I hate Nazis
  • Firnin Firnin Now 100%

    They may also possess legal weapons. I don't know what's worse tbh

  • ich_iel
    ich_iel Firnin Now 100%
    Welche coolen Entdeckungen habt ihr in letzter Zeit gemacht? Erzählt mal!
  • Firnin Firnin Now 100%

    Ich hab ganz früher mal probiert mir den RSS Feed in Firefox einzurichten. Ich hab aber anscheinend irgendwas falsch gemacht, weil es mich einfach immer auf die eigentlichen Seiten geleitet hat. Vielleicht muss ich mir das doch nochmal anschauen

  • The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked
  • Firnin Firnin Now 100%

    You don't have to tell me :D

  • The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked
  • Firnin Firnin Now 100%

    Ah okay, thanks for the clarification! I used to listen quite often to Sabaton and knew that they were anti fascist - but sadly a lot of people I know don't like them or think they are at least far-right because of their war theme

  • The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked
  • Firnin Firnin Now 100%

    Why should Sabaton have anything to do with this operation? Or do you want to know if this store also had music by Sabaton in their catalouge?

  • Es ist Mittwoch 🌡️ meine Leidende!
  • Firnin Firnin Now 100%

    Ah jo, so sieht das ja gar nicht mal so gut aus... So sieht der Post auf Firefish eigtl aus:

  • how do I refill my health flask in the training room?
  • Firnin Firnin Now 100%

    Phew, good question. I don't use the training room that often myself, so I can't say off the top of my head whether there's even a way to refill the Health Flask. A quick Google search didn't turn up anything either, except the same useless Reddit post I'll have a look today and see if I can find anything :)

  • ich1️⃣1️⃣iel
  • Firnin Firnin Now 100%

    sooo nämlich

  • First post and clarification
  • Firnin Firnin Now 100%

    Of course I don't mind :D This community isn't too active, so we don't have much to do

  • Hand aufs Herz, vermisst ihr reddit?
  • Firnin Firnin Now 100%

    Ich vermisse Reddit schon ein bisschen, das muss ich zugeben. V.a. weil r/writingprompts meines Wissens nach nirgendwo hin migriert ist (soweit ich weiß) und ich da sehr gerne die Kurzgeschichten gelesen habe. Da es leider keine ordentliche Möglichkeit mehr gibt, 3rd Party Apps zu benutzen, werde ich aber nicht nach Reddit zurückgehen...

  • Bypass any paywall
  • Firnin Firnin Now 100%

    I read somewhere that they work together with some companies and disabled their service in those news sites. But whether this co-op has monetary gains for 12ft or is the result from cease and desist orders, that I don't know

  • Germany begins dismantling wind farm for coal
  • Firnin Firnin Now 66%

    Do you really think it's more responsible to force the families out of their homes and demolish several villages/towns over some old wind turbines? Or did you mean the responsible thing being investing in renewables? I really can't tell, sorry 😅

  • Can you drive a manual transmission?
  • Firnin Firnin Now 100%

    That's why you learn how to operate clutch and shifting in areas where there isn't much traffic - at least that was the case for me

  • Der Wolf verschleuderd unser Steuern Geld 🐺💰🥳
  • Firnin Firnin Now 100%

    Ne, irgendwie scheint da jemand richtig frustriert zu sein. In c/de-it hetzt er sehr stark gegen Alphabet/Google

  • Der Wolf verschleuderd unser Steuern Geld 🐺💰🥳
  • Firnin Firnin Now 100%

    „Und wenn ich eigenhändig die Mauern eures Schlosses niederreißen muss, ich hole mir euren Kopf!"

  • Wöchentliches Kochbuch: 28. August - 3. September
  • Firnin Firnin Now 100%

    Heute gebratene Rinderleber mit Bohnensalat und Kartoffeln. Morgen und den Rest der Woche: Mal schauen :D Freitag gibt es vermutlich Pasta mit selbstgemachter Pesto

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Firnin Firnin Now 100%

    Aber... aber... :(

  • https://feddit.de/pictrs/image/9649258c-205c-4160-bb2f-dd6563859ffd.jpeg

    [Hier gefunden](https://troet.cafe/@medixtub/110802491984153611) (troet.cafe)


    geteilt von: https://feddit.de/post/1506670 > singlelogin.me and all custom URL seem to be taken down by the FBI. I haven't read anything about the new bust, but also not anything about new URLs or anything like that. > Does anyone have any information?


    singlelogin.me and all custom URL seem to be taken down by the FBI. I haven't read anything about the new bust, but also not anything about new URLs or anything like that. Does anyone have any information?


    I saw that there was no Community for the game Dead Cells, so I created one. [Feel free to join](https://feddit.de/c/deadcells)! If you have interest to moderate this community, then by all means, please hit me up :D

    ich_iel Firnin Now 100%
    ich_iel Firnin Now 99%
    ich_iel Firnin Now 75%

    A collection of useful links and resources. Comment or message me, if you find anything missing! # Useful resources * [Official Wiki](https://deadcells.wiki.gg/wiki/Dead_Cells_Wiki) * [Patchnotes for future updates](https://deadcells.com/patchnotes) * [Tips, tricks and guides for the game](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EsaVX39MZBXgIm_69z43eHcqg9hA2znyRxEB8k6FaXk) (Huge shoutout to u/FeuerKekse over at reddit) # Feedback * [Report bugs](https://forms.clickup.com/f/2b318-1807/WG3GMB5KUFQB4XRAHX) * [Report bugs (for the mobile version)](https://playdigious.helpshift.com/hc/en/12-playdigious/) # Portals * [Official Discord server](https://discord.com/invite/3sVWcEF) * [Motion Twin](https://motion-twin.com/) * [Evil Empire](https://evilempirestudio.com/) * [Motion Twin (Twitter)](https://www.twitter.com/motiontwin) * [Evil Empire (Twitter)](https://twitter.com/studio_evil)


    Hallo zusammen, ich war mal so frei und habe die Community für das Spiel Dead Cells erstellt, weil ich gesehen habe, dass es noch keine gibt. Es soll ein Ort sein, wo sich Spieler austauschen oder nach Hilfe (o.Ä.) fragen können. Falls ihr das SPiel mögt, schaut gern vorbei :)


    Hello guys! I saw that there was no community for Dead Cells on Lemmy, so I decided to create one. I copied the About section and the rules from the Dead Cells subreddit, because I saw them fit well. If anyone has interest to moderate, please hit me up (and maybe tell me how to add moderators to a community ^^) I am in no way affiliated with Motion Twin or Evil Empire. I got the Logo and Header picture from Motion Twins Press Kit, everything can be found [here](https://motion-twin.com/presskit/81).


    Hey, A few years ago when I had no money for Spotify or YT Music I almost exclusively got my music from freealbums.org Yesterday, just out of curiosity, I wanted to visit the site again, just to find out it went down. It doesn't really surprise me much, considering the recent takedowns we pirates had to endure. Does anyone also used that site and knows of an alternative? I really liked using it back then, because it had Direct Downloads, super fast releases (I remember getting a new album a few days before you could buy physical or digital copies xD) and also a rather good UI.


    Now that the Kickstarter campaign is over, I can't wait for the release and my copy. I'm very excited to see how it plays and am really looking forward to the first round with my friends! Did anyone of you also back the [campaign](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/scorpionmasque/dead-cells-the-rogue-lite-board-game)?

    Firnin Now
    15 148


    Firnin@ feddit.de

    Ich auf Firefish