Alternative to Google lens image search
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    ch mimics the google lens’ image to image search? It would be nice if you could give some FOSS suggestions for android.

    Any help is appreci

    it is!

  • Elon Musk calls strikes ‘insane’ as Swedish workers take on Tesla
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
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    This reminds me that the spanish labor law forbids "solidarity strikes" and "political strikes". Even though some have happened with some labor excuses, well, it's not common to see them called for :/

    Artículo once
    La huelga es ilegal:
    a) Cuando se inicie o se sostenga por motivos políticos o con cualquier otra finalidad ajena al interés profesional de los trabajadores afectados.
    b) Cuando sea de solidaridad o apoyo, salvo que afecte directamente al interés profesional de quienes la promuevan o sostengan.

    All strength to swedish workers ✊

  • *Permanently Deleted*
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    There are consumer unions with hired lawyers. In Spain there's Facua and OCU (but the 2d one is governmental, I think)

  • *Permanently Deleted*
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    You are thinking of and of Mozilla location services. You can contribute to them with the TowerCollector app.

    UnifiedNLP is just one interface that can use many "backends" or "location services", like the Mozilla one, an offline list, or even google itself via microG.

  • Where to buy domain for your personal website?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
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    Have you checked if this impacts the availability on your sites from Tor? While on Tor, I'm really fed up of Cloudflare "security pages" blocking me away from sites that are served via them. I don't trust they treat DNS differently.

  • Where to buy domain for your personal website?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
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    The least private way to pay them is via PayPal and they only ask an email or xmpp account. They accept cryptocurrencies if you are into that. They ask nothing for the whois, and they even let you write whatever you want ;)

  • Criptomonedas
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
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    hay una moneda que no te servirá para pagar en internet a una tienda cualquiera, pero que sí puede servir para usar de intercambio entre comunidades que quieran usar monedas sociales.

    el faircoin fue un intento de hacer algo así, pero se fue a la mierda por jugar a hacer el capitalista en medio del mercado y por mal lideraje.

  • These cheap phones come at a price -- your privacy
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    allowed Adups to execute commands as if it's the user, meaning it could also install apps, take screenshots, record the screen, make calls and wipe devices without needing permission.

    It's describing Google play... it can do anything and it comes preinstalled without users being able to remove it :(

    Fuck USA, fuck China and fuck Russia. No Corp will make us free, no state will make us free.

  • Question about how to avoid storing email
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    You need some kind of identifying information in order to restore a password without risks. It must be something that both you and the user remember, and that either nobody else know, either some user address unique to them.

    One alternative address to email is phone number, but that's potentially more identifyable and intrusive than email.

    You could also generate an ID that you store hashed and send it to the user email at sign up time, and then ask the user to provide you this secret if they want to change the password. Actually, it would be a recovery password sent in plaintext to the email. Maybe showing it just once in the webapp and asking strongly to save this code safely? It would be equivalent as asking the user to save their password safely...

    What do you think?

  • Forcing VPNs to collect your info will spread!
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
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    This, assuming you self-host the other-host way, that is, hiring a vps and alike. Don't centralize the internet to commercial data-centers yet, please


    > el crecimiento de organismos en esa amalgama de moluscos y otros seres vivos que los anglosajones llaman «fouling» puede añadir toneladas de peso a los cables que transportan a tierra la electricidad, estirarlos, debilitarlos, deshacer su material o, si te trata de la plataforma flotante que sostiene al aerogenerador, desestabilizarla directamente > «La clave está en el peso. Un cable de potencia dinámico (como el que une un aerogenerador con otro) está flotando en el mar, sumergido, pero flotando. Si se carga con más peso del que soporta, se pandea, se puede incluso estirar, se puede sobrecalentar y su vida útil disminuye»,


    La charla que dio hace unos días en la Feria Agroecológica organizada por la Universidad del País Vasco en Vitoria

    When did you take privacy seriously?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
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    Thank you for all the sources. I've just finished reading them. Those tell me that they look to have good intentions, but don't reply to the fact that their "encrypted cloud chats" mean "we store all your content encrypted but we keep the key for you", and essentially: "we won't look at it".

    However, they really can look at it. And at some point, Durov will change his mind, will die, will go bankrupt and sell all the databases, or maybe not. But you can't rely on this "maybe not" when we are talking about privacy or security (imo privacy is just a subset of security)

  • When did you take privacy seriously?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
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    I'm sorry to disagree. Matrix and Signal both offer end to end encrypted group chats, while telegram has done zero progress on this issue since it launched, that is before signal was even born from textsecure, chatsecure and redphone.

    Telegram even did not open source their server code nor offer to federate. Worse than Signal. And finally, if you review their changelog, they just focus on addictive features: animations, glitter and "rounded edges" so to speak. This and a ton of minor usability improvements that make it super slick to use.

    For me, Telegram is the new Twitter and the new Whatsapp, all together. With zero encription on server side. How far is the time when some data leak or theft happens? How far until all this huge chat history is used for data mining, marketing profilation, and finally, for violence against minorities or activists?


