John Oliver is the main face of liberalism.
  • flowernet flowernet Now 100%

    wow, a glitch in the otherwise fair and good system inexplicably caused a horrible tragedy. that's like when your mum fingers your prostate for boxing day! points at the image in the corner and improv shouts for 45 seconds


    Americans see children playing ball and think it's an atrocity. They fantasize about breaking open the Three Gorges dam and drowning millions as punishment for having the gall to think they can surpass them. I think I realized this when America, without any provocation, sanctioned Nvidia chips in China, trying to cut them off from a vast and critical field of civilian technology. There is no clearer statement that America is hostile to Chinese advancement and will only tolerant a subservient, under developed china as a base for raw materials and cheap manufacturing. If you're a westerner who thinks "Orientalism" is just a 50 cent word for racism when it's directed against the Orient, you need to learn more about such an important concept. Orientalism intimately links knowledge about the Orient with control of the Orient. the link between knowledge production and state projects authorizes a birds-eye view of the Orient that categorizes knowledge about the orient in such a way as that positions the observer as superior in every respect (more rational, logical, scientific, realistic, objective, empathetic). I don't see any benefit to shutting down dialogue with America, but it would probably be a mistake to engage in any way that puts constraints on their actions; America has shown this is always a temporary pause while they try outmaneuver them. They can limit themselves to the most immediate of agreements, and even try insisting that only treaties ratified by congress will be binding. In that case, the US President will have to go to the people and argue a consistent and credible stance to China, not stoking the flames of hatred with one hand while offering bad faith deals with the other. In the current congressional make up however, this would effectively mean a complete standstill in diplomacy. no doubt Americans take it as a severe insult when the "lesser peoples" insist they be engaged with legally binding treaties.


    ![coming-to-xi-you]( "coming-to-xi-you")


    David Grusch, PLEASE expose how Judge Sherri B. Sullivan (Hannibal, MO) is a secret reptillian taking commands mainly from the catholic satanists (Lucifer = morningstar = UFO = The Vatican delivered an Alien UFO to Five-Eyes in 1944) P.s. I am not a crackpot.

    China backs Argentina’s Falklands claim, calls for end to ‘colonial thinking’
  • flowernet flowernet Now 0%

    Map of countries that support Argentina's claims in the South Atlantic

  • Any recommendations on where to start reading about Tibet-China?
  • flowernet flowernet Now 100%

    Melvyn Goldstein is one of the most famous Tibetan anthropologists. in the 90s, there was a ton of atrocity propaganda about forced sterilizations in Tibet, almost exactly like what's currently being alleged in Xinjiang. Goldstein's research essentially disproved it, and now even Tibetan exile organizations largely accept the reality.

    especially nice is on page 24, they describe how women in Tibet have essentially the same fertility rate as indigenous Tibetan communities in Nepal.

  • Linus Torvalds does a lil dunking about 'woke communists' and 'trans rights'
  • flowernet flowernet Now 100%

    >looking for a new distro

    >Ask the maintainer if their distro is woke communist or trans

    >she doesn't understand

    >pull out illustrated diagram explaining what is communist and what is trans

    >she laughs and says "it's a good distro sir"

    >install the image

    >its trans

  • Can someone explain the "Permanent Revolution" Vs "Socialism in one Country" debate, I feel like I must be missing something
  • flowernet flowernet Now 100%

    The theory of Permanent Revolution wasn’t that the USSR should have been invading and establishing socialist states in other countries. It’s more so that the Comintern (which was dominated by the USSR) should have maintained a more revolutionary line internationally. As we get into the Third Period of the Comintern and then the Popular Front we see the focus shift towards fascism and social democracy. Those debates resemble this one but I’ve already written too much.

