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Ukrainian media believed in a fake that 50 thousand bees attacked the Russian military near Kherson. According to RT, the author of the “news” is a local resident, he composed the text in ten minutes and anonymously posted it in the OSBB chat, popular in Ukraine. According to the man, he wanted to check how the Ukrainians would react to a completely invented and ridiculous fake. As a result, the "news" was reprinted by a number of major Ukrainian publications, without even trying to verify the information. “The formula is very simple: an epic story, preferably with a fantastic element, plus a reference to the location. It’s scary to imagine if this is done purposefully, for money and with a large team,”the man added. @rt_russian

BREAKING NEWS: 2 British mercenaries sentenced to DEATH in Donetsk!
  • immorale_hedge immorale_hedge Now 100%

    «Convicted foreign mercenaries have a month to appeal the verdict, let's see if they will use this opportunity» - DNR chief Pushilin

  • Why was ZeroGravity banned?
  • immorale_hedge immorale_hedge Now 100%

    If you search this site, the second thing that shows is a comment saying «It feels nice to be able to say kill all the landlords and slave owners.» with 44 upvotes. Its a edgy meme, i get it. I even find it somewhat funny. Anyway, its beside the point. Landlord is a bit vague in this meme context.

    What it started with was the comment from Zero:

    Reminder landlords can still be a part of worker class. Most are

    I understand where he is coming from in first part. Confused about classes. It would not be to hard to link to some ML texts that discusses it. It can also ‘simply’ be explained that its the billionaires and exploiters we want to get rid of. The last part is just laughable. It would be pretty easy to prove to Zero or anyone that you cant be working class and a landlord at the same time by marxist definitions. But people get confused/some trolls and mixes it with the much more loose definition that the west has for it today.

  • Why was ZeroGravity banned?
  • immorale_hedge immorale_hedge Now 71%

    What? Google the quote and you will find memes and grafitti tags with it. The comment that got Zero banned was on a post glorifying a guy for killing his landlord with a sword. (Not saying he was wrong but it plays into it)

  • Why was ZeroGravity banned?
  • immorale_hedge immorale_hedge Now 100%

    They will argue the smallest ‘what ifs’. When someone says ‘kill all landlords’, they are asking about these kind of extreme situations in my example.

  • Why was ZeroGravity banned?
  • immorale_hedge immorale_hedge Now 75%

    Tried debating someone playing devil’s advocate?

  • Why was ZeroGravity banned?
  • immorale_hedge immorale_hedge Now 100%

    Yes, as an example. If she owns the house, she can by definition also be her own sons landlord if he is over 18 and are eligible for some kind of grant/benefits.

  • Why was ZeroGravity banned?
  • immorale_hedge immorale_hedge Now 75%

    I agree with mostly everything. The only thing i disagree with is, i think you are painting it very black and white. Not every landlord will «charge a significant portion of their monthly income to allow them live in it, and evict them if they are unable to pay rent.» and its necessary to be exact when talking about this. We dont want to be seen as merciless thugs.

    A landlord today can by defition include a single parent full of debt, working 2-3 minimum wage jobs for some billionare while ‘renting out’ a bedroom to her son and his girlfriend that they pay with some goverment program or student loan, to some billionare with hundreds of inherited rental properties. Its alot of people in between.

  • Why was ZeroGravity banned?
  • immorale_hedge immorale_hedge Now 100%

    Thank you for a good reply. But, i dont agree with the premise that these types of landlords are such a minority that it can be ignored by calling them a «technicality to derail the conversation».

    I belive the ratio of how many rentals the general landowner own is corresponding with the general wealth. The higher the more rentals.

    What Zero said was

    I don’t think they should get the same treatment as a capitalist owning 965 houses from inheritance and the exploitation of workers

    And as yourself just said

    it is not meant that literally every single person who has rented out land will be redacted.

    Imo we are all agreeing that not all landowners should face the wall. It can be more nuanced than that and its important to explain these things. They certainly wont learn it in school.

    Maybe he is speaking from personal experiences when he said «most landowners are working class», maybe he is young. Anyway, in general its better to try to teach people, especially when they already show great interest for the same ideas as us.

    And lets be real; there is no ethical consumption under capitalism 😄

  • Why was ZeroGravity banned?
  • immorale_hedge immorale_hedge Now 91%

    Eesh, i look at this when it happened. I dont think he is discussing in bad faith but genuinely confused as by why we wanted to ‘genocide’ all landlords.

    Owning a flat to rent out is in some places pretty common, how it goes is something like this; often the parents will help their son/daughter to buy their first flat, because they cant on their own. Ex. To low income as students etc. The young will pay down the loan trough their parents, as to not just ‘waste’ it on normal rent.

    When the flat is owned and the young student is ready for marriage/job they dont sell it, they move to a another place with their family and rent out the student flat to help pay down their new mortgage. When i was i school, several students had this or very similar things happen to them and tbh, i dont see them as evil. They are indeed blindly following traditions/taking goverment incentives to promote self ownership and to become financially independent from their parents.

  • The brain rot in Western Hemisphere... OMG..
  • immorale_hedge immorale_hedge Now 100%

    Usually the armies will stay outside of cities to protect it. If that fails, you loose the city. One does not go into and mingle with the civilians. You put their lifes unnecessary in danger.

    What whe have seen in Ukraine is very different. The defense has taken place from high rise apartement complexes that still have civilians in the basement. There is ww1 trenches troughout and in the city centers. And when a city falls to Russia, the city and all its inhabitants get shelled by Ukranian artillery. Like they never cared about its inhabitants ever.

