Please Don’t Make Me Download Another App | Our phones are being overrun
  • canadaduane canadaduane Now 100%

    This is almost completely true, but I would add the caveat that PWAs (progressive web apps) are not as easy to discover and less familiar to install as an app in an app/play store. It might also be because it's in Apple and Google's best interest to not streamline that. But it's still an obstacle nevertheless.

  • Why is there so much hype around artificial intelligence?
  • canadaduane canadaduane Now 100%

    What would a good incentive structure look like? For example, would working with public school districts and being paid by them to ensure safe learning experiences count? Or are you thinking of something else?

  • Why is there so much hype around artificial intelligence?
  • canadaduane canadaduane Now 100%

    I wonder if some of our intelligence is artificial. Being able to drive directly to any destination, for example, with a simple cell-phone lookup. Reading lifetimes worth of experience in books that doesn't naturally come at birth. Learning incredibly complex languages that are inherited not by genes, but by environment--and, depending on the language, being able to distinguish different colors.

  • Ok so coffee is made from coffee beans. And beans are *also* made from beans. Why is nobody making, like, black bean coffee?
  • canadaduane canadaduane Now 100%

    A coffee bean is a seed from the Coffea plant and the source for coffee. It is the pit inside the red or purple fruit. This fruit is often referred to as a coffee cherry, and like the cherry, it is a fruit with a pit.

  • Why is there so much hype around artificial intelligence?
  • canadaduane canadaduane Now 100%

    I appreciate the candid analysis, but perhaps "nothing to see here" (my paraphrase) is only one part of the story. The other part is that there is genuine innovation and new things within reach that were not possible before. For example, personalized learning--the dream of giving a tutor to each child, so we can overcome Bloom's 2 Sigma Problem--is far more likely with LLMs in the picture than before. It isn't a panacea, but it is certainly more useful than cryptocurrency kept promising to be IMO.

  • Why is there so much hype around artificial intelligence?
  • canadaduane canadaduane Now 100%

    Is human intelligence artificial? #philosophy

  • Help me understand littering
  • canadaduane canadaduane Now 50%

    Have you ever heard the story of the snake?

    One evening, a man walks along a dimly lit path. He suddenly halts, his heart pounding with fear. Before him, on the ground, lies what appears to be a venomous snake. He freezes, paralyzed with dread. Only when a friend comes by with a lantern does the true nature of the object come to light: it is merely a piece of rope.

    I learned this story from Thich Nhat Hanh, a Buddhist author. He would indicate with stories like this that our perceptions shape our reality. Often, we react out of fear and misunderstanding, seeing snakes where there are none. He said that mindfulness and deeper understanding can act like the lantern, illuminating the true nature of our experiences.

  • Feels like everything is on me
  • canadaduane canadaduane Now 100%

    You're not alone in feeling like you bear the weight alone. I mean, with all you're doing, you're basically a church-on-wheels here. And I say that both as a compliment and as a reflection of our situation as a society--we need each other, we need neighbors, community, and we need help sometimes. And many people are feeling the "it's too much to do alone" conclusion. I don't think we were meant to be this way. I've been reading Seth Kaplan's "Fragile Neighborhoods" recently and I feel like my eyes are open to the deep loss in social capital or "collective efficacy" that previous generations had. We're in a period of innovating on new social structures. It's tough. Keep going. Play the long game, make friends and neighbors, and don't forget you're just human too. We need each other.

  • Twilio kills off Authy for desktop, forcibly logs out all users
  • canadaduane canadaduane Now 100%

    Aegis on Android is also very nice (and open source).

  • Sell us on your favorite exotic/niche distro
  • canadaduane canadaduane Now 100%

    Working development system. I got quite far, but after so much work, became very frustrated when a VSCode plugin wouldn't work properly because it needed (and assumed) read/write access. I didn't want to have to manage and think about every little plugin I experimented with at the OS level.

  • Help me understand littering
  • canadaduane canadaduane Now 100%

    I wonder if it would help to think back to the first time you littered? When I was 5 or 6, I remember eating a candy and not wanting the wrapper any more. It had to be someone else who saw what I did and pointed out that it isn't good if we all did this, because then the playground would be all full of trash and we couldn't play there. I was like, "Oh, I get it." But if someone hadn't explained it to me, I think the behavior could have innocently continued for quite some time. I grew up in a very rural place (northern Canada).

  • Help me understand littering
  • canadaduane canadaduane Now 100%

    Your condescension has sent my IED absolutely through the roof

    Do I have to break out the crayons for you?

    You understand condescension, and yet you still do it yourself.