    What does this mean practically? The Soviet Union being more Rhetorically proselytizing in the League of Nations? Conducting itself with the moral character that will inspire foreign proletariat to rise up? Covertly sending (more) money and advisors to communist parties in capitalist countries? building revolutionary parties to lead uprisings sooner, like the Yugoslav Communists tried and failed at during the Interwar period? The philosophy seems coherent, but I'm struggling to think of what actions they thought were being unfairly deferred, which at all seemed remotely viable with the retrospective they had even then.

  • The figure head of SiOC has to be Stalin, but he was definitely no slouch when it came to spreading the revolution. The Soviet union invaded Finland, The Baltics, Romania, Poland, Mongolia, Iran, and Xinjiang. they also gave significant support to the Chinese, Korean, and Spanish revolutions. interestingly enough, all those invasions are basically universally denounced by Trots. Regardless, they represent the USSR invading practically every country it bordered and every important socialist revolution of the time apart from the Greek partisans. So as I see it, what else could they have done? Declared war on the United Kingdom in the 1920s? obviously a disaster, once the Soviets lost in Poland, I don't see how anything like this could be held as viable, but you can also blame Stalin for losing in Poland, if you wish. Declare war on Fascist Germany sooner? the Soviet Union wasn't ready to fight Hitler in 1941, let alone the 1930s. They had no border with Germany, and Poland refused them when they did consider an invasion of Germany, but I guess you could argue the war would've gone better earlier when Germany hadn't fully remilitarized, and didn't have GPMGs, or Czech tanks or Romanian oil. Spurn the Capitalist world and refuse to do partnerships with Germany and the USA? Frankly, the partnerships and expertise they received from the USA in the 1930s were critical to defending from the Nazis. We've seen how socialism develops when you try to replace capitalist technology with the revolutionary enthusiasm(which the soviet union wasn't immune to either, see "Soviet Tempo") and the result is backyard furnaces and backsliding. Edit: And trade with Nazi Germany? Cotton for Heavy Machinery is not, I think, a morally bankrupt deal. Oil for Heavy Machinery is more concerning, but again, the Soviet union was not ready to fight Hitler even in 1941. if you embargo a country, there can be consequences. just months after Barbarossa, Japan declared war on the United States because of an oil embargo against them. Yes, the Soviet Revolution was eventually crushed and ended in ignominy less than a century later, and it was precisely because they couldn't overcome their being under siege for their entire existence, but I still don't see how a rapid war to defeat foreign capitalism is given as a viable suggestion.

    [RANT] Wow, I just tried to watch The Legend of Korra for the first time. I had no idea it was this bad.
  • flowernet flowernet Now 100%

    Kuvira is obviously a KMT stand in. she's a progressive force, regardless of Radio Free Earth Kingdom has to say. Ultimate proof is that the resolve the series by balkanizing the Earth Kingdom into it's province republics so they can never again present unified resistance against military or financial imperialism.

  • From the Wikipedia page on The Witcher series
  • flowernet flowernet Now 100%

    Sapkowski is a troll who lies in interviews, and has never given a straight answer about where his politics lie. In the Hussite Trillogy, the main character literally says in the 2nd book that he's joining the hussites to establish "Communism" by name which is pretty impressive considering it's 1426.

  • WTYP gets dunked on for being credulous libs
  • flowernet flowernet Now 0%

    yo, how was the JFK assassination an engineering epic fail?

  • Things in America that Chinese People don’t understand: “Why are there SO MANY homeless people in America??!”
  • flowernet flowernet Now 100%

    this is the future Americans are scared of. that their social media feed will just become videos of John Cena apologizing in Chinese and fashionable young women scolding American culture.

  • Ellen Pao's Elizabeth Holmes take.
  • flowernet flowernet Now 100%

    Damn. I thought Pao was alright, because she criticized reddit informally associating with Ghislaine Maxwell, and was forced out of reddit after she took the blame for making it more inclusive, while the new CEO kept all her changes and continued down the same path, only worse.

  • *I never would have guessed....* Real shadow the hedgehog energy. ::: spoiler spoiler please don't turn me into a spider. :::

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