[Blizzard] Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - September 17, 2024
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    Overwatch 2 x World of Warcraft

    Join the celebration as Overwatch and World of Warcraft unite the realms for a legendary crossover event! From September 17-30, dive into glory with Sylvanas Windrunner Widowmaker, Lich King Reinhardt, Thrall Zenyatta, and Diamond Magni Torbjorn Legendary skins - complete with iconic voice lines, emotes, and Plays of the Game inspired by WoW. Play now to unlock up to 8 free rewards and experience the magic!

    General Updates

    • Role Queue Mystery Heroes

    Competitive Updates

    • Competitive Drives




    • Armor flat damage reduction decreased from 10 to 7 per impact.



    Tank Role Passive

    Knockback resistance reduced from 40% to 25%.


    • Mech armor health reduced from 375 to 325.
    • Mech base health increased from 200 to 225.



    • Movement speed penalty reduced from 20% to 10%.


    Take a Breather

    • Resource regeneration rate increased from 8 to 10 per second.



    • Impact damage reduced from 25 to 15.
    • Explosion damage increased from 30 to 40.
    • No longer deals damage to self.




    Configuration: Assault

    • Spread reduced from 2.2 to 2 degrees.

    Configuration: Artillery

    • Ultimate cost reduced 12%.




    • Hinder duration reduced from 1.2 to 0.9 seconds.
    • Explosion damage increased from 45 to 75.


    • Ultimate cost reduced 10%.


    Storm Bow

    • Normal arrows are no longer affected by global projectile size increases.
    • Maximum damage increased from 120 to 125.
    • Time to fully charge increased from 0.72 to 0.87 seconds.

    Explorer’s Resolve

    • Shield health gained per ability reduced from 40 to 30.





    • Damage per second increased from 70 to 85.

    Thorn Volley

    • Maximum ammo increased from 80 to 100.


    Destruction Orb

    • Damage increased from 48 to 50.

    Orb of Discord

    • Cooldown per target reduced from 7 to 6 seconds.


    Map Updates


    • Fast Respawn after a point has been captured has been removed from Clash. We’ll be looking to implement an alternate version of it for Clash in the future.
    • Respawn times for defenders get reduced by 2 seconds for each segment the attackers secure in the final capture zone.


    • The initial boost of speed heroes receive when leaving the spawn has been increased in duration from 1 second to 2 seconds.
    • Increased maximum potential duration of the speed boost effect from 5 to 6 seconds.
  • [Blizzard] Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - September 3, 2024 (Winton, Ashe, Sombra and Juno nerf)
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    Tesla Cannon

    • Damage per second reduced from 75 to 70.



    The Viper

    • Reload per bullet **increased from 0.2 to 0.25 **seconds.
    • Primary fire damage reduced from 40 to 35.



    • Damage over time reduced from 90 to 75.




    • Fire rate increased from 14.3 to 15.5 (reverted to the 34 shots per second during the projectile volley).
    • Damage reduced from 8 to 7.5.
    • Healing reduced from 7 to 6.5.
  • [Blizzard] Overwatch Patch Notes - August 20, 2024
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    New Hero – Juno

    New Core Game Mode - Clash

    New Clash Map - Throne Of Anubis

    Hero Mastery Updates

    • Hero Mastery Courses for Pharah and Zarya have been added.

    General Updates

    • Avoid As Teammate
    • Avoid List has been updated
    • Wave Respawn
    • Shop Updates - try out all skins in the practice range
    • Competitive Play Updates - Mid-Year Rank (soft) Reset

    Hero Updates



    Defense Matrix

    • Maximum duration reduced from 3.5 to 3 seconds.



    Energy Javelin

    • Impact damage increased from 60 to 80.



    Particle Cannon

    • Secondary fire minimum damage increased from 47 to 55.
    • Secondary fire maximum damage increased from 95 to 110.




    Base health reduced from 250 to 225.



    • Base health reduced from 250 to 225.



    Frag Launcher

    • Projectile size is now reduced by half after the second ricochet.
    • Projectiles preserve slightly more velocity on ricochet.




    • Primary fire weapon spread reduced from 2 to 1.6 degrees.
    • Critical hits now grant 10 energy.
    • Energy degeneration rate reduced from 33 to 15 per second after 7 seconds.



    Base health reduced from 250 to 225.


    Impact damage increased from 25 to 35.


    Bonus movement speed increased from 45 to 60%.



    Developer Comment: This shift in armor health for Torbjorn is to increase survivability against the heroes which are most affected by armor’s damage reduction, such as Tracer.

    • Base health reduced from 250 to 225.
    • Base armor increased from 50 to 75.




    Solar Rifle

    • Maximum ammo reduced from 16 to 14.

    Captive Sun

    Projectile environment collision size reduced from 0.15 to 0 meters.



