Google Just Revealed When Apple Will Officially Adopt RCS: Northern Hemisphere Fall 2024
  • danie10 danie10 Now 100%

    Yes I was too, that is the client end-point that everyone is after now, and where Meta was trying to spy on Snapchat, and where State Actors get into encrypted data before it gets encrypted. It's the known weak point, as you read everything unencrypted. But it also comes down to who would want to read your data and why. Are they legally empowered/prevented from doing so, do they sell data to data brokers, etc.

  • Google Just Revealed When Apple Will Officially Adopt RCS: Northern Hemisphere Fall 2024
  • danie10 danie10 Now 100%

    Not as simple as that as many did ditch WahtsApp for Meta's documented privacy violations, and their ongoing T&C which passes the WhatsApp metadata upstream to Meta and others. A lot of people also only use one messenger, and right now nothing connects them together yet. So I have masses of family and friends that only use WhatsApp, and I now only have SMS contact with them. About 8% to 10% do have multiple messengers so I see some on Signal and Telegram.

    The last thing the world needs, is for WhatsApp to become the default dominant standard. That is a company that can be least trusted out of everyone worldwide, based on their history. With the app installed, the metadata includes constant location, usage, contacts, messages to who, etc.

  • Google Just Revealed When Apple Will Officially Adopt RCS: Northern Hemisphere Fall 2024
  • danie10 danie10 Now 100%

    One to one messages are fully E2EE so are not decrypted on the server side. It was only groups that was still getting E2EE rolled out. I agree tho as an open standard for adoption, it should not only have a server at Google. I don't think the mobile carriers like that either.

  • Google Just Revealed When Apple Will Officially Adopt RCS: Northern Hemisphere Fall 2024
  • danie10 danie10 Now 50%

    Not really so, as MSMS is a major thing by us (outside the US) for most notifications from banks, gov, transactions, visit to pharmacy, etc. Incoming is fine apart from fact it is all open for anyone to read, but replies cost money. Also, where people are not using the same messenger, then it is sms text messages, each costing money. For pre-paid phone accounts, those SMSS messages cost even a bit more. SMS today is still the common denominator everything falls back on. It is very expensive when you consider what is paid, and it is only around 140 characters vs data.

  • Google Just Revealed When Apple Will Officially Adopt RCS: Northern Hemisphere Fall 2024
  • danie10 danie10 Now 100%

    From what I understand with Apple's fallback (or like Google's Message app does), if RCS is sensed by the other non-iMessage user, then RCS will be used, if not right now it would still default back to text SMS but then lose some features like hi-res photos etc. Just don't know how it will work for me where I am on iMessage on my iPad, but when out with my Android phone will the iMessage's wait a week until I turn on my iPad again. Would be nice if there was a proper presence sensing, and it routes to there. That may be possible with RCS, but we won't know how Apple plans to use it, and they are not going to want it to be as shiny and nice as sending an iMessage....

  • Google Just Revealed When Apple Will Officially Adopt RCS: Northern Hemisphere Fall 2024
  • danie10 danie10 Now 100%

    Certainly not now as a replacement but I understand that is the longer term intention. There is a lot of older infrastructure carriers need to unload and move on (lime dismantling 2G and 3G etc), and they often pay negotiated Inter-carrier fees. If it is to replace SMS I understand carriers can zero rate whatever data they want to, so it will be cheaper for them to not charge any data charges on RCS than to actually keep providing text SMS. RCS also uses exiting modern network technologies so there is nothing extra, or outdated, that has to be maintained.

  • Proton Pass now supports passkeys on all devices and plans: Beating Bitwarden to mobile devices
  • danie10 danie10 Now 50%

    It does seem to have innovated quite quickly. I'm still using Bitwarden as I have the paid access to biometrics etc, and it has a nice tweak also to add unique e-mails for every login, etc. But I'm interested to see where Proton Pass will be in another few months, seeing I'm already paying for their service, and maybe I can consolidate my expenses a bit. I actually got drawn into paid Proton by leaving ExpressVPN, which I needed for Netflix, and then found Proton (with one or two others) were the only one's handling Netflix's geofencing quite well. Looking at options is always good.

