General Discussion Thread Juche 111 Week 15
  • ComradeCat ComradeCat Now 100%

    Ohhh Danheim had some music in the show Vikings! This looks good, thank you.

    In his 2019 release Hringrás, Danheim recorded the last three minutes of a track using only parts of dead plants and animals, as well as some real human bones.


  • General Discussion Thread Juche 111 Week 15
  • ComradeCat ComradeCat Now 100%

    I'm actually a huge fan of The Coup: Boots Riley is a comrade with a great sense of rhythm. I'm going through a phase where I'm tired of hearing "fuck" every three words, however, so they're on pause. (Boots did get MUCH better at this on their last album, Sorry to Bother You, but that was released 10 years ago.)

    You know, I think I just need to put on some Chumbawamba and call it a day.

  • General Discussion Thread Juche 111 Week 15
  • ComradeCat ComradeCat Now 100%

    oooo that looks promising. Thank you.

  • General Discussion Thread Juche 111 Week 15
  • ComradeCat ComradeCat Now 100%

    Comrades and Friends.

    I have a rant.

    I can no longer listen to a huge portion of the music I used to enjoy. I have reached the point where the hyperindividualism of Western culture is repulsive.

    For example:

    1. The Who. Holy shit could Pete Townshend be any further up his own arsehole. Everything is an examination of his own inner life and/or a treatise on the nature of fame.

    2. Peter Gabriel. There is only so much navel-gazing I can stand. Cannot get through an entire album anymore.

    3. Pink Floyd. I thought this one was safe. Turned off Peter Gabriel the other day and put on Animals. Went to read the news and saw Pink Floyd's new song in support of the Ukraine. Turned off Animals. Roger Waters, no longer with Pink Floyd, is reasonably cool as far as Westerners go, but his Ukraine take was ridiculous: Putin is a criminal blah blah America is also bad blah blah no mention of Russia's security concerns or the ACTUAL GODDAMN NAZIS WTF ROGER.



    I'm down to two albums of the Red Army Choir, and Norse shamanistic music from Wardruna and Heilung (yes I am a Marxist-Leninist Norse mythology enjoyer, fuck these Nazis appropriating our culture. Odin is called All-Father because he is the father of ALL OF US you dipshits. What part of "remember that we all are brothers" is so confusing?!).



    So does anyone know where I can download Soviet music? Archive has a lot but it all comes in like one single file for 2+ hours of songs. Would really like to just put on "Слава Сталину" whenever the mood strikes.

    Maybe I should just copy the songs from Youtube. Not like there's some hi-fi version out there.

  • "Zombified Nation: How Young Ukrainians Were TAUGHT to Hate Russians" [Sputnik link]( [Archive link]( Article about Banderite children's books in the Ukraine, including a very charming "Insurgent ABCs" for tots. > "Muscovy is the khanate of fear, > Massacres and masks of the Mausoleum. There Liliputin is the emperor, > Medvechukovych is the local lackey. > Alarmik will put on a Mazepinka, [a hat worn by Ukrainian Sich Riflemen] > He will load his maschinengewehr [German for ‘machinegun’] and finka, [slang for Finnish knife], > For the avenger knows that the days will come, > When Medvechukovych and Liliputin, > Just like in his own time Vatutin*, > Will fall into the hands of the insurgents." > *Nikolai Vatutin, was a Red Army general who took part in the liberation of Ukraine from the Nazis. He was killed by UPA fighters in April 1944 in Kiev. - Excerpt from Oleh Vitvitsky's 'Insurgent ABCs'

    General Discussion Thread Juche 111 Week 15
  • ComradeCat ComradeCat Now 100%

    Same, friend. Reddit is almost unusable now for me outside a couple of very niche interest subs. It's a blatant psyop and they're not even subtle about it. People have lost their goddamn minds. Made the mistake of looking at /all today and saw some giant thread about how Russia doesn't even have modern toilets and how Russian soldiers were stealing light bulbs because they are considered such advanced technology. So sick of this dehumanizing bullshit.

