Does it get essier?
  • carbon_based carbon_based Now 100%

    neurospicy i like this word! 😀

    (and i somehow do not dislike it that it takes me ages to choose a fitting emoji ... every 🤔 single 🙄 time 😅)

  • It made me want to read it.
  • carbon_based carbon_based Now 100%

    Now this makes me look into it ... 🤔 I appreciate you expressing your current state of being and full-of-thought-ness. No worries, not monstrous but human with some gravity. May your needs be fulfilled, wherever you are.

  • Suggestions for Canvas and future events!
  • carbon_based carbon_based Now 100%

    only allow this to happen if the surrounding area also hasn’t been interacted by anyone else (maybe like a 5x5 around the pixel) to be undone by the eraser

    What's the reasoning for this? One of my use cases would have been that I had started to draw something then realised that someone else was drawing next to me, so I'd wish I could have a way to quickly move my thing out of the way. Another one was with a collaboration on a template and in the end trying some adjustments because the template was unsharp. Which was essentially overdrawing other people's pixels just to see how it looks, then perhaps reverting some of those.

  • Autism Sneaks
  • carbon_based carbon_based Now 100%

    I'm not OP, and I learned about AS only through this community but didn't investigate further (different continent). So I can only speculate: there's a lot of revenue to be made from therapy and pharma if you find a new niche. A fundamentally wrong popular bias, reinforced by pouring massive money into advertising helps that a lot.

    To me it also smacks a lot like a part of that post-humanism psy-op. Some (influential) people really want to have "Brave New World" become reality (or "Gattaca"?) -- the "perfect" human machine; engineered and gated; divergence is a flaw. The rest goes happily with the narrative. There was someone posting their dismay about an interview with a person they previously liked, maybe already a year ago. The person in the interview was speaking of how autism should get removed from the gene pool ...

  • Autism Sneaks
  • carbon_based carbon_based Now 100%

    Exactly, I wanted to see the Down-ish looking person is displayed but was too lazy to first look at the most obvious place, or recognise my ambiguity. Sorry to disturb.
    And yes there are eugenicist agitators posing as experts. Makes it sort of mandatory to work against.

  • Autism Sneaks
  • carbon_based carbon_based Now 100%

    Can you give a link? Don't mind, I found it out (it's the AS website itself).

  • Suggestions for Canvas and future events!
  • carbon_based carbon_based Now 100%

    An extended undo functionality would have been handy sometimes. Like, having an eraser that would revert any pixel I have placed myself (and that is still visible) to what it was before while adding one to my pixel store until that is filled. That way I would be able to move or correct things without having to wait (possibly twice as long) for the counter.

  • Full Timelapse, Canvas Poster, Database Dump | Canvas 2024
  • carbon_based carbon_based Now 100%

    Thank you!
    (Have a player that can zoom in. It's quite some fun at places.)

  • In canvas 2025, what if we ganged up against the largest country flag, whichever it is?
  • carbon_based carbon_based Now 100%

    One doesn't have to be Marxist to recognise such things. I just thought that you phrased it well.
    e: I also made a suggestion to ban flags in favour of the art and the spirit, in the "improvements" thread, and expected similar arguments.

  • Autism could be diagnosed with stool sample, scientists say
  • carbon_based carbon_based Now 100%

    LOL I failed to recognise at first that it could also be interpreted as bacteria causing autism. It could also be that because of a characteristic genetic programming, intestine cells produce a compound which specific microorganisms thrive in. In such a case, I wouldn't be surprised if someone also found such microbial indicators in saliva or on the skin.

  • Suggestions for Canvas and future events!
  • carbon_based carbon_based Now 50%

    Taking the risk to make myself unpopular but here is a wish from the heart.

    Discourage/ban all nationalism. Especially flags.

    Nation-states and country borders are a fairly recent invention in history. In this time and age, it's quite counter-intuitive to still keep identifying oneself with (or get emotionally attached to) such divisive concepts that have been devised by those who govern. Especially in a game like this where collaboration is encouraged regardless of anyone's location or belief, we should not get counter-productive over flags and the politics associated with them, or get to argue wether flags represent government entities or the people (they are usually owned by the former, just to say).