  • Why is there no sense of "camaderie" in the workplace?
  • canadaduane canadaduane Now 100%

    Word of advice--be a good person to your colleagues, and let friendship possibly develop after one of you leaves. I've made many friends throughout the years once we each know there is no pressure to be friends. I've had many job leads throughout the years because people I previously worked with thought I was a great colleague.

  • Sell us on your favorite exotic/niche distro
  • canadaduane canadaduane Now 100%

    I really wanted to like NixOS (and I do, theoretically), but I couldn't dedicate more than 5 full days over Christmas to learn how to get to a working development system.

  • Authy got hacked, and 33 million user phone numbers were stolen
  • canadaduane canadaduane Now 100%

    Check out Aegis if you're on Android. (See my other comment).

  • Authy got hacked, and 33 million user phone numbers were stolen
  • canadaduane canadaduane Now 100%

    On Android, I replaced Authy with the open-source Aegis app. It's just as functional, allows exporting, and doesn't tie your data to your phone number (nor store it on a central system--not sure if Authy does this or not).

  • Why are cosmic apps so slow to load?
  • canadaduane canadaduane Now 100%

    FYI this is still an issue for me. Updated to cosmic-edit 0.1.0~1715990347~22.04~f5238e1.

  • Why are cosmic apps so slow to load?
  • canadaduane canadaduane Now 100%

    I no longer think WGPU_POWER_PREF has any bearing on the fast/slow issue, see my other comment.

  • Why are cosmic apps so slow to load?
  • canadaduane canadaduane Now 100%

    No, I haven't updated packages in 3 or 4 weeks.

  • My laptop is running modern hardware with NVME drive and has 64GB of RAM. Running Pop!_OS 22.04 with Gnome/Wayland. When I launch the cosmic-store or cosmic-edit (for example) via command line or launcher, each takes about 25 seconds for its app window to load. Loading the Pop Shop in the same fashion takes less than 1 second. I saw a few lines indicating files couldn't be opened, and thought at first maybe my ulimit was set incorrectly, but there is plenty of headroom on my user (soft limit: 4096, hard limit: 1048576). I do see a handful of logs that look questionable: ``` May 04 07:50:59 rosie systemd[2109]: app-gnome-com.system76.CosmicEdit-17126.scope: Couldn't move process 17126 to requested cgroup '/user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/app.slice/app-gnome-com.system76.CosmicEdit-17126.scope': No such process May 04 07:50:59 rosie systemd[2109]: app-gnome-com.system76.CosmicEdit-17126.scope: Failed to add PIDs to scope's control group: No such process May 04 07:50:59 rosie systemd[2109]: app-gnome-com.system76.CosmicEdit-17126.scope: Failed with result 'resources'. ░░ Subject: Unit failed ░░ Defined-By: systemd ░░ Support: ░░ ░░ The unit UNIT has entered the 'failed' state with result 'resources'. May 04 07:50:59 rosie systemd[2109]: Failed to start Application launched by gnome-shell. ``` What could be causing the cosmic apps to load so slowly?


    Some article websites (I'm looking at right now, as an example) show the first page or so of article content and then have a "Continue Reading" button, which you must click to see the rest of the article. This seems so ridiculous, from a UX perspective--I know how to scroll down to continue reading, so why hide the text and make me click a button, then have me scroll? Why has this become a fairly common practice?


    I want to run a command and see all of its output on the left hand side, while simultaneously searching/grepping for particular lines on the right hand side. In other words, I want a temporary vertically split screen in my CLI, ideally with scrollback on each side of the split, but where I expect the left hand side to be scrolling thousands of lines quickly, while on the right hand side is a slow accumulation of "matches" to my grep. Is this possible today? What tools would you recommend to accomplish this? EDIT: To be clear, a one-liner is preferable over learning tmux or screen, although this does motivate me to perhaps begin learning tmux. In case this is an X/Y problem: The specific command I'm trying to run is an rsync simulation (dry-run) where I want to both check that the command works, and subsequently check that there are no `denied` errors. The recommended way to do this is to run the command twice, as follows (but I want to combine it into one pass): ``` # first specify the "-n" parameter so rsync will simulate its operation. You should use this before you start: rsync -naP --exclude-from=rsync-homedir-local.txt /home/$USER/ $BACKUPDIR/ # check for permission denied errors in your homedir: rsync -naP --exclude-from=rsync-homedir-local.txt /home/$USER/ $BACKUPDIR/ | grep denied ```


