Go to Cozy Anime
  • colin colin Now 100%

    Acchi Kocchi. just two oblivious kids crushing on each other in that "it's obvious to everyone except them" sort of way. format wise it's skit based, almost like if Lucky Star had been written to be more wholesome and less crude.

    btw, i'd also appreciate recs from any other Acchi Kocchi enjoyers in the thread 😉

  • Introducing Orion, Our First True Augmented Reality Glasses
  • colin colin Now 100%

    Orion won’t make its way into the hands of consumers

    not for you though (unless you're a Meta employee).

    but yeah good hardware is good hardware and if i could just use it as a display for any other device i have i would totally use it around the home: following a recipe without having to shuffle my phone and the ingredients; running a lengthy command over ssh and doing chores while i wait, without having to check my phone every couple of minutes to see when it's done...

    those things all rely on the software though. will they open it up as a dumb wireless display/terminal, or not? if they don't, it's kinda dead to me no matter how great the hardware is...

  • 211
    Social issues
  • colin colin Now 100%

    that's sort of my point though? it's a thing which went viral in a space that you occupy. you assume that space is broadly representative: it's surprising for you to encounter a person who didn't see the thing you saw. but the reality is that no matter how large your online space feels to you, it's only ever single-digit percentages of the people actually around you.

    it's more obvious when i frame it this way: would your parents (grandparents, uncle, nephew, ...) have a clue what "man vs bear" is about?

  • Social issues
  • colin colin Now 100%

    i live in a city that overwhelmingly votes democrat. i've never heard anyone say anything close to "men are all assholes, even worse than bears" IRL. maybe people are saying these things behind my back and i just don't know. more likely, this is an internet thing where somebody said it, it got amplified, and now people mistake that for reality.

    it's hard to say the internet's not real anymore, but it's easy to say that it's a simulacra. step away from the online rage machine, talk to your neighbors.

  • notifications rule
  • colin colin Now 100%

    slide out keyboards are a niche that's just barely hanging on. there's the F(x)tec Pro, and the Cosmo Communicator, at least. seems they're more in style for handheld game consoles: i'm crossing my fingers ASUS or one of the other mobile-phone gaming manufacturers will notice that and cash in.

  • Acorn rule
  • colin colin Now 100%

    first birds, now acorns? fvck, man...

  • No awareness whatsoever
  • colin colin Now 50%

    i mean everything here is just people dunking on other people dunking on other people in the most cringe way. maybe y'all get it and are just operating on a higher level, but i can't tell. Poe's law breaks my brain. but GP gets it, i can tell that.

  • Linux rule
  • colin colin Now 100%

    troubleshooting sucks, and also, the default security model of desktop linux terrifies me. i legitimately don't understand how i can be running all this random code off the internet without being pwned. i figure i probably can't, and that it's really just a matter of time until something real bad happens.

    i went down the "sandbox everything" rabbit hole, and 6 months later random stuff still pops up like "trying to connect to an IPv6 link-local address at this LAN party... wait why don't i have an IPv6 link-local address? i know IPv6 connectivity works fine when i'm at home." turns out those NetworkManager hardening patches i've been meaning to upstream forever break SLAAC, and now i'm too worried what other edge-cases they break to try pushing them upstream, and now i understand why distros all run these things as root with access to way more resources than they probably need 🫤

  • Linux rule
  • colin colin Now 100%

    so, i try to build a CMake project, i know i'm going to be tearing my hair out for a day. i'll need the reference open just to know whether pkg_check_modules(A B) is searching for library A and assigning that to variable B or vice versa. and i know that once i do get it compiling, it'll be another day before i can get it cross compiling from my desktop to my arm chromebook or mobile phone.

    so i find a similar project written in meson, where a = find_dependency(b) is immediately obvious to me, and i can make sense of the thing or even tweak it a bit without a manual, just by following the patterns. i build it first try; 80% chance it cross compiles already -- 20% chance it doesn't and i can fix that and send the fix upstream (and now 81% of meson projects cross compile).