    Further, I find flags (and also logos) are just so utterly uncreative things to draw. To me, it just shows how societies are still immature; false attachment to the divisive and competitive concepts they were raised to believe in, to the benefit of those who profit from divisiveness and competitiveness. Therefore, please consider a ban on all flags and instead encourage "real" artwork (especially original one).

    e: For those who still want to display some honorary mention of their ethnicity/people/heritage, there is likely plenty of symbolism available which may suit their case much better than a symbol of nationalism.

  • Suggestions for Canvas and future events!
  • carbon_based carbon_based Now 100%

    Thank you, very clear! I suggest to add one pixel every 30 seconds, plain and simple. If a modifier to this timer is required for reasons, that could be based on the number of pixels placed during the past x minutes or so.

  • Who's this in the canvas?
  • carbon_based carbon_based Now 50%

    From what I read, this was an abuse of regulations, since they could not legally stop her from (peacefully but annoyingly) protesting at places like restaurants

  • Canvas in 30 days 👀
  • carbon_based carbon_based Now 100%

    It came to me today that I should play the devil's advocate. Everyone who comments seems to like this, therefore there has to be someone to take the job of un-hypeing it. So this is just a different POV ... because I can.

    It's a kind of social experiment which could be fun for some. The idea is to try to make a drawing with very limited resources (a single pixel per message, perhaps a few hundred pixels over a couple of days), and concurrently with hundreds/thousands of participants.

    The outcome is less an artwork than it is a work of art that shows the (dire) state of collective creativity and imaginative capabilities of people who have been "rised" in dominance-hierarchic, competition-centric, societies: imagine one of these squatted houses where the walls quickly get filled with tags and political messages. While they in theory could have collectively put on an artwork that really speaks, they'd rather endulge in "us vs. them" group think, competing for the space and overdrawing each others messages.
    -- Thus, in a "canvas" action, those who can captivate the minds of the masses, and those who have the proficiency to have armies of machines fight for them, will win the most space. People will say this is fun but it's rather the same as in politics. The outcome is perhaps pretty or hilarious in some details but it's mostly logos and flags and symbolism, flat colours and two-dimensional cartoon caracters. So rather boring; rarely one will see a detail where one would say, "wow, someone really did put some thought and skill into this".

    Regarding me, I could imagine taking part in a project to create a bot that would facilitate collective decision making (about division of labour among drawing project participants and on-the-fly decisions about how to interact with neighbouring bits -- stop at boundary, colour-mix, or overdraw -- and drawing of colour-dithered, possibly three-dimensional, pre-planned graphic design (or algorithmic graphics), while at the same time automating the tedious sending of draw commands from many locations (it's the most inefficient way one could do it but who cares in times of HD video streaming).
    ... Another fun idea that just pops into my mind, would be programming a "game of life" automaton which respects pixels that are already occupied, or overdraws them then re-draws them in their original colour. It could be made to completely vanish until closure time. :-D

  • Canvas in 30 days 👀
  • carbon_based carbon_based Now 100%

    that's all so 2-D ...

  • The voice in your head may help you recall and process words. But what if you don’t have one?
  • carbon_based carbon_based Now 100%

    I started with medidating, deep relaxation. Laying flat works best for me. Discovered I can listen to the silence between the words. Then I was able to stretch out that silence until the words were so distant that they were mere reverberation. If there is a movie as well, that can be faded out. Later I learned a more daytime-compatible technique that is a bit hard to explain and could individually differently (opening the crown chakra).

    In case it really ets your energy, and if you have access to it, consider talking to a therapist. You might be suffering from sommething like PTSD, depresseion or burn-out (in connection with autism), and those are really disorders that can be treated.

    Wish you well!