    [LazPaint]( is a surprisingly good image editor. I've looked around at many raster image editing apps for Linux, and I have mostly been disappointed. - The Gimp is hard to use and has lagged behind major other platforms' banner image editors. - Pinta is "ok" but has graphics glitches on my hardware (Intel). - Inkscape is good but specializes in vector graphics, not raster images. - Krita looks like it might be particularly good for artists using a tablet, but is mediocre for raster image tasks and has a complex interface. I've also tried various "simple" apps such as KolourPaint [1] and Drawing [2], but these are generally more like "MS Paint" and have limited capabilities when importing images for various editing tasks. LazPaint has all of the major features you would expect, without an over-complicated UI--selection, layers, gradients, filters, shapes, opacity, many file formats etc.. However, it is not wrapped in a Flatpak, so you need to download the "deb" file and install with Eddy (or the CLI): As an aside, I recently also discovered Pixelitor, and I think it's another one to keep an eye one. The author seems to be making some great progress lately (most recent release in September 2023). - [1] - [2]


    The pop_os subreddit has many Pop!_OS-specific help requests per day. I'm kind of surprised there aren't more here on the Fediverse/lemmy side of the community. I browse looking for ways to help, and after having shifted my attention from Reddit to the Fediverse I feel like I could be helping out more. Why aren't there more requests here?


    Beginning Linux user: "Ctrl-Z is undo, right?" Advanced Linux user: "Ctrl-Z dammit fg"


    I am currently having issues with using Blender on my desktop computer where Blender just locks up/stops responding randomly while I manipulate positions of objects or node graphs. Blender never unlocks and there does not seem to be a consistent cause for this issue. All other programs run fine while Blender is locked up. My computer is not locked due to memory, CPU, nor GPU usage. Please, if anyone can provide any information on this, I would greatly appreciate it! Computer details: Blender version: 3.6.1, only non-default add-on is MolecularNodes v2.7.4 OS: Pop!_OS 22.04 GPUs: GeForce GTX 1080, GeForce GTX Titan X (both pretty old, but still running strong with other visualization softwares) GPU Driver: 535.104.05 CUDA Version: 12.2 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz RAM: 32 GB Edit: just noticed that Blender is still using 100% CPU (one thread of 8) even after being locked for 15+ minutes now. Edit 2: Added Blender version and add-on details (duh). Edit 3: This is not arising due to loading corrupt blender files. I just started a fresh run, recreating the desired blender process for the visualizations that I am interested in, and the program still locked up.


    I'm exploring ways to shave a few seconds off of my boot time, and I came across a post that stated, "my initrd is pretty small--doesn’t really load much--and Arch also defaults to using zstd which is also faster to decompress versus gzip." What compression does Pop! use for initrd and the kernel? When I run `ls -al /boot`, I see files such as `14M vmlinuz-6.4.6-76060406-generic` and `119M initrd.img-6.4.6-76060406-generic`. Are these compressed? Lastly, is there a way to choose the compression of these boot files without a custom kernel build? Or is what I'm trying to do "off the beaten path" and going to lead to "you have to compile your own kernel from here on out"?


    "Hi, I am currently creating a gtk theme. Honestly I'm new to this, and I really don't know where to find information about this kind of thing, I want to post it once I finish it on github, I don't know whether to make this a project. or not, so I want to give something quality and finished when I get to post it. I must say that it is based on colloid and therefore on catppuccine. That's it, and yes. I still owe you the pop!_os I made." ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( Original:


    Incredibly, running a local LLM (large language model) on just the CPU is possible with Llama.cpp!— however, it can be pretty slow. I get about 1 token every 2 seconds with a 34 billion parameter model on an 11th gen Intel framework laptop with 64GB of RAM. I have an external Nvidia GPU connected to my Pop!_OS laptop, and I’ve used the following technique to successfully compile Llama.cpp to use clblast (a BLAS adapter library) to speed up various LLMs (such as codellama-34b.Q4_K_M.gguf). As a rough estimate, the speed-up I get is about 5x on my Nvidia 3080 TI. Here's how to compile Llama.cpp inside a docker container on Pop!_OS.


    Hi all! What fediverse social media accounts do you recommend for accurate and timely information about the war in Ukraine (i.e. mastodon, not lemmy)? I've been very grateful to find this federated community since moving away from Reddit. I've also deleted my 13-year-old Twitter account. Now, I'm looking for alternative, reliable sources for information about the war that are open and not dependent on Twitter/X. Some examples I've found (note: I have not followed all of these accounts for a long time, so use your judgment when evaluating them wrt reliability/accuracy): - - - Do you have others to recommend? Thanks!