    • Juno has been added to the lineup.
    • Juno is now eligible for Competitive Play.
    • Base health reduced from 250 to 225.


    • Burst projectile volley rate of fire reduced from 34 to 28 shots per second.

    Pulsar Torpedoes

    • Damage and Healing impact increased from 75 to 85.
    • Heal-over-time reduced from 60 to 50 health.

    Hyper Ring

    • Deploy range increased by 3.5 meters.
    • Cooldown reduced from 16 to 14 seconds.

    Orbital Ray

    • Beam travel speed increased from 1.9 to 2.25 meters per second.



    Base health reduced from 250 to 225.


    • Critical multiplier reduced from 2.5 to 2x.
    • Damage increased from 45 to 60.
    • Recovery time increased from 0.5 to 0.55 seconds.



    Healing Blossom

    • Healing progress can now charge passively at a reduced rate.
    • No longer reduces movement speed when holding a full charge.

    Petal Platform

    • Duration only counts down while the platform is raised.
    • Platform now resets if no one is standing on it for 2 seconds.
    • Duration increased from 10 to 12 seconds.
    • Health reduced from 400 to 300.

    Rejuvenating Dash

    • Healing reduced from 60 to 45.



    • Base health reduced from 250 to 225.

    Caduceus Staff

    • Primary fire healing increased from 55 to 60 health per second.
    • Secondary fire damage boost increased from 25% to 30%.



    • Base health reduced from 250 to 225.

    Biotic Grasp

    • Secondary fire damage increased from 60 to 65 damage per second.



    • Base health reduced from 250 to 225.

    Sonic Amplifier

    Primary fire damage increased from 18 to 22.

    Hero Quality of Life Updates




    • The weapon model visuals and firing sounds were updated to indicate when the weapon is at low ammo.
    • The heal sounds that play locally to the Juno player were updated to be more noticeable when healing allies closer to full health.

    Pulsar Torpedoes

    • The cooldown when the ability is canceled after no successful lock-ons has been reduced from 5 seconds to 2 seconds.
    • Line of Sight checks were improved to better find targets with hitboxes in view.
    • Added range forgiveness of an extra 5 meters on current targets that might move beyond the max 40 meters range.
    • The local cancel sound was increased in volume to be more noticeable for the Juno player.
    • The ally and enemy impact sounds were updated to be more noticeable for the Juno player.
    • Healing torpedoes have new impact visuals when hitting enemy barriers and when clipping near walls.

    Glide Boost

    • Now adjusts Juno better when she hits level architecture such as doorways.

    Hyper Ring

    • Juno players will now hear the initial Hyper Ring apply sound when entering their own ring for the first time.
    • The sound when re-entering the Hyper Ring was updated to be more noticeable.

    Orbital Ray

    • The Ultimate enemy voice line was updated in tone to better contrast the ally version.
    • The enemy version of the ray’s start sound was updated to be more noticeable.


    Map Updates


    • Passing through the spawn door barrier of your own spawn will apply a temporary speed boost to get to the capture point faster.
    • The speed boost is removed when taking or dealing damage.
    • The speed boost is applied by both the default and forward spawns.
    • The speed boost counts toward the existing movement speed bonus cap of 75%.


    • The Push bot collision has been updated so players cannot contest from certain high ground positions.


    General map & Mode updates

    • Updates to our map recency system to increase the frequency of new maps and modes at the start of each season.
    • Capture point outlines can now be seen through walls on Clash and Flashpoint when the capture point is unlocked.
    • Lighting scenarios are now randomized in Quick Play and Competitive Game Mode.
  • [Blizzard] Director's Take: Opening up the conversation on 5v5 and 6v6
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    We’ll be running at least one Quick Play: Hacked based on this idea in Season 13

  • [Blizzard] Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes – July 12, 2024 (Hero Balance Hotfix)
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    Hero Updates



    Nemesis Form

    • Cooldown increased from 7 to 8 seconds.
    • Base armor reduced from 100 to 75.
    • Base health reduced from 275 to 250.


    Particle Barrier

    • Shared cooldown increased from 10 to 11 seconds.
    • Duration reduced from 2.5 to 2.25 seconds.

    Projected Barrier

    • Shared cooldown increased from 10 to 11 seconds.
    • Duration reduced from 2.5 to 2.25 seconds.



    • Base health reduced from 250 to 225



    Healing Pylon

    • Cooldown increased from 12 to 14 seconds

    Captive Sun

    • Ultimate cost increased 12%


    Sonic Amplifier

    • Knockback reduced by 10%
  • [Blizzard] Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - June 20, 2024 (S11)
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    New Map: Runasapi

    • Push map

    Hero Updates


    • Knockdown time when two charging abilities collide reduced from 2 to 1.7 seconds.

    Developer Comments: This stun time reduction applies to the knockdown that happens when two charging abilities collide and result in a tie (with Reinhardt, Doomfist, Brigitte, Mauga, Bob). The counterplay and interaction of two charging abilities impacting each other is great, but it took both players out of the fight a little too long.