  • True story that happened a few days ago. After all, I'm grateful that someone had persuaded me to go to a party with him in the neighbourhood where i have just moved in. Despite of the unfavourable weather and the prospect of music not really my taste. But the music turned from Reaggae to a Jazzy-Dub. So that got me dancing all the way through, together with a soul-sister who does the same kind of intuitive-expressive dance like I do. We were the only ones there performing like that, so ... quite sticking out for me. We didn't even talk but we shared a connection on another level, which inspired me to turn this into a song. It's work in progress; I have a melody and meters in mind ... Perhaps I'll find someone to turn this into a proper song, who knows. (due to lack of instrument proficiency my mind does make me a problem now) :-) edit: Imagne it beginning with a slow swing-dub in a hinky-kinky 7/4 meter. That's when you have dum-dub dum-dub dum-dub dum-dub, you strike the last "dub" (or any one of the beats; in this case the entry point of the vocals actually works better with leaving away the 4^th^). The drum/hi-hat goes 1-2-3 1-2-3-4, and the vocals set in just after the first three notes and may a bit lush swinging to the rhythm. The musical storytelling says, "*not sure if I wouldn't stumble but the music is cool stuff*" The whole thing with bass and snare (cajon?), and possibly some jazzy piano and guitar it in arpeggio. Swingy but in a melancholic tone. Leave it time between the lines and space for the guitar/piano dialogue to develop from being separate to interacting. Then there is a transition to 6/4 meter. Danceable slow swing where the drum and hat come more forward. We also ramp up one or two steps in brightness in the chord modes. An interlude then transitions to 8/8 (or 4/4 but with slightly more pace), until we arrive at the longer verse where the melody goes upwards. The tone can be one below major. -- A duet of singers would actually be nice here; I have reflected this partially in the lyrics at a point when they diverge in a single word which together with diverging harmony will give different meanings to their previous lines ... Until it proceeds to the last two verses which act as a progressing chorus in the storytelling. This time it goes more upbeat toward the end. 😁 One or two verses could be missing. edit 2: Re-modeled the structure of that 8/8 climax part toward the end. Also arrived at a better title. After all, this is an "I trust in *doing* me" uplifting lovesong. That former working title, "Unmask" would be a song about *not doing* something, so that may be for another time. ---- **Talk With My Sister** So to a party I'd gone in a new place to be. Spoke to barely anyone on my own -- doing me. Stayed observing and ambiet got to love someone's dance. She was being -- different -- in her overall -- lovely extravagance. Did not even talk to her Would i ever go that far cause it won't have gone so well. Does it sound familiar? So you little dancer wore your dancing shoes due. So out of convention just -- like I do when I do. So I wanted to dance like you so i took off my shoes. And although it had rained before I was dancing with you. Trat-tat-tat-taaa tarat-tat-tat-taa-dadaa Sweet *con*versation *with*out needing words for hours you *warmed* my heart in *eve*ry single turn every beat was ours. I don't know your name but I know I will be back to you. -- Cause *when* I said goodbye to sleep you briefly stroked your hand on me I know you -- were (are) asking me to *swing* with you some more. uooh-ho uooh uooh oooh-ha uooh ahaaa ayee! So you little dancer act without any mask. So out of convention just -- what more would I ask? So I wanted to dance like you so i took off my shoes. And although it had rained before I was *dan*cing just to *be* in love with you. ^___^^___^

    How to spot autism in High Masking Autistic Women - What’s behind the mask? -- Autism from the Inside
  • carbon_based carbon_based Now 100%

    While I already knew the channel, I didn't see this particular one before.

    What gets me most is actually the comments, and all the replies to the comments. I strongly suggest everyone to read at least the top ones and part of the hundreds of replies. Top one shown to me is this; may I cite respectfully, by @lisedenmark:

    To me - autistic diagnosed 3 years ago at 54 - masking is not only about hiding my weaknesses; it's also about hiding my strengths because they are not always well received. Deep critical thinking, eternal curiosity and precision are skills often respected in theory - but in practice: not so much. This really complicates matters even more...

    ... And then, try to read the overall vibe in those conversations. What is apparent? -- Well first and obviously, they are almost all written by people who have been labeled or consider themselves "autistic" or ND. Second, a large part of it is (heartbreakingly) empathetic!

    edit: I have this hypothesis that masking their authenticity in order to fit in with ther respective social group is the normal way also in NT people. The difference being, that to them it comes naturally and effortlessly to wear a mask (read: self-protecting persona), while for NDs it is exhausting and may lead to a sense of self-denial. Consider also the difficulty with the perceived need of constant dishonesty/lying which is a part of camouflaging.
    Any thoughts or questions?

  • Ant smell
  • carbon_based carbon_based Now 100%

    Yes, it's known that humans have individually different sets of smell (and taste) receptors. So it wouldn't surprise me that some people would be able to smell ant trail/nest pheromones and the like. I'd guess it has less to do with formic acid though, as they do not regularly release that (it's used mainly for defense). Some people may be really triggered by the smell of certain flowers while most people would barely notice them. I my self recently developed a sensitivity to some certain chemical that appears to be in many cleaning agents, and it's very disturbing to find that disgusting smell in so many public places, dishwashing detergents, hair shampoos.

