Artifical Intelligence
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te Now 78%

    People are freaking out because for years, the central dogma was to "educate yourself, that makes you special, that makes you unique, that guarantees you a prosperois economic future" and such, and now this promise is about to be broken. People are in denial: AI is a good thing.

  • compruleter
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te Now 100%


  • ourgasm
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te Now 100%

    ne also ich meinte mit "trocknen" dass du das Wasser abgießt. war vielleicht dumm formuliert :D aber es geht darum dass es gabelfest ist.

  • Why rule
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te Now 100%

    The cold, and the fact that I love my long trousers, they fit my tshirts so well.

  • Engineering rule
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te Now 100%

    Well tbf you could argue that having to earn money is forced labor, and therefore a form of slavery, as well. Just that you get to choose your (ab)user.

  • ourgasm
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te Now 100%

    Es ist echt nicht schwer. Du schneidest Gemüse (ich nehme meist Karotten und Möhren und Zwiebeln und Lauch) klein und wirfst es in einen Topf mit kochendem Wasser. Dann gibst du in den gleichen Topf eine Menge Nudeln (so viel du magst - ich empfehle 250g) und wartest so lange wie es auf der Packung der Nudeln steht dass es dauert. Dann nimmst du einen Handschuh und gießt das Wasser durch ein Sieb, damit das Feste trocknen kann. Fertig. Gerne mit Olivenöl und Kräutern (Petersilie, getrocknete Kräutermischungen) verfeinern.

  • How to not "walk on eggshells"?
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te Now 100%

    Sorry I'm in a bad mood today. You can't make sure not to insult/assault somebody, because even when you act in best faith, somebody can come along, interpret your actions totally different, and accuse you of something.

    We need to care less about all of the bullshit that other people allege us with and listen more to what we think is right ourselves.

    sorry for the rant. just had a bad day.

  • Raisins!!
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te Now 16%

    do those orbits get larger over time?

    Yes, I think they do.

    I think that expansion doesn't increase distance, but velocity between objects (or so was my interpretation back when I looked at the formulas). That means that moving objects speed up over time. As such, orbital velocities increase, too, and that lifts their orbit - similar to when a rocket on a closed orbit propulses forward.

    But I might be wrong; I feel 70% certain about this one.

  • "How much I paid to eat kebab every year", in Turkey with the 4th highest inflation in the world
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te Now 100%

    Here in Vienna there's a very good one (ironically called Berlin Döner) that is 5€.

  • All humans who have ever lived
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te Now 100%

    That is actually precisely what the "paradox of the cock" is saying.

    A rooster crows every morning. They observe this and conclude that statistically, they can't die. Which is bullshit, ofc.

  • A cool guide to birth commonality
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te Now 100%

    are there absolute numbers? it would be interesting to know how big is the deviation.

  • How big is the oil market
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te Now 100%

    good question. my bet is aluminum production would go up, because it's frankly a nice material to work with, has excellent properties in many fields, and if electricity becomes cheap/clean, then there's nothing stopping the aluminum world-domination.

  • How big is the oil market
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te Now 100%

    I think it's areas.

  • The enormous scale of global food waste.
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te Now 100%

    Actually, that's a good thing, because if some extraordinary event happens, like a gigantic volcano eruption, we want to have food to spare.

  • The Quest to Build a Telescope on the Moon
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te Now 100%

    Why not build them at the Sun-Earth L2 Lagrange point?

  • Unix rule
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te Now 100%

    I don't know why I just read "UNIX" in a french accent.

  • contempt of rule
  • gandalf_der_12te gandalf_der_12te Now 89%

    I do wonder why people buy smart TVs instead of getting regular displays together with a Linux PC.

  • ... and we know how the game ends, right?


    As we all know, [AC won the "War of the Currents"]( The reasoning behind this is that AC voltage is easy to convert up/down with just a ring of iron and two coils. And high voltage allows us to transport current over longer distances, with less loss. Now, the War of the Currents happened in 1900 (approximately), and our technology has improved a lot since then. We have useful diodes and transistors now, we have microcontrollers and [Buck/Boost converters]( We can transform DC voltage well today. Additionally, photovoltaics produces DC naturally. Whereas the traditional generator has an easier time producing AC, photovoltaic plants would have to transform the power into AC, which, if I understand correctly, has a massive loss. And then there's the issue of stabilizing the frequency. When you have one big producer (one big hydro-electric dam or coal power plant), then stabilizing the frequency is trivial, because you only have to talk to yourself. When you have 100000 small producers (assume everyone in a bigger area has photovoltaics on their roof), then suddenly stabilizing the frequency becomes more challenging, because everybody has to work in exactly the same rhythm. I wonder, would it make sense to change our power grid from AC to DC today? I know it would obviously be a lot of work, since every consuming device would have to change what power it accepts from the grid. But in the long run, could it be worth it? Also, what about insular networks. Would it make sense there? Thanks for taking the time for reading this, and also, I'm willing to go into the maths, if that's relevant to the discussion.


    season 1 episode 10 meme template here:


    Hey there, I wanted to make a meme to clarify what the "grindset" actually does. It grinds the human to dust. With "grindset" I mean the "hard-working" mindset that lots of people in the US seam to have. I think it's very unhealthy, exhausts the body, and should be avoided. People should make a living with less than 50 hours of work per week.


    scene from Ice Age - No Time For Nuts (2006) it is a dystopian future where we technologically advance the planet to a state where there's no oak trees anymore. the above picture (supposed to be utopian) always appears dystopian to me, so i made this meme.


    Strong video: showing the difference between true solar punk on the one hand and greenwashing on the other .

    gandalf_der_12te Now
    14 371