    A summary from Reddit user [Gorperly]( The goings on in Dagestan are mostly below the radar but I think they're extremely notable. Dagestan is in the midst of a full-on services and utilities collapse. Dagestan, one of the most corrupt regions in Russia, is just the first domino to fall due to systemic failures that affect the rest of Putin's crumbling empire. The root cause of a lot of recent disasters is wide-scale construction without investing into infrastructure. Typical for Putin, his officials double-dip: they profit off of illegal construction, and they flat-out steal from utilities. Secondly, Dagestan is a majorly non-ethnically Russian region that has been one of the hardest-hit by war casualties and conscription. There aren't enough qualified specialists left to smoothly run the already skeletal infrastructure. In the latest chapter, a giant explosion took place in the capital Makhachkala a few hours ago. The explosion was right next to a newly constructed mall. There are scant details: > A building caught fire near the Globus shopping center, the city administration reports. Eyewitnesses talk about a loud explosion in a car service. The fire later spread to a gas station. > According to the Dagestan Center for Disaster Medicine, five people were killed in the explosion and another ten were injured. At the same time, the telegram channel Baza reported that more than 50 people were injured as a result of the incident. According to Shot there are at least 70 victims. Other telegram videos show post-apocalyptic scenes in a hospital as more and more victims are brought in. This is happening in the background of a major heatwave. Large swaths of population have been without electricity and water on and off, sparking spontaneous protests. > Dagestan’s ongoing utilities crisis saw another major protest on Sunday night. The residents of Karaman-2, a settlement outside of the region’s capital Makhachkala, blocked the federal Makhachkala–Astrakhan highway, trying to draw attention to the dire water-supply situation in the area. > According to some participants, their homes had been without running water for the whole summer. > On August 9, Makhachkala residents resorted to similar tactics to protest power supply disruptions that left many Dagestani homes without electricity for three days in a row,


    Ukraine is now the most heavily mined country on Earth and its army is suffering from a critical shortage of men and equipment able to clear the frontlines, the country’s defence minister has said, as soldiers spoke of heavy casualties in the engineering brigades. In an urgent appeal to allies, Oleksii Reznikov told the Guardian his soldiers were unearthing five mines for every square metre in places, laid by Russian troops to try to thwart Ukraine’s counteroffensive. He said the vast minefields could be traversed, but that it was critically important that allies “expand and expedite” the training already being provided by some nations, including Britain.


    The counteroffensive actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are forcing Russian occupiers to redeploy their defending forces in the western part of the Zaporizhzhia region, where Ukrainian soldiers have weakened their defenses. This degradation of Russian military strength presents an opportunity for a breakthrough by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which could prove decisive. Such conclusions have been drawn by analysts at the Institute for the Study of War.


    Our new, not yet released Rust-based desktop environment for Pop!_OS and other Linux distros is filling out with some essential systems that cater the DE to both users and developers alike. Customization is one of our main focuses for COSMIC, and was a huge focus for us in August, too.


    Only 2% of the surveyed enterprises said they were overstaffed, with RBC noting that the stark shortage-to-surplus of workers ratio represents the widest margin in the past 28 years. According to an April survey by Russia's Central Bank, in the first quarter of 2023, worker shortages in Russia reached their highest level since records began in 1998.


    China's increasing misalignment with Russia on any settlement to end the war in Ukraine was reportedly evident at the talks in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on Aug. 5-6. The Financial Times reported that the Chinese representatives at the meeting were "constructive" and "keen to show that China is not Russia." The Financial Times quoted one European diplomat present at the talks as saying that the "mere presence of China shows Russia is more and more isolated." The Chinese delegation reportedly indicated its willingness to attend the next meeting of a similar format that will likely also exclude Russia. A Russian insider source alleged that Russia has rejected China's 12-point peace plan for the war in Ukraine from February 2023 (which the Chinese delegation re-introduced during the talks in Saudi Arabia) and that some Chinese elites are secretly expressing their dissatisfaction with the actions of the Russian leadership regarding a peaceful settlement of the war in Ukraine. These reports from the talks in Saudi Arabia and insider allegations, if true, align with ISW's previous assessments that China is not fully aligned with Russia on the issue of Ukraine and that Russia and China's relationship is not a "no limits partnership" as the Kremlin desires.


    While Russian pilots were managing to support land operations in the south of Ukraine, they were doing so "without decisive operational effect," the British Ministry of Defense said in its daily intelligence update on Monday. To compensate, Russia was sending adapted free-fall bombs into Ukrainian territory. However, these had "yet to demonstrate consistent accuracy," it added. "Over the summer, Russian tactical combat aircraft have typically carried out over 100 sorties a day, but these are almost always restricted to operating over Russian-controlled territory due to the threat from Ukrainian air defenses," the update said. ... Neither Russia nor Ukraine has been able to gain air superiority in the war so far despite Russia's vastly larger air force. But a military expert previously told Insider that the "advantage is with defense."

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