What kind of bird is this? +help needed!
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 100%

    It can move the wing, but it droops down & sometimes shakes (I think the bird might be using it too much). I might try yet another kind of bandage and pray that they don't get their feet caught up in it when I wrap the wing to the body.

    Thank you for your kindness. I'm trying to do the right thing, but it's difficult when I have to do things "legally".

    Obviously it's an awful idea to let just anyone try to help wild animals, but I have a bit of experience with wildlife care & have an exotic animal of my own that requires special care. I can't say I'm the best person to do this, but I at least know what to provide & how not to act around a wild animal. Ideally though, yes, they should absolutely go to an experienced rehabber, if one can be found.

  • What kind of bird is this? +help needed!
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 100%

    The green is reflecting from the roof color of the structure they are underneath! They seem to be black and/or extremely dark brown that looks black.

  • What kind of bird is this? +help needed!
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 100%

    No, the green is reflecting from the roof of the structure!

    The eyes were also throwing me off because they're darker than adult grackles I see.

  • Located in the Michigan. I originally thought it was a young crow, but I'm starting to think it's a young grackle? Where I need additional help / advice: the bird has an injured wing. Problem TL;DR: found bird with injured wing. Called literally every place that could help, but all wildlife rehabs/rescues are full. DNR informed me that the only other option if I can't find a licensed rehabber is euthanasia. Bird is currently alert, eating, drinking, and climbing. I set up a secure space for them outside. I've now been caring for them for about 4 days now. I just.. need advice about what I should do from here.. I really have no idea if I am doing the right thing.. More details / backstory: I saw this guy stumbling across a busy road, wing drooping, nearly getting hit by cars. I ran out, shooed him into the neighbor's garden where there is lots of cover, and hoped he would survive the night. The next morning, I couldn't stop thinking about the bird, so I went outside to go check the garden again, hoping he had flown away. The moment I stepped around the corner of my home, I saw him, hopping and flapping on the ground, being stalked by 2 cats that one of my neighbors let roam outside. I swooped in quickly, scooped up the bird, and popped it into a carrier. I then called every wildlife rescue / rehab center in & near my area. *Every single one* of them either did not take small birds (raptors and owls only) and the ones that *did* accept small birds let me know that they were full and couldn't help me. I called vet offices, shelters, triple-checked the DNR certified rehab list, put out inquiries for any private licensed rehabbers, even posted my plea on a local Facebook wildlife group.. no luck. Called DNR & let them know, asking if they maybe had *any* more resources I could look into. Since I could not find any licensed rehabbers, they simply suggested I take it somewhere for euthanasia. I'm.. at a loss. I put antibiotic cream on the problem area on the wing (attempted a wing wrap on the advice from a vet tech, but just could not get it to stay properly, not matter what, so I got rid of it), set up a large screen tent in a more secluded area behind my home, reinforced the base perimeter as best I could, built up a secure perch with branches starting from the ground up to the ceiling, and gave the bird food and water. The bird seems very happy with the perch they don't need to fly to get up the highest place. They've drank plenty, and have been eating cat food soaked in water + bugs & worms I've dug up for them. They definitely have an appetite! And their bite has gotten significantly more painful since I first scooped them up. It was weak before, now it actually hurts sometimes! (I handle them *carefully and safely* only for wing-check medication). I have NO intention of making this bird into a pet!! I just want them to be released eventually, and ak trying to make sure they don't get *too* comfortable with me. I'm just upset that the only alternative to a licensed rehabber is euthanasia. Please.. I'm really conflicted on this. What should I do from here? Any advice is very much appreciated. Thank you.

    Trying to play my old CDROM games on Windows10 and about to lose my marbles. Could you help me?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 100%

    1994 - 1996 and beyond. Originally played on Win98, currently on Win10. Trying out several different CDROMS, but I've been testing out an old "Learning in Toyland" CD, but I also have an old "Yukon Trail" CD I'm trying to boot up.

    I've tried DOSBOX, but I keep getting messages like "requires Windows" or whatnot. Like HOE, I HAVE WINDOWS AND IT DON'T EVEN WORK

  • Okay listen: I am less than tech-savvy, but I tried so many step-intensive things on my dinky PC, to no avail. I use Windows10 home (yes, *I know*, bear with me!) and am just *trying* to boot games I already OWN!!! No dice. Now I just sit here, arms crossed, and seethe "I hate u, computer." Yes, I've enabled the IIS and tried to use the option to allow program to run 32-bit. No dice. I've tried compatibility mode. Absolutely nothing (Windows, you useless-ass shitwad). I struggled through DOSBOX as a non-tech person, managed to do the Windows 3.1 thing, tried to boot my files through there, got as far as the install screen!!! Stuck at 0% probably forever. So it was a failure. Tried running old game files from some people who are smarter than me that emulate the D:\ drive instead of the physical disks. Zilch. Frikki**N AHHHHH!!!!** **I JUST WANNA RELIVE MY NOSTALGIA AND SHOW MY KID ALL MY OLD AND SHITTY GAMES I USED TO PLAY AS A KID!!!!!** Could anyone give a solution that won't have me downloading and installing 6 trillion new programs? Any helpful links a non-tech person could understand? Swear to god, I'll Cashapp 5$ to the first person to give a solution I can reasonably follow & that works. Also you will have my adoration forever. Thanks.