    Developer Comments: These changes will improve D.Va’s effectiveness against smaller targets as she became less effective against armored enemies in the previous patch.

    Fusion Cannons

    • Weapon spread reduced from 3.75 to 3.375 degrees.


    • Impact damage increased from 15 to 25.

    Junker Queen

    Developer Comments: The Tank knockback resistance passive was affecting Junker Queen’s pull effect more than intended. The distance can be affected by their movement, but Tanks are now pulled in about 5-6 meters instead of only 3 meters or so.


    Jagged Blade

    • Now pulls tanks further.


    • Startup time reduced from 0.75 to 0.5 seconds.



    Developer Comments: Orisa’s survivability was reduced more than necessary in her last round of changes so we’re partially reverting the cooldown increase to Javelin Spin.


    Javelin Spin

    • Cooldown reduced from 9 to 8 seconds.



    Developer Comments: Roadhog’s already-powerful survivability increased significantly with the headshot damage reduction from the tank role passive so these changes are to help bring that back in line.

    • Base health reduced from 650 to 600.

    Take a Breather

    • Damage reduction reduced from 50 to 40%.




    Developer Comments: We’re reverting the Magnetic Grenade ability to be deployed like Cassidy’s previous Flashbang ability, but it will keep the Hinder effect instead of a full stun. We’ve heard feedback surrounding the Magnetic Grenade ability and agree that while the fantasy of a homing grenade was fun, the moment-to-moment gameplay of it often felt too unpredictable as to whether it would land or not. The Hinder effect has been a useful tool to act as a counter to highly mobile heroes without going back to a full stun and the enemy player losing the ability to fight back.

    The Deadeye ultimate is getting an adjustment to increase its flexibility toward the end of its duration, enabling it to get value outside of buying time for Cassidy or his allies, though it may be riskier to hold it for a long time as the damage reduction will fade away along with the movement speed penalty.


    • Secondary fire “Fan the Hammer” damage reduced from 50 to 45.

    Combat Roll

    • Damage reduction reduced from 75 to 50%.


    • Magnetic Grenade ability is now Flashbang.
    • Hinders enemies instead of Stunning them for 1.2 seconds.
    • Movement speed reduction increased from 30% to 50%.
    • Hinder now prevents crouching movement.
    • 45 explosive damage.
    • 12 second cooldown.


    • Movement speed penalty now scales down over time, from 70% to 35%.
    • Damage reduction now scales down over time, from 40% to 0%.


    Developer Comments: Mei’s damage output over time is intended to be on the low end for a Damage hero, as she offers strong utility and survivability through her ability kit, but we would like to make the secondary fire icicle more rewarding by increasing the damage and slightly more difficult to land consistently.

    Endothermic Blaster

    • Secondary fire base projectile size reduced from 0.15 to 0.12 meters.
    • Secondary fire damage increased from 75 to 85.


    Developer Comments: With the previous patch change to how armor reduces damage, shotgun weapon heroes like Reaper lost some value since much of their gameplan revolved around pressuring large tank heroes. To help shift Reaper toward being more effective against smaller targets we’re tightening the weapon spread on the Hellfire Shotguns and reducing the amount of time enemies have to react to his Shadow Step teleport.

    Hellfire Shotguns

    • Weapon spread reduced from 6.5 to 6 degrees.

    Shadow Step

    • Cast time reduced from 1.5 to 1.2 seconds.


    Developer Comments: This change is reducing the burst damage potential of the secondary fire Railgun shot to both lessen frustration from playing against that burst damage, and to shift power into her sustained primary fire damage. This should smooth out the feast-or-famine nature of Sojourn consistently hitting the secondary fire shots.



    • Secondary fire damage scaling reduced from 30-130 damage down to 1-100 damage.
    • Secondary fire projectile no longer requires Overclock to pierce enemy players.
    • Primary fire shots per second increased from 14 to 16.


    • Energy charge rate increased from 100 to 120 per second.



    Developer Comments: To help solidify Symmetra as a close-range threat, we’re increasing her health to better survive in that range, along with how quickly her primary fire beam damage ramps up.

    • Base health increased from 100 to 125 (Total health increased from 250 to 275).


    Photon Projector

    • Primary fire charge rate increased 25%.




    Developer Comments: Illari’s Healing Pylon is intended to be useful for healing her team in relatively safe positions without much focus required, which enables her to either apply pressure with her primary fire or spot heal in bursts from her more limited secondary fire healing beam. To encourage this, it now has improved health and healing output, but is less effective when Illari uses it to heal herself.



    • Damage increased from 10 to 25.

    Healing Pylon

    • Healing per projectile increased from 30 to 40.
    • Pylon healing is now only half as effective when targeting Illari.
    • Max health increased from 100 to 125.