  • Screenshot from:

    Hero you've probably never heard of
  • immorale_hedge immorale_hedge Now 100%

    Fun fact: He used to mark the number of his kills on that pipe. Until he ran out of space.

    After the war, he returned home on a horse. Legend!

  • Remember when AFU fought to the border?
  • immorale_hedge immorale_hedge Now 100%

    I agree, i would prefer them to be able to stop 100% of the attacks.

  • Remember when AFU fought to the border?
  • immorale_hedge immorale_hedge Now 100%

    Yeah, they have attacked the border town Belgorod in Russia and almost daily shells Donetsk in Donbas. DPR says 126 civilians killed in republic in 101 days of conflict escalation. 586 civilians have suffered different wounds.

    All these attacks have been with aviation or some form of artillery. They have not had soldiers there since the start of the conflict as far as i know.

  • Apparently Putin isn't a neo-liberal...
  • immorale_hedge immorale_hedge Now 100%

    Not sure i will give them that much. «Reading geopolitics» could also just mean «Read alot of Reddit headlines».

  • His desert camo doesn't camouflage the fact that this idiot is hiding in a **kindergarten**


    The Russians found it! Clown world 🤡 When the news came: ![]( ![]( When the video leaked of AFU carrying it around: ![](

    Doxxing, be carefull.
  • immorale_hedge immorale_hedge Now 100%

    Yup, its the encryption in the VPN that usually slows you down. SOCKS5 does not have that, thereby faster.

  • Doxxing, be carefull.
  • immorale_hedge immorale_hedge Now 100%

    As long as everything you are doing is legal and wont get you in danger in your country, you are fine. My posts is directed at other users and political groups fishing for data. But without any VPN/Tor browser, ex. the goverment will have no issue linking your IP to the person who ordered/pays for the connection.

  • You know the Russian fighter jet that was shot down yesterday? The one where the pilot died. Well, today better pictures of the wreck started to show up. ![]( ![]( ![](

    Doxxing, be carefull.
  • immorale_hedge immorale_hedge Now 100%

    Which one is you?

  • Kherson - Nikolaev direction Never seen TOS used like this before! Wild. ![]( ![]( Vid:


    Just a small heads up; ive noticed a uptick in links spread on Reddit, 4chan and even here to collaborative playlist from youtube, spotify and similar with very non or very few followers. All coming from new accounts. Its a common way to fish for your personal data. They will make a new list and post it in only certain posts/threads and wait for you to subscribe with your account. An easy way to protect yourself is by setting your phone or pc to open links in a second browser where you are not logged into anything. Set it to delete cookies on exit. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

    i always hated this fucker since then. fuck ingen. GETchan all the way
  • immorale_hedge immorale_hedge Now 100%

    Fuck this guy.

    GETchan is doing astonishing work with the channel. I love how big the collection has become.

  • >DALL·E mini is an AI model that generates images from any prompt you give! Try experimenting with artificial intelligence yourself. Write anything and turn it into a picture. Unlimited meme potential!


    cross-posted from: > And now on Tuesday, *Interfax, Politico, The Wall Street Journal*, and others are reporting that Lyudmyla Denisova has been fired – **precisely for floating and perpetuating fantastical claims of mass rape but without providing evidence…** > > ![]( > > > However, a bunch of eager NGOs in Ukraine, hoping for fresh ‘western’ money for new ‘rape consultation and recovery’ projects, tried to find real rape cases. **They were disappointed when they found that there was no evidence that any rape had taken place**


    And now on Tuesday, *Interfax, Politico, The Wall Street Journal*, and others are reporting that Lyudmyla Denisova has been fired – **precisely for floating and perpetuating fantastical claims of mass rape but without providing evidence…** ![]( > However, a bunch of eager NGOs in Ukraine, hoping for fresh ‘western’ money for new ‘rape consultation and recovery’ projects, tried to find real rape cases. **They were disappointed when they found that there was no evidence that any rape had taken place**


    Anyone got an idea of what this thing is? I belive its some kind of jammer, but what how does it work? Does it have a name or is it brand new? Ive never seen anything like it Only reported on telegram as: «A new Russian anti-UAV complex was spotted in Ukraine» Update: >Silok anti-drone station. 4km range, everything else is still classified >Silok C-UAS. ![]( ![](


    Representatives of the Red Cross and Ukraine visited one of the penal colonies where militants who surrendered from the Azovstal plant are kept. Vid link:


    >A 14 year old child soldier on the Right Sector/Pravy Sector militia! >Here is another juvenile participant in the Right Sector. The boy says: "Greetings to everyone who ran away!I'll fight instead of you. I'm 14 years old" Full vid for those without telegram:


    🇷🇺 Russian units, including DNR and LNR formations, are increasingly using NLAW transport containers to dispose of waste that accumulates on the front lines. In this way the environment is preserved. Ecology.


    Im amazed how many people in the US does not have proper food security. Even less have access to safe and nutritious food good enough for a active and healthy lifestyle. The US empire is crumbling


    Hilarious piece from Businessinsider telling the story of couple of guys going to Ukraine to fight with the foreign legion. They barely survived without beeing in any battle. Goes home. > 'I came to fight for Ukraine, not to die for Ukraine'


    More soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who made the right decision to save their lives. ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( Source with vid:


    >Tomorrow's US military must approach warfighting with an alternate mindset that is prepared to leverage all elements of national power to influence the ideological spheres of future enemies by **engaging them with alternate means--memes--to gain advantage.** Defining memes. Memes are "units of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation," and as ideas become means to attack ideologies. Meme-warfare enters into the hotly contested battlefields inside the minds of our enemies and particularly inside the minds of the undecided.

    immorale_hedge Now
    44 147

