Daily Discussion Thread: 🏘️ Sunday, October 6 , 2024
  • StudChud StudChud Now 100%

    I'm touching grass and it is blissful

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🏘️ Sunday, October 6 , 2024
  • StudChud StudChud Now 100%

    I love kissing them. I know I shouldn't, but he always starts purring and kneading when I do.

    I have discovered he also enjoys it when I give his belly kisses. Hands are for kicking when touching the belly, but my face is what he wants apparently.

    Not happy when I blow raspberries tho heheheh

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🏘️ Sunday, October 6 , 2024
  • StudChud StudChud Now 100%

    His neopolitan beans give me life

    His beans bless you with holy feline grace

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🏘️ Sunday, October 6 , 2024
  • StudChud StudChud Now 100%

    He does, but it leeches his colour into his whites

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🏘️ Sunday, October 6 , 2024
  • StudChud StudChud Now 100%

    He abolished segregation, starting with his own coat.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🏘️ Sunday, October 6 , 2024
  • StudChud StudChud Now 100%

    He was dream-hunting in the last pic, completely zonked out and twitching. I think his dream-hunting was ultimately successful 😂

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🏘️ Sunday, October 6 , 2024
  • StudChud StudChud Now 100%

    And now for something completely different


  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🏘️ Sunday, October 6 , 2024
  • StudChud StudChud Now 100%

    Synthetic shitty candles are a recipe for scent-induced headaches 🤮

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🏘️ Sunday, October 6 , 2024
  • StudChud StudChud Now 100%

    Yes. Extremists are bad on both sides...?

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🏘️ Sunday, October 6 , 2024
  • StudChud StudChud Now 100%

    Makes sense to me, thank you for explaining! 🙏🏼

    May we see an end to all settler colonialism and move forward to a peaceful existence with each other.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🏘️ Sunday, October 6 , 2024
  • StudChud StudChud Now 100%

    I dislike you have been down voted. We are allowed to protest here, and as long as you're not a Nazi, I have no issue with it.

    I also don't understand what protesting in Melbourne is going to do for the Palestinians. Aus isn't the big manufacturer of weapons being sent to Israel or Palestine. I'm not saying you should t go, I just don't get what it is trying to achieve here.

    I get protesting in Britain, since they sort of set this up historically, but also wars and conflict over the holy land have been ongoing since, like, before Jesus. So. What does Australia have to do with this?

    I do think there are way more Australian-relevant issues to protest - such as the rise of Nazis, cost of living, price gouging, and housing affordability, and the rights of First Nations.

    I do not agree with either Hamas nor Netanyahu, I dont want innocent people to be used as collateral damage.

    But again, what will protesting the war do here, in Australia, in Melbourne?

    Not trying to start a fight, I just don't understand the goals.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: ⛈️🌈🌈 Saturday, October 5 , 2024
  • StudChud StudChud Now 100%

    Thank you seagoon, I offer the same to you. Those who understand, understand the importance of human connection and bonding. This community has been a bastion, and you the shining pure gem at its center. 💜

  • Daily Discussion Thread: ⛈️🌈🌈 Saturday, October 5 , 2024
  • StudChud StudChud Now 100%

    All I can say is I feel the abject rage towards REs and LLs in my soul and relate hard.

    I believe in you, and the list and changes you want to fulfill and make happen. You are intelligent and strong, and you will find peace and happiness away from this place 💜

  • Daily Discussion Thread: ⛈️🌈🌈 Saturday, October 5 , 2024
  • StudChud StudChud Now 100%

    Of course it is, because no one ever really wants to be close to someone struggling with their own mind. They prefer performative care, so they can receive sympathy, but do not actually care about the person truly struggling.

    The mentally unwell are chronically alone and lonely, I can attest, with few real, genuine human connections, because they are just there to make others feel good about themselves. Even their death is capitalised upon for further sympathy and attention.

    I wonder why I have so few genuine, caring friends, but why wonder when the answer is they don't actually care. They just like others telling them how kind and selfless they are. It's disgusting that the mentally unwell are only "cared for and about" when they're fucking dead and it doesn't mean anything to them.

    personal experience

    My own family, the side I still see, doesn't call or text me despite knowing what I go through, and have suffered through. They never called to check in when I lived through my egg doners severe neglect, just made excuses. They didn't check in when I ended up isolated and raped daily by my ex for 8yrs. But they are quick to say "if you need anything, let us know!". Well I said call me occasionally, just a msg to see how I'm going, and they cannot even do that, so I may as well rot away and they can all have their performative sadness and attention when I pass away. My own dad doesn't even call, even when I initiate contact. So yeah, fuck anyone who pretends they cared, just to take their fill of the attention they obviously so desperately crave.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: ⛈️🌈🌈 Saturday, October 5 , 2024
  • StudChud StudChud Now 100%

    Bruh, why did you throw the choccie away 😭😭😭

  • Daily Discussion Thread: ⛈️🌈🌈 Saturday, October 5 , 2024
  • StudChud StudChud Now 100%

    A coffee, and the sweet release of falling apart into my elemental components to be washed away in the foamy gravitational waves.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: ⛈️🌈🌈 Saturday, October 5 , 2024
  • StudChud StudChud Now 100%

    Sometimes I check the Wi-Fi networks my phone picks up in my building, and they don't disappoint.

    paternoster 😂

  • Every Friday in the month of July, the European Night Market it being held in Madame Brussels Lane (50 Lonsdale St Melbourne). The last one is on Friday 28th of July. The event is free, but you'd need to buy the food/drink from the stalls. https://whatson.melbourne.vic.gov.au/things-to-do/european-night-market I definitely reccomend going, there are plenty of seats, stalls, food, and drink to consume. There are some people dressed up in winter-themed costumes and a couple of entertainers as well. Here are some photos I took of last night, not many, but a few :) ![](https://aussie.zone/pictrs/image/c8bd643c-9aad-44f9-a271-92a871f995c5.jpeg) ![](https://aussie.zone/pictrs/image/9c5a2cd9-3da3-4a45-9f66-8a28a22e7b87.jpeg) ![](https://aussie.zone/pictrs/image/fea00622-13d4-4383-a6c0-c5e2f4adfb4b.jpeg) ![](https://aussie.zone/pictrs/image/05578b83-eb64-42d5-9f19-9f5373beef42.jpeg) ![](https://aussie.zone/pictrs/image/27ffdb15-29e3-485b-9fdd-e947f10379cb.jpeg) *(I blurred out the faces of people in this one, because they weren't stall owners)* ![](https://aussie.zone/pictrs/image/1c615d03-3530-460d-8777-cb0b41d5b4c1.jpeg)


    Saturday! Comedown Day!\ Big Breakfast Day! Berocca Day!\ Love you all being you Day!\ You Do You Day! Edit: RIP 3rd Party Reddit Apps. You weathered that capitalist hellscape with grace and fortitude. We will never forget all that you stood for. 💜


    Please remain seated, June will be landing at the end of the week.


    Welcome to today's thread, brought to you by warm heaters, cuddly pets, and green energy!

    StudChud Now
    6 3.4K

    StudSpud The Starchy

    StudChud@ aussie.zone

    Put a fork in me, I'm done.