    Developer Comments: “Hard knockdown stuns” refer to most all of the existing knockdowns where the player is stunned and laying on the ground (such as Reinhardt’s Earthshatter), with the exception of Ana’s Sleep Dart effect, which is removed upon taking damage or Protection Suzu’s cleanse.


    Swift Step

    • Cooldown increased from 7 to 8 seconds.


    Protection Suzu

    • No longer cleanses hard knockdown stuns.


    Map Updates


    • no glass
  • [Blizzard] Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes – May 24, 2024 (Yep, another patch. Hog nerf / Sigma old ult returns)
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    Developer comments: Roadhog benefitted greatly from the recent headshot reduction passive for Tanks so we are nerfing his survivability. This change to Take a Breather is aimed at encouraging more mindful resource management. The change to Whole Hog will make the ultimate more of a zoning tool while lowering its lethality, especially against tanks with their recently increased knockback resistance.

    Take a Breather

    • Resource regeneration rate reduced from 10 to 8 per second.
    • Maximum healing reduced from 450 to 400.
    • Cooldown reduced from 1.5 to 1.25 seconds.

    Whole Hog

    • Knockback increased from 14 to 16.
    • Damage per pellet reduced from 7 to 6.



    Developer comments: Our last patch aimed to make some Tank ultimates more forgiving to use during combat. Sigma’s Gravitic Flux can suffer from missing due to slight line of sight checks but we don’t believe this change had proper communication for all instances. We may return to this change for Sigma down the line with updated visuals.

    Gravitic Flux

    • Gravitic Flux now requires line-of-sight to lift targets again.
  • [Blizzard] Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes – May 21, 2024 (Venture Buff)
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    Drill Dash

    • Cooldown now begins when the ability is used.
    • Cooldown is no longer decreased by half when used underground.
    • Cooldown is accelerated by 90% when underground.


    • Added a 0.2-second grace period after the Burrow timer runs out where emerging can still be charged.

    Developer Comments: As we continue to monitor Venture’s gameplay throughout their release Season, we are making a change today that adds more flexibility to using Drill Dashes. Players will now be less punished for using their Drill Dash above ground and immediately burrowing due to the new accelerated cooldown while underground.

  • [Blizzard] Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes – May 14, 2024
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    • When a player is currently on a loss streak, the matchmaker will try to avoid putting the player on a team that is statistically calculated to have a lower chance of winning.



    • Armor health has been reverted to provide a flat damage reduction of 5 per projectile, up to a maximum of 50% damage reduction.
    • Out-of-combat health regeneration changed from 20 health per second to 10 health per second + 5% of maximum health.

    Developer comment: Armor is being reverted to its original functionality to better resistance rapid fire damage and shotgun-type weapons. Out-of-combat health regeneration has been a positive but subtle addition to the game, but had a much smaller impact for tank heroes due to their massive health pools, so we’re adjusting it to heal for a percentage of maximum health.


    Role Passive

    • Tanks now have 25% damage reduction against critical headshot damage.
    • Knockback resistance increased from 30% to 50%

    Developer Comment: Although armor health will now be more effective in some of the more difficult matchups, it will also be losing potency against the typically slower, higher damage instances. To help reduce the feeling of tanks being taken out too quickly by high bursts of damage, the role-wide passive now provides improved defense against critical headshot damage.

    Junker Queen

    Commanding Shout

    • Can now be activated while using other abilities.
    • Cooldown reduced from 14 to 12 seconds.

    Developer Comment: Junker Queen being able to activate Commanding Shout while swinging her axe or during her Ultimate ability will make it more responsive for when an additional burst of health or movement speed is needed.


    Gravitic Flux

    • No longer requires line of sight to the center of the effect.

    Developer Comment: Similar to how Graviton Surge functions, Gravitic Flux no longer needs line of sight to affect enemy targets in its area. There are a fair amount of counterplay options to deal with this ultimate so we’re making it more reliable to grab enemy targets within its area of effect.

    Wrecking Ball

    Grappling Claw

    • Impact damage increased from 50 to 60.


    • Movement lockout duration for enemies increased from 0.5 to 0.75 seconds.


    • Damage increased from 130 to 165.
    • Explosion knockback increased from 5 to 10.

    Developer Comment: Wrecking Ball has been performing much better after his recent update and these tuning changes will help his abilities feel more impactful.


    Graviton Surge

    • Radius increased from 6 to 7 meters.
    • Duration increased from 3.5 to 4 seconds

    Developer Comment: We have been increasing the value of some tank ultimate abilities to account for the increased health pools and it helps to make the decision of when to counter-swap more of an interesting tradeoff. Graviton Surge was still very useful to set up combos with other ultimate abilities but we want to makes sure it’s powerful enough on its own.



    Frag Launcher

    • Impact damage increased from 40 to 45 (Total damage increased from 120 to 125).