  • Proton Pass now supports passkeys on all devices and plans: Beating Bitwarden to mobile devices
  • danie10 danie10 Now 100%

    No just have "Proton for Business newsletter" disabled but I see many of their mails say only once a quarter etc. So seems they don't send out every month.

  • Proton Pass now supports passkeys on all devices and plans: Beating Bitwarden to mobile devices
  • danie10 danie10 Now 66%

    It is the same for Bitwarden. What I noticed is if I go to a site with passkeys, then Bitwarden prompts me with a pop-up to want to add a passkey. It's not something you manually add, apparently.

  • Proton Pass now supports passkeys on all devices and plans: Beating Bitwarden to mobile devices
  • danie10 danie10 Now 66%

    Not really, right now as the password resets all undermine passkeys for many sites. One day if/when passwords get replaced then there will be a need, but that is a long way off probably. A good random password along with any 2FA is really good enough for most cases, and Bitwarden already does that very well along with even random e-mail addresses.

  • Proton Pass now supports passkeys on all devices and plans: Beating Bitwarden to mobile devices
  • danie10 danie10 Now 100%

    It's not a race and I would not even start to use passkeys until I know they can move with me across devices and OSs. Also, most sites that do offer passkeys, still offer highly insecure password resets which really undermines the security that passkeys should offer. I waited a long time for Bitwarden to start with passkeys, and they were going to be the answer to fully portable passkeys (I've been waiting so that I know my passkeys will work across all my devices and OSs). Now I'm waiting for mobile implementation before I can get going. I do hope they will also be offering exporting of passkeys, like you can currently export your passwords to other services.

  • Proton Pass now supports passkeys on all devices and plans: Beating Bitwarden to mobile devices
  • danie10 danie10 Now 50%

    Ah thanks for explaining that. It just makes it then difficult to fully move to passkeys with Bitwarden, which is why I've been waiting so long, and why I never stayed using Google or Apple's passkeys.

  • Proton Pass now supports passkeys on all devices and plans: Beating Bitwarden to mobile devices
  • danie10 danie10 Now 75%

    There is a difference but right now as long as one uses a good password with a 2FA it is probably good enough. Too many services with passkeys are still quickly offering password resets via e-mail or text, so they, as sites, are not secure. And unless you can move your passkeys with you, like you can with passwords, you don't want to get locked into a single device or OS.

  • Proton Pass now supports passkeys on all devices and plans: Beating Bitwarden to mobile devices
  • danie10 danie10 Now 40%

    Firstly, the point was made that the passkey functionality in Proton Pass is free (no account needed or "selling") and that is for unlimited logins. Anyone can just use it. I pay for, and am still using Bitwarden. I posted about this because it is interesting that Pass has implemented passkeys for mobile, while I still wait for Bitwarden, so I'm interested in testing this out with Proton Pass. I post about all sorts of things that I find interesting, and sometimes I do switch my services across if I find it can match or better what I already use. That's the bottom line.

    I was just as interested when I was considering moving from LastPass to Bitwarden, but then I was accused of "selling" free Bitwarden to people. Everyone must make up their own minds as their circumstances are different. But if no-one posted about what they found interesting, we'd have no Lemmy, and we'd all forever just stay stuck on whatever we personally know. Certainly Bitwarden and Proton Pass are not the only good password managers out there, but this week I was interested to see an article about Proton Pass, and I had not even known they'd rolled out passkeys yet. It seems like quite a few others did not either.

    I'm sure others also post about what new stuff 1Password has just rolled out, and I'd be interested to hear about that too. That is how I decide whether I want to try something better.

