Dear fellow Global South users, how does your mainstream media cover Israel's genocides?
  • RedFortress RedFortress Now 100%

    I hate it. Constant bashing of Iran and Hezbollah because they're Shia and friends of Algeria and mocking their missile attacks while also claiming that they and Israel are just putting on a fake show. This coming from a country who's been the mole in the Arab world since the 1960s.


  • I want a job now. Okay, I've always wanted a job, but I need advice on job-hunting.
  • RedFortress RedFortress Now 100%

    I have an IT background, so I really couldn't tell you. I didn't even need a certification because prices are fixed worldwide, and I live in a low income country. But it's good idea to look for certifications, it will give you an idea of the skills that are in demand.

  • I want a job now. Okay, I've always wanted a job, but I need advice on job-hunting.
  • RedFortress RedFortress Now 100%

    You're American, I just noticed.

    Still, I think it's a good idea to improve your skills in your field. Even if you don't care for the company or organization, try to at least make it seem like you just want to work in general, that you're passionate about it.

    It will be harder to convince others that you're motivated, if you have too many gaps in your knowledge.

  • I want a job now. Okay, I've always wanted a job, but I need advice on job-hunting.
  • RedFortress RedFortress Now 100%

    I struggled to find a job for almost 2 years after graduating, but I just managed to get one at the government of all places.

    Have you looked there? In my country, having a degree is enough to be qualified for an interview, but only if you pass a (few) written tests first. So be sure to do some studying.

    Check the laws in your country. Where I live, people with disabilities have a small percentage of positions reserved for them.

  • A normal thread at r/europe
  • RedFortress RedFortress Now 100%

    I spent too much time reading those comments. I have such a deep hatred of western liberals, it's unreal.

  • "The most moral army in the world" being absolute creeps
  • RedFortress RedFortress Now 100%

    I don't understand why the Israeli military command doesn't crack down on these people. Why would you as a minister of defense or commander in chief allow some random infantryman that you have authority over to carry around mobile phones and post on social media like they were on a tour instead of a war?

  • Cisgender people of Lemmygrad: why are you cis?
  • RedFortress RedFortress Now 100%

    I think about what it would be like to be the opposite gender, but it's not a very strong feeling. It's just me wondering what life is like for the other side. I also think that it would be too much trouble to accomplish a gender change, so just that fact tells me that I'm not actually trans. I don't even think of myself as male most of the time. I'm me before I'm part of a category that includes almost half of the world's population.

  • Thousands protest in Morocco to demand end of ties with Israel | PressTV
  • RedFortress RedFortress Now 100%

    Our country has almost no history of resistance aside from Abdelkrim Khattabi. And even the one hero that we have, Moroccans will betray him because their monarch is like a God to them.

  • "To prohibit? Are you a communist? Don't know that America is a country of freedom?
  • RedFortress RedFortress Now 100%

    Why is Lincoln shown? What does the author try to imply?

  • If Russia wins in Ukraine, the US may be stretched so thin it would leave the door wide open for China, war analysts warn
  • RedFortress RedFortress Now 96%

    Who needs to save face? Ukraine has become the world's street ***** begging everyone for money wherever it goes.

  • [Zionism ]Zelensky
  • RedFortress RedFortress Now 100%

    Thanks for looking out for me.

  • [Zionism ]Zelensky
  • RedFortress RedFortress Now 100%

    The bridge bomber wants to lecture us about terrorism

  • I mean, AI images would be the only images where you could see Ukrainians smile in the future
  • RedFortress RedFortress Now 92%

    I bet somebody in the comments is mad that Kiev was spelled in Russian.

  • Funding Ukraine is inherently a genocidal endeavour. If you want war to end and for Ukrainians to stop being killed, there's only one solution, and it's not telling Putin he's a meanie.
  • RedFortress RedFortress Now 100%

    Because the USA is still heavily involved in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. The same USA that destroyed Iraq is now pursuing its interests in another region of the world.

  • What is something 'unmanly' that you like?
  • RedFortress RedFortress Now 100%

    Same, all the guys I've met are crazy about sports and FIFA games. When I was in high school, I would skip playing football during Phys Ed and watch what the girls were doing instead.

  • What is something 'unmanly' that you like?
  • RedFortress RedFortress Now 100%

    Little things like liking flowers and nice smells shouldn't even be considered feminine really.

  • My dad smokes a lot, he has anger issues because of that. Yesterday, on a trip, he kept taunting my mom and raging on the road and making the stupidest of decisions but I kept my mouth shut as always. Today, I lost my shit. I defensively explained why I couldn't get the exact type of grocery he wanted. He tosses the sugar into the floor and slaps me. I lose sight of reason and start choking him. I'm now in my room with lights out and he's off somewhere, probably smoking. I tried calling him, and asked to apologize to him through SMS. No response, obviously. I'm posting this on lemmygrad because I trust the people here a lot. Most other people have problems of their own. If there are any Muslim comrades reading this, do you think there is anything in specific I should add when apologizing? Thank you.


    Do you think the UN is a useful organization? It seems to me like it vilifies US enemies and does almost nothing when it comes to anything else. This is on their humans rights page and the only country mentioned here aside from the usual list is Israel and a few others. If I were to read some of the stuff written here about a country like DPRK how likely is it to be true? What do communists think of the UN? The creation of the UN was supported by the USSR so there must have been something beneficial to it? or did the old UN disappear alongside the USSR? It would be very nice to get your opinions on this, thank you.


    Hey you, business owners Are you so blinded by short term profits that you can't make a long term recruiting plan? Or have you given up on the future already and are just trying to live the life before it's all over? Why are you asking me for 1 year of experience and mastery of 8 different technologies on your entry level pre-employment listing? I've already got a degree, does that mean anything to you? Are degrees useless now? I'm willing to take any salary at this point just to get out of my room and do something with my life Why do they call it a job market? A job is the only real source of income for the majority of the world population, are we trading people's lives now? Why is it that if I stay unemployed I'm treated as if I have an expired sticker on my face? And you, state Are you so pathetic to publish a document with all sorts of legal jargon for just one position? One position that will get you a 6 page list of candidates just so they can all move to the capital twice to pass your oral and written exams? For one position? Are you not ashamed in the slightest? I'm so tired of you all

    RedFortress Now
    3 174



    Down with the enemies of the working class.