how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Nicktar Nicktar Now 100%

    I was at a small roleplaying convention last week. It was great to meet the others again after about a year and game with them. Unfortunately someone was rather generous with their flu viruses and I got my personal helping. So I'm on sick leave for the second say but luckily, according to the test it's just a flu and not the big bad C. On Monday I clobbered together a small template for my sister to build fake computer screens as props for TV shows... All in all a mixed bag of some good stuff and some annoying things...

  • Have you ever used git bisect?
  • Nicktar Nicktar Now 100%

    Several times, sometimes to find out when an incompatibility was introduced in an upstream dependency to find the maximum compatible version, but usually to find the commit that introduced a strange bug.

    The process is always the same... Write a unit test, start bisect, check test select next bisect step, repeat. If your last-known-good and first-known-bad are correct, it always worked for me.

  • Defederation from instances suspected of becoming bots haven
  • Nicktar Nicktar Now 100%

    Since this was a question about a lemmy feature, I'm talking lemmy here, arguing about fediverse, TCP/IP or electricity numbers/servers/plants doesn't seem usefull in this context. Providing a link to a server that to your knowledge (you provided the reason) hosts illegal content can be seen as participating in this crime or at least advertizing. (Disclaimer: I'm no lawyer, I just remember whole BBS being seized for providing lists of (international) phone numbers to BBS that hosted warez and there's stuff that's worse than warez).

  • Defederation from instances suspected of becoming bots haven
  • Nicktar Nicktar Now 100%

    There are a few different things I'd like to mention:

    • I don't think, that there is such a thing as a massively defederated instance exists right now. The most blocked instance is blocked by about 11% of the instances, followed by two instances at 6%
    • Even if the die hard scene users would know their instances, not every random troll or spammer would.
    • This doesn't address the possible legal issues of publicly announcing where someone could find illegal content
    • If "small queer instance" refers to beehaw... That's the second largest instance there is as of today according to

    And lastly: If you're new to the fediverse you maybe shouldn't run your own instance in first place. Helping reckless people pull reckless stunts is a bad reason to promote a feature.

  • Defederation from instances suspected of becoming bots haven
  • Nicktar Nicktar Now 100%

    Currently it isn't and I don't think, that this would be the best idea ever since it could be misused as some kind of index to find bad instances. The defederated-list is available to the public and thus the defederating instance could in fact be "advertizing" the instances they defederated from ("Look, we don't want this stuff here, but these instances are for [right-wing|transphobes|bots|spammers|porn]")...

    Depending on where the instance is hosted or where the admin lives, it might even be illegal to in fact point people to places where they can find certain things.

  • How frequently do you use profilers/debuggers at work?
  • Nicktar Nicktar Now 100%

    I've seen the fun of "prints everywhere" in production when a colleague forgot to remove a "Why the fuck do you end up here?" followed by a bunch of variables before committing a hot-fix... Customers weren't to amused...

    Edit: That was a PHP driven web shop and the message endet up on to of the checkout page

  • How frequently do you use profilers/debuggers at work?
  • Nicktar Nicktar Now 100%

    I seldom use profilers because I seldom need to. It's only usefull to run a profiler if your programm has a well defined perfomance issue (like "The request should have an average responsetime of X ms but has one of Y ms" or "90% of the requests should have a response after X ms but only Y% actually do).

    On the other hand I use a debugger all the time. I rarely start any programm I work on without a debugger attached. Even if I'm just running a smoke test, if this fails I want to be able to dig right into the issue without having to restart the programm in debug mode. The only situation, where i routinely run code without a debugger is the red-green-refactor cycle with running unit tests because I'll need to re run these multiple times with a debugger anyway if there are unexpected reds...

    What enables me? Well there's this prominent bug-shaped icon in my IDE right besides the "play button", and there's Dev-Tools in Chrome that comes with the debugger for JS...