    If I wanted to try to sell something, I'm sure Proton Pass probably has some loyalty link for paid accounts, but no, you did not see me sharing anything like that. I mentioned the access was free.

  • Google Just Revealed When Apple Will Officially Adopt RCS: Northern Hemisphere Fall 2024
  • danie10 danie10 Now 50%

    Google's own one may be, and that is their right, but it is an open standard so anyone can produce their own RCS app like Samsung has done, and the same way Apple is building support into their exiting app. Nothing should stop a 3rd party developer looking at the standard, and producing an open source RCS app?

  • Google Just Revealed When Apple Will Officially Adopt RCS: Northern Hemisphere Fall 2024
  • danie10 danie10 Now 100%

    The GSMA does need to work harder at ensuring true interoperability between carriers, esp for E2EE. I'm expecting that the Google "monopoly" will get broken up at some point. I would have hoped that Apple insisted on hosting their own RCS (standards compliant) server.

  • Proton Pass now supports passkeys on all devices and plans: Beating Bitwarden to mobile devices
  • danie10 danie10 Now 50%

    Vulnerabilities on the client end are the only way right now for most state actors to gain access to messaging. So yes, various actors are already exploiting that as they have a lot at stake to gain access. But with others already able to exploit that, why would Proton want to do that? Their model is not about advertising or selling data, and they have 100 million paying customers as I understand it. The one's that have been spying and exploiting have been the likes of Meta's Facebook with their app present on the client device, and then trying to break Snapchat's encryption this was (this came out in March 2024). Anyone "can" but we need to also consider "why" and what business model they have.

  • Google Just Revealed When Apple Will Officially Adopt RCS: Northern Hemisphere Fall 2024
  • danie10 danie10 Now 100%

    Not the only one, Samsung also their Messages app with RCS built in, and Apple is adding soon. The one-to-one messages are E2EE, and I understand groups are/were to be E2EE. We should be seeing more apps building it in as I've been asking Truecaller to do, as I have to pay for every SMS in Truecaller.

  • Google Just Revealed When Apple Will Officially Adopt RCS: Northern Hemisphere Fall 2024
  • danie10 danie10 Now 100%

    It is not zero encryption, like SMS, though? All GSMA-compliant RCS implementations must use TLS to encrypt data transfer between your device and the carrier's server. While recommended by GSMA, E2EE is an optional feature that carriers can choose to implement or not. So carriers can implement it. I'm pretty sure that as adoption goes mainstream, a "monopoly" on the server side is going to get broken up.


    The Android developer just published an updated landing page for Google Messages, showing off key features ranging from customization, privacy and security, and, of course, AI. On this landing page, there are different sections for each feature set, including one for RCS. As spotted by 9to5Google, if you expand this list of RCS features and scroll to the bottom, you see a section on "Coming soon on iOS: Better messaging for all." That's no surprise: We've known Apple was adopting RCS since November. However, it's the next line that brings the news: "Apple has announced it will be adopting RCS in the fall of 2024." Of course, this does not say a lot as it is "in the fall" which is anywhere over a couple of months, and Google has tried to embarrass Apple into making moves before. I suppose, though, there is the looming court case against Apple which is anyway keeping pressure on Apple. If it were not for the US court case, I would have guessed Apple may have pulled out after the EU had ruled Apple was not a dominant player in the market (although the EU case was looking more at interoperability with WhatsApp and others in Apple Messages). Of course, with Apple actually including RCS now, they can probably argue that there is interoperability via RCS between their platform and Android too. It must be remembered that in many countries, like mine, SMS's are paid for so are very expensive to use for any form of chatting, and the costs go up exponentially when you text an international number. I personally have quite a few issues with interoperability with Apple: * I still have AirTags from when I had an iPhone and I daily get the audio beeps warning me the AirTags are not connected (I use an Android phone and alternate between an iPad and an Android tablet) * I can't wait to sell my AirTags and get the new one's Google was working on that will interoperate with Apple, but supposedly Apple has been delaying building in that support into their devices (which Google already built into Android for AirTags in 2023) * Because I was on Apple Messages and my iPad still sometimes connects, I find a message on my iPad that arrived a week ago which I had not seen (I had Beeper which was solving this problem) Apple is not at all dominant outside the USA, but it makes interacting with Apple users quite a pain, as Apple has gone out of their way to try to keep their users inside the walled garden. See #technology #RCS #Apple #interoperability


