lukas Now 100%

    Like auto update and auto driver installation? They expired for sure, but especially the auto driver installation patent is hilarious. Like no shit sherlock: Check internet for driver with the device md5 hash and the version of the driver installer. Download driver if it's a newer version. Install driver if md5 hash matches. Repeat for all devices, and that's fucking it. Plus an irrelevant figure that shows a computer connected to a printer, scanner and the internet. 3 pages in total, of which 1 page is a copy of another page, so only 2 real pages in total.

  • Amazon and Tolkein Estate force author to destroy all copies of his work. Only pirated copies will survive.
  • lukas lukas Now 50%

    Yeah sure let's ignore out of print books that nobody will ever see again unless you pirate it.

  • Amazon and Tolkein Estate force author to destroy all copies of his work. Only pirated copies will survive.
  • lukas lukas Now 71%

    Copyright doesn't encourage new works. If anything, copyright discourages new works by locking fair use and transformative behind an expensive legal process. Digitization in America is illegal by default except for books where a judge ruled it's transformative enough.

    The proven method to encourage new works is to have no copyright. But alas, publishers back then didn't appreciate that others print "their" books. Higher quality cover? More durable paper? Book is out of print? Zero profits? Give me money or fuck off. Publishers sure didn't change.

  • How much does it cost to run a site that deals with pirated content?
  • lukas lukas Now 57%

    Domain name ~$15/year

    .com starts at $10.28/year

    Offshore server providers usually start around $30/server/month and quickly raise to thousands

    Proxy everything from cheap offshore servers to servers from legit hosting providers with fair pricing.

    Corporate application techs are usually $2k-200k/month depending on size

    Ops are a tech themselves, work with techs they split donations with or pay or nothing at all, or become a tech themselves as time goes on.

    Anything that requires a GPU would be a custom build, dell power edge is a powerful machine you can lookup retail for

    True, but a website like FitGirl Repacks needs no GPU.

    Storage Amazon s3 is $0.022 per GB/month

    Don't use Amazon S3 if pricing is a concern.

    Keep in mind that providers [...] often provide multiple releases codexes, resolutions and providing a lot more than people are requesting

    I'm not sure what to say about that? They sure can do that for images, but not for game repacks.

    You often have to pay for networking as well which scales exponentially

    Pirates don't build on-prem data centers, they rent servers or services.

    Email accounts are usually $10/user/month any time would come from a senior developer ~120+k/year

    No, they can re-use whatever server they use for email. Why pay a senior developer ~120+k/year for email?

    But they are likely full stack developers so it might be closer to 200k in the US

    If a developer works with a pirate, they don't get paid a wage. They're part of the operation, and get paid depending on the donations or nothing at all.

    And servers to run development environments (double the costs above!!!)

    The development environment can be on the server or even on the dev's laptop. They already paid for that, so $0.

    And infrastructure like Jenkins/monitoring which can scale high as well, but likely <$20k/year

    Put it on the server. Scalability isn't practical for pirates to begin with. If they lay all eggs in one basket for maximum scalability and cost savings, then the cloud provider can end their entire operation.

  • How much does it cost to run a site that deals with pirated content?
  • lukas lukas Now 100%

    I didn't know that. Yeah, that sounds reasonable if they need it. It's probably best to view my original comment from the perspective that they don't need these benefits.

  • How much does it cost to run a site that deals with pirated content?
  • lukas lukas Now 92%

    Hard if not impossible to say. It depends on what they host. Hosting also gets real expensive if they make poor choices.

    If they choose to host their WordPress piracy website on WordPress.com, then that's a shit idea. They're overpriced as hell, even with an annual discount. 300 € annually is WordPress.com's discounted price for a somewhat usable, but still restricted WordPress instance. Furthermore, pirates face the risk that hosting providers terminate their account and keep the money, so long billing periods are risky.

    They accept that risk to save some cash, and use WordPress.com. Okay, now what? WordPress.com terminates the account at the start of the new billing period and keeps the money. How sweet. Pay 300 € for the privilege of another restricted WordPress instance. Annual spending: 600 € for what could've been 21.12 € annually with a dumb simple Hetzner webspace.

    You may think that this is impossible, nobody is dumb enough to spend 600 € when a 21.12 € solution is good enough, right? Look no further than any company that lifts and shifts apps into the cloud that weren't designed to run in the cloud. Expensive as hell for no fucking reason other than it's in the cloud now. Or this poor fella who got a $ 30 gift card for saving their employer $ 500,000 with five clicks.

  • Pirate Site Blocking Demands Intensify in the US
  • lukas lukas Now 100%

    ... from committing the severe crime of copyright infringement, of course!

  • Starfield design lead says players are "disconnected" from how games are actually made: "Don't fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is"
  • lukas lukas Now 100%

    I get the frustration here, but it's also kind of... idk? A “No, you just don't understand!” response. Everyone who works in a white-collar job knows what it's like. Everyone has different theories about why that project failed, but nobody knows the objective truth. Nobody can present a “documented and verified” list of reasons for why the project failed, not even the lead designer here. They can guess, but never reach the truth. He could repeat what he always did without changing anything in the next project, and succeed due to different circumstances, plain good luck.

  • Switched my Parents to Linux
  • lukas lukas Now 50%

    We're talking about Word documents, right? People hate when a line wraps in the information block, or their fold and hole marks move, each time anyone with LibreOffice touches their letters. Or their crop, bleed, registration, fold marks, color bars, and safety margins when they print anything professionally. Sorry people, but Word documents require precision sometimes. They look the same, even across several major Word versions. If LibreOffice can't guarantee that, then you can't use LibreOffice in an MS Office environment where precision is necessary, and this starts with letters.

  • On this deserted island I could use some help()
  • lukas lukas Now 100%

    I see you've never used a Lisp REPL before.

  • Valve needs to step up on Anti-Cheat
  • lukas lukas Now 100%

    I didn't describe what could happen, but what did happen in real life. Multiple times.

    MCBans is open-source btw, yet nobody checked and changed the source code, as should be expected really. Operators whitelisted alts and friends. Blacklisted server owners who didn't appreciate that the operators of their global ban list griefed their servers with backdoors.

    Another typical example is 3rd-party Discord ban lists. They whitelist their own staff. They backdoor their bots to fuck around with servers. It's just the reality of global ban lists.

    If Erlite doesn't abuse that trust, then someone with admin access will, or Erlite's successor. That's a fact, not an opinion. Email spam filters prevent single trust lists with scores, multiple lists, etc.

  • Valve needs to step up on Anti-Cheat
  • lukas lukas Now 100%

    There is no anti-cheat, instead a global ban tracking system was put in place and server admins are now able to share the identities of players who have been caught cheating, banning them on every server, regardless of who is running them, by the hosts simply opting into the global ban system.

    A global ban system without a more nuanced approach is a terrible idea. Operators of that global ban system will whitelist themselves, blacklist people they hate, and maybe even backdoor the mod that enables them to ban people in the first place. Server admins have no choice but to either opt into the entire system or have none at all, and both of these options suck. We've seen how this plays out already.

    Score players by your own criteria, weight everything with different blacklists, greylists and whitelists, etc. and ban players if they exceed a threshold automatically. It won't be perfect, but email catches most spam emails that way just fine.

  • When my boradband provider says "Unlimited usage" do they really mean "Unlimited" or is it only X amount?
  • lukas lukas Now 100%

    Unlimited is never unlimited. Why nobody forces them to disclose this clearly is a mystery to me. An unlimited contract with 5 TB data for 15€/m is better than an unlimited contract with 1 TB data for 15€/m, given everything else is aight.

  • web/low memory alternatives to Krita and GIMP please
  • lukas lukas Now 100%

    I'm not sure what you mean. Artists use Photoshop for drawing, yet Adobe advertises Photoshop mostly for image editing. Even though Adobe advertises Photoshop for image editing, which should include fully editing your own photographs imo, the only proper Denoise AI is built into Lightroom lol. Photopea also supports pressure sensitivity, so it should work just fine for drawing. Tools aren't that big of a deal. People who design beautiful presentation decks use PowerPoint after all... with the default system fonts.

  • (UPDATE) A poll regarding AI-related posts.
  • lukas lukas Now 100%

    It's not like we've got any say in this. We can't detect LLMs. Either live with LLMs or die trying.

  • ### Crunchyroll 1. Read the article on account deletion. 2. Submit a support ticket. 3. Get response: pLeASE Be awaRE cRuNChyRoll CustoMEr SUPPorT no lONGEr diReCTLY handleS CUstOmEr Data reQUests FoR gDpR, CCPa, aNd lgPd. 4. Remind yourself that your ticket wasn't entirely useless. They gave you links to multiple forms to delete your account depending on the jurisdiction. 5. Navigate to “CCPA Request Form” if you live in California. “All Other Requests” if you live outside of California. 6. Select the appropriate form based on whether you live in the “European Union and the United Kingdom,” “Brazil,” or “United States, non-California” region. If you live outside of these regions, send an email to the listed email address. I go with the “European Union and the United Kingdom” region. 7. Indicate that you are a customer. 8. Specify that you want to make a data erasure request. 9. Click on "Crunchyroll, Crunchyroll Games" among the options, disregarding the other unrelated services. 10. Provide your first and last name, email address, and country of residence. 11. Confirm that you own the email address. 12. If you receive an email stating they couldn't find your Crunchyroll Games account, respond that you don't possess a Crunchyroll Games account. 13. Sign an account deletion contract with the blood of your newborn. 14. Support *may* delete your account, they didn't delete my account yet. ### Piracy Account? What is account? Can you eat account? Is account an instrument?


    What solutions out there can package software in the *native* package format? I only found [fpm (effing package management)](https://fpm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) and [OBS (Open Build Service)](https://openbuildservice.org/) so far. Edit history: - 2023-11-02: Change title from "How to package software for many distributions?" to "How to package software for many distributions in their native package format?" - 2023-11-02: Highlight the word native.


    Sorry if this is not the right place to ask, but am I the only one who thinks that Star Citizen's new server meshing technology is an old hat? I believe it's the same technology that a few highly scalable Minecraft servers have been using for years. [WorldQL introduced this](https://www.worldql.com/posts/2021-08-worldql-scalable-minecraft/) back in 2021, but I think the idea was around even earlier than that. GrieferGames has also put this into practice.


    I overpaid for this... IBM Model M ashtray, for the lack of a better word. I looked at pictures of the internal assembly online, and I think there're missing springs? For example, I can't press the upper half of the enter key because there's just no spring there, not even blue placeholders. I can't exactly buy new springs from Unicomp as the shipping is so prohibitively expensive that I could buy a IBM Model M from someone else.


    I want to buy a Model M, and the New Model M comes with everything I'm looking for, such as: - USB support out of the box - Meta keys - No hunt for the correct model But the price is steep: - $125.00 New Model M - $24.00 2x Customization fee: RP2040 controller for New Model M outside of the USA^1^ - $101.56 Fedex International - Subtotal: $250.56 - $50.11 Import sales tax 20 % - $0 Customs fee (Goods code 8471606000 and 8473302000) - Total: $300.67 Keyboardco appears to be a former(?) European supplier since they don't ship the New Model M to Europe, so the shipping costs are here to stay. I could probably get an IBM Model M for cheaper, albeit with more work and additional equipment for modding, but I dunno. What do you think? ^1^Unicomp is not allowed to ship the RP2040 controller built into the New Model M outside of the USA according to support. **UPDATE**: I'm now the proud owner of an IBM Model M keyboard :)


    I developed [a patcher to allow Pylance to run outside of VS Code](https://github.com/MyFedora/pyspeer) again, standalone. You can combine that with [a code snippet from the lsp-mode issue tracker](https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-mode/issues/1863) to integrate Pylance into Emacs. The patcher is so trivial under the hood that you can do it by hand if you prefer it that way, assuming a bit of JavaScript knowledge.


    I've got IDO everywhere and FIDO mode enabled. Unfortunately, FIDO hijacks commands such as `occur` that at best don't profit from FIDO, or at worst prevent you from doing what you want. Hence I took [inspiration from StackOverflow](https://emacs.stackexchange.com/a/13795) and tweaked the code to disable FIDO temporarily. Enjoy :D ```el (defun disable-fido-advice (func &rest args) "Temporarily disable FIDO and call function FUNC with arguments ARGS." (interactive) (let ((state fido-mode)) (unwind-protect (progn (fido-mode 0) (if (called-interactively-p 'any) (call-interactively func) (apply func args))) (fido-mode (if state 1 0))))) (defun disable-fido (command) "Disable FIDO when command COMMAND is called." (advice-add command :around #'disable-fido-advice)) ;; Commands without FIDO (disable-fido 'command-here) ```


    https://store.steampowered.com/app/1164940 https://www.gog.com/game/trepang2


    I subscribed to communities, but my Lemmy instance receives only a few posts, comments and votes. I can see linked instances, but whether or not they sync data feels hit or miss. I'm not quite sure if this is expected. Does Lemmy have a utility similar to the [Matrix federation tester](https://federationtester.matrix.org/)?

    lukas Now
    9 268


    lukas@ lemmy.haigner.me