Is Nano better than Vim?
  • grin grin Now 100%

    @anders @LoryGallante You could be so much luckier if you would invest your rice into my crypto! You can get rich fast! Or Faster! Light, I mean, so fast that you will be rich faster than a cezium atom finishes its resonance cycle! And you only need a meager $9999.95 investment! And you will be bazillionaire! #truestory

  • Is Nano better than Vim?
  • grin grin Now 100%

    @gapsuhorki It's not a blog, it's actually an arms dealer central webpage, we sell firearms for 18+ virgins fighting for illicit selling of software copies. Interested?

  • Is Nano better than Vim?
  • grin grin Now 100%

    @gapsuhorki I want to buy 50 kg of viagra and need 10 virgin 18 years old girls; I'll send my bank account for the 50 million USD I inherited later, is that okay?

  • Is Nano better than Vim?
  • grin grin Now 100%

    @anders @k_o_t I tried but it's sold out.

  • When you come back from vacation
  • grin grin Now 100%

    @anders @nthcdr lda #0 ; Load accumulator with character code for NULL
    sta $0400 ; Store it in the screen memory to clear the screen
    ldx #0 ; Initialize X register to 0
    loop lda message,x ; Load the next character from the message
    beq done ; If the character is NULL (end of string), we are done
    sta $0400,x ; Store the character in the screen memory
    inx ; Increment X register
    bne loop ; Branch back to the loop
    done rts ; Return from subroutine
    message .text "Hello World!",0 ; Null-terminated string

  • Weather differences between France and Mexico
  • grin grin Now 50%

    @explodicle Nope, it was an offense, so you have missed possibly all the points.

  • Weather differences between France and Mexico
  • grin grin Now 66%

    @explodicle You are up for banning stereotyping. Good luck for that, see you later and have a nice day.

  • Weather differences between France and Mexico
  • grin grin Now 60%

    @explodicle What do you mean by writing "no offense"?

    Also, "no offense" but you could actually think about what's written, and why.
    But I help you in case you cannot process: the definition of "sexist" is pretty flexible it seems, and depends on the agenda of the observer.

  • Weather differences between France and Mexico
  • grin grin Now 100%

    @anders @Sphks Interesting fact: she has only one article in non-French in Wikipedia, and that is Russian.

  • Weather differences between France and Mexico
  • grin grin Now 25%

    @anders Seeing the dislikes I have to comment that I would laugh and like the same way if females would post the similar comparison with men.

    Why don't they? I'd like to see more lighthearted and funny content from the "non-sexist" side. 😟

  • Weather differences between France and Mexico
  • grin grin Now 40%

    @anders @BeefPiano Just to make it clear: do you suggest that males should ignore feminine beauty? Or even strive for ugly women?
    Seems like a very popular future suggestion.

  • When you're one rotation away
  • grin grin Now 50%

    @Ephera > The definition of "racist" can be that racists believe in humanity consisting out of different races.

    Yet even you don't think along these lines: the original post have neither stated nor implied anything about "races". You have seen pattern and thought about races, then shamed yourself and started to project your prejudices to others, and then shame them. But these are your thoughts: a lot of people [those who are not racist in the meaning of the word I believe in] do not think about "races" when talk about black, redhead, yellow, short, whatever people, they usually mean just that: different looking people.

    There are very few real "racist" jokes; those you mean usually aren't in the general (non United States artificial PC-speech) sense.

    What I said is: if you believe there are no races then you must not think of those races when seeing posts. And if the post states something about races then you do not need your imagination.

    > But we all have racism in our head.

    No, that is not true. We all have both associative and grouping/separation logic, that is right, but it does not imply malevolence. Racism requires hate and the feeling of supremacy. Simply recognising differences and applying them to everyday speech isn't racism, it's just accepting or using our differences.

    > but make rational judgements instead

    Oh how I wish! Like instead of PC-speech people would simply stop being malevolent, offensive, oversensitive, judgemental, and would recognise that saying "black person" is not racism and saying "those people who usually commit the crimes you know wink wink" is. [I cannot write good English examples since it's not my native tongue, I am sure there are racist phrases about black people not containing the word "black".]

    > The truly problematic aspect of racism is institutional racism.

    We agree on that. However I believe it is a huge problem when people start ACTING and SPEAKING like they are not racists while they are, and other people start "attacking" (or negatively commenting) people using various words despite not being racists and not being hateful. Like feminists who attack men, like "anti-fascists" who beat people -- these have just the opposite effect what originally should have been expected or desired.

    PC-speech is bad the same way, and my mind explodes when a black person say "black person" and These People call him "racist". They bascially want to control how other people speak.

  • When you're one rotation away
  • grin grin Now 75%

    @anders @JoeBidet If there are no races then there cannot be - by definition - racist jokes.

    A lot of Social Justice Fighters actually create a non-existent problem and then fight against it. In my opinion it is not racism to show people, with red hair, black skin, large eyes, short hand, small nose or whatever. If someone looks at these people and see only racism then it may be well possible that the racism is not on the picture but in the head of the said observer.

    In my opinion racism is when someone suggest bad things about a group of people (preferably minority group, according to the internet warriors). I do not see racism when there is no negative feelings involved, just by showing, pointing out or joking about any differences.

    Some people became way oversensitive, and often for "some imagined others", not even for themselves. It is sad and disturbing, since it became just another opportunity to raise the stress level claiming preceived problems with others.

  • When you're one rotation away
  • grin grin Now 100%

    @anders @JoeBidet For one I don't.

  • helpers
    helpers grin Now 0%

    Is this good for me? Don't feel like. > \> select count(\*) from gserver where url LIKE ''; > \+----------+ > | count(\*) | > \+----------+ > | 13837755 | > \+----------+ > 1 row in set (1 min 20.495 sec) | 172846 | []( | []( | | | | 0 | 0 | | | unkn | | 0 | | 2022-12-03 19:51:17 | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | 2023-01-03 20:01:25 | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2023-02-03 20:01:25 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 172847 | []( | []( | | | | 0 | 0 | | | unkn | | 0 | | 2022-12-03 19:51:18 | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | 2023-01-03 20:01:26 | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2023-02-03 20:01:26 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 172848 | []( | []( | | | | 0 | 0 | | | unkn | | 0 | | 2022-12-03 19:51:20 | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | 2023-01-03 20:01:28 | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2023-02-03 20:01:28 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 172849 | []( | []( | | | | 0 | 0 | | | unkn | | 0 | | 2022-12-03 19:51:21 | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | 2023-01-03 20:01:28 | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2023-02-03 20:01:28 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |


    I noticed that I do have a smiley button plugin active except it doesn't. And probably most of the active plugins doesn't. I *Disabled* then *Enabled* it at it started working again. O\_o

    grin Now
    2 14



    Google knows me. (This is my #friendica instance.)