    Running your code without a debugger is only usefull if you want to actually use it or if you're so sure that there aren't any issues that you might as well skip running the code altogether...

  • Tell me about your TTRPG character(s)/campaign(s)!
  • Nicktar Nicktar Now 100%

    I'd second this. While it's harder to learn and master the results are so much better it's definitely worth it. The only downside is their rather strange licensing policy that limits you to one world per license per time so only players from one campaign can access their characters during downtime.

  • an update to defederating from
  • Nicktar Nicktar Now 100%

    I used "meadia coverage" in a very broad sense here (as in online articles by magazines, blogposts and such)...

    I honestly didn't keep track I just noticed this during the last few days that if there were instanced that were mentioned or linked it was usually these three, but it might also be confimation bias.

  • an update to defederating from
  • Nicktar Nicktar Now 100%

    The main difference between these two instances as I see it is that gets a whole lot more media coverage, attention and direct links than You have to do research or visit to find a link to and then their tagline starting with "A bilingual (EN/FR) general-purpose instance located in eastern Canada! Powered by 99% renewal energy!" might just keep some uniformed (as in how this federation-thingy works) non-canadians from joining (yes, I left out the second part of the tagline, assuming most people who'd be put off by the beginning wouldn't read any further).

  • an update to defederating from
  • Nicktar Nicktar Now 100%

    I think it's a lot less nefarious. About every post or article about Lemmy that links to Lemmy instances has links to (in this order in almost every article I remember), and Of these 3 only accepts new users without vetting. doesn't accept new users at all and beehaw doesn't really look that welcoming to someone who knows they might stir some shit up in the future and also getting into beehaw requires more effort. So with usually being the first on the list and additionally requires the least effort to join, this is where all the world and their uncle end up on. They just get the biggest unfiltered influx and with that the biggest amount of toxic people. (I want to make sure that I'm not calling users lazy or toxic or anything like or that this is their target audience. It's just a fact fact that someone who can't be bothered to do research and/or "write an essay" as someone called it, will most likely end up on

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Rest of the Week(?)
  • Nicktar Nicktar Now 100%

    German it magazine iX has an interview with the mods of r/de. I don't know if this was mentioned here before...

    Interview (German)

    Short summary: the mods of the large German communities see a huge issue with reddit not recognizing content creators and mods work and there seems to be growing support for an ongoing blackout or so they say.

  • Lemmy is in serious need of more devs
  • Nicktar Nicktar Now 100%

    That's an important question to ask. For me (and I want to make very clear that this is exclusively how I handle things for myself) there is a huge difference between things I use (or what I call passive association) and things I work on or contribute to (or what I call active association).

    While im ok-ish with using their software if they don't really profit from my usage, I wont be actively helping them. Given the state of the world and western society, I can't really escape using products that are unethical and as a software developer working for a company I can't really decide who gets to use my paid work and since I very much like having a bed and a roof and food and even some comfort in that, I'd rather stick to my job, but I can make a choice on who I support with my free time.

  • ANNOUNCEMENT: defederating effective immediately from and
  • Nicktar Nicktar Now 100%

    It's a technical limitation. In very easy (and therefore not entirely correct) terms, beehaw stopped talking to these instances. Beehaw will not load content from there, so you wouldn't get any new posts or comments on communities that are hosted there, and these communities wouldn't get anything you'd write because it's always the hosting instance that keeps the master-copy of all content in it's communities and only the master-copy is used to copy this content to other instances.

  • ANNOUNCEMENT: defederating effective immediately from and
  • Nicktar Nicktar Now 92%

    Just to put an additional perspective on this. Beehaw has been and/or had to defederate instances before to become and stay the safe space everyone here's enjoying. The only major difference here is that this time it hit two major instances and not because of actions or goals of the majority of their population or admins but because the sheer size of the instances made the small percentage of their users, who act in what is considered a bad way, made it to much to handle.