    La "zozobra" com a dubte sense moure's cap un bàndol o un altre. Les guerres entre imperis no han de ser les nostres guerres. > «En semejante escenario la opción dominante, y el único placebo que contrarresta la zozobra, parece ser la adhesión a lo que representa alguno de los bandos enfrentados. Esa adhesión tiene que ser inquebrantable, de tal suerte que, por definición, excluye las dudas y los matices. Hay que estar con Ucrania y con la OTAN, o hay que cerrar filas con la Rusia putiniana. Mientras la primera posición no ve sino demócratas ucranianos enfrentados a hordas asiáticas, la segunda solo aprecia a los nazis encabezados por Zelenski en lucha con los aguerridos antifascistas rusos. »

    ¿Qué es la guerra?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
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    Començant pel final, el matriarcat no és la piràmide del patriarcat girada on les dones manen amb violència als homes.

    Però responent: el patriarcat és exactament el nosaltres vs ells a totes les escales. Sense aquesta dissociació a nivell micro, aquesta "alterització", aquesta categorització i ordenació d'importància, no hi ha patriarcat possible... ni estat possible. I dit de pas, tampoc guerres, violentes com les coneixem.

    La mateixa discriminació homes > dones, es fa dins dels homes: homes forts > homes fluixos... i molts exemples que podríem posar. El fet és que les masculinitats hegemòniques accepten i sostenen aquestes escales de privilegis perquè se suposa que s'hi pot escalar per dins i sempre hi ha algú per sota que ens nodreixen els nostres privilegis: mariques, dones, nenes, malalts, negres, putes, esclaus. Eric Fromm parla de l'"estructura de caràcter autoritària": em deixo sotmetre perquè puc sotmetre i "no em puc queixar".

    Aquesta manera de pensar les relacions humanes, en escales de privilegi, de forma utilitària, poc íntima, amb desconfiança, possessiva, fan una competència entre nosaltres que construeixen jerarquies a nivell macro. Les dones estan participant des de fa poc massivament en aquestes escales de poder, però ho fan sota les regles del joc "masculines" que les perjudiquen, és a dir, segons valors que s'associa a la masculinitat en la nostra cultura (fredor, racionalitat, agressivitat, estoïcitat...).

    Per un altre costat, si aconseguíssim viure les nostres relacions humanes a nivell micro de forma més sana, diguem: amb empatia, compromís, generosa, assertiva i emotiva... (aptituds associades a allò femení) no podríem construir una societat de competitivitat, agressivitat i jerarquitzada entre "ells" i "nosaltres" o "bons" i "dolents", perquè ningú la sostendria.

    Per això moltes autores situen que el sorgiment de l'Estat és paraŀlel o posterior al Patriarcat, en les primeres "civilitzacions" (dictadures militars) neolítiques, on el gra acumulable, junt a una desvinculació emocional d'uns cap a altres (homes/dones; ciutadans/esclaus), permet que es construeixin jerarquies.


    ## Anarchist Militant’s Position on Russia’s Attack on Ukraine > [this] statement appeared yesterday on the Telegram channel of Militant Anarchist [Боец Анархист], a collective in Russia whose name we have previously translated as “Anarchist Fighter.” ## The Dusk before Dawn > [this] text appeared today as a podcast in Russian on the Autonomous Action website. > **"War", "Only Putin Needs This", "To Your Sheep"** ## The Anarchist Black Cross of St. Petersburg Statement against the War > We believe that a military operation against Ukraine only serves to preserve the current political regime in Russia—to ensure that Putin, who has been in power for more than 20 years, who has unleashed several bloody military attacks, who has repressed dozens of journalists and anti-fascists and opposition activists, who has destroyed freedom of speech and human rights in Russia, who has plunged the vast majority of the population into poverty, can remain the president of the Russian Federation indefinitely.

    ¿Qué es la guerra?
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    La base del patriarcat és la micropolítica: que jo sóc més persona que tu pel meu sexe o faccions o color de pell. Quan això ho extrapoles a lo macro, trobem que la successió de petites jerarquies en lo micro, construeixen una piràmide de privilegi jeràrquica. On uns governants o reis manen i els altres produeixen i obeeixen. On uns estats exploten sistemàticament territoris alients "menys importants" en favor dels seus interessos... i de la seva pròpia població.

  • Wikipedia - List of ongoing armed conflicts
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    I quanta hipocresia. Ara tot de notícies als mitjans de la otan parlant de sancions internacionals i oh que dolenta és la guerra i comitès olímpics dient que no posaran l'himne rus ni bielorús. I en canvi turquia, ja pot anar fent servir armes químiques i envair Síria i assassinar amb drons que aquí no passa res. Per posar un exemple "proper". En fi


    S'inspira en les consoles antigues i la seva forma "natural" és en forma d'emulador en un sistema operatiu com Linux... o en una GameBoy! Pel que entenc... s'han inventat una arquitectura nova contra la qual es poden compilar programes en el seu llenguatge ensamblador propi. Els programes compilats s'anomenen ROM i "es carreguen" a la "consola" virtual. Mola. Ho he descobert pel podcast #postnau que se suposa que tenen mastodon però no li foten ni cas La gent que ho ha impulsat (100 rabbits) sembla molt molt interessant


    > **Rio Tinto’s past casts a shadow over Serbia’s hopes of a lithium revolution** > > People in the Jadar valley fear environmental catastrophe as Europe presses for self-sufficiency in battery technology > > > About 30 houses have been bought in the village by the mining company. Knowing that their homes will be destroyed, the former owners have removed windows, doors and even roofs.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
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