    How do you deal with your loneliness (to those of you who feel it)?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 100%

    There is a singular niche community that I involve myself with where I pop in and make highly desired items to give away for free.

    It makes me feel like people care about me for a while. For now, that's good enough for me.

  • What kind of snake is this? [Eastern Michigan][SOLVED]
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 100%

    We love us some garters! Kid loves snakes and is studying before he gets one for himself one day. Thank you!

  • What kind of snake is this? [Eastern Michigan][SOLVED]
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 100%

    I put that in the post body. The kid got a lecture about handling strange wildlife.

    We have one venomous snake in Michigan, I believe.

  • What kind of snake is this? [Eastern Michigan][SOLVED]
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 100%

    I thought that might be it!

    Think there's only one venomous snake in Michigan, and it didn't look like that, so I figured it was safe. But you never know! Gotta be safe, yeah?

    Thank you!

  • https://i.imgur.com/TDGTweI.jpg

    My kid was excited and picked 'em up. I wouldn't have touched the snake otherwise! I let them know not to do that next time. Anyone recognize what kind of snake this is? Like, definitively? Thank you! **EDIT:** Most likely a Butler's Garter Snake! Thank you to those who posted answers! Much appreciated! (:


    This is *not* a post trying to alarm you, but it is something that reality may throw at you that will hit hard. I had vaguely brought up the possibility of neurodivergence to a psych, and they told me: "Okay so you probably are, but I'm not going to diagnose you because it'll make it more difficult for you to get care / to be medically taken seriously." Was recently talking online to a friend who was diagnosed at 14, and both their parent & their psych agreed not to add it to my medical records because it could "ruin [their] life." I have been seeking out help with my issues all my life, and have one current diagnosis (ADHD-PI) that is so severe that I nearly destroyed my life several times when I was off meds. I am not "seeking" an autism diagnosis, but I'd love to have helpful resources. Let me be clear: doctors already dismiss my ADHD diagnosis or straight-up let me know that "you probably *don't* have ADHD" in so many words. I have yet to be taken seriously regarding it, and it has harmed me immensely and put me off from seeking therapy or support for it. Autism? Holy shit, *forget it.* Not a single medical professional I've seen wants to even touch that. This feels like fucking "Nightmare Mode". *Mask until you die.* Ultimate stigma. Why is it near impossible to find help with adult ADHD / autism / other neurodivergent diagnosis? What the fuck is going on? And, more importantly, what can we *do* about this?

    Lemmy users who struggle with depression, what need is unfulfilled in your life? What could be done practically to change your situation?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 100%

    Money and good health insurance. Seriously, it would help me out so dang much.

    I have pretty bad PTSD, which has made it near impossible to make real, human connections. If I could get out of my own head, I feel like my life might be able to improve.

    I have a house of my own, though. I feel like having your own space contributes a lot to self-improvement and peace, tbh. I am extremely fortunate.

  • What's your "old person" trait?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 100%

    I literally ripped up a giant amount of my lawn to put in a shitty but sizable wildflower garden. Also ripped up almost the entire perimeter and put in an unreasonable amount of lilies to surround my property.

    All because when I moved in, I saw people just casually cutting through my yard.

  • What's your work like?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 100%

    I'm shocked at how many of y'all work in tech/computers.

    I probably shouldn't be, but I am.

  • What's your work like? What do you do? Do you enjoy it? Is there something you wish you could be doing professionally instead? What are some past workplace experiences you'd like to share? Enlighten us!

    What games need a remaster?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 100%

    Little Big Adventure 2 / Twinsen's Odyssey

    Man, I love that game, but it has some things I'd love to see improved by a remaster.

  • Gamification Is Exploitation
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 100%

    My ADHD brain also craves the dopamine hit.

    However, I recently watched a video on how a Chinese shopping site gameifies itself to entice users to spend money with literal "spin the wheel for a chance at a huge discount" then "refer a friend to spin the wheel again!"

    When gameification becomes a gamble, that is when it is exploitive.

  • Donde estan?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 100%

    I heard that this game is actually pretty good.

  • Someone is attempting to decompile Lego Island
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 100%

    His video on the soundtrack had me fascinated!