    Developer Comment: Junkrat’s weapon has great damage output but is unreliable outside of close range due to its slow projectile speed, which is an intended drawback to its high output. The Season 9 health changes affected Junkrat more than most other heroes since it now requires one more shot to secure an elimination. We’re increasing the damage on direct impacts to return to 2 direct hits for an elimination, without making his combo with Concussion Mine as deadly as before since that one is much easier to execute.



    • Ultimate gain multiplier while transformed increased from 4 to 4.5.

    Developer Comment: While the main benefit of Duplicate is a second health pool and the utility of another hero’s abilities, it was often too difficult to charge an ultimate in the Duplicate time limit so we’re increasing the bonus multiplier slightly.



    • Speed increased from 12 to 15 meters per second.

    Developer Comment: The Dragonstrike ultimate hasn’t been very effective outside of being used in a combo with other abilities that restrict enemy movement, so we’re increasing its speed to help position it as less of a zoning tool and more likely to deal some damage.




    • Now resets Shield Bash cooldown upon activation.

    Developer Comment: Resetting the Shield Bash cooldown on ultimate activation was too much potential burst damage for Brigitte when the average maximum health of everyone was lower, but it’s much more reasonable now that it won’t be as lethal.

  • [Blizzard] Overwatch 2 | Porsche | Collaboration Trailer
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    Perhaps no one asked for it, yet it strengthens and promotes both brands. It's good to keep the game in the mainstream.

  • [Blizzard] Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes – April 30, 2024
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    • Damage role passive healing reduction increased from 15% to 20%.




    • Duration reduced from 4.5 to 3.5 seconds.
    • Orisa now moves 20% slower while fortified.

    Javelin Spin

    • Cooldown increased from 7 to 9 seconds.



    SMART Excavator

    • Maximum explosion damage decreased from 45 to 40.

    Drill Dash

    • Initial impact damage decreased from 40 to 30.

    Tectonic Shock

    • Ultimate charge cost increased by 10%.
  • [Blizzard] Director’s Take: Addressing Unapproved Peripherals on Consoles (banning XIMmers)
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    TL;DR in S11 Ximmers will be restricted to play competitive, forced to play against PC players in Quick Play with aim assist off

  • [Blizzard] Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - March 19, 2024 (Mauga, Sombra and Sym nerf)
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    • Base Health decreased from 400 to 375.

    Cardiac Overdrive

    • No longer fills overhealth on activation.
    • Duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds.
    • Cooldown increased from 10 to 12 seconds.




    • The previous reduction to ultimate cost has been reverted.


    Photon Projector

    • Primary fire damage per second decreased from 65 to 60, scaling with all levels. Maximum damage per second is 180.

    Sentry Turret

    • Health decreased from 50 to 40.
  • [Blizzard] Overwatch 2 Quick Play: Hacked – March 18, 2024 (only 24 hours QP event)
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    • Double Trouble will take over the Quick Play ruleset for only 24 hours and will be available until 11:00 AM PDT on Tuesday, March 19.
    • Team can have up to two of the same hero at any time.
    • In Role Queue, there is still only one player playing the Tank role.
    • All other rules for both Quick Play and Role Queue remain the same.
  • [Blizzard] Overwatch Patch Notes - March 12, 2024
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    Developer Comments: This patch is focused on fine-tuning some of the systemic hero changes made in Season 9. In addition, we’re adjusting individual abilities to make them feel more impactful due to heroes having larger health pools.


    • Global projectile size modifier for travel time projectiles with a speed greater than 50 meters per second reduced from 0.1 to 0.075 meters.

    Developer Comments: We are decreasing the size of the fastest travel time projectiles because it reduces the frequency of these projectiles failing to headshot due to hitting the enemy’s chest hit volume first.


    • Heal reduction applied by the damage role passive lowered from 20% to 15%.

    Developer Comments: The Damage role passive reduces the potency of in-combat healing and helps equalize the effectiveness between burst and damage over time. Nevertheless, we are going to experiment with a lower value to relieve some of the pressure on tank and support roles. We’ll be keeping a close eye on this change as we want the healing reduction to still be noticeable.


    Added a new UI element above the player’s first-person health bar to show all active healing status effects (Anti-Heal, Amplified Healing, Reduced Healing).



    Meteor Strike

    • Minimum damage increased from 15 to 50.



    Developer Comments: We are changing Cardiac Overdrive to make it more forgiving when used for yourself especially when Mauga is low health.


    • Stomp damage increased from 45 to 60.

    Cardiac Overdrive

    • Duration reduced from 5 to 4 seconds.
    • Cooldown reduced from 12 to 10 seconds.
    • Now fills his passive overhealth by 100.



    Terra Surge

    • Charge rate for the first 2.5 seconds increased by 25%.



    Ravenous Vortex

    • Total damage increased from 45 to 70.
    • Cooldown decreased from 12 to 11 seconds.