    the CMake camp: "but we all already know CMake, this new meson thing doesn't make anything easier for us. cross compiling? that's called QEMU." and they're totally right about both of those things. but that's useless for me.

    sure, it'd be nice if the GTK/KDE split (for example) didn't lead to so much duplication of the non-GUI parts. but if you just say "no splitting" that's the same as saying "you half go find some other hobby". it's really not an easy thing to sort through all the little differences and steer things such that everyone can feel at home in the same project. that's work, and unless you're BDFL it means a whole lot of drawn-out discussions trying to convince everyone to change their ways for someone else's sake.

  • Translation rule
  • colin colin Now 100%

    link for the lazy

    unless not linking is part of the joke somehow in which case tell me off & i'll delete this.

  • Rule
  • colin colin Now 100%

    another issue here is the sheer number of people who drive with their lights off after dusk. because if i flash my lights at them to alert them of it, they don't get it. because the tendency here is to interpret any form of communication as aggression instead of as communication 😐 which, i mean... "self-fulfilling prophecy" isn't quite it but it's not far from the mark.

  • Rule
  • colin colin Now 100%

    west coast is too passive about it in some places. i've pulled a turn and then seen a car in my mirror like 5 feet from my bumper, slamming its breaks. now i know i need to be more cautious around these low visibility intersections... but he didn't even honk at me: how much unsafe shit am i pulling without knowing it because nobody ever tells me. honk at me, for god's sake!

  • Keystone Species Rule
  • colin colin Now 100%

    okay so the furries are all in on frontend while the Linux graybeards do the low level C shit. the femboys can't get enough Rust and are somewhere in the middle doing web backends and services, the transfems like Rust too, but also weirder things like Nix or functional programming and lean more towards OS and systems type of stuff right?

    i like this because it explains why the furries seem to have more visibility than the other groups, it lets each group have a little bit of space while still all being part of the same team, and honestly it matches the people i've worked with like 80-90%.

  • Keystone Species Rule
  • colin colin Now 84%

    nah, the weebs have mastodon, the furries left for bsky, it was a mutual breakup. they left because it wasn't hip enough, we stayed because oh my god they're so full of themselves.

    source: my avatar (weeabo) and my three intolerable roommates (furries)

  • rulebots.txt
  • colin colin Now 100%

    from my limited experience, about half? i had to finally set up a robots.txt last month after Anthropic decided it would be OK to crawl my Wikipedia mirror from about a dozen different IP addresses simultaneously, non-stop, without any rate limiting, and bring it to its knees. fuck them for it, but at least it stopped once i added robots.txt.

    Facebook, Amazon, and a few others are ignoring that robots.txt, on the other hand. they have the decency to do it slowly enough that i'd never notice unless i checked the logs, at least.

  • relatable rule
  • colin colin Now 100%

    wow, way to devolve into the YouTube comments section, Lemmy. that's so not fetch.

  • relatable rule
  • colin colin Now 100%

    breaking the fourth wall IRL? i think it's brilliant. my generation got halfway there with "meta": "chat" is just the next step past that.

  • music rule
  • colin colin Now 100%

    Autechre counts, right? a more tame track if that's too much, a less tame track if it's too little.

  • Paying for development from the donations for the first time!
  • colin colin Now 100%

    as a NixOS-on-Pinephone user i 100% support funding upstreaming efforts 😉 that's the type of thing which can have really broad reach. you'd never know it unless you were specifically looking for it, but we've also got people maintaining those OpenEmbedded musl+systemd patches for our distro (along with way too many other non-musl systemd patches: like you point out, it's just not the type of thing that gets cleaned up without some focused effort like this).

  • I own a brutalist buttplug AMA rule
  • colin colin Now 100%

    i found CAD files for this here. i'm gonna try and CNC it later today 😄

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    Agile Rule
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    wrong rule
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    Rat Posting colin Now 100%
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