    This phenomenon comes apparent a lot with foods and spices. My great example is coriander (cilantro): half of the people like the herb but for the rest it has a soapy taste so much that any food that contains coriander leaves is spoilt for them. Coriander seeds however, do not contain that specific compound. I'm one who can't stand the herb but very much likes the seeds as a spice.

    Related and very interesting is also, is individually different bouquets of mating pheromones which are also present in humans (but perception is mostly subliminary). Those are connected to individual genetic sets of the immune system, a place where genetic variability and mixing is of great advantage. We choose our partners by (being able to) smell, more than we are aware of.

    Infodump? ... Infodump.


    A de-pathologising and enabling explanation of typical neurodivergent perception and expression culture. By *Janae Elisabeth*, a researcher-storyteller and neurodiversity advocate from western North Carolina. The two rather concise blog articles are suitable for handing to people who may ask (or may not have asked) what this neurodiversity thing is actually about. And if you are divergent, you will probably recognise yourself. --- In part 1, Janae lists the most defining differences in communication and culture, in the sibling form of "*we*". ##### Quote: >The dominant social group labels our way of being in the world as disordered because they don’t understand us. **Even though they don’t understand, the dominant culture controls the narrative about our differences**. > >Society believes the experts who are not part of our culture, who see brokenness where there is order. **We gradually start to believe the myths ourselves and lose all sense of self-esteem**. We come to hate ourselves for being different. > >*How did we get here?* The pathology paradigm is a system of diagnostic labels designed by neurotypicals which categorizes our genetic differences and traumatic stress responses as illnesses, disorders, deficits, and deficiencies. [...] > >Up until now, scientists have studied us like they study animals — **not asking our opinion or considering that there may be a complex system of mind behind the behaviors that they do not understand**. They theorize that we are less empathetic, less aware of others, less social. More like robots than people. > >**They have largely not tried to understand the biological mechanisms that create our experience of self. Instead they have tried every means possible to force us to act neurotypical**. (emphasis partly done by me -- yeah that's a long quote ...) ##### Headlines: Processing differences cause us to speak different social languages / Emotions / Empathy / Nonverbal Communication and Body Cues / Words Mean Things / Social Rules / A Different Value System / Skills and Abilities / Reactions to Stress, Pain, and Overwhelm #### Part 2: Link: [Lost in Translation: The Social Language Theory of Neurodivergence (part 2 of 2)]( In part 2, Janae writes about the impact of the invalidation done by a pathologising clinical approach, the mistreatment following the misunderstanding, and ways in which neurodivergence can be supported, accepted, and embraced. ##### Quote: >The med/psych system is losing or failing most neurodivergent people. This is the most common theme I am hearing from patients, parents, teachers, and therapists alike. And it’s not just that we are “falling through the cracks” in the system or being neglected, though those are valid concerns. The bigger concern is that the med/psych system is **actively harming** many neurodivergent people by forcing cultural assimilation. >[...] >A study in 2019 found that *psychiatric diagnosis is scientifically meaningless* because there is too much subjectivity in diagnosis and not enough understanding of trauma. And when we look beyond simple accuracy and also consider impact, the failure of diagnostic labels becomes clear. **Diagnostic labels as they are currently given are worse than useless, they are all too frequently harmful**. (emphasis by me) ##### Headlines: While speaking different languages makes relationships difficult, invalidation makes relationships impossible / Self-image, depression, and shutdown / Social rejection, abuse, and PTSD / Mistreatment, re-traumatization, and forced treatment / The neurodiversity paradigm recognizes our different languages and seeks to understand miscommunications instead of pathologizing them. Here are 7 key ways that neurodivergence can be supported, accepted, and embraced --- #### Further reading: - The paper mentioned in the above quote is available for download as PDF when you search the internet for the title *"Heterogeneity in psychiatric diagnostic classification" +PDF*. It's interesting for understanding how non-scientific the standard psychiatric assessment actually is. - In another entry, Janae talks about how the DSM-5 criteria fail. Direct link: [A Neurodiversity Paradigm Breakdown of the DSM-5 Criteria for Autism]( - ... or if you prefer an informed eye-roll done by *Yo Samdy Sam* on y-tube: [Autism diagnosis criteria: explained (DSM-5)](