    And where the hell did this current narrative of Russians being a child rape culture come from?!

  • Seeing Libs thinking 'Kyiv' has always been the transliteration of Ukraine's capital city getting floored by "Chicken Kievs"
  • ComradeCat ComradeCat Now 100%

    im thox ctx

    I have no idea what that is, but an article is a part of speech like a, and, or the. Most Slavic languages don't have these, which makes the policing of language on this issue extra absurd.

    (I think Bulgarian and maybe a dialect of Slovene have certain articles. But not Ukrainian or Russian.)

  • Seeing Libs thinking 'Kyiv' has always been the transliteration of Ukraine's capital city getting floored by "Chicken Kievs"
  • ComradeCat ComradeCat Now 92%

    If you want some fun, say "the Ukraine" whenever possible.

    If you're lucky, you'll get a stock lecture about how the "the" denies Ukrainians agency or something. Then you'll get to ask, innocently, how any of this squares with the fact that neither Russian nor Ukrainian have articles.

    Then you'll get to explain wtf an article is.

  • US media is covering this war with the same focus and intensity as if America was the one being invaded
  • ComradeCat ComradeCat Now 75%

    It's insane, isn't it? I know we like to shit on Orwell, but this kind of thinking that can get flipped as if from a switch is literally examined in 1984. These rabid libs who thought they were anti-fascist but who were really just anti-Trump spent all their time frantically searching for hidden Nazi symbols in everything from "OK" gestures to the shape of the stage at the Republican convention (or CPAC or whatever it was) to the "3" gesture made by the Jeopardy winner... and now you show them LITERAL NAZIS with full regalia and Hitler salutes and youth camps and midnight marches with fascist slogans and they see nothing.

    Adam Curtis is going to have to make a documentary about this.

    Adam Schiff, may he go with Bandera, has been a major force behind Russiagate, arming Ukraine, and the 6 Jan hysteria. I'm sure it's a coincidence and that he is acting in good faith.

  • the countries that voted to suspend russia. also explain *why* serbia voted yes ?
  • ComradeCat ComradeCat Now 100%

    Serbia says it was blackmailed over UN vote

    Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has said that his country has been pressured under the threat of sanctions to back Russia’s suspension from the UN Human Rights Council.

    Belgrade has close historical ties with Moscow but joined other Western nations this week in a vote against Russia in response to its ongoing military campaign in Ukraine. “Our initial decision was to abstain, but then we were subjected to countless and difficult pressure,” Vucic told RTS TV on Thursday.

  • US media is covering this war with the same focus and intensity as if America was the one being invaded
  • ComradeCat ComradeCat Now 100%

    It's been pretty impressive to witness. I clearly remember the insanity leading up to Iraq War 2, but at least then the US was an active combatant.

    There are books to be written about this era. It likely comes down to 1) the US insistence on the "rules-based order" which is essentially a one-world government with DC as the imperial center, and 2) late-stage capitalism shoring itself up with a descent into overt fascism.

  • Where are you from comrade? Shit I realize this sound weird, I meant like what part of the world you guys are from.
  • ComradeCat ComradeCat Now 100%

    Also California.

    Adam Schiff's district.

    It's like living in a world that was created, as in Norse myth, when MSNBC exploded like Mr Creosote and the gods formed a city out of his remains.

  • Welcome /r/GenZedong Refugees!
  • ComradeCat ComradeCat Now 100%

    Hello, friends! Times are uncertain and in flux but I look forward to this journey with all of you.

    As one of the older GenZedong users (I honestly thought it meant "General" Zedong like some kind of militant movement, sorry for crashing your kiddie table) I remember when we all had to gather on niche forums or Usenet or gasp! email discussion lists. Modern social media is convenient, having everything in one place, but that also makes us very vulnerable when those who own the commons decide to crack down.

    The corporate coup d'etat is complete and no longer even hidden. It will take some effort, but we can still be together in comradeship and good intention. Let us look at it as opportunity, rather than setback.

  • ComradeCat Now
    1 12