    • Armor increased from 275 to 300.


    Fire Strike

    • Damage increased from 100 to 120.



    Developer Comments: We’re improving the consistency of the Hook combo. Enemies are pulled closer to Roadhog and aren’t launched as high when Pig Pen activates, making the Scrap Gun follow-up shot more consistent.

    Chain Hook

    • The enemy final position distance from Roadhog after being pulled decreased from 4 to 3 meters.

    Pig Pen

    • Vertical knockback on activation decreased by 43%




    Developer Comments: We’re reverting the previous change to the base projectile size of Hanzo’s arrows and replacing it with the general global reduction, which affects all travel time projectiles with a speed greater than 50 meters per second, resulting in Hanzo’s arrow projectile staying the same total size as before this patch.

    • Base projectile sizes increased from 0.075 to 0.1 meters. The total projectile size, when combined with the general hero change, is still 0.175 meters.




    Endothermic Blaster

    • Ammo increased from 120 to 140.


    • Heal per second increased from 50 to 62.5.



    Death Blossom

    • Damage per second increased from 170 to 185.
    • Ultimate cost decreased by 12%.



    Developer Comments: Virus deals critical impact damage when it hits Hacked targets, and this change makes using it as a follow-up more compelling. The Translocator now destroys breakable objects, preventing Sombra from teleporting a shorter distance than expected.


    • Impact damage increased from 10 to 25.


    • Destroys breakables while in flight.


    • Ultimate cost reduced by 8%.

    Photon Projector

    • Primary fire damage per second increased from 60 to 65, scaling with each stage. The new maximum damage per second is 195.

    Sentry Turret

    • Health increased from 30 to 50.
    • Damage per second increased from 25 to 30.


    • Health increased from 50 to 100.
    • Shields increased from 150 to 200.



    Deploy Turret

    • Turret damage increased from 11 to 13.





    Biotic Grenade

    • Explosion damage and healing increased from 60 to 90.



    Repair Pack

    • Cooldown reduced from 6 to 5 seconds.


    • Cost reduced 8%.

    Developer Comments: We are adjusting the firing cadence of the Solar Rifle, making it more responsive to use and increasing the damage per second but not the burst damage.

    Solar Rifle

    • Primary fire recovery time reduced from 0.3 to 0.2 seconds.
    • Maximum charge time reduced from 0.7 to 0.65 seconds.



    Developer Comments: We’re increasing the burst potential of the Heal Blossom to reinforce Lifeweaver’s role as a high healing throughput support. The heal per second is roughly the same as before, but individual Heal Blossoms can be charged further.

    Heal Blossom

    • Maximum heal amount increased from 70 to 80.
    • Maximum charge time increased from 1 to 1.15 seconds.h
  • [Blizzard] Director’s Take – Mixing Up the Meta in Midseason - News - Overwatch (Mid season balance patch revealed)
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    DPS passive nerf

    • healing reduction from 20% to 15%


    • Biotic Granade buff - from 60 to 90


    Healing Blossom buff

    • Maximum heal from 70 to 80
    • Maximum charge from 1 to 1.5 seconds


    Meteor Strike buff

    • Minimum damage from 15 to 50


    Cardilac Overdrive adjust

    • Duration from 5 to 4 seconds
    • Cooldown from 12 to 10
    • It will fill Passive Overhealth to 100

    Overrun buff

    • Stomp damage from 45 to 60

    Additional info

    Wrecking Ball

    • small rework in S10

    Mid season update will be release next march. 12

  • [Blizzard] Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - February 13, 2024
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    Developer Comments: Season 9 features changes to the fundamentals of Overwatch 2 gameplay that affect every hero. We’ve heard the community feedback around some gameplay pain points, and these changes are in response to many of those.

    Most damage-dealing projectile sizes have been increased by a new global modifier added to their base size.

    • +0.05 meters for hitscan projectiles with a high rate of fire or spread (e.g., Tracer’s Pulse Pistols or Reaper’s Hellfire Shotguns).
    • +0.08 meters for hitscan projectiles that are more precise (e.g., Cassidy’s Peacekeeper or Soldier:76’s Heavy Pulse Rifle).
    • +0.05 meters for travel time projectiles that are shotguns or have a very high rate of fire (e.g., Roadhog’s Scrap Gun or Ramattra’s Void Accelerator).
    • +0.10 meters for travel time projectile with a speed greater than 50 meters per second (e.g., Zenyatta’s Destruction Orb).
    • +0.15 meters for travel time projectile with a speed less than or equal to 50 meters per second (e.g., Pharah’s Rocket Launcher).
    • Very large projectiles with a base size greater than 0.5 meters have been excluded from these increases (e.g., Orisa’s Energy Javelin or Reinhardt’s Fire Strike).

    Hero combined HP (base health/armor/shields) increased by 15-25%.