    Passkeys are an easy and secure alternative to traditional passwords that can help prevent phishing attacks and make your online experience smoother and safer. Unfortunately, Big Tech’s rollout of this technology prioritized using passkeys to lock people into their walled gardens over providing universal security for everyone (you have to use their platform, which often does not work across all platforms). And many password managers only support passkeys on specific platforms or provide them with paid plans, meaning you only get to reap passkeys’ security benefits if you can afford them. They’ve reimagined passkeys, helping them reach their full potential as free, universal, and open-source tech. They have made online privacy and security accessible to everyone, regardless of what device you use or your ability to pay. I'm still a paying customer of Bitwarden as Proton Pass was up to now still not doing everything, but this may make me re-evaluate using Proton Pass as I'm also a paying customer of Proton Pass. It certainly looks like Proton Pass is advancing at quite a pace, and Proton has already built up a good reputation for private e-mail and an excellent VPN client. Proton is also the ONLY passkey provider that I've seen allowing you to store, share, and export passkeys just like you can with passwords! See #technology #passkeys #security #ProtonPass #opensource


    Atuin replaces your existing shell history with a SQLite database, and records additional context for your commands. With this context, Atuin gives you faster and better search of your shell history! Additionally, it provides optional and fully encrypted (E2EE) synchronisation of your history between machines, via an Atuin server, or you can self-host your own server. There is a single command to easily delete your data from the server too. It supports zsh, bash, fish, and nushell shells right now. The search is as easy as pressing the up arrow in the terminal and then scrolling back, or typing to search. But you could also type something like this to do a search [search for all successful `make` commands, recorded after 3pm yesterday atuin search --exit 0 --after "yesterday 3pm" make]. Atuin offers configurable full text or fuzzy search, filterable by host, directory, etc. As it has context around dates, times, exit code, and even the directory location form where a command was executed, you could use the -c flag to just search for commands run in a particular directory. The sync function allows you to have the same history across terminals, across sessions, and across machines. There is a quick start script that can be run to install it, otherwise you can also install from the various Linux repos. For manual installation, the steps I found to get going were: * Install and add it to your .bashrc (or other shell) file * Install Atuin and add it to your .bashrc (or other shell) file (after * Restart your shell and run 'atuin import bash' to import my bash history into Atuin * Press up arrow to see if Atuin interactive search triggers The link below has some good documentation as well a link to their source code. See #technology #Linux #opensource


    Mbin is a decentralized content aggregator, voting, discussion and microblogging platform running on the fediverse network. It can communicate with many other ActivityPub services, including Kbin, Mastodon, Lemmy, Pleroma, Peertube. It is an open source alternative to other link aggregator services like Reddit. The initiative aims to promote a free and open internet. Mbin is focused on what the community wants, pull requests can be merged by any repo owner (with merge rights in GitHub). Discussions take place on Matrix then consensus has to be reached by the community. If approved by the community, only one approval on the PR is required by one of the Mbin maintainers. It's built entirely on trust. It seems it's claim to fame is being more open and accepting of community changes and improvements. It can install as either bare metal/VM or as a Docker container. Although anyone can install it and self-host it, their project page also contains a link to various instances that already exist and which anyone can register on. See #technology #opensource #Fediverse #linkaggregator #decentralised