    So while scrolling Lemmy today, i came across this story of a recent excavation at the site of the buried ancient city of *Pompeii*. A painting on the wall in a house that had an adjacent *bakery* appears to depict what could be called an ancestor of a nowadays ubiquitous delicacy. Link to an article is below but i put the short story first so that i don't spoil it. ;-D No idea if it is good storytelling or anything, but why not just put here this crafted-for-an-afternoon piece. ##### PRANDIVM VELOX PANECUM* The baker boy had come to wake up Octavius Picus from his afternoon nap. The delegation from the market at Nuceria had already arrived. They were early. Three people, the boy said, an elderly man with bad eyesight and a young woman guiding him, and another man who was carrying some scrolls. They could be heared chatting with Octavius' wife Marcella in the atrium. -- No hurry. He sat up on the bedside and rubbed his eyes. The landlords around Nuceria had recently founded a cooperative and had now come to bargain a new deal for their grain. He wouldn't really know what to make of it, especially since his plan of opening a taberna next to the bakery would certainly require him to buy more wheat and he also wanted to have their beer. Would all that make it more expensive or less? -- It was Marcella's idea after all, to offer quickly baked meals that would be affordable not only for the wealthy summer guests. Anyway, the painter was already done with decorating the walls in the atrium, so why not just give them a taste of the novel idea. Alright, let's serve them something, he told the boy. Make us five of the speciality quick plates, with sausage, eggs and sweet wine ... but not the most expensive one. And do not forget to put the basilicum and cheese sauce on the *panem piccum*! ::: spoiler Here is the link (spoiler) (*) ~~panis velox prandium: "bread for a quick lunch" (the best i can come up with for "fast food" using an online translator)~~ Changed the title two days afterwards to something more Latin-y. Prandium velox panecum: "quick lunch with bread". :-) [Does This Pompeii Painting Depict a 2,000-Year-Old Pizza?]( Original thread: :::