    According to this list of Awesome Lemmy Instances, there are 5 instances who's count of blocked instances is way above every other instance (like 5 times more). Beehaw is one of those, in fact Beehaw is on top of that list. While this of course isn't desirable, it made the communities we have here possible in first place and helped shape them into what they're now. Just check the blocked instances list.

    I think, just closing the valve on certain pipes is a legitimate course of action especially in short term while other measures are put into place (like getting better tools to handle the pressure or expecting the general pressure to go down). If the only two options for this valve are "fully open" and "fully closed" it seems to me like the only course of action to prevent overpressure from flooding the whole place.

  • ANNOUNCEMENT: defederating effective immediately from and
  • Nicktar Nicktar Now 100%

    On your PC you can just have 2 browsertabs with two different accounts on different instances open. Since these have different URLs, your browser doesn't understand that it's two of the same (like in two lemmy tabs) and wont interfere with cookies, sessions and such.

  • ANNOUNCEMENT: defederating effective immediately from and
  • Nicktar Nicktar Now 87%

    I don't think anyone is calling you toxic (I honestly haven't read all the comments). The decision was made due to the fact that the two instances in questions have and allow a huge influx of unvetted accounts and with that all those users also can walk in here. With this crowd comes a small percentage of toxic people that sre still to many be filtered out on this side using the current moderation tools.

  • another beehaw introduction thread
  • Nicktar Nicktar Now 100%

    Hi, I'm Nicktar, end-40s software architect and creator of unfinished projects. I love to find out how stuff works and if I can make it better or different or repair it but once I figured out how to do that and and know that I could do this, I lose interest and it becomes work... So my place is filled with (partially) working prototypes like cat toys, hydroponic flowerpots, broken tablets halfway turned into interactive picture frames, disassembled cordless screwdrives that need a new battery...

    Also climate activist, table top roleplayer and currently quite busy playing around with Stable Diffusion

  • ANNOUNCEMENT: defederating effective immediately from and
  • Nicktar Nicktar Now 80%

    Thanks for the clear and open communication here. It's inconvenient but totally understandable and the main point with federation: If you want to, you can have a second account "outside" and whenever you want to read some post from these instances, you can make the decision to "go out" and do so before retreating to your safe home. No need to have your home possibly violated by an unvetted crowd if you can have an interaction wirh parts of that crowd outside.

  • I don't know if this community is intened for posts like this, if not, I'm sorry and I'll delete this post ASAP.... So, I play TTRPG (mostly online) and I'm a big fan of visual aids, so I wanted to create some chahrcter images for my charakter in the new campaign I'm playing in. I don't need perfect consistency as humans usually change a little over time and I only needed the character to be recognizable on a couple of images that are usually viewed on their own and not side by side, so nothing like the consistency you'd need for a comic book or something similar. So I decided to create a Textual Inversion following this [tutorial]( and it worked way better than expected. After less than 6 epochs I had a consistency that was enough for my usecase and it didn't start to overfit when I stopped the training around epoch 50. ![Generated image of a character wearing a black hoodie standing in a rundown neighborhood at night]( ![Generated image of the character wearing a black hoodie standing on a street]( ![Gerneated image of the character cosplaying as Ironman]( ![Generater image of the character cosplaying as Amos from the Expanse]( Then my SO, who's playing in the same campaign asked me to do the same for their character. So we went through the motions and created and filtered the images. A first training attempt had the TI starting to overfit halfway through the second epoch, so I lowered the learning rate by factor five and started another round. This time the TI started overfitting somewhere around epoch 8 without reaching consistency before. The generated images alternate between a couple of similar yet distinguishable faces. To my eye the training images seem to have a simliar or higher quality than the images I used in the first set. Was I just lucky with my first TI and unlucky with the other two and simply should keep on trying or is there something I should change (like the learningrate that still seems high to me with 0.0002 judging from other machine learning topics)?

    Nicktar Now
    2 25