    KDE, especially, is known for its amazing themes and theme customisations. With that can come lots of tweaking, and then forgetting how to get back to what you really liked. Or maybe you want to share that fantastic theme combination that you got right with friends. Konsave helps do all of this very simply and effectively. I do like that all its options are logically named like -r for remove, -l for list, etc. So, although it is command line driven, it is really easy to use. It officially supports KDE Plasma, but can be used on all other Linux desktop environments too. It is an open source application written in Python. See #technology #opensource #Linux #themes


    Not made by Meta = Tick. The price though is almost the cost of three monitors... These may not be full time permanent replacements for monitors, but they are great for portable use, and could potentially save a ton of desk area space. You can also work in a confined area (even on a plane trip, without the neck strain of having to look down the whole time), with the illusion of space and the monitors being further away from you. Or they can also be used so that they don't disturb someone sleeping (or working) next to you, or you can use them instead of having a large screen TV. At even 60Hz to 120Hz, that is a pretty decent refresh rate, and more than I expected it to be. They are also not as heavy or cumbersome as many VR goggles are, weighing it at around 75g. Resolution is 1080p per eye. It seems too that the glasses can connect to Linux computers that support USB-C DP video output. But this type of device really needs to be tested in person before buying. It's not the sort of thing you can easily show someone remotely, or via a video, to help make a choice. See and the video at is also worth watching #technology #glasses #smartglasses #AR


    Wondering if there is any way to change the rings to higher contrast colours, from the default white and grey? The settings seem to be in ~/.config/kwinrc file, but it has no colour options that I know of. It seems like an obvious choice to want to have. The Mouse Click Animation has some great options, but it is only on actual clicking of the mouse keys (and yes I thought maybe I could set this to long duration, but it maxes out at 999 ms.


    Many of us Linux users may have been using Timothy Crosley's excellent app for Linux. But with the Pillow library causing a problem after it was updated, we realised Timothy seems to have disappeared. Within a week or so of that realisation, the project was now forked to and even the AUR package has now updated from the new fork The bug was fixed and the Linux support is again fully working. The project has a coordinator, and a few people looking at issues, but it would be great to see if there are more devs who are interested in assisting, especially with adding of any new features. For example, users would like to see hold for repeat key presses, buttons showing dynamic display information, etc. So right now we can't expect too much to happen, but if any of you know any devs who may be able to assist, that would be greatly appreciated. It's a long shot, but maybe even someone from Elgato wants to unofficially assist as well, after all even though we use Linux, we have bought and support the Elgato Stream Deck. The more features we can use of it, means we are less likely to migrate off onto some other brand.


    This solves a problem I had with wanting to quickly start up a Distrobox container using a shortcut key, but also being able to differentiate it visually from my normal Konsole terminal screen I'd use on Manjaro Linux. It is extremely quick and the named Konsole Profile has a different colour as well as a different window title bar. I needed this as my Starship custom prompt was not playing ball with showing the change of OS properly (it could do so, but the formatting broke all the time). This method I describe here is solid, and works irrespective of the prompt. I thought this was worth sharing as firstly I could find no search results showing how to do this, and secondly, it can actually be applied for purposes other than just starting a Distrobox container. Any terminal command can be used. It is also a useful way to actually use these named Profiles that Konsole has in KDE Plasma. My video also gives a taste of what Distrobox does, so if you're interested further in Distrobox I have also included a link below my video, to a Distrobox overview video by someone else. Watch #technology #opensource #Linux #Distrobox #Konsole


    Bionic Reading is a new way of reading text that uses a patented algorithm to highlight the most important parts of words, making it easier and faster to read. The method was developed by a German software developer named Renato Cukar, who was inspired by the way the human eye reads text. Bionic Reading works by highlighting the most important parts of words, which helps the eye to follow the text more smoothly and efficiently. This makes it easier to read longer passages of text, and can also help to improve comprehension. Bionic Reading is available as a free Chrome extension, as well as a mobile app for iOS and Android. It can also be used on websites and in PDFs. See **EDIT:** Although some individuals claim to see improvement, it may be that results do vary as one test shows no real improvement across the board - #technology #bionicreading #reading