    • 150-175 HP heroes increased by 25 HP.
    • 200-300 HP heroes increased by 50 HP.
    • 300+ HP (Tanks) increased by 75-100 HP.
    • Each hero’s precise health increases are listed in their patch notes below.

    Ultimate Charge

    • All Ultimate ability costs increased by 10%.

    Regenerative Passive for All Heroes

    • All heroes now regenerate 20 health per second after 5 seconds of not taking damage.

    Support Role Passive

    • Now reduces the delay before regeneration begins by half (2.5 seconds).

    Damage Role Passive

    • Reload speed bonus on elimination has been removed.
    • New role passive: Dealing damage reduces enemy healing received by 20% for 2 seconds.

    Quick Melee

    • Damage increased from 30 to 40.



    • Pilot health increased from 150 to 175.
    • Mech armor increased from 300 to 375.

    Self Destruct

    • Explosion maximum damage increased from 900 to 1000.
    • Inner explosion radius (range for maximum damage before falloff begins) increased from 4 to 6 meters.


    • Health increased from 300 to 375.

    Rocket Punch

    • Max impact damage increased from 50 to 75.
    • Max wall slam damage increased from 30 to 40.

    Junker Queen

    • Health increased from 300 to 375.


    • Wound damage over time increased from 60 to 90.


    • Health increased from 300 to 400.


    • Armor increased from 275 to 350.


    • Health increased from 200 to 275.


    • Health increased from 200 to 250.
    • Armor increased from 250 to 275.

    Rocket Hammer

    • Damage increased from 85 to 100.


    • Wall impact damage increased from 225 to 275.


    • Health increased from 550 to 650.


    • Shields increased from 200 to 275.


    • Health increased from 200 to 225.
    • Armor increased from 200 to 250.

    Tesla Cannon

    • Damage increased from 60 to 75 damage per second.

    Primal Rage

    • Punch damage increased from 40 to 50.

    Wrecking Ball

    • Armor increased from 100 to 175.


    • Health increased from 100 to 175.

    Particle Cannon

    • Primary fire beam width increased from 0.15 to 0.2 meters.



    • Health increased from 200 to 250.


    • B.O.B.’s weapon damage increased from 14 to 17.


    • Health increased from 200 to 250.


    • Health increased from 225 to 275.


    • Initial damage rate increased from 130 to 150.
    • Damage rate increased from 260 to 300.


    • Health increased from 200 to 250.

    Focusing Beam

    • Width increased from 0.2 to 0.25 meters.


    • Maximum combined health value increased from 300 to 350.


    • Health increased from 200 to 250.


    Swing recovery decreased from 0.9 to 0.7 seconds.


    • Health increased from 200 to 250.

    Storm Arrows

    • Damage increased from 65 to 75.
    • Cooldown reduced from 10 to 8 seconds.


    • Health increased from 200 to 250.

    Frag Launcher

    • Base projectile size reduced from 0.25 to 0.2 meters.


    • Health increased from 250 to 300.


    • Health increased from 200 to 250.

    Rocket Launcher

    • Recovery reduced from 0.85 to 0.80 seconds.
    • Projectile speed increased from 35 to 40 meters per second.
    • Explosion self-damage reduced from 50% to 25%.

    Jet Dash

    • New Secondary Fire Ability.
    • Provides a quick horizontal boost in the direction Pharah is moving.
    • 8-second cooldown.
    • Added a setting to activate Jet Dash on Double Jump instead.

    Jump Jet

    • Now restores 50% of Hover Jets fuel and can briefly overfill the maximum fuel amount.
    • Vertical boost height reduced by 20%.
    • Cooldown increased from 10 to 14 seconds.

    Concussive Blast

    • Cooldown decreased from 9 to 7 seconds.
    • Explosion now deals 30 damage to enemy targets.
    • Explosion radius reduced from 8 to 6 meters.
    • Knockback reduced by 10%.


    • Now instantly refills Hover Jets fuel.

    Hover Jets

    • Speed boost increased from 20% to 40%.
    • Now requires landing to recharge fuel.
    • Can now be activated without fuel to slow your descent.

    Developer Comments: Pharah has a significant update that empowers more individual plays and shifting her movement capabilities from high up in the air to more horizontal movement that can cover distance quickly.


    • Health increased from 250 to 300.


    • Health increased from 200 to 250.


    • Secondary Fire base projectile size reduced from 0.1 to 0.07 meters.

    Soldier: 76

    • Health increased from 200 to 250.


    • Health increased from 200 to 250.


    • Shields increased from 100 to 150.

    Photon Projector

    • Primary fire beam width increased from 0.2 to 0.25 meters.


    • Health increased from 200 to 250.


    • Health increased from 150 to 175.


    • Health increased from 175 to 200.



    • Health increased from 200 to 250.


    • Health increased from 200 to 250.


    • Health increased from 150 to 200.