  • What obscure cartoons/media from your childhood do you remember?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast Now 100%

    Man, that so tragic..

    Looks like he struggled with drugs and homelessness? That's so sad.

  • I remember having quite a few VHS tapes from a company called "Just For Kids", that had some of the neatest shows. "Sherlock Hound", "Kissyfur", "Foofur", "Seabert", and quite a bit more. My siblings and I loved animals, so this got us interested right away! I also grew up in a religious household, so Christian videos were standard for us. Did you know that there was a bible-story-centric anime called "Superbook"? Used to watch it all the time! There was also "McGee and Me", "Secret Adventure", and "Adventures in Odyssey". Used to listen to the "Adventures in Odyssey" radio show *all* the time! "The Donut Man" was a Barney-esque Christian show for kids, too. What obscure things did *you* watch growing up? ![](https://beehaw.org/pictrs/image/793eb083-70a2-4b13-951f-f37aeafe4520.jpeg) ![](https://beehaw.org/pictrs/image/a3b0ab74-c693-4537-8a17-ca21adeeef51.jpeg) ![](https://beehaw.org/pictrs/image/a4bbb9ce-e928-4706-b2cd-ad6f1bbf126a.jpeg) ![](https://beehaw.org/pictrs/image/4bb2ac2c-acce-4227-b11e-1780c46b9bcd.png)


    [tattoo of the character "Rainbow Fish" with text] **TEXT:** This is the skin of a killer, Bella


    Because I somehow accidentally stumbled upon a log by accident by doing..... *something*. Is this standard and I accidentally discovered this feature? Or did I just break something? Thank you.


    Pączki is a silkback / scaleless bearded dragon. Because of this, he is a "special needs" animal and will require extra care for the rest of his life. Please do not purchase or support the breeding of scaleless bearded dragons! It makes their lives much more difficult, and most do not make it to adulthood due to their extra needs and often poor health. Pączki was adopted from a breeder for a tiny fee + shipping. He was produced accidentally and the breeding pair he came from were no longer bred after they found him. I have *extensive* experience with bearded dragons, so even though I did not go out looking to adopt a silkback, the opportunity popped up and I accepted my fate. I love my dumb dumb Pączki so darn much.


    I've never been a fan of dogs. They make me nervous. I like animals, but dogs are just too needy, destructive, and abrasive. Working dogs are fine, but pets/companion dogs really bother me. They are given so much free reign in homes, it makes me nervous. I shouldn't have to be hyper-vigilant to guard my food and possessions because "the dog might get it!" They're often very loud, they demand your attention *constantly*, and they're always in your space. The worst part is that people nowadays bring their dogs into *stores and restaurants*, because apparently a lot of dogs have separation anxiety now. Owners will let their dogs walk right up to me while I'm actively backing away, and assuring me that "they're friendly!" But *I do not* want to be approached by a strange dog!! I do not know how they will react so I do not want them near me!! I get that people love their dogs, but there is far too much poor behavior from dogs and their owners that I just can't excuse it. It dampens my enjoyment of a place when I am forced to guard my possessions, listen to loud barking and/or constant whimpering, be interrupted by the owner who *always* have to yell at their dogs mid-conversation to keep them from doing something their not supposed to, etc. Dogs are just..... exhausting. And I'm very very tired of having to accept them into my spaces & having to deal with them in public settings. I don't believe I'm a bad person for thinking this way. I'm just tired of dogs. That is all. **Edit:** Some of y'all are really offended & have taken that fact that I don't like dogs very personal. Why can I not dislike dogs?


    Invisible struggles may be the worst kind of struggles. Or if you're *not* blending in, people insist that "you should try." It's especially hard coming from family members *who know you* but refuse to acknowledge that you can't just """change your brain""" and """be normal""". This can also apply to invisible illnesses & mental health. Please know that there are people out there who get you. You're not alone.


    His name is Pączki! He was born naked because of a genetic mutation, causing him to have no scales. Which is very very bad. Luckily, the breeder I contacted inquiring about a different adoption offered him up to me for a 20$ after hearing that I had years of experience rescuing and fostering. I had NO plans to get a "special needs" animal, but he tugged at my heartstrings, and we've been together for 3 years now! I learned so much about these guys (their care is wildly misunderstood, as not many people own them/can keep them alive for very long), and he is what brings me joy and happiness everyday. Please do NOT support the practice of breeding or selling scaleless bearded dragons!! Their skin is very sensitive, and their need to rub on rough objects while shedding is..... well, in their nature, so doing so without scales with damage them without proper diligence. Pet your lil guys often. (:

    SharkEatingBreakfast Now
    18 79



    Goof. Have your opinions, but do no harm.