    Well, actually i *know* ... but i need some time to express it in *words*. 😄 I'll do it my way, which means that i will just keep editing this text as i get inspired. I'll be happy about inspiration, questions, and feedback! -- carbon based -- This place asks us for some "*feeling into it*". The pure mental approach, of reason-assembling a list of *dos and don'ts* will just not work here. It was an idea that *came to me* -- as in, "*the Universe is asking me to go for a *divergent* approach at the ways neurodiversity is commonly displayed in the spaces provided. It came while i was browsing other "autist" forums, when i sensed some certain dissatisfaction in me, with the things people were bringing on there. It was the usual "*I am an autist and let me tell you how hard it is to constantly be misunderstood*" and "*we are different so let's celebrate the hardships by procreating self-ironic-but-deprecating meme cartoons*" and "*how do I get the right mental treatment*", etc. -- the kind of *pathology* that results from a [pathologising social paradigm]( I'm not saying that such is a completely *wrong* approach, because people need some place to vent their frustration or ask for advice upon all the trauma they endure. Yet for me, *that* remaining the *only* approach, looks very much reminescent of those same ill societal paradigms that we are made to suffer from, *in the first place*. We are incapable because we were *made* incapacitated. That illness of a society, in the sense of a collective organism, is essentially [a loss of connection to its *finer sensory organs*]( Not all societies are like that; we dare to bet that in pre-historic as well as present-day indigenous cultures and also in some philosophies, neurodiversity is being given *its natural function and its required place* in order to enable it to do its task within that society as a whole. --- Soooo ... much of what i see as my own work involves "*seeing the essence*" and "*projecting the outcome*", and then -- as *It* calls me up for a prophet's task -- help "*preparing the space*". --- I have *no* idea how to do that. 😅 Here i first made a draft about the idea: [Creating a neurodivergent playground and art collection]( #### The *how* we do things is more important than *what* we do. ##### penguins fly underwater What are your eccentric personal traits and in which way do you *use* them? -- You do not know what to do with them -- what to do with the way *how* you do? You may be taking words by their literal meaning and therefore often take a while to process figure of speech and especially jokes, so how on earth would you make *that* benefitting? Your mind may go in kind of fractal ways, and you've been told that's part of an "*executive dysfunction*", so how is that to give you *value*? You like tinkering with simple things, so you find yourself "re-inventing the wheel", so who would actually *buy* such a thing? -- One answer i would have, is that it doesn't actually matter *what* you produce but it's about the *way* in which you do it. It may seem crude and naïve, but your speciality is not just that you put meticulos effort into something ... which at other places is being mass-produced -- but it's your *mindfulness* that gives it a special value. You may be attentive to detail, you may have a sense of disharmonies and imperfections, see similar patterns repeat in the *essence of things*, and you may be capable of intuitively foresee the future outcome of such things. Believe it or not, most people do not as naturally have such capabilities! I am not the first one who believes that divergent people of now are to be pioneers in that which is going to be leading the *new people*. We will have to strenghten each other, see in which ways the essential patterns of the old paradigm are disabling us, and participate in *mutual enabling*. [Note from the author: at this moment i feel like this is going to be a manifesto. ... Whatever. 😄 ] -- carbon based -- #### NAQ (Never Asked Questions) Q: **Are there any rules in this community?** A: There are guidelines that i tried to outline in the sidebar note. Those do imply a lot, but i don't know how much of a rulemaker i want to be. Trolls will ignore them anyway. Plus, i expect this place to stay pretty niche, and attract a mannered folk, who should get by largely without much intervention. If explicit rules should ever be required, then i'd suggest it might be a subset of the rules from [!]( (asking for feedback on this). Q: **You say, no memes?** A: Yes. A [meme]( (Wikipedia), as defined by evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, is a way certain ideas populate our mindscape, and the basic building block in the mechanics of cultural evolution. They reproduce and have mutated offspring, just like physical *genes* have, and the ones that fit the environment of our simple minds the most will pervade our culture. In Dawkins' idea, the *gene* acts as the only reproductive thing, and all the complex organisms the genes create are just the means of genes reproducing. Seeing it as such however, will inevitably lead to the question if certain *memes* are not in fact *mental parasites* that constantly steal our attention and make themselves attractive to our minds and egos (even though they want to suck!), so that we are willing to spend our time helping them proliferate. Irrespective of subscribing to Dawkins' ideas or not, he for sure did talk about ideas and cultural heritage rather than image-jokes. Mass-posting jokes leads to more fleshed-out stuff being pushed out of sight in places where memes are encouraged. If that happens, we should try to nicely tap such people to make them aware. That said, i don't mean that people should not post cartoons etc. *at all* -- if that is the way they can best express their divergence, so be it. Surprise everyone! Q: **Is this place only for posting about my own divergent creativity, or can i also link to stuff that i find *damn divergent*?** A: Yes please, let's gather that stuff! It will be nice though, if you don't only just post a link but also comment with some of your own thought, if you can. Q: **So, only stuff i have produced and not just generally chatting about stuff?** A: Haha, chatting about stuff can be hilariously divergent and productive! Q: **Name checks out, huh! Did you create your account specifically for the domain name?** A: Yep! 😊 Appreciate the appreciation! My main account is [](/u/ Q: **Will you always be the only moderator?** A: No please not! I was the one catching the idea from the collective field, and i went to action. I will not constantly be around, and at some point i might be gone completely. We'll see how this develops, and if there is mod activity required then i will ask for people to raise hands. I'd expect most mod work here to be just nicely talking to people. Q: **I like sarcasm. Can i be sarcastic here? Or will i be forced to be "*nice*", like in other places?** A: While sarcasm is a bit of a condescending form of communication, if done well it is the more dark form of *irony*. And *irony* will be very much appreciated, i think. It will very much depend on your level of understanding, and being sarcastic at neurodivergents can easily get you burned. So watch your moral backing because ND people often have the better one.


    tamarisk, linseed oil. I think this spoon is a good example of what i do when i'm working in the flow. I made it in 2019, in about 15 hours of work. Tried to estimate how much it would cost if i would ask for a sincere per-hour price. Aahahaha! The love that went into it can of course not be sold. It's arguably my most beautiful one so far (the 6^th^ if i remember correctly). The form is not only ornamental but *it just works*. 😄 (yes i am proud) -- it fits my hand pretty well, the way i hold it. I also like to make them fit the width of the mouth, and make them as thin as reasonably possible. That means frequently trying in the mouth while it' still rough. There was a big hole in the spoon which i had to close by fitting in a piece of wood -- and then sandpaper, sandpaper. I have used it ever since, until a few months ago a mouse took a taste off the front. Did not yet get around to repairing that. 😉 ![]( ![]( ![]( ![](


    ... for a background picture of some place i'm building ...

    carbon_based Now
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