    Nostr is unique in that it has a global public key ID that replicates posts (notes) via relays, so it is scalable, resistant to censorship, and the user fully owns their identity profile. There are only two parts to the network, namely relays and clients, with the Nostr protocol linking them. Every post is signed, and every client validates these signatures. In this video I explain more about Nostr is, why it is probably one of the easiest networks to get registered and going on, I compare it with some other protocols, and I demonstrate a few of the web as well as Android mobile apps. There are no servers at all needing to be chosen, and it is truly irrelevant which client app is used. I'll also explain where cryptocurrency may come in, but why you need not worry about it all, or even use it at all. Watch #technology #Nostr #socialnetworks #alternativeto #decentralised


    Zimbabwe generally has some of the most expensive fuel in the southern African region. Right now, the price of petrol is US$1.64 per litre and diesel is US$1.71 per litre. The average daily commute distance in the large urban centres is around 15 kilometres, as cited in Zimbabwe’s Transport Master Plan. Cheaper forms of transport not dependent on these expensive and sometimes hard to find fossil fuels could provide a viable alternative for some commuters with short commutes. Unlike in Asia, where a lot of people use scooters for personal mobility, or closer to home in East Africa where motorcycles are used as taxis, the 2-wheeler market for personal mobility does not exist in Zimbabwe. But with such short commutes (on average 15 km), electric scooters could provide an efficient and affordable option for some. The generally low electricity tariffs in Zimbabwe (usually just under 10 USD cents/kWh) mean that the “fuel” cost of electric scooters will be way cheaper than for the average commuter fare on the Mushika-Shikas or Kombis (when they come back). Assuming these scooters will have a 2kWh battery, one would need just about 20 USD cents to charge them to full for a range of about 40 km depending on the type of scooter. See #environment #EV #escooter #zimbabwe #africa


    Small 14- to 35-seater minibus taxis, known as matatus, play a major role in providing transport services for urban commutes in Kenya. Estimates put Kenya’s minibus and bus fleet at just over 100,000 vehicles. Matatu is Swahili for the number three. It is believed the name stuck from the 1970s when the fare was 3p. With emissions from the transport sector accounting for a huge chunk of the pollution in large cities such as Nairobi, the adoption of electric buses is bound to have a significant impact in reducing emission levels. The electric BYD K6 minibus, which has seating capacity of around 20 or so passengers and with a range of about 250 miles in city driving, is a candidate to slot in perfectly into this ecosystem. Kenya’s grid is already very clean, with a whopping 92.3% of the locally generated electricity coming from renewables A lot of this capacity is available during the night. See #environment #EV #Kenya #publictransport #Africa


    Their goal is to encourage the adoption of the fediverse by providing an extensive guide and lists of resources for the community. It uses the hashtags found on your profile to establish what your interests are. All you have to do is to add a supplied hasthtag #fedi22 to your profile, and then add the URL or webfinger for your profile. Most ActivityPub projects are supported (eg. Mastodon, Pixelfed, etc), and your profile will automatically be re-crawled after 7 days so that updated hashtags can be linked. See #technology #fediverse #activitypub #fedi22 #discover


    A pair of high-end in-ear wireless headphones called PineBuds are on the horizon. These include features most would expect in 2022, like ambient and environment noise cancellation, and a lengthy battery life. The earbuds will also be end-user flashable, opening up a world of possible uses. “There will be a wide variety of things developers and (eventually) end-users will be able to do with the earbuds – flash custom sound signatures, determine touch controls, adjust resonance to fit the user’s ear canal resonance,” Pine64 say. If I can change the batteries, that would be a major winner for me! See #technology #audio #earbuds #pine64 #pinebuds #opensource


    Lanfrica aims to mitigate the difficulty encountered when seeking African language resources by creating a centralized, language-first catalog. For instance, if you're looking for resources such as linguistic datasets or research papers in a particular African language, Lanfrica will point you to sources on the web with resources in the desired language. If those resources do not exist, we adopt a participatory approach by allowing you to contribute papers or datasets. Lanfrica offers enormous potential for better discoverability and representation of African languages on the web. Lanfrica can provide useful statistics on the progress of African languages. As a simple illustration, the language filter section offers an immediate overview of the number of existing natural language processing (NLP) resources for each African language.