    Rocket Flail

    • Damage increased from 35 to 45.


    • Health increased from 200 to 250.


    • Health increased from 200 to 250.


    • Base projectile size reduced from 0.18 to 0.15 meters.


    • Health increased from 175 to 225.


    • Health increased from 200 to 250.


    • Damage increased from 25 to 35.
    • Knockback increased 12%.
    • Movement lockout duration increased from 0.3 to 0.45 seconds.


    • Health increased from 200 to 250.

    Guardian Angel

    • Active duration on jump/crouch cancel reduced from 1.5 to 1 second.

    Sympathetic Recovery passive

    • Health recovered increased from 25% to 40% of healing dealt.


    • Health increased from 200 to 250.

    Biotic Grasp

    • Secondary fire damage increased from 50 to 65 damage per second.
    • Secondary fire target acquisition radius increased from 0.6 to 0.7 meters.


    • Health increased from 75 to 100.
    • Shields increased from 150 to 175.


  • [Blizzard] This Weekend Only: Jump into Quick Play: Hacked - Quicker Play
  • IIImpact IIImpact Now 66%

    This weekend only, Sombra is changing up the rules for Quick Play. Enjoy Quick Play: Hacked – Quicker Play - a fun, new way to play with faster capture speeds, payloads, and respawn times. Experience more team fights, more games, and new strategies. Here are the changes:

    • Respawning times are now 75% of their original time.
    • Payloads in Escort and Hybrid maps will move 60% faster.
    • Taking control of the Objective Point in Hybrid is 40% faster than normal.
    • Taking control of the objective point in Control is 40% faster than normal, and scoring the capture progress percentage is 80% faster.
    • Taking control of the objective point in Flashpoint is 20% faster than normal, and scoring the capture progress percentage is 40% faster.
    • When you play an Escort, Hybrid, or Push map, the initial match time has been reduced to 70% of the original time, and any time extensions are also reduced to 70% of the total time added.
    • These changes only apply to all players who play in Role Queue and Open Queue Quick Play modes during the duration of the event and will return to normal after January 14. Competitive Play and Arcade modes are not affected by these changes.

    Quicker Play is the first Quick Play: Hacked. We want to explore new and fun ways to change core Quick Play gameplay. Changes will happen periodically and only for a limited time.


  • [Blizzard] Overwatch 2 Known Issues - January 9, 2024
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    To the heroes of Overwatch,

    We want to keep you up to date on some of the bugs and issues we’re aware of that are affecting the game. This is not a complete list of all currently tracked issues affecting Overwatch 2, rather, this is a targeted list of some known specific issues with this release.

    We’re sorry for any inconvenience, and we appreciate y’all’s understanding. Our team is working to resolve these issues, and we will provide more information as soon as we have updates!

    Current Issues

    • Illari has been disabled for Competitive Play as we investigate an issue with her ammunition not resetting correctly.
    • We are investigating an issue where crosshair settings is not working correctly when setting the center gap.
    • Career Profile may not be updating correctly for console players.
    • Some players are experiencing an LC-208 error.
  • [Blizzard] Overwatch Patch Notes - January 9, 2024
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    • Base Health increased from 250 to 300.
    • Base Armor decreased from 250 to 200.

    Incendiary and Volatile Chainguns

    • Ammo decreased from 350 to 300.

    Cardiac Overdrive

    • Lifesteal decreased from 70% to 60%.
    • Cooldown increased from 10 seconds to 12 seconds.

    Cage Fight

    • No longer grants infinite ammo. Still reloads Mauga’s Chainguns at the start of the ultimate.


    • Overhealth conversion rate decreased from 60% to 50%.


    Augmented Fusion Driver

    • Removed falloff damage penalty.


    • Now immune to taking forced critical hit damage. Fortify already prevents direct critical damage from headshots.


    Take a Breather

    • Total amount healed reduced from 500 to 450.
    • Cooldown between usages increased from 1 to 1.5 seconds.




    • Gradual energy no longer decays below 25%.



    • Grace period where Stealth can be canceled immediately after entering it increased from 0.5 to 0.75 seconds.
    • Cooldown now pauses at 1 second while capturing or contesting objectives from 1.5 seconds.
    • Cooldown on respawning decreased from 1.5 to 1 second.



    Biotic Grenade

    • Effect duration reduced from 3.5 to 3 seconds.


    Solar Rifle

    • Primary fire charge gain is no longer paused by secondary fire, nor channeling Captive Sun.
    • Ammo increased from 14 to 16.

    Captive Sun

    • Now fully refills secondary fire resource and resets overheated status.
    • Removed the damage falloff penalty on the Sunstruck explosion.


    Thorn Volley

    • Projectile speed increased from 70 to 80 meters per second.

    Petal Platform

    • No longer pierced by piercing projectiles.
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    IIImpact@ lemmy.world