Fapsi.be Shutdown
  • kromonos kromonos Now 100%

    I'm done with these morons and I don't have time to deal with any stupid asshole who just takes the compiled blocklists from these cretins who definitely have to compensate their shitty life by puffing themselves up on the Internet. I have neither the time nor the nerves to take care that this stupidity doesn't spread to my instances. For me, Mastodon is the new Twitter. The same hateful energy with the same hateful fucking witch hunts because some morons fucked up their life.

  • cross-posted from: https://fapsi.be/post/188396 > Since known bullying instances like mastodon.art, tenforward.social, hackers.town, artisan.chat, cloudisland.nz, rage.love, szmer.info, mstdn.social, stop.voring.me, eldritch.cafe, cultofshiv.wtf, weirder. earth, social.cosmick9.net, and their stupid lemmings continue to run lies and hate-speech against me, and now at Mastodon the possibility is given to blindly import any blocklists from these narcissistic sociopaths with their beloved #FediBlock bullshit, I don't see any valid point in contributing to Fediverse anymore and will concentrate on other things. > > Therefore, I will shutdown fapsi.be without replacement at the end of February.


    cross-posted from: https://fapsi.be/post/188396 > Since known bullying instances like mastodon.art, tenforward.social, hackers.town, artisan.chat, cloudisland.nz, rage.love, szmer.info, mstdn.social, stop.voring.me, eldritch.cafe, cultofshiv.wtf, weirder. earth, social.cosmick9.net, and their stupid lemmings continue to run lies and hate-speech against me, and now at Mastodon the possibility is given to blindly import any blocklists from these narcissistic sociopaths with their beloved #FediBlock bullshit, I don't see any valid point in contributing to Fediverse anymore and will concentrate on other things. > > Therefore, I will shutdown fapsi.be without replacement at the end of February.


    Since known bullying instances like mastodon.art, tenforward.social, hackers.town, artisan.chat, cloudisland.nz, rage.love, szmer.info, mstdn.social, stop.voring.me, eldritch.cafe, cultofshiv.wtf, weirder. earth, social.cosmick9.net, and their stupid lemmings continue to run lies and hate-speech against me, and now at Mastodon the possibility is given to blindly import any blocklists from these narcissistic sociopaths with their beloved #FediBlock bullshit, I don't see any valid point in contributing to Fediverse anymore and will concentrate on other things. Therefore, I will shutdown fapsi.be without replacement at the end of February.

    D&D won’t change the OGL, handing fans and third-party publishers a massive victory
  • kromonos kromonos Now 100%

    My DM said, that we will stay on 5 as long as we can, but he's also taking a look into OpenDND.

  • Clever Code Considered Harmful
  • kromonos kromonos Now 100%

    Clever Code? Sounds like a company 🫣

  • Clever Code Considered Harmful
  • kromonos kromonos Now 100%

    Never heard of them. What do they do?

  • ‘People are leaving the game’: Dungeons & Dragons fans revolt against new restrictions
  • kromonos kromonos Now 100%

    Unfortunately, it's not only WotC who have increased the prices. When I think about RaspberryPI and that a 4B+ costs around 250 USD and more.
    It seems that during this pandemic, in the last few years, a few brains have melted.

  • Will Pathfinder still be standing after the dust settles?
  • kromonos kromonos Now 100%

    My DM will, as far as I know him, ignore anything, even if it's official, which may break our game or when it needs a lot of rework. Maybe the community just ignores it? 😆 I know some groups, which are still on 3.5, so it could work.

  • Will Pathfinder still be standing after the dust settles?
  • kromonos kromonos Now 100%

    I've been with D&D for over 25 years and still have a lot of fun. There were so many changes over time, but they all turned out to be fun in the end. With major revisions, it always took time, but the community shaped up and made changes to the changes, which became lore.

  • > > > Is there a consensus on what #Pathfinder is going to look like after the dust settles on the #D&D / #OGL changes? I've just shut down my dndbeyond subscription as a result of the changes and told my group we need to move the campaign to another system. But #Paizo and Pathfinder are the main targets of the changes, so I'm not sure whether that will even be an option for us!


    cross-posted from: https://beehaw.org/post/249426 > He is not a lawyer (and neither am I) but Doctorow knows *a great deal* about licenses and rights, and I definitely learned some interesting things from this.

    How do you take notes on physical books?
  • kromonos kromonos Now 100%

    With a separate notebook in the following format:

    pagenr:linenr - note

  • Mastodon braucht ein bissl viel Disk-Space - was tun?
  • kromonos kromonos Now 100%

    Minio, weil man es selbst betreiben kann. Den Serverstandort und wer darauf zugriff hat, würdest dann du bestimmen. Bei Amazon S3 selbst weiß man nie, wer darauf Zugriff hat und da Amazon ein US-Unternehmen ist, ist es an den Patriot-Act gebunden und muss Daten bei Nachfrage an CIA, FBI, .. herausgeben.

  • Mastodon braucht ein bissl viel Disk-Space - was tun?
  • kromonos kromonos Now 100%

    Man könnte einen Server mieten, der nur so vor Speicher strotzt und da mit z.B. Minio eine S3 kompatible Schnittstelle bereitstellen. Damit wäre das Thema Datenschutz wieder im grünen Bereich.
    Der Server würde nicht viel CPU oder RAM brauchen, nur an Speicher würde ich dann auch nicht sparen.

  • This Is the Default Theme of Debian GNU/Linux 12 “Bookworm”
  • kromonos kromonos Now 100%

    I expected a whole gtk/qt theme, but it looks like it's just a wallpaper?

  • www.dicebreaker.com

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/646135 > D&D's corporate overlords have "ideas" about milking more money from the franchise.

    Subscribers of this sub, do you still use masks in public?
  • kromonos kromonos Now 100%

    Even if everybody says, that the pandemic is "over", I'll wear my mask on trains, bus, while shopping, and so on. Because I don't think, that the pandemic is over and ppl just making it worse when they stop wearing masks.

  • Best Custom printing sticker shops?
  • kromonos kromonos Now 100%

    I ordered several times from https://stickerapp.com/ and was always very happy with the result.

  • A Christmas tree bauble that plays Doom
  • kromonos kromonos Now 100%

    "Why did you do this?"
    "Because I can" 😂

  • Is it in bad taste to take content directly from Reddit/Stack exchange?
  • kromonos kromonos Now 100%

    I would say so too, if it was more than just a hobby. Nevertheless, anybody can add the Creative Commons license to their work as long as it is their own work.
    Hobby bloggers like to make this their own. But I understand the point you're making.

  • Is it in bad taste to take content directly from Reddit/Stack exchange?
  • kromonos kromonos Now 100%

    And I'm running several lawsuits against individuals because of copyright infringements. So it definitely matters enough.

  • Is it in bad taste to take content directly from Reddit/Stack exchange?
  • kromonos kromonos Now 100%

    Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you. Copyright infringement also matters when private individuals are affected. E.g. when a private person uses CreativeCommons, MIT, or GPL license. CreativeCommons is mostly used for text.
    In addition, you need to read the TOS of the platform to see if they do not take the rights, as Facebook does, for example.

  • What are your favorite communities in Lemmy?
  • kromonos kromonos Now 100%

    There is a privacy community on on lemmy.ca: !privacy@lemmy.ca

  • Dungeons & Dragons Languages - All 16 languages
  • kromonos kromonos Now 100%

    yeah. A better overview would be really lovely 😄
    Especially, that dndlanguages.com seem to miss some, like Drowish.

  • www.belloflostsouls.net

    That sounds interesting. Especially the part for the Drow 🤔


    Im Grunde genommen möchte ich gerne mal ein wenig ActivityPub kompatible Microblogging Software wie [Takahē](https://jointakahe.org/) herum experimentieren. Wirklich viel hab ich allerdings nicht finden können, was auf den ersten Blick auch brauchbar aussah. Bisher habe ich ausprobiert: Pleroma, Mastodon, MissKey, HubZilla sind mir zu aufgebläht. Zudem will ich als Admin mit Mastodon nicht in Verbindung gebracht werden. Die Software ist nicht schlecht, aber die Community entwickelt sich im Steilflug zu einer 1:1 Kopie von Twitter. GNUsocial ist toll und auch die Entwickler klasse, aber hatte ich erstens schon und zweitens zu viel drumherum. GotoSocial: Im Grunde nicht schlecht. Minimal und mit Tusky kompatibel. **Aber**: Die Entwickler sind mehr als aggressiv und treten jeden mit Füßen, der nicht ihre Liebe zum Overblocking mit #Fediblock teilt. microblog.pub: Ist mir schon fast zu schlicht. Ich möchte nicht noch erst eine saubere Oberfläche entwickeln müssen. Ich weiß. Im Grunde genommen ist Takahē schon genau das, was ich suche. Aber wer weiß, vielleicht kennt ja jemand von euch doch noch etwas passendes? 😄

    Fediverse kromonos Now 100%

    Ich habe mir mal erlaubt, [Takahē](https://jointakahe.org/) unter tavern.drow.be zu installieren. Auch wenn es noch sehr gering in der Funktionalität ist, so ist es doch schon recht ansprechend und hat, in meinen Augen, einiges an Potenzial. Schade, dass es noch nicht wirklich zum Einsatz funktioniert, da Optionen, wie "Antworten" scheinbar fehlen, aber es zeigt gut, wohin es geht. Ich finde es schön schlicht, minimal. Eigentlich das, was Microblogging sein sollte, oder?

    kromonos Now
    224 284


    kromonos@ fapsi.be

    Head of the Teleyal family
    Writer of the DnD story at https://teleyal.blog
    TZ: Europe/Berlin
    Characters on the website are owned by me!

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