    Rolling out now to the service’s public beta is the new Discover section that helps you search, add, and stream any movie or TV show across multiple services. You can finally maintain a single universal watchlist in the Plex app (which is synced across all your Plex apps, on all popular platforms), and when you choose a title, you’ll see all the available places to stream it. When you choose to watch it on Hulu, it will open the Hulu app, and will directly start the media playback (thanks to some deep-linking magic). There’s another advantage to using Plex’s universal watchlist: Plex will keep track of where a movie or TV show is streaming currently. So even if a TV show leaves HBO Max and moves to Hulu, it won’t suddenly disappear from your watch list. See #technology #streaming #movies #plex


    The interesting part of this, and probably why they did not just go for adopting ActivityPub or SSB (some of these people are actually involved) is because they are trying to also address some shortcomings of these protocols. For example, if a server instance is to disappear from an ActivityPub network, then you have to change your ID (just as when your e-mail provider goes offline) to register elsewhere and this is a portability issue. So the intention seems to be to create a new protocol and services which address existing shortcomings. For the techie crowd these may not seem like major issues, but for ordinary non-tech folks who are used to registering once as a central service, and just discovering their friends easily, eliminating these problems could mean a lot. This would also help accelerate adoption by the masses, especially if they can "migrate" existing Twitter ID's into it. "It could be described as a hybrid federated network with p2p characteristics, but it’s more descriptive to focus on the capabilities – self-authenticating identities and data – than on network topology. Our team has previously built leading decentralized web protocols and blockchain networks, and is working on synthesizing the best of what we’ve seen into something new. For some aspects, we’ll be able to use pieces that already exist, and for others, we’ll have to come up with solutions of our own." See their post at #technology #bluesky #socialnetworks #decentralisation #twitter


    Windows has always had a bloatware problem (even if Samsung has recently claimed the crown in that department). Bloatware is an umbrella term for apps, services, and programs you don’t need, and never asked for, and Windows comes preinstalled with a boatload of them. Removing bloatware helps you in two ways: You’ll recover some storage space and speed up your computer. If you’re using a low-end machine or an older PC, or if you just like the idea of running a lighter OS, this guide can help you take care of the problem with one command. See #technology #windows #bloatware #microsoft


    ** Now in Android and iOS app stores ** No Face, No Name, No Number, No SIM card, No Internet! Berty is a messenger that doesn’t require any of your personal data or network connection (using Bluetooth Low Energy BLE). All conversations are encrypted with end-to-end encryption, in a fully distributed network. It is a peer-to-peer messenger with no servers, no cloud - your data is only stored on the device where Berty is installed and used. No one would be able to access the data or shut the app down, not even the developers. Being P2P, it means the IP address needs to be available to route messaging, but their site explains a bit about how they've tried to mask this. Whilst Briar is an excellent alternative, it is still Android only. The closest alternative is maybe Jami, but it lacks a non-Internet Bluetooth alternative if I recall correctly. Interestingly, Berty also can use Airdrop (iOS to iOS) and Android's Nearby as alternative protocols. You can share your details and add contacts via a QR code, public key, or an invite link. It is currently available on both iOS and Android, with desktop clients to follow. See #technology #messenger #berty #P2P #IPFS #privacy

    danie10 Now
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    I blog about #technology #gadgets #opensource #FOSS #greentech #traditionalwetshaving #LCHF #health #alternativeto #hamradio (ZS1OSS) #southafrica - see I also blog to various other